Regal Academy Fanfic: A Tale...

By jrenthusiast

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This is a book talking about the 2 popular Kingdoms: The Clever Kingdom and the Warrior Kingdom. The heart of... More

Informations Before You Read
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
"Bonus" Chapter
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 12

730 20 23
By jrenthusiast

(Play the video when you're reading the *Soundtrack On!* part and stop when there's a *Soundtrack Off* sign)

Teacher: The project is.... Wait, I forgot....

The teacher brutally search a paper on his desk. His desk is a mess.

Teacher: There you are! The information that we all need! So, each group have to make an ancient potion from an acient potion book which I will give it to you later and you have to present it to me.... Next week...

Bell rings.... 🔔 🔔🔔

Teacher: You may go home... And don't forget to take one ancient potion book for each of the group! See you next week!

He ran away from the class and go to the bathroom

Hawk: Joy

Joy: Yeah?

Hawk: Wanna do the project in my castle?

Joy: Sure, when?

Hawk: Today. Right now. From this second.

"Sheesh... He never been this strict before.... What did Ruby do to him??" Joy thought.

Hawk: Are you coming or not?!

Joy: Yes... I AM!

Joy rolled her eyes. They both go outside.

Hawk: Do you need a ride?

Joy: No. Thank you... I have my own horse and I know exactly how to ride it.

Joy jumped to her horse

Joy: Shall we go?

Hawk nodded. They go to Hawk's castle right away.

At Warrior Kingdom

Hawk: My room is on the second floor and it's the third door on your left.

Joy: What did you say?

Hawk: I said, my room is on the second floor and it's the third door on your left. Is that hard to remember?

Joy: I know that, but, you want me to go there alone??

Hawk: Of course... You're 13! You're old enough to do everything on your own...

He rolled his eyes. Being rude. And he also looked around him, it's like someone is watching him. Then sigh in relief. And that weirdness caught Joy's eyes.

"I know he's brainwashed by Ruby. But, should he mess around with me? No uh.. Besides, he act like he's been watched... Isn't that creepy and weird? And isn't it not polite if I go into his castle before the owner does? He became a little bit rude and creepy... Why do I even like him in the first place?! And why Rose is still care about this guy?! And why am I thinking this?! God, I should stop talking..." Joy snap out of her mind.

Hawk: Are you coming in or not?

Joy: Well, why don't YOU show me the way? FYI, I never come here before... And isn't it not polite if I go into your room before you come in?! And why are you being so rude and mean?!

Joy complained and so mad. Her pale white skin turned into a light shade of red. She is soo stressed out.

Hawk: What is FYI?

Joy: For Your Information, duh..

Hawk: Fine, let's go in...  I'll lead the way

Hawk sigh and grab Joy's hand, harshly. His hand is also trembling.

"Why his hand is trembling? Well, maybe he's scared! I'm getting good at acting! " Joy thought, smiling with no reason.

Hawk: Here we are! Now let's go to my room, quick!

Joy: Why?

Suddenly the Queen (LingLing) came into the ballroom where Hawk and Joy were talking

Ling Ling: Joy?

Hawk: That's why...

Joy: Um.. Your majesty...

Joy bowed. Ling Ling also bowed back.

Ling Ling: It's been a while you don't come and visit... Oh, and I still adore your turquoise hair, it's so cute! And is this new?

Ling Ling points Joy's new hairclip, this one:

Hawk: Mom, we're going to make our project! Please don't disturb us... Let's go!

Joy: I'm sorry majesty, I'll talk to you later...

In Hawk's Bedroom

Joy: Okay Mr. Mean and Rude, what potion should we do for our project?

Hawk: Before we decide, I wanna tell you something....

Hawk pushes Joy to the wall. Joy began to blush. Only a few inches away from each other.

Joy: Wh... What are you do- mmmmm

Hawk closed Joy's mouth, and whisper "Shh.. Close your eyes and listen this carefully...". Joy closed her eyes and start to focus. "Read this paper outside" he whispered. Hawk gave Joy a paper and told her to go outside his room.

Joy: "I lied. All this time I pretended to be brainwashed and mean, please don't tell Ruby about this... And I'll tell Rose about this when the moment is right. Luke is the first person that knows this secret. I can't tell you by words because I'm being watched by Ruby or her minions or her mighty bird or someone that is related to her. Thank you for understanding.
P.S: Can you do me a favor?". Well, it depends how hard the favor  is...

Travis: Joy? What are you doing in here? I thought you're in Hawk's room

Joy: I was... I was, searching! Yea, searching!

Travis: Searching for what?

Joy: The.... Bathroom??

Travis: Why don't you say so? It's next to the library. You've been here before, right? When you were little?

Joy: Really? I forgot... Anyways, thank you, your majesty...

Joy nervously bowed to Travis and run away from Travis.

