
By AmberJoline

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Alexis' life gets turned upside down when she gets a letter from Dr. Lawrence High. She's forced to move to t... More

1. The Letter
3. The introduction
4. What to do on a free day
5. Well, this is awkward
6. Saved by the siblings
7. Drama everywhere
8. Power control
9. Headache
10. Dealing with things

2. Saying goodbye isn't always easy

102 4 0
By AmberJoline

The first chapters are going to be in Alexis' point of view, after a few chapters maybe someone else's...

Alexis' P.O.V

Today is the day, I am moving to Dr. Lawrence High. Lucas doesn't seem to like it, but he will get used to it. He has to, because I can't change my mind. Even if I want to, I can't. Since he has found out, he's trying to make me back out. Instead of being happy for me, he does everything he can to keep me at home. The only way to make him stop, is to say he will be gone as well in a few years. He's still the oldest one, so he can go to college sooner than me.

Paul and Jeanette have done their fair share of trying to make me stay too, but they also talk about other things with me and Lucas doesn't. I understand he doesn't like the idea that his baby sister is moving out, but I can't listen to him. If I do, I can hurt him badly. I don't know how to use my powers, but it's only a matter of time before things are going to happen. If those things happen, I don't want anyone I care about around me. I can't take the risk, what if I'm going to hurt somebody.

'Alexis, it's time to go! You don't want to be late, do you?' Jeanette yelled at me from the bottom of the stairs. 

'I'm coming!' I quickly reply.

So this is it, I really am going to Dr. Lawrence High. My family downstairs are going to try to talk me out of it one last time and they aren't going to succeed. As I walk towards the door, I look at my room. It will be empty a long time, after I'm gone. Except if Lucas convinces Paul to make a fitness room of out it, which won't surprise me. I've known him long enough to know what he is capable of.

After I shut the door, I go downstairs, where my family is waiting for me. They're all looking pretty sad, but once I am gone, they will cheer up. The first hug I get, is from Jeanette, she has tears in her eyes, but is trying to stop them. I hate to see her this way, so I don't look at her face and just hug her. 

Paul pulls her of me, looking kind of awkward. He tries to calm her down, but it isn't working. It looks pretty funny, although I'm not going to say that out loud. I bit my lip while trying to hold my laughter. 

'I'm sorry for that, Lexi. I didn't expect her to be so emotional. Before you go, I've got a little gift for you. It might be handy to come where you want to be,' Paul says, revealing a set of keys.

He hands the keys to me and I can't believe my eyes. I study them for a while and see what kind of key it is.

'Are you serious?!' I yell.

He nods and points to the window. I can't wait a second and rush towards the window. There's a car standing outside, a black convertible BMW M3. Is that thing really mine? I can't do anything but stare. I've gotten a car from Paul, I haven't seen that one coming. 

'Is that your present?' I ask him.

'Yes, it is. Do you like it?'

'Of course I do, it's an amazing gift!'

'Come on, we'll put your stuff in there. We thought it was the right moment to give you a car, so you can visit us if you want. You deserve it, you really do. Just don't cause an accident while driving to the high school. Do you promise?' 

'I promise,' I say, while I'm already halfway through of the front door.

For a second, I stare at the car before I begin putting my bags into it. Paul comes to help me, even Lucas has come after a few minutes. He doesn't look happy, but I know he'salso getting a car. It isn't possible that my parents give their youngest child a car earlier than their oldest one. He just doesn't know it yet.

 As soon as all of my bags are in the car, I hug Paul. He hugs me back, but doesn't say a word. I am glad he doesn't, the silence's nice. Every time I'm with him, we have those sort of silences. It's kind of our thing, silence. Slowly I let go of him and look him in the eyes. He's good at putting masks on, which hide his feelings. This time is no different, I can't seem to find any emotions.

Jeanette's already having a hard time, so I've gone to Lucas first. I wrap my arms around his neck and make him bend a little, so my mouth is close to his ear.

'They have one for you too, I just know it. Take care of Paul and Jeanette, they are going to need you more than ever. I love you, Lucky Luke, don't forget that,' I whisper in his ear, so only he can hear me. 

'I will, I promise. Love you too, Lexi. I'll miss you, baby sis.'

We stand like that for a little while before we let go of each other. A smile appears on his face, which makes me smile too. Our little moment is interrupted by Jeanette, who starts to cry. It is a long time ago since Lucas and I have been so kind to each other, maybe that's the reason she can't hold it any longer. 

I turn around so I can look her in the eyes, walk towards her and hug her tight. A shoulder pat from Paul reminds me that I must be strong and not let my feelings take over. I slowly let go of Jeanette, who's still crying. It hurts to see her this way, but I need to go. 

