Find A Way - A Brallie Fanfic...

Por brallieisendgame

46.4K 1K 243


Find A Way
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 7

2.1K 44 13
Por brallieisendgame

Callie’s POV:

After weeks of not attending school at Anchor Beach, today was the day that I went back. I wasn’t sure what to expect. I knew I would see Mariana and Jesus. I would possibly see Jude, which I was hoping for even though he most likely still feels resentment towards me for not coming back. I’d also most likely run into Lena. And worst of all, I’d know I’d see Talya seeing as though we have a class together, with Brandon may I add, and another without him. Needless to say, today would be anything but boring.

I walked a few blocks on my own from my apartment with my bag draped over my shoulder. I attempted to avoid thinking about the long day that would lie ahead for me but failed miserably. I’d still be the outcast which would be no different. But now I’m the outcast who was sent back to juvie, then to a group home, and snuck around to date her foster brother. I’m not ashamed of sneaking around to be with Brandon or what I’ve been through. I just hate the stares and attention. I rather be an absolute nobody than a freak who everyone knows. But who cares what everyone thinks, right?

I sighed as I neared the school. Students walked around as happy as ever. Clearly I didn’t miss very much. I stood along the edge of the street waiting for the cars to finish passing so I could cross.

“Callie!” A high pitch squeal caught me off guard. Before I knew it arms were flung around me. “I miss you…how’s the apartment?” Mariana seemed to be happy to see me but also slightly disappointed still.

“Hey…it’s coming along. I have enough to get by for now.” Mariana nodded as Brandon saw the two of us talking and joined us. He placed his hand around my waist. Mariana’s eyes glanced down then back to my face. A boy tapped on Mariana’s shoulder with a face that showed he was totally crushing on her.

“I uh, I’ll see you later.” Mariana waved goodbye before she joined the boy and walked in the opposite direction.

“Who’s that?” I asked unsure as Brandon kissed my cheek.

“Zac. He worked with Mariana on the play.” I nodded as Brandon reached out his hand for mine to hold.

“Are you sure you want to hold my hand in front of everyone? I mean the last time I was here we were foster siblings. People might look at us weirdly. I mean I get those looks all the time but I wouldn’t want to do that to you.”

“Callie, there is a reason we are no longer sneaking around. I’m happy that we are together. I don’t want or need to hide that from everyone. If anyone has a problem with that then it’s their problem and they’ll just have to get over it.”  

I smiled before placing my hand in his and resting my head against his shoulder. Jesus walked by with Emma who I had briefly met at Frank’s funeral. The two headed towards the beach oblivious to the world around them. I guess things have changed since the last time I’ve been here. I wasn’t sure what else to expect.

“So, after school today I was thinking about bringing over that keyboard that I got yesterday. Would that be okay?” Brandon asked as we began to walk into school for the first time hand in hand.

“Sure. I don’t work until Wednesday so that works. I never did get to thank you for yesterday though. So, thank you for making me look good and for being my first customer. It means a lot.” I smiled. “Oh, my boss seems to think that you’re smitten by me.” I laughed slightly as Brandon’s face turned a deep shade of red.

“Well, I would say your boss would be correct.” It was cute seeing Brandon blush so much. I don’t think I’ve ever seen his face so red. His lips pecked mine quickly before we continued walking and turned the corner at the end of the hall and ran into Lena who was walking along side Jude and Connor. I felt my heart stop for a moment as Jude scanned the two of us. Lena was thrown a bit too with Brandon and me holding hands. I think I was even thrown back by this encounter.

“Hi sweetie. How are you?” Lena asked as she readjusted the books and paperwork in her hands.

“I’m good.” I smiled as I swallowed hard. I glanced over at Jude who was looking down at his feet. “Hey buddy.” I reached out the hand that wasn’t holding Brandon’s and rubbed his shoulder. He backed away slowly, not looking up at all. Brandon’s thumb stroked along my hand softly as Jude stood their silently. “Hey Jude, maybe once I get some furniture, you could come over and hang out. Maybe have dinner over? All of you could?” I glanced over to Lena who was surprised.

“That would be nice. Thank you.” Lena smiled as she continued to walk to her office down the hall. Jude briefly glanced up to me before walking away silently, Connor following right behind.

“I knew it. He hates me.” I leaned up against the wall and pulled my hand away from Brandon’s.

“Callie, listen to me. He does not hate you. He never could and he never will. He just needs time. He’s pissed at me more than anything. When he comes over to your place in a few weeks he will open up some.” Brandon pulled me into his arms and rubbed my back softly. I sighed deeply not wanting Brandon to let go. “Timothy’s class starts soon. I’ll walk you to class if you want.”

I nodded. I got to start my day off with Talya. This is literally the day from hell already and I haven’t been in school for more than 20 minutes. Brandon grabbed ahold of my hand once again and we walked around the school to Timothy’s room. We stopped by the door and I leaned up against the wall.

“You’ll be fine, babe. After this, we’ll have algebra together.” Brandon’s fingers fiddled along with mine.

“Yes, but until then I have class with Talya and I can only imagine what she has to say to me.” I bit my lower lip as I glanced into the classroom to see Talya in direct view, pretending to read a book. I rolled my eyes as Brandon placed his hands on my hips. “I guess I’ll see you in algebra?” Brandon leaned in and kissed me softly before a teacher interrupted and reminded us that we needed to get to class.

“Timothy’s class will be over before you know it. Just ignore Talya. She’s not worth it.” Brandon kissed my cheek before sprinting in the other direction before the bell rang.

