In Love with the Game

By RiaaRolle

926 49 1

Summary: 16 year old Christina Parker better known as Chrissy is the biggest basketball fan there is. She al... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 28

26 1 0
By RiaaRolle

Its been two days since we took the paternity test. I am so nervous. I am 100% sure that its Chris' baby but then again its a possibility that it's Daquan's baby.
I walked into my history class and sat next to Maxine. My body feels drained and I've only been pregnant for 3 weeks. I am so ready to take a nap in this class. But Mrs. Lopez already gave me several warnings and I'm not interested in getting kicked out of class.
"Okay class I want you to do a report on a past president. Basically a biography. No plagiarism and it is due tomorrow" Mrs. Lopez announced.
"Can we do it in pairs?" Jerome asked.
"No individual work" she replied.
The whole class groaned. "For today you guys will get a head start on the biography. So pick a president. Two people cannot do the same president." Mrs. Lopez said.
We all discussed among ourselves which president we wanted to do our report on for a few minutes.
"Alright everybody picked a president?" Mrs. Lopez asked. We all nodded. She didn't instruct any thing else so we chatted for the remainder of the class.

*              *                 *                    *                 *
Its lunch time and I have no idea where to sit. Since Christopher and I are not on speaking terms. I really don't know who to sit with. Mason already graduated so I have no choice but to find Maxine and Cameron. Or maybe I can go off campus for lunch.
I decided to go off campus. I walked out of the main building and into the parking lot. On my way to my car Christopher stopped me.
"Christina we need to talk" he said. I hesitated at first.
"Okay talk" I sassed.
"Not here lets go for lunch" he said.
I rolled my eyes. We walked to my car and got in. I drove to Wendy's.
Both of us ordered and sat at a table.
"Now talk" I said with a mouthful of baconator.
"Okay well...I'm sorry about the other day. When I over heard you and Max talking about that night I kinda lost it. When you told me about your pregnancy I just started to play the blame game and the way I talked to you I was wrong for it"he said.
"Its whatever I guess I get that you was mad"
"No Christina its not what ever I hurt you and I didn't mean to"
"I understand"
"Baby girl I am sorry and I love you. I will take care of you no matter what"
"I love you too baby"
"We good?"
We finished our food and shortly afterwards we went to the beach.

*              *                 *                    *                 *
The sand filled in between my toes and the waves hit my ankles. Chris held my hand. I still felt hurt about the words he said to me the other day. I'm pretty sure he could see it in my eyes. He mouthed the words "I'm sorry" and kissed me on my lips. He ran his fingers through my curls.
We walked in the sand together. Lunch time was already over but both of us rather be here than to be at last period.
"Baby girl I wanna show you something" He said.
"What is it?" I asked.
We walked a bit further until we reached a cabana. We both sat down. He reached in his pocket and handed me an envelope. It was already open. I took the paper out and read it. It was the paternity test results. My heart leaped for joy. Chris kissed me on my cheek.
"I can't wait to see our baby" he said.
"What about drafts?" I asked.
"Baby girl we will figure it out. You can finish school online and next year focus on college and drafts"
"Okay baby. You sure you wanna be a parent right now? I'm hella scared"
"Baby its our mistake and I don't think abortion is the way to deal with it"
"Okay baby"
"We in this together Chrissy we a team"
He kissed me on my lips. We made out passionately.
One thing led to another and we had sex on the beach. He had to be gentle because I'm pregnant. Even though I like rough sex better.

*              *                 *                    *                 *
When I finally got home it was around 7pm. I took a shower and changed into my pajamas. I laid across my bed and went fast asleep.

*              *                 *                    *                 *
When I woke up the next morning feeling hella sick. My stomach was really upset. I ran into the bathroom and threw up in the garbage bin. It was closer than the toilet. I'm already not liking pregnancy. Cameron walked in and held my hair for me.
When I finally stopped throwing up I brushed my teeth and got ready for school. While I was getting dressed I realized that my stomach was starting to get bigger. It wasn't that noticeable but it was noticeable to me. I had to change my top. I felt a bin insecure in a crop top so I changed into a purple loose fit top with my black jeans and purple and black flights. I really don't want to go to school. Oh shit I didn't do my history assignment. Well I guess ima ditch today. I picked ho my phone and texted Christopher.
Me: baby im staying home today
Baby: why?
Me: im not feeling good
Baby: you want me to come over?
Me: please❤️
Baby: i will be there in a few minutes
Me: okay
I put my phone on the bed and cleaned up the bathroom. Once the bathroom was spotless I changed into a tank top and sweats. I laid in my bed and listened to everyone leave the house. Even Tasha and Renae went out. I guess Renae has a doctor's appointment.
I started to dose off when I heard a knock. I rolled out of bed and went to the front door. I opened the door for Christopher. He kissed me on my forehead and walked inside. He closed the door behind him and followed me to my room.
We laid in my bed and relaxed. I eventually fell asleep on his chest while he gave me a booty rub.

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