
Von AmberJoline

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Alexis' life gets turned upside down when she gets a letter from Dr. Lawrence High. She's forced to move to t... Mehr

2. Saying goodbye isn't always easy
3. The introduction
4. What to do on a free day
5. Well, this is awkward
6. Saved by the siblings
7. Drama everywhere
8. Power control
9. Headache
10. Dealing with things

1. The Letter

128 5 0
Von AmberJoline

So here we go, the first chapter of Gifted! I hope you guys like it!

Alexis' P.O.V

Hello Miss Martinez,

I'm writing you to let you know you've been selected for a scholarship at Dr. Lawrence High. You'll be living at the school, everything is included. Your room is ready for you and we can't wait to have you with us. We know you won't let us down, you're very special. If you wonder why you've been chosen, I suggest you look at the attachment. 

See you soon,

Dr. Lawrence

Staring at the letter in my hands is all I could do. The words don't make sense to me, it's so ridiculous. Why would anyone want me? Everywhere I go, I bring trouble with me. You're very special... See you soon... Those words keep repeating in my head, I couldn't figure out what iss special about me, except the trouble, and that isn't something which helps you to get a scholarship.

Of course I could look at the attachment, but I'm scared. Maybe I don't want to know or am I afraid to lose it once I do know? My eyes flash from the letter to the attachment. Without even realizing it, I have the attachment in my hands and begin scanning the text. 

My eyebrows rise while reading the words, this is even weirder than the letter itself. I try reading the hole thing without interruptions, so I don't have time to doubt anything. Under the short explanation stand instructions, that I need to follow to get my proof. It couldn't harm to try it out, right? 

I sit back and read the instructions. After a few times of reading the hole thing, I try to do exactly what is written in the text. The first time, absolutely nothing happens, but I really want to know what would happen if it did work, so I try it again. Step by step I do everything again, this time when I open my eyes, I scream very loud and bump with my head against the wall.

A few minutes long I stare at my hands, I just couldn't believe what I've seen. Very carefully I've touched the places where it happened, but it feels normal. It couldn't disappear like that, that isn't possible. Not that what happened is possible, but still. There shouldn't come light out of the palms of my hands, not even blue-greenish light. Even tough it couldn't happen, it does. 

 Loud knocking wakes me from my thoughts, it is Jeanette.

'Alexis honey, is everything alright?' she asks with a worried tone. 

'Yes Jeanette, I'm good. There was a big spider and it scared me. I think I've killed it, so there's nothing to worry about.'

I hear footsteps, which means that Jeanette has left and I am alone again. My hands are lying on my lap, still looking completely normal. Just to be sure I don't imagined it, I try it again. As soon as I open my eyes, I see the blue-greenish light coming out of my hands. It's still creepy, but I'm getting used to it. 

The lights disappear and I let myself fall on my bed. It takes a lot of energy to do that, more than I've expected. My eyes feel heavy, so I close them. It doesn't takes long before I've fallen asleep. I dream about the lights, the high school and how my room iss going to be like. 

When I wake up, the letter and attachment are still lying next to me. Suddenly I remember something about the colors of the light and which powers are related to them. As quickly as I could, I grab the attachment and look up the colors blue and green. I don't know the exact color, so I look at both. Blue and green combined is even an option, so lucky me I guess. I bite my lip softly when I see what the combination means, controlling the elements.

At first I couldn't imagine that all of those powers exist, there are so many of them. How could they put all those people in one school? Or are powers rare and only so few people have them that one person has an unique power that nobody else has. There's only one way to find out and that is by going to Dr. Lawrence High. Not that it's a choice, but my curiosity makes it a bit better. I really want to know about other people who are gifted, just like me. In the attachment stands that they don't call it having powers at the high school, but when someone has powers, he is gifted.

Slowly I rise from my bed and walk downstairs. It isn't a choice, I need to go to that school and my room there is already waiting for me. I really need to tell Jeanette and Paul, or in other words, my parents. I've never called them mom and dad, but they are cool with it. My brother calls them Jeanette and Paul too, so they are used to it. 

When I walk into the room, the familiar face of Paul immediately turns around to see me. A smile appears on his face. On the other couch, Jeanette's drinking some tea. I sit down on the big chair, so I could look at them both. 