I glanced around the classroom, hoping to see a change in seating since the last time I was in class. Sadly, my seat was right where I left it, unoccupied, next to Talya. I walked to my seat, placed my books on my desk and avoided eye contact at all costs with anyone in the classroom.

“Ahh, Callie. Yes, welcome back.” Timothy smiled as he sat behind his desk waiting for the last few students to dart into the classroom. I nodded as I turned my face in the opposite direction of Talya’s.

“So, you and Brandon?” Talya questioned. I could feel her eyes glaring in my direction. I swallowed hard and Talya could tell. “Why so quiet, Callie? Something wrong?” Something was wrong.  I was within the same classroom right beside the one person that I didn’t want to be anywhere near. I don’t even want to be in the same 100 mile radius as the girl, let alone the same room.

The bell rang signaling the beginning of class. The last few kids ran to their seats and I avoided looking in Talya’s direction. There were whispers around the class and glances toward my direction throughout class. Teenagers are so obliviously obvious when it comes to talking behind someone’s back. I rolled my eyes as I kept my head down and low throughout the lesson. I watched the clock slowly move closer and closer to the next hour. I wanted to be out of this class and away from Talya. Even if my next class was with her, I at least have Brandon to get me through. He seems to be the only one getting me through anything nowadays.

The class passed by with glares from Talya, whispers around the room, and Timothy asking profound level thinking questions that most people wouldn’t know how to respond. Once the bell rang, I left class at a remarkable speed. I turned a corner and prayed that I was finally on my own.

“Callie.” Her voice made my skin crawl. “Welcome back.” She plastered a fake smile across her face as she adjusted the strap on her back.

“What do you want Talya?” I stomped my foot down and crossed my arms.

“I don’t get it. You just come in out of nowhere, screw around with so many emotions, and still get to hang on to Brandon after everything you have done.”

“Don’t even start this with me.” I turned to the other direction and was stopped in my tracks once again. “What?! What do you want?!”

“You’re just going to hurt Brandon. You are ruining his life! Before you got here things were great! Brandon and I were together and happy. You ruined everything.” I bit my lip and clenched my fists.

“Okay, listen to me. I would never hurt Brandon. I couldn’t do such a thing. He’s the best thing I’ve got going in my life. You can stop being that jealous, bitter ex-girlfriend now. You and Brandon are done. Over. Just like that. For once in my damn life, things are looking up for me. So leave me the hell alone.” It felt good to lay that all out there. I’ve wanted to let that out for weeks now.

I peered around Talya noticing Brandon watching from afar. He had a look of pride in his eyes but also fought off the urge to laugh at Talya’s face, whose jaw was practically on the floor at this point. Brandon walked in my direction and kissed my lips slowly. Usually I’d be against the extreme display of public affection but at this point I no longer cared.

“Talya, back off. I’m happy with Callie. Stop being so defensive and bitter.” Talya glared as Brandon wrapped his arm around my waist. Talya didn’t say another word. Brandon pulled me in the other direction and we began walking to algebra.

Throughout math I could feel Talya’s eyes piercing through me. I wanted to stand up in the middle of class just to yell at her, but I saved us both the humiliation. I continuously tapped my pen on the desk and my mind wandered all around. I thought about pretty much everything except for algebra. I raised my hand and asked to use the restroom. I walked across the school to Jude’s classroom where he was doodling on the side of his worksheet. I glanced into the room long enough for Jude to see me. He didn’t look thrilled but he found an excuse to come see me.

“What do you want?” He was hostile, which I understood.

“I’m sorry, bud. I really am.” He was quiet. “Hey, I know you’re mad. I understand. But I want you to know that this doesn’t mean I don’t love you or want what’s best for you. I want you to be adopted. You deserve that.” I rubbed his back but he was distant.

“Why did you pull me out of class for this?”

“Well I wasn’t too sure when else I’d see you…”

“Okay. You know you could still come over to see me though…unless you don’t want to.”

“It’s not that…it’s just that I need some time first. I just got a job and now I’m back at school so once I get some money maybe you can come over?”

“You got a job? Where at?” Jude’s tone suddenly didn’t sound so bitter.

“It’s a small music shop that isn’t too far from here. I just help sell instruments. I like it though.”

“That’s good.” For the first time in a few weeks, Jude actually smiled towards me.

“So, maybe in a few weeks you can come over? I can make you some dinner. I’d love for everyone to come visit.”

“Brandon too?” He was still hesitant towards the Brandon aspect of things.

“Yes, Brandon too. He’s not to blame for all of this you know. Cut him a break, please? He does care for you.”

Jude sighed. “I have to get back to class.” I nodded. Jude gave me a quick hug before returning to his class.

I headed back to the classroom where I didn’t miss much. Our teacher was sitting at his desk while people worked on problems individually. Brandon was smiling as our hands briefly touched before I sat behind him. Talya’s head was turned around, glaring just as much as before. I rolled my eyes before focusing back on the worksheet.

Being back at school was going to be interesting to say the least.

Yikes. So Talya is back in the picture. She'll have a big part in the next chapter. I had a lot of fun writing this chapter and the next one too. I have the next few chapters done but I wanted to ask you all, is there anything you want to happen in upcoming chapters? (The family will come into play a few chapters ahead, don't worry). But is there anything you'd like to see? I'll take ideas into consideration and possibly put them into the story.

Anyway, thanks for reading. Please vote and comment :)

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