It All Began With A Letter

By innocentuniverse

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Letters. Who knew they could hold your future? Your love? Your job? A fortune? Good news? Bad news? Change mo... More

It All Began With A Letter
Chapter 1: Meeting Asher
Chapter 2: Ice Cream
Chapter 3: Hidden Talent
Chapter 4: Matching Names and Faces With Jerks
Chapter 5: Flirting In Class
Chapter 6: Party Time
Chapter 7: Healing Burns
Chapter 8: Italian Restuarant
Chapter 9: Clubbing Hard
Chapter 10: Re-meeting Sam
Chapter 11: Shopping Time
Chapter 13: Wish You Were Here
Chapter 14: Everyone Has Problems
Chapter 15: Dealing With Danny
Chapter 16: Depressing News
Chapter 17: Memories
Chapter 18: Songs to Play
Chapter 19: A Day I Want To Forget
Chapter 20: The Dinner
Chapter 21: We're More Alike Than You Think
Chapter 22: The New Student
Chapter 23: Malibu
Chapter 24: Counting Stars
Chapter 25: Candy
Chapter 26: Takes Being A Rebel To Know One
Chapter 27: Young Forever
Chapter 28: Home Sweet Home...
Chapter 29:Graduation

Chapter 12: Free Period

449 12 0
By innocentuniverse

I sighed as I stepped off the bus and onto school grounds.

Logan and Ashley stood behind me, talking about some other party they went to over the weekend. Not that I was mad or jealous. Of them or not going to the party at least. I was just mad because I had to come to school and I was jealous of all the people that had graduated from college.

But no matter how bad I hated school, I could never drop out. I promised people I wouldn't. Eliza, Drew, myself, and them.

I blinked to keep tears from spilling out. I was at school and needed to stay strong. If anyone saw me crying, they'd take advantage of me and I wouldn't let that happen.

I marched forward up to the school steps, taking them two at a time, before pushing open the door. I walked down the hallway as guys stared, girls glared and whispered, and me? I just kept my head up high and walked over to my locker.

I put in my combination and opened my locker before shoving all my books in. I glanced at my school schedule that I had taped up on my locker. First period I had math and then I had English class. Why we had English, I still wasn't sure considering I could speak English. I could really care less about saying things the 'proper' way.

I grabbed my math book and notebook along with my english items and stuffed them in my backpack before shutting my locker closed.

"Riley!" yelled a voice.

Everyone's heads turned toward the voice. Yep, I might not have been popular like the blondes, but everyone at my school loved to gossip and get in each other's personal lives.

I turned my head to see Asher running around groups of people, towards me.

"What?" I asked when he reached me.

"Hey," he said.

"I have to go to class. I'll talk to you later," I said as I walked around him.

"Wait, are you mad at me?" he asked.

I shook my head no. I wasn't mad at him. I just hated having to get up early for something I hate a.k.a. school. Plus I didn't get to have breakfast and my stomach was growling like crazy!

"No but I got to go. Bye," I said before I stalked off, my converses making contact with the floor.

I walked towards the cafeteria and grabbed three nectarines. I was only eating one right now but during lunch, they usually took away the fruits or there were none left. And I'd probably want one to eat after school also or sometime while transitioning or free period.

I glanced around the cafeteria and spotted an empty table near the back. I headed towards it and sat down, throwing my bags onto the table.

Five minutes later, I got up and threw the core in the trash before heading off towards math. I never dreaded math though because for one, I was good at it. And two, I loved my teacher.

A smile crept onto my face as I walked into class. Only a few people were here so far.

Ms. Berkley sat on her swivel chair with her feet on her desk, earbuds in her ears as she listened to music coming from her iPhone.

Ms. Berkley was really young-Only twenty three or so- yet she was smart and understood us. She was really fun and cool. If we finished our work early, she'd let us talk and hang out or even go roam around the school and have a mini- free period. Or if she didn't have a lesson planned or if she was absent, we'd get a free period.

When I walked in, she smiled up and me and waved. I smiled and waved back before walking over to where some girls were, perched on top of desks.