Joy: Did I lose him? Yup, I did. Now what should I do? Wait, why am I running away? Oh yeah I was nervous back there. I guess I should confirm Rose about this? No, he said he will say it himself. He said he's been watched, so I can't make a wrong and stupid move or word that will make Ruby or Ruby's minion know that he's pretending. Oh! I have an idea!

After the idea popped up....

Joy: Now I feel like I'm "The Great and Clever Astoria"! I'm feeling clever! Wait, I also feel a little concern about this plan... Is this why mommy always look frustated about a risky plan? Just hope this will work...

*Soundtrack On!*

Joy: Tie this in here, and here and also over here. Yup! I'm ready! I'll name this plan "Kidnapping Time!". Now, it's time to take risk!

The library

Joy: The target is on a tree, I'll shoot her right away...

Joy took her water gun, her mightiest water gun that will shoot water about 3 ml/ second with a capacity distance for 2 or 3 meters. (Just think it can shoot a lot of water in a far distance in a second if you were confused). She shot the target, and her target is about to fall down right on the hard bushes.
Ruby's minion: Nooooo!!!!

Bam! She's down.

Joy: The Great and Risk Taker Joy, one. Little minion, zero. I should go see Hawk...

*Soundtrack Off*

Hawk rushed to the library and meet Joy on the way.

Joy: Sup, Hawk? If you ask, where's Ruby's minion? She's down there.

Hawk tries to catch his breath. Joy walk closer near Hawk's ear.

Joy: You don't have to thank me, and right now, call me the "Risk Taker"

Joy patted Hawk's shoulder, but Hawk grabs Joy's hand.

Hawk: Are you crazy women?! That's your sister you.. You... Risk Taker!

Joy: Wait, what?!

Hawk: Follow me...

The bushes

Rose: Ouch.. This bushes is really hard...

Hawk: Rose! Are you okay???

Rose: Do you think I'm fine?!

Hawk: Well, sort of...

Joy: Rose! I'm very very very very sorry, I didn't mean to do that... I'm really sorry... Do you need a help?

Rose: Sure, thank you... Well, I have to head back home, I don't want to disturb your hard work... So see you at school!

Hawk: No! Don't go... What about you stay for a while? Maybe a tea or snack?

Rose: You don't have to, I'm going to head home soon and Luke is waiting for me...

Joy: That's fine... Leave that little and lonely Luke alone, it's one of his talent! Now, let's get some tea..


Maid: Here is your tea your majesty...

The maid bowed and go away

Rose: Why thank you... Do you guys make any progress?

Hawk: Hm? What progress?

Rose: The project... Duh...

Hawk: We didn't make any progress

Rose: What ancient potion do you choose?

Hawk: We... Didn't choose the ancient potion yet...

Joy: In fact, we don't even bother ourselves to open the freakin' book!

Joy gave Hawk an angry look

Hawk: Why are you looking me like that?!

Joy: This is all your fault, you know?

Hawk: My fault?! It's all yours!

Joy: Mine?!

Hawk: Yes, if you don't play Mission Impossible, none of this will happen! And why don't you go straight to my room after you're done reading it?!

Joy: Your Dad scared me!

Hawk: Is he trying to be a Beast again?

Joy: No

Hawk: Good. Then, why are you scared?

Joy: I was nervous...

Hawk: And why are you nervous?

Joy: You said, "Don't tell anyone about this, okay?". I'm doing the right thing!

Hawk: Good point...

And their little argument make Rose feel left out... She drank her tea and stood up.

Rose: I think I have to go back to the castle, Luke is waiting for me..

Hawk: How do you know?

Rose: A bird told me...

Joy: What????

Rose: Goodbye!

Rose walked backwards to the door, then she bump into someone. It's Rose. Rose bumped onto Rose, you get it? So, one of them is an imposter. Hawk and Joy are also shocked.

Rose 1

Rose 2

Rose 2: Who are you??

Rose 1: Um.. I'm.... Rose! My name is Rose! The First!

"This Rose with the dress look a little worried and nervous, her hands are trembling! My dear sister Rose will never do it! Well most of the time her hands aren't trembling, but she wiggled it" Joy thought.

Hawk: Rose!

Rose 2: Yes?

Rose 1 answer the call a little late..
From that, Hawk knows who's the real Rose that he knows.

Hawk: Rose, you're the real Rose..

Hawk patted Rose 2's shoulder

Rose 1: No she's not! I'm the real Rose!

Rose 2: No! It's me! Hawk please believe me...

Rose 1: No! Don't trust that imposter! Just believe in me!

Then both of the Rose argue. While their arguing, Joy felt bored and start to do her project, left Hawk alone in this "Rose problem".


They stopped

Hawk: I'm going to give you both a question that only the real Rose know! So, are you ready?

Both of Rose: Yes!

Hawk: The question is.....

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