'Do you want some tea honey?' Jeanette asks.

'Of course, I would like that.' I answer with a smile on my face.

Jeanette stands up and walks to the kitchen. I stare at Paul, who doesn't seem to notice it. He's quietly reading the newspaper. The silence's nice, like always. A few minutes later Jeanette comes back with a cup of  tea in her hands. She hands me the cup and I take it  while I smile at her. She sits down and looks at me. I quickly take a zip of my tea, so I don't need to say anything. It's hard to say, or even to find the right words. 

I open my mouth to say it, but I just can't. Under the instructions stands very clearly that nobody can know about the gifted people, not even my parents or brother. I need to find a way to tell them I'm going to live a mile outside of New York and that they can't visit me there.

First I look at Paul, who puts the newspaper away. His short black hair is trimmed and he's getting some wrickles. It makes him look older than he really is, he looks 50, while he is only 39. When he sits down, he almost looks normal sized. The truth is that he was huge, like 6'6 feet tall. He's lucky he isn't  fat, in fact, he has pretty muscular body. Next to Jeanette, he looks like a giant. 

Jeanette has finished her cup of tea and is looking at me curiously. She has enough reasons to do that, I usually don't sit with them without saying a word or wanting something from  them. This time, it's a bit different. She keeps staring at me with her blue eyes, the same eyes Lucas and I have. It's one of the few things I've got from Jeanette. Eyecolor and a bit of her lenght. She's 5'3 I guess and I'm 5'6, so I've gotten my height from her as well. Her hair is blonde and she has a friendly young face. If people guess her age, they usually say something like 28, ten years younger than she actually is. 

People often say I look like my mom, only with different colors. Maybe they are right, but I can't see it. My hair is curly and black, hers is straight and blonde. I've got an average height, she is really small. I can controle the elements, she can't. Am I the only one who can't see the resemblance?

I look a lot like Lucas, who's a year older than me. He also has black hair, only his hair's straight. His eyes are the same color as mine, deep blue. One of the few things that's different, are our heights. He's 6'2 and I am 5'6. We are both pretty thin, but he's working on a more muscular body in the gym and it's starting to pay off.

'Alexis, what is on your chest? I can feel that something is bothering you,' I hear Jeanette saying. 

For a second I look at her like she's out of her mind, but then I realize I'm the weird one. It takes me a while to think of the right answer, I can't tell the hole truth, only parts of it. I need to be very carefull with everything I say, I can't let anything slip out of my mouth.

'I'm fine, it's just that I've received a letter from Dr. Lawrence High. They want me to go to school there, just outside New York. There is a room ready for me, all I have to do, is go there. They offered me a scholarship, so you don't need to pay for anything.'

 Paul and Jeanette stop with everything they are doing and focus completely on what I'm saying. It isn't easy to say this, but it has to be said. I need to confince them, that I really want to go there. Even if it isn't true, I'm a pretty good liar.

'I've thought about it and I really like to go. It can be a great adventure and I still get lessons, so I can graduate like everybody else. I'll live there, with a lot of other people my age. Don't you think it's a great opportunity for me? Can I please go? I'll text you almost everyday, so you can be sure that I'm doing fine. There is one little thing, you can't visit me. It's one of the rules. So, please can I go? I really want to go.'

They stare at me for a while, without saying a word. Maybe they are surpized by my enthousiasm, they don't see that very often. The first one who makes a move, is Paul. He nods quickly with his head, but still can't speak. Jeanette also nods and it makes me jump enthousiastic.

'Really?! You guys are the best!' I scream.

Before they even realize it, I'm cuddling them. They laugh and then make me step back. I go upstairs, to pack all of my things. Suddenly I realize I haven't told them that I'm going tomorrow, well they will find out tomorrow then. 


So this  was the first chapter of Gifted. It was kind of a 'meet Alexis and her family' chapter, so no action or anything. I'm sorry for that, but this needed to be done. Next chapter will be better, I promise!

For the role of Alexis I was thinking about Emily Rudd, so if you wonder how Alexis looks like, look for her c: For the role of Lucas, Emily's brother Dan Rudd. It was a coincidence that she has a brother too, but a lucky one c: Pic of them together on the side


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