They weren't those Barbie kind of girls. They were those normal, nice girls that weren't fond of the Barbies either. I called them my allies.

I spotted a free desk near them and jumped onto it.

"Hey Riley," One girl, Sophia, said.

"Hey," I said back. "What we talking 'bout?"

"The girls' basketball game this evening," some girl Jannette answered. "You going?"

"I guess I could go," I answered.

Then I remembered something. "But I don't know how I would get home," I said, sighing.

"Just ask Asher to bring you," another girl named Annabeth told me.

I wrinkled my nose in disgust. I still hadn't talked to him today since that mini conversation we had before I headed to the cafeteria and frankly, I didn't want to talk about him. I don't know why. I just didn't.

"Ew, no thanks!" I stated.

"Why not?" Lindsey asked.

"Because, I don't want to. He's a jerk anyways," I replied, trying not to think about the way his lips felt on mine and the way we held hands in the car.

I bit my lip to keep from smiling at those thoughts.

"Psh!" Jannette said. "Yeah right. More like Mr. Hottie Lamati with the swimmer's body," she stated as she winked at the girls next to her.

Okay, so I had forgotten how annoying and girly they could get sometimes. I rolled my eyes at her statement before speaking.

"If you guys want to so bad, then why don't you guys ride with him?" I asked.

After an awkward pause, they all burst out laughing.

I stared blankly at them. "What?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Us," Annabeth started, "With..with him? You're hilarious my friend!"

"Fine, then," I stated. "Don't believe me? I'll prove you wrong," I said.

Annabeth was about to reply when the bell rang, signaling first period, and Ms. Berkley spoke up.

"Okay, everyone! Get in your seats now and open up to page 148," she yelled as she wrapped her neon pink earbuds around her iPhone before placing it on her desk, and opening her teacher's book up to the page.

I glanced around and noticed that sure enough, everyone had come into class.

Annabeth, Lindsey, Jannette, and I slid off the desks and walked over to our seats. I slid into my seat in the back as Travis walked over to sit next to me. Before he could get in the seat though, Blake slid into it and winked at me.

"Sorry bud," I told him. "Flirting sessions are only allowed when that asshole is around. Now move."

"No thanks!" he said as he took his math book out. "Now what page was it?"

"It was the 'move or else I'll kill you' page," I said glaring at him.

"Ooo, I like fiesty," he said winking.

A made a mental note that Blake was just like Asher. A self-centered asshole who's popular and thinks that they're all that. I decided next time to just go along with Dylan.

"Really? Well, you'll definitely love me," said a voice.

I turned to see Travis, fists clecnched by his side, with an angry expression on his face.

"Oh, sorry dude!" Blake said as he shot up out of his seat, grabbing his stuff, and hurried over to an empty desk over near the wall.

Travis chuckled as he sat down. "I love how they're afraid of me."

"Why are they again?" I asked curiously.

"What page is it?" he asked trying to change the subject as he leaned over to look at the page on my book.

I quickly covered it up with my hand before he could see. "Tell me," I ordered him.

"It's a long story okay? Just give me the page number," he snapped.

I flinched. "Page 148," I mumbled as I turned my attention to the book and used my hair as a curtain to shield me from the outside world.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry Riley," Travis said as he touched my forearm.

I shrugged his hand off. "Don't touch me. Now shut up and pay attention," I told him.

Ms. Berkley continued on with the lesson talking about variables and different equations. I tried to stay awake during it and focus but somehow I couldn't. Ever since that incident, I'd hated it when people I actually cared about snapped at me. That's one reason why I became tough and a slight bitch. It was all due to my past.

As soon as the bell rang, I jumped up from my seat and gathered my stuff before heading out the door to English. English class was practically all the way on the other side of the building. Luckily, there wasn't too much traffic in the hall so I got three in three minutes flat.

When I stepped in, I noticed Mason in the back talking to some guys. One of them was Tyler. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair before walking over to one of the desks and placing my stuff on it. I then slid into the seat and rested my head on it, closing my eyes, before groaning.

