Perfectly Imperfect | Kellin...

By warpedtuor

9.3K 126 42

Marie Alexandria Carter and her best friend Taylor Marie Emmerson go to Warped Tour having the time of their... More

Chapter 1- Meet Marie
Chapter 2- Warped Tour Part 1
Chapter 3- Warped Tour Part 2
Chapter 4- Back to School We Go
Chapter 5- Making Up For Lost Time
Chapter 6- All School Picture Goes Wrong
A/N: Society Is So Cruel
Chapter 7- Mayday
Chapter 8- Tickets
Chapter 9- Terror on 27
Chapter 10- Concert Time
Chapter 11- Happy Halloween
Chapter 12- Suspended
Chapter 13- Winter Break Part 1
Chapter 14- Winter Break Part 2
Chapter 15- Truth Be Told
Chapter 16- Youtube
Chapter 17- Business
Chapter 19- That Little Kiss You Stole
Chapter 20- Recording
Chapter 21- With You By My Side
Chapter 22- I'll Be Right Here Waiting
Chapter 23- All You Wanted Was Me
Author's Note: Sorry Not Sorry (Not A Chapter)
Chapter 24- We Are All Sinners & The Blackest Beautiful
Chapter 25- This Heart Is Yours
Chapter 26- Sweet Serenity
Chapter 27- This Generation Needs A Hero
Chapter 28- Your Love Makes Me Stronger
Chapter 29- Give Me Therapy, I'm A Walking Travesty
Chapter 30- Hold Me Close

Chapter 18- Megafest

233 1 0
By warpedtuor

Song: Sleepwalking by Bring Me The Horizon

Song: Bones Exposed by Of Mice & Men

Chapter 18- Megafest

-Maria's POV-

I smile as I look myself over in the mirror, finally satisfied with my appearance.

I am wearing a white crop top that has Let's Rock & Roll written on the front, some black leggings with a pair of cream colored socks and black combat boots. My make-up is done with cream colored eyeshadow, a thick layer of liquid eyeliner on the top, a thick layer of mascara on the top and bottom making the grey around my electric blue eyes pop more, and a thick wing of eyeliner.

My blonde hair is falling down to my waist, pin straight with bobby pins pushing back my long bangs. My left ear has a bow that links to my cartilage hanging along with two more piercings in, along with my right ear matching. My belly button ring is on show with a small pink bow, and a pink lip stud as a lip ring. I shove $80 dollars in my cross-body bag along with my iPhone 5c, and tickets.

I hear the doorbell ring, making me smile. I head downstairs after doing on last lookover and open the door to see none other than Hailey herself all ready to go.

Hailey is wearing a black and red button up shirt with a black Bring Me The Horizon shirt, some tight black skinny jeans, and red Vans. Her make-up was done with some cream colored eyeshadow, thin line of eyeliner, and a thick layer of mascara on the top. Her off the shoulder Drop Dead cat bag is in hand, along with her iPhone.

"Ready to leave?" I ask with a smile.

"Of course!" She says as I close the door and lock it, dropping my house key into my bag. She follows me to the car, and sets up her iPhone to the stereo. The first song to come on is Princeton Ave by Issues. I grin, knowing that in only a few hours I will be seeing them live.


I pull off of the highway and head down the road the venue is on. Minutes later a sign comes up, seeing it as the venue. I pull in and pay a women ten dollars for parking and find a spot. "So, I was just on Twitter and I guess this is a sold out show." Hailey says while we get out of the car and start walking to the line.

"Really? That has never happened before in Michigan." I say but soon smile. "That means the pit will be fucking out of control so we can jump in without the security guards stopping us!"

"Yeah, but then again there are 5,000 people here." Hailey says with a frown.

"So what? Even better." I say but soon regret my words. Hailey follows my gaze as I groan. The line has already started to make its way next to the tour buses.

"Are you fucking kidding me? It is only 26 degrees outside and the wind is crazy. Why can't they just let us in?" Hailey says while burying her face in my shoulder. I agree. She isn't kidding, the worst part is that where we are stood is right next to the tour buses and we are about half a mile from the door.

"Agreed. We still have an hour out here until the doors open." Hailey groans as the words leave my mouth. I am probably going to get frost bite from waiting outside for so long in such cold weather with only a light weight varsity jacket on.

-Hour & 15 Minutes Later-

Screams start to erupt from the good two thousand fans in front of me, making Hailey and I scream with them. The doors have finally opened. "Holy fuck, finally we are able to go inside and get our seats!" Hailey exclaims after we start moving up the line.

After another fifteen minutes we make it into the arena and our purses are checked. Then our tickets are scanned and we are free to go get seats. Forgot to mention that instead of being on the floor because the floor tickets were sold out, Hailey got bowl tickets. But at least we are here and get to experience the concert.

