My Mate Is A Hunter

By FallenTorment16

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Jace Evans is Beta to the Hell Pack. Hunters are trying to take over their territory, and make the exsistance... More

My Mate Is A Hunter
Chapter 2 - Jealousy and a Day At the Mall
Chapter 3 - Best Night
Chapter 4 - This May Cause Problems
Chapter 5 - Broken Hearts, and Broken Families
Chapter 6 - New Found Love and Four Problems
Chapter 7 - New Parents and A New Brother
Chapter 8 - Pool Party!
Chapter 9 - Shunned Together
Chapter 10 - Meet the Mates
Chapter 11 - Afraid of You
Chapter 12 - Babysitting and a Future
Chapter 13 - Meet My Mom
Quick little Authors Note!
Chapter 15 - Marking
Chapter 16 - Join 'Em
Chapter 17 - Teach Them A Lesson

Chapter 14 - Let's Kill Your Best Friend!

3.5K 110 4
By FallenTorment16

Cody and I were in my room listening to Louder Than Thunder by The Devil Wears Prada. One of my favorites by the band, even though it doesn't have any screaming. Cody was sitting cross legged on my bed, mouthing the lyrics to herself while I was sitting at my computer desk updating my Facebook and what not. I didn't go on it much, but never hurts to have one. 

"That song is amazing." Cody speaks when the song ends. 

I turn around and look at her. I can't help the smile that comes to my face whenever I look at her. She's just so beautiful. How could I end up with someone as awesome as her, and as beautiful. 

"So are you." I say.

"That's so cheesy, Jace." She chuckles.

I laugh with her and shake my head. "Don't say you don't like my cheesy lines."

"What if I don't?" She narrows her eyes at me and smiles playfully.

I quickly got up from the chair, and ran towards the bed and tackled Cody so she was laying on her back and I was above her. "Then I'll have to make you like them." I smile.

She smiled back up at me. "And how do you plan on doing that?" 

"By constantly telling you cheesy lines until you tell me you like them." 

"Oh really now?" She giggles.

I move my face closer to hers, and my nose instantly picks up her vanilla cake batter scent that makes my mouth water. 

"Yup. Get used to it, sweet cheeks." I chuckle quietly in her ear.

"Ew! Sweet cheeks?! Anything but that!" She laughs playing with my hair that fell into her face.

"Alright. I'll stick with, Code." I peck her lips, and smile at her.

"Good." She smiles and moved her head towards the TV and gasped. "Get off!" 

I instantly jump off her, and fall off the bed. I popped my head back up so I could see her, and I end up finding my mate laughing her ass off. "What the hell, Cody?" 

"Family Guy is on! I never miss it!" She says between her laughter.

I get up from the floor grumbling to myself, and get back on the bed. "Family Guy? You make me fall off my bed, for Family Guy?" I playfully glare at my blue eyed mate.

She smiles at me and nods.

"You're lucky I love you." 

She laughs quietly and pulls her knees up to her chest so she can wrap her arms around her legs. "Can we watch it now?" She whispers.

I lean over and kiss the side of her head. "Of course." I grab my remote and turn on the TV. I cange the channel to the correct station and the intro to Family Guy is just starting. "Right on time." I lean back on my head board and get comfortable.

Cody scoots next to me, and snuggles into the side of my body. I smile to myself and wrap my arm across her back. 

"So when are you going to tell the pack about Brent's plan?"

"Shit. I forgot. I'll be right back, unless you want to come?" I look down at her.

"Yeah." She smiled and moved off of me. 

I got off the bed and so did she, I walked over to her and grabbed her hand, twinign our fingers together, and walking out of my room and down to the kitchen where I knew the whole pack would be.

We got downstairs and, just like I said, the whole pack was in the huge kitchen. We walked into the kitchen and saw that everyone was surrounded around Jaden and Luke who were yelling. Well more like Luke yelling at Jaden who was laughing. 

"Uh oh." Cody says. 

"Hey!" I yell. Everyone went quiet.

"Hunters are planning to attack. We need to leave."

