Chapter 6

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Callie’s POV:

My eyes slowly fluttered open to the sight of Brandon sound asleep. He was lying flat on his back but his arm was wrapped around my back and my head was comfortably on his chest. I watched as it rose then fell slowly in a fluid motion. The blanket somehow made it to the floor which would explain my coldness. He had fallen asleep in his t shirt and boxers. I was in a tank top and shorts with my hair pulled back.

I crawled out of bed silently as I checked my phone for the time. It was a little after 10 o’clock. I had a few hours before work which meant I could stay in bed longer which I enjoyed the thought of. I grabbed the blanket and slowly pulled it over Brandon and I as I crawled back beside him and placed my head back on his chest before I noticed slight movement.

“Good morning.” He smiled and squinted his eyes slightly as the sun shined through the room.

“I didn’t mean to wake you. I’m sorry.” I whispered as I looked to his direction.

“No, no. It’s okay.” He readjusted his arm to tighten his grasp and rub my back softly. “How’d you sleep?”

“Good. It was probably the best I’ve slept in months actually.” I felt safe being in his arms. It gave me a feeling of security to be in his arms all night and not on my own. I was happy he insisted on staying. I turned my head and placed my chin on his chest as he gazed at me. “You have an eye booger in your eye.” I laughed as I placed my thumb over his right eye and pushed it aside. “You’re really cute when you wake up. Did you know that?” I kissed his lips softly before resting my head against his chest.

“So how long until you have to get ready to work?” Brandon asked uncertain.

“I have a like an hour and a half until I have to be there. I’ll have to shower before I go in though.”

“I could take you if you don’t want to walk. It’s on my way to Aiden’s anyway. I mean, if you want.”

I nodded. Brandon remained curled under the blankets in bed while I went to take a shower. Being in a different bathroom was no different than the past few years of my life. I’ve stayed in too many homes and gotten used to how to work multiple different showers. Being able to have a place of my own made me feel this sense of accomplishment. I would no longer have to feel like a stranger in someone’s home. I always hated that feeling.

Once I got out of the shower Brandon was dressed and fooling around with the guitar in bed. I leaned up against the wall and silently watched him play. I wanted that to be my life, being able to wake up next to him every day and him playing the guitar or keyboard whenever he pleased here. One day though, one day.

“Are you about ready to go soon?” Brandon asked as he placed the guitar carefully back in its case.”

“Mhm. I don’t even know what I’m going to do. I’m not a people person.” My voice slightly trailed off.

“He hired you for a reason. Just be yourself. You’ll be fine, I promise.” Brandon reached his hand out as we entangled our fingers with one another’s.

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