Lifes a journey

By HayleyLennon7

9.7K 236 29

This is a story about robsten and how they meet, it shows you the struggles they go through and how there rel... More

Lifes a journey
Work and friendships
Kristen's birthday
Bump in the road
Proposal Part 2
Authors Note
Happily Ever After


597 18 1
By HayleyLennon7

I wil be skipping days in this boo but its to get to the interest parts :)

Chapter 5: ( Kristens pov) Me and Rob have been secertly dating for a week now but today was the last day of filming the first twilight so we decided to tell the cast today. We are running late and when we get to the set the cast and grew were all ready there " Kris your late now we have less time to talk" Ash moaned " sorry Ash but I have an announcment!" i yelled the last part so everyone could hear, " What your pregnant?" Kellan said joking and every body laughed " no am not prenant" I replied rolling my eyes " Hurry up, Hurry up Kris you know how much i love suprises" Ash said while bouncing up and down, I swear that girl is more like Alice Culen every day "we all know that" Niki answered back laughing " okay okay let me talk." They were all standing around me and rob now silent I looked at rob worried, How will they tak they news  tok a deep breath and said "Right me and Rob are a couple" I held up our hands that were twined together. " I knew it I told yous they would!" ash screamed and when i looked at all there faces no one seemed shocked " So you guys arent mad then?" i had to ask " of course not we all knew it what happen" Niki replied while coming up and hugging me and i cant tell you how happy I am that they accepted me and rob.

When we had wrapped up the film me and Rob went back to my house for dinner, While we were sitting on the sofa cuddling we talked about wanting to wait to tell our familys about us and how Rob should move in to my place so we can see each other more as we both have ro go away to film different movies so we wont see each other much.

The next day rob was moved in with the help of Ash and Jackson as thet live next door and and know we are at the airport as rob is leaving for a few months but i will have ash helping me through them, Robs plane is boarding now and we have to say goodbye " I will miss you so much Kris  I love you never forget that" rob siad while pulling my face up to kiss him " I will miss you and I love you to" then I watched him walk away and I felt like crying but I knew taht wouldnt help so i got into my carand drove off felling broken.

Rob has been away for three months filming in NewYork and it as been the worst few months in my life but thank God Ashley has been there for me but today Rob is coming home and I couldnt be more happy, Its 4pm and Rob should be home any minute I am washing dishes when i hear the door open I run to see if it was rob and when i turn the corner there stood my Rob "Rob!" i shout as i run and jump in his arms "Kristen!" Rob shouted back mocking me " oh I missed you so much" i sia dwhile kissing him " i missed you so much to" rob replied while kissing me back. After we had dinner we talked and cuddled and Rob told me all about his movie and I didnt care if we were babaling I was just so happy tohave him home with me again.

( Robs pov) I am so happy to my home to Kris and our dogs. After we talked for hours we decided to go to bed when we got up the stairs kristen went into the bathroom to get changed and she was out in record time but when she came out she was only in her pants and bra and looked upset, " Rob as my boobs got bigger my bra doesnt fit?" Kristen asked sounded as upset as she looked " I dont know it looks like it " I answered and thats when i noticed she had put weight on to, " And I have put weight on ad am all emtional" Kristen started crying and I got up and hugged her " shh shh its okay your still beautiful" I told her as she will always be beautiful to me " of course you would say that you have to" Kris cried harder " no I dont have to its the truth your beautiful and I love you" I say while pulling her to the be. " I love you to" Kris replied kissing me and in no time our bodies were twined together and thats when i realise I will never be able to leave her.

Please vote and comment :)

Hayley x

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