"Is your little huntress coming with us?" A man snarled, glaring at Cody. She instantly moves behind me, and I growl at the man. 

"Yes. She's my mate, and your soon to be Beta Female. So watch what you say, asshole." I snarl back.

"She's just going to give the hunters our location when we get there!" 

"Yeah! Leave the huntress here, Jace!" A girl screamed.

The whole room erupted into chaos, and I felt Cody to push into my back more.

"SILENCE!" Jaden yelled, and the room when quiet again. "If anyone one of you so much as doubt your future Beta Female again, I won't be afraid to kick you all out of the pack!" He growled.

"She won't give us away, because she's the one who told me about the attack." Jace added.

"What the hell does that have to do with anything? She's still a hunter." Some guy said.

Cody hugs my back, and I instantly take her hands in mine. "I don't care if all of you hate her, she's my mate, and your future Beta Female. Get used to it." With that, I pull Cody out from behind my back, and show her to the crowd. I can tell she's scared shitless, but I want the pack to see that she's no threat to us. "Cody, tell them what you told me earlier." I tell her softly, wrapping my arms around her waist from behind.

She leans back into my touch, and takes a deep breath. "I know you all hate me. I know that you might think I'll betray you in the end. But this is not the case. Hunters are coming, and they want you all dead. In the next month, they'll attack. I don't know the exact time, but just know they will." 

"It's either we fight, or leave." I say, squeezing my mates waist tighter. 

"Jace, we have no other place to go, and new families are just settling down. We have to fight. Show the hunters their threats can't run out a pack of wolves." Jaden says, a smile on his face like always. 

Most of the males cheered while their mates held onto their arms tightly, and pleading no. Luke did it to Jaden, and Cody did it to me. "Jace, no. I can't let you fight them." She turns around, her electric blue eyes had tears in them, and her voice was just a whisper. My heart broke into a million pieces, seeing that expression on a face as beautiful as hers. 

"Code, I know you're scared, but this has to be done. Jaden has given the orders, we must obey. He's the Alpha. Plus, I think it's a good idea." 

Suddenly, her blue eyes turned cold. "It's a good idea to kill the only friend I ever had? It's a good idea to kill the man that has been like a second father to me? It's a good idea to kill everyone I grew up with?" She backed away from me, and I swear I could hear my heart shattering to dust. 

I don't want her angry at me. "Cody, I'm sorry. But I'm not going to say I don't mean it. I can understand that you grew up with everyone, and we are killing your one and only friend, but this has to be done. They threatened the pack. Jaden and I have to protect them. It's our job as Alpha and Beta." 

She simply shook her head, and exited the room. I hear her footsteps run up the stairs, then a bedroom door slamming. I flinched at the sound.

"Luke, you don't have to fight, but I do." Jaden said, not smiling for the first time this month probably. I swear, that kid can never stop smiling. But when it comes down to Alpha buisness, he's serious. When he gets into 'alpha mode' he's a hard ass. 

"Fine." Luke pouted, and walked away from the room. This time, another door slamming shut.

The pack exited the kitchen, and went to different areas in the house. I took a seat at the breakfast bar, and rested my head in my hands. 

"Mates are a handful right?" Jaden chuckled. 

"But you can't help the love you have for them. It makes all the difficulties in the relationship worth it." I say, rubbing my eyes.

"No kidding. So why's Cody mad?"

"She doesn't want her only friend, father figure, and people she grew up with getting murdered by us." I looked over at my best friend. He had a small smile on his face. "What about Luke?"

"Doesn't want me getting hurt." He let out a laugh, and took a seat next to me. 

I chuckled, and got up from my seat. "I should probably go talk to Cody." 

"I wouldn't. If she's anything like Luke, she'll hold a grudge for a few hours." Jaden spoke, playing with an orange he got from the fruit basket.



He expects me to just stand by and watch as he kills my best friend, and a man who is like a father to me. I can't handle that. Brent has been with me through everything, and I can't just let him die. If the pack was moving away, fine. It's not like the pack is going to kill him, we're just getting away from them. But now that Jaden decided to fight, everything is changing. I don't want anyone getting hurt, let alone murderd. 

