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Chapter 12: ( Robs pov) Its been two days since Fayes been born, Today we are ready to go home, Were sitting on the hospital bed waiting for the Dr to come and discharge us. Two mins later the Dr came and told us we could leave just then our body gaurd's came to help us get passed the fucking papz. " Ready to go?" I asked Kris " yep" she replied looking into my eyes and just then I swear I saw into her soul.

When we got everything we started heading towards the exit with a blanket over the car seat so no one could see Faye, We got outside and there was over 100 papz snapping photo's, Our body gaurds got in front of us to push them out of the way but if taking photos wasnt enough they had to start shouting " Robert,Kristen let us see the baby!" " Whats the gender?!", " When you getting married?" this continued until we reached the car.

When we finally got to the car I opened the door Kristen and Faye the got in myself after we were all buckled in and leaving Kris rested her head on my sholder, I looked down and saw my beautiful soon to be wife then I looked over at my adorable daughter and at that moment I have never been happier.

( Kristens pov) We have finally got home and Rob was getting Faye out of the car.

When we were in the house I put Faye in her moses basket while Rob put the hospital bag away. " Hi baby" I said as Fayes eyes slowly started to open, But suddenly she started crying " shh angel are you hungry?" I said while lifiting her up. Once I had her bottle made I sat down on the sofa and feed her the bottle and she drank it all " she must of been hungary" I thought, I gentley layed her over my sholder and rubbed her back to see if she had wind wich she did. When I cleaned Faye and changed her diapper she was fully asleep again. " Shes a good baby" Rob said as I was on the sofa with a sleeping Faye in my arms " I know she hardly crys or makes a fuss" I said looking lovenly down at my baby.

" Am so tired" I complianed when we had put Faye down to sleep for the night " me to lets go to bed love" Rob said while holding his hand out for me to take which I gladly accepted. " How do you think are frist day at home went?" Rob asked me when we were cuddling in bed " it was hard to start with and still is but it was perfect" I answered as it was true having a baby is hard but it is all worth it when you look at you child and feel so much love " I agree" Rob said pulling me out of my trian of thought. I felt my eyelids start to close and sleep take over me " goodnight my love" was the last think I heard before I let sleep take over me. Everything is perfect was the last thing I thought.

I hope you like it and to let you all know that what I say in this book about having a baby is hard it is all true its not easy but its all worth it.


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