The sound of a guitar riff sounds my ears as we walk into the bowl to see Wilson playing their set first. I have heard of them but never actually took a good listen, and they are pretty good from what I can tell. Hailey and I walk down the steps and take a seat, about two sets of seats filled from the stage.

I look across the arena and see only one security guard who isn't paying any attention to an opening and see two people slip out onto the floor. What the fuck. "Hailey! Did you just see that?" I ask, pointing to the opening where another set of people walk onto the floor, ac ting as if they were getting a drink at the stand, but once the security guard looks away, they walk into the crowd. Seriously?

"Let's go." Hailey grabs my hand and yanks me up the stairs and across the arena to the other seats in front of the opening. Just when we think it's clear and head onto the floor, we see a security guard start walking over to us. I point at the drink stands, acting like we are about to buy something but shake our heads and sit back down in our seats. Fuck.

"We were so damn close! Stupid fucking lady has to come and ruin our moment." I say as the women shakes her head, basically telling us that she will be watching us for now on. I look over at the other entrance just a few seats away from me to see yet another security guard there checking wrist bands for only floor access.

"I know. We will have another chance." I ignore Hailey once I see Northlane walk onto stage. Oh fuck yes. I take out my iPhone and start taking a video of my favorite song by them; Quantum Flux. After about fifteen minutes Northlane finishes up their set, and out comes Issues.

"Oh my god, there's Tyler Carter!" I say as he grabs his microphone and announces that their first song will be Stingray Affliction. I record almost all of their songs, getting annoyed because the pit looks fucking hardcore and fun.

"I think Attila is on next." I say with a grin. Hailey glares at me as if I said something wrong. "What?" I ask in annoyance.

"I think Fronz is an asshole is all." She says sounding serious. Hailey isn't very fond of Fronz, the lead singer for Attila, but she doesn't mind listening to them. "Can we please see if someone is leaving so we can pay them for their wrist bands?" Hailey asks while hold her hand out for me to take.

"Yeah, but hurry because I want to make it back in time to see the next band!" I say with a smile. On the way up I bump into a very good looking guy.

"Sorry." He says, grabbing my hips to make sure I don't fall and continues to make his way down the stairs. Woah, he has an Canadian accent. Even more attractive. Hailey seems to notice my blush and laughs at me. I just smile and follow her out into the hallway the bathroom is at.

We walk in and see a girl who has a wrist band on, fixing her hair next to her friend. "Hey, are you going back into the pit?" Hailey asks, wondering if she can get her and this girls friend to sell us their wrist bands.

"No, but I think my friend is." She says with a sigh while shaking her head.

"Oh, okay." Hailey and I sigh as we walk out of the bathroom and head back to our seats. When I walk in I hear the all too familiar ending of Attila's song Callout.

"Hey Westboro Baptists, fuck you too! Come and protest this dick, faggots!" Fronz says into the microphone as I scream it along with the rest of the crowd. The amount of energy I hear from everyone tells me that so far Attila has done a massive job of rocking out.

Hailey and I make it back to our seats in time to see the Canadians from earlier sitting behind us. I smile at them but turn back around when Fronz's voice sounds through the arena. "Alright Michigan, let me hear a fuck yeah!,"

"FUCK YEAH!" I scream, throwing my middle finger in the air. The hot guy behind me starts laughing and shakes his head. I soon realize his friend is also attractive and looks like James from Asking Alexandria but with a lip ring. Damn.

"Oh hell yeah. We're gunna kick it back with this one. I wanna see a thousand fucking people crowd surfing during this next song. Get the fuck up here. This song is called Rage!" Fronz says which makes me laugh. His language is brilliant.

"You know, you and Fronz swear all the time. You two are twins!" Hailey says with a small laugh. I just smack her arm, laughing though because lets face it; she's right. After two more songs Attila's done and the crowd keeps building up due to the people sneaking in.

The Canadian guys left a few minutes ago, just now getting back. "Do you guys want to help sneak into the pit with us?" I ask with a smile.

"You guys can, but we don't have to." The one guys friend says, holding up his arm to show a wrist band.

"How the fuck did you get those?" I ask in awe.

"Two girls were standing out by the doors, and I payed them for the two bracelets because they were only here for Northlane!" He says, shaking his head and then heads down the stairs, showing their wrist bands and runs into the pit. Fuck you dude.

"Unbelievable." I say with a frown. I look back at the stage and see Of Mice & Men's drums being set up. "Fuck! Hailey, I have to be on that floor for Of Mice & Men or else my whole life will be over." I say, starting to search frantically for the security guard that is constantly watching us but only see a fat bald man.

"Okay, you see this crowd coming down? That is our chance!" All of a sudden all I see is Hailey running down the steps in the big group, blending in with them. I rush past them and run after her.

"Wrist band please?" The security guard says but I completely ignore him. I give him the middle finger and keep running until I reach Hailey walking into the pit.