Suddenly Jace's bedrrom door flew open, and Luke walked in, slamming the door shut. "I love him, but he can be such a pain in the ass!" He growled.

"Jaden's fighting?" I ask, already knowing my brother would be worrying about his mates safety.

"Yup. And there's nothing I can do about it." 

"Guess this shows who the girl in the relationship is." I smile.

Luke turns his brown eyed stare to me, and glares daggers. "Shut up, Cody." 

"Face it, Luke. You're the girl." I giggle, rolling over on the bed so I'm laying on my back.

"Just 'cause I'm on the bottom all the time, doesn't mean I'm the girl!" He yells, throwing a wad of paper at me. 

I laugh and throw it back. "Oh but it does." I sit up on my elbows after processing everything my brother said. "Ew! I don't need to know your and Jaden's life in the bedroom!" 

"I hope you get a mental image." He mutters, wlaking around the room.

Son of a bitch... "Ew! Luke, you asshole!" I shook my head, hoping the image would exit, but no luck.

He laughs, and picks up a random picture. "What's this?" 

"I don't know. This is Jace's room." I close my eyes and rest my hands under my head.

"But this girl is kissing your mate." 

My eyes snapped open, I got off the bed as fast as I can, and walked over to Luke. I looked over his shoulder and saw Jace, maybe a couple years ago, and a beautiful girl with long brown hair, kissing his cheek. Jealousy got the better of me, and it took everything I had not to throw the picture across the room. 

Luke looked at my face and sighed. "I'll go get the cards." He left the room without another word. 

He knows that playing card games makes me calm down, and think about what I should do in a certain situation. 

Luke returned and we started playing Slap Jack, and other card games. Time flew by, and once Jace and Jaden walked into the room did I realize the time. 

"Luke, I'm going to bed, you coming?" Jaden asked, yawning.

My brother sighed and got up from the current game of Solitare he was playing. "Yeah. Night, Code." He winked at me and walked out with Jaden. 

I didn't look at Jace, I knew the second I'd look into those hazel eyes of his, I'd forget my anger and give into to him. 

"Cody...Please look at me." He begged, coming into the room and sitting across from me. When I didn't look up and kept playing cards, he growled and shoved away the playing cards.

"I was playing with those cards." I said emotionlessly. 

He grabbed my shoulders and shook me a little bit. "Look. At. Me." He growled, his eyes turning a deep red. 

The fear of him ripping me apart like Leo came into my head, and I instantly got tears in my eyes. I think Jace saw the fear in my eyes, and his eyes turned back to hazel. "I didn't mean to scare you, Cody. I just don't want us fighting."

"Who's the girl?" I asked, looking straight into his eyes.

"What girl?" His eyebrows furrowed.

"The girl in the picture."

He looked around the room, and his eyes landed on the picture Luke found. A sad smile came to his face. "Devyn." 

"So her name is Devyn." I said, getting up from the floor, and moving away from him. 

"She was one of my best friends."

"You let all your friends kiss your cheek?" I glared at him.

"Not Jaden." He chuckled, trying to change the subject. 

"Jace, this isn't some joke! You can't just change the subject when you want!" 

"I can if I don't want to talk about it, Cody! It hurts to talk about her!"


"She's dead! That is the last picture ever taken of her before she died by a drunk driver!"

It's official. I feel like an ass. "I-I'm sorry..." I whispered.

Jace said nothing. Just got up from the floor, walked over to me, and wrapped me in his arms tightly. I hugged his waist. 

"I love it when you're jealous. It's hot." He chuckled into my hair.

I playfully slapped his back, and looked up at him while he looked down at me. I got on my tippy toes, and pecked his lips. "Let's go to bed. It's late."

We both got ready for bed, and when we were comfy, I whispered, "Just because I didn't mention the fight, doesn't mean I'm okay with it." 

Jace's body went stiff, and he spoke one word that made me giggle. "Shit."


Hey there :) I'm back. Hopefully officially. 

Song on the side: Louder Than Thunder by The Devil Wears Prada

I hope you guys liked this chapter!!! 

:D -FallenTorment16

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