'I think it's better if I go now, or else I'll be stuck in traffic. As soon as I get there, I will call or text you, to let you know I'm alright. Take care of yourselves, I can't do it anymore. I love you guys. Goodbye,' I speak as calm as I possibly can.

'Goodbye honey, I'll miss you so much!' Jeanette answers.

Paul and Lucas stay silence, just the way I like it. There's a little smile on their faces, even tough they aren't happy. I step into my new car, ready to go to Dr. Lawrence High. I look at my family, before I ride away. If I listen carefully, I can still hear Jeanette crying, so I decide to put on some music. This is going to be a long trip, but I'm still driving an awesome car. 

The title song of the movie The Guardian comes on the radio, Never Let Go by Bryan Adams. I love that song, I know the hole lyrics. It fits the movie so perfectly and the lyrics are beautiful. 

'Can you lay your life down, so a stranger can live? 

Can you take what you need, but take less than you give?

Could you close everyday, without the glory and fame?

Could you hold your head high, when no one knows your name?

That's how legends are made...

At least that's what they say...' 

It almost hurt to sing the lyrics. I've just said goodbye to my family and we've watched this movie so many times, we know it completely. It describes exactly how I feel, about leaving everybody for their own safety.

'We say goodbye, but never let go.

We live, we die, cause you can't save every soul.

Gotta take every chance to, show them you're the kind of man who;

Will never look back, never look down and never let go.' 

Suddenly I realize this car doesn't had a roof, so everybody can hear my singing. My cheeks turn red and I stop singing. This is pretty humiliating, I'm lucky there aren't many people. A part of me, doesn't even care. It isn't like I can't sing at all, just not really good. The next song comes on the radio and to avoid the temptation to sing along, I turn the volume down.

It isn't a really long drive, specially not with my driving skills. If I want to, I can drive totally normal. This time I'm a bit to distracted, so my driving isn't at his best. I don't pay much attention to the road and just listen to the music. There aren't many cars on the road, so there isn't a big possibility that I cause an accident. 

It doesn't took long to get to New York, only half an hour. Still my family can't come visit me, even tough they want to. It's against the rules of the high school. I will be living there, meeting a lot of new people and making new friends. 

I drive to the parking lot and park my car. A few people are caring bags, walking towards the big building. My eyes follow those people, so I know where I need to go. I grab my bags out of the car and begin walking in the same direction. 

When I get by the door, there are big security guys standing in front of it. My eyebrows rise, but I try to ignore the huge guys. One of the men stops me as soon as I try to get in the building. 

'Show me, or else you won't get in,' he says.

At first, I don't know what to do, then I realize he means the lights. I lift my hands and close my eyes. The blue-greenish light is shining out of my hands. The man nods and let me pass. Before entering, I take a deep breath. This is it, the place which is now my home. With my hip, I push the door open and get inside.

I can't believe my eyes, once I get in. This building is huge, even bigger than I have expected. I don't look where I'm going, so I bump into someone and fall on the floor. My bags land on top of me, crushing me. 

'Are you alright?' I hear someone saying. 

A moan escapes from my mouth, which makes me turn red. I look up, to see who is talking to me. My eyes lock with some green ones. A guy is sitting next to me, looking at me with a worried look on his face. 

'I'm fine. Sorry for bumping into you.'

'There's nothing you need to apologize for, I'm not hurt. It was just an accident.'

'I'm Alexis, but everybody calls me Lexi.' We shake hands and smile at each other.

'Nathan.' He speaks with a sexy voice.

I can't help myself and check him out. He's hot, really hot. I can see his muscular body through his shirt and his brown hair is messy in a sexy way. He pulls me on my feet and picks up my bags. I notice he doesn't have any bags, isn't he new just like me? He looks my age, so maybe he already has dropped his bags.

There's a place where new students can drop their bags, so I leave them there. The bags will appear in my room, when I go there. It is pretty cool.

'Will all new students please go to the canteen? I repeat, will all new students please go to the canteen?' A voice gently asks.

'I guess we need to go, don't you think?' He says as a smile appears on his face.

'Yes, I think we do.'

I turn around and walk away from him. He looks at me while I'm  walking, I can feel it, but I don't look back. I don't know this guy, so why would I wait for him? He could be a killer or a stalker for all I know.

So this was the second chapter. This was a chapter where Alexis said goodbye and went to the high school. Still not very much action, but it'll come soon. She did meet the sexy Nathan, possible killer or stalker.

What do you think about Nathan? Which power do you think he has?

For the role of Nathan,  I was thinking about Joe Collier. He looks like how I pictured Nathan, a picture of him will come in the next chapter c:

A pic of her new car on the side and the song Never Let Go by Bryan Adams. I love that song <3

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