"I could have just got caught! Holy shit! But I made it! I am here for Of Mice & Men, along with the rest of the concert!" I say with the biggest smile ever.  Hailey starts laughing at me.

"Let's fucking do this!" I scream, grabbing Hailey's hand and make my way close to the stage. I stop about halfway from the stage and stay put, making Hailey stop walking also. "Right here is perfect." I smile and wait for the set to start.

After about five minutes, Austin and the rest of Of Mice & Men walk onto stage, starting their first set with  Bones Exposed making me jump with Hailey right by my side. During Of Mice & Men's set, Austin pauses and starts talking making me die. He is so beautiful.

"Detroit, Michigan! In case you missed it, we are Of Mice & Men!" Austin screams into the microphone, finishing up their set with Feels Like Forever off of their new album, Restoring Force.

The next band to perform is We Came As Romans, which made me very happy. They represent Michigan since they are from here, and seeing them light up the whole arena with everyone on the floor jumping really got me going for the next set; Bring Me The Horizon.

"We have to get closer." Hailey says, taking me hand and pulling me through a huge crowd of people, accidentally bumping into people. Once she is satisfied, we are only fifteen feet from the stage. Holy shit, I am this close to the stage. That means I will be this close to Oli Sykes. Fuck.

After waiting a while, I start to look around and see a guy around my age smiling at me. "What would you do if a circle pit formed?" He asks me out of the blue. He stands directly behind me with i'm guessing two of his friends.

"I'm not quite sure. During Of Mice & Men's set a circle pit formed right next to me and I almost got pulled in. Luckily I moved so i'm guessing I will need some help with not dying." I say with a  small chuckle. He starts laughing before speaking again.

"I will protect you. I promise." He gives me a wink, making me smile. Only a few minutes later, the lights dim and the band fills the stage. Oli. I look at Hailey who starts laughing at my overly excited expression. The lights start to flash twice, again and again. The set is starting.

Can You Feel My Heart's beat starts picking up when Oli lifts his hands into the air, making Hailey and I along with the crowd scream. "Detroit! We're Bring Me The Horizon. Ready, fucking go!" Hailey and I start jumping when the breakdown at beginning of the song starts, making me feel the adreneline rush come on.

After a few songs, the chords for Chelsea Smile makes me scream. "I've got a secret, it's on the tip of my tongue, it's on the back of my lungs, and i'm gunna keep it! I know something you don't know!" The whole crowd screams the lyrics as Oli stands on my side of the stage.

Before the big breakdown in the middle of Chelsea Smile, Oli says, "Fuck someone in the cunt." I start screaming but then laugh. His dirty mouth, I swear.

After the song ends, Oli takes a few seconds to let us quiet down before speaking. "I want you all to do a favor for me. Sit on the floor. Come on, sit the fuck down!" I look at Hailey with confusion written all over my face. I look at the guy who has been doing his job at protecting me from the circle pits to see him just simply laugh.

"When the music hits, I want you all to jump. SO JUMP!" I jump up on Oli's commands and enjoy the voice of Oli himself singing Antivist.

"Middle fingers up, if you don't give a fuck!" I scream with the guy helping me out and put my middle finger in the air, enjoying every second of this song.

"I want to see a fucking pit. Push it back. Push it back. PUSH IT BACK. PUSH IT BACK! Three, two, one, GO!" I look at Hailey just in time to start running with the rest of the crowd, enjoying the feeling of being in my third wall of death.

After some more songs Oli walks off stage making me frown. "One more song! One more song!" I start chanting with the rest of the crowd. Later he comes back out and startings singing Shadow Moses and then Sleepwalking. Towards the end of Sleepwalking Oli holds up a heart to the crowd, making me smile because I got it on video.

Once everyone exits the stage, the crowd starts disappearing. I look at the guy who has been protecting me throughout the concert and see him give Hailey a handshake and then walk over to me. "Thank you for helping me." He gives me a smile and shakes my hand before walking away.

Hailey and I make it out of the arena and into the crowded merchandise area. I really need some new merch. I leave Hailey at Bring Me The Horizon's table and walk a ways down the hallway until I reach the merch guy for Of Mice & Men, looking at all the different shirts and what not to buy.

"Can I have the beanie and sweatshirt please?" I ask with a small smile. He nods and grabs me the items, me paying him before leaving and finding Hailey again. Once we exit the building we hop into my car and drive back to my house.

Tonight was the best night of my life.


A/N: So there was my experience from Bring Me The Horizon's tour!! Everything that happened in this chapter happened in real life to me.

This whole chapter was wrote from my point of view from what I remember and what I watch in the videos I got. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter because I have really bad post concert depression. The concert was 2 weeks and 2 days ago but it's whatever.

Love you all and the next chapter should be up sometime this week or next week since I have exams in a week. -Saisha

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