"Ugh," I groaned.

When I opened my eyes, I saw all the guys looking at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Sexy," one of them said.

I rolled my eyes at their comment.

"Hey," Mason said smiling at me.

"Hi," I answered back dull.

"What's wrong?" he asked furrowing his eyebrows as his smile turned into a frown.

"I need coffee," I said suddenly sitting up. "Shit, I forgot my coffee this morning!"

Mason chuckled. "Cool down," he said, sliding into the desk next to me. "We can get some next period."

"You don't have a free period next period," I told him.

"Yea, so?" he asked.

I smiled as I leaned over and gave him a hug. "Thanks so much, Mason! I love you," I said, squeezing him as I acted like one of those mushy, clingy girls.

He must've gotten my message because he commented saying, "Ew! Clingy much?"

We both burst out laughing.

"It's ok," I said pulling away. "You wish had me," I told him.

The guys started laughing.

"Oooo! Burned!" they screamed.

"Yes, I do," Mason said winking.

"Mason, your 'charm' doesn't work on me," I told him.

"Yes it does!" He yelled.

"In your dreams!" I replied.

"You sure as hell betcha!" he told me, trying to contain a smile from forming on his lips.

"Mason Taylor? Dreaming about me? Bout time!" I said throwing my hands up in the air.

"You should see you in my dreams. Damn girl, you go hard," he said.

"Don't forget to tap it," I said winking at him.

"Never," he replied, winking back at me.

Then, finally, we both burst out laughing as the guys looked at us in complete and utter confusion.

"You...guys...haha...your faces!" Mason stated pointing at him.

"Priceless," I said laughing as Mason and I high-fived each other.

"You thought that was real?" Mason asked. "I mean, I know my charm works on her but her charm on me? No way!" Mason said.

I smacked him before replying. "Last time I checked, you were the one that said you dreamt about me, going hard, and you tapped it," I told him.

I smirked as he looked at me, his face showing I had proven my point.

"Whatever," he muttered.

"Okay class!" Mr. Hill told him as we settled into our seats. "Next assignment; essay!"

Everyone groaned and I joined along with them when really, I was bursting with excitement inside. I loved essays. Somehow, a part of me was left in all of mine and if you placed them together carefully, you'd learn everything about me. Probably more than I know about me.


After class, Mason and I walked over to the cafeteria where they had this little coffee place. I ordered an iced caramel latte and Mason ordered the same.

After that, we walked over to my locker.

"Here, hold this," I told Mason, handing him my latte to hold.

He gripped it.

"Don't drink it!" I told him.

"Why would I? I have the same thing!" He replied.

He had a point. I just ignored it and opened my locker before shoving my books and whatnot into my locker. Then I closed my locker, took my latte, and gave Mason a hug.

"What're you doing?" he asked me when I pulled away.

"Giving you a hug?" I said slowly even though it came out like a question.

"Why?" he asked.

"Because you need to go back to class. Get another C and your mom will kill you!" I told him.

He pouted and slumped his shoulders. "Fine, but do I get a kiss?" he asked puckering up.

I laughed before shoving him on the shoulder. "You're such a freak," I told him.

"I know!" he answered with a cheeky grin. "But that's why you love me. Now, can I at least get a hug?"

"I just gave you a hug!" I exclaimed.

"Yea, but I wasn't prepared," Mason said.

"You're so complicated sometimes," I said laughing before I hugged him again. This time he hugged me back.

After he headed off to class, I took my messenger bag out of my locker and dropped it over my shoulder. I then took out my iPod and placed my earbuds in my ear, as 'Glad You Came' blasted through them, filling my head.

I walked outside on the lawn and glanced around. Not many people were out here. The school planned free periods so not that many people would have one at the same time, that way nothing big could really happen. I'm not sure it really worked out though seeing that there were usually fights. Most of the time, they didn't even know what went on in their own business place.

As I glanced around, I saw people doing homework, talking to each other, on their laptops, or like me, with their earbuds in, not giving a shit about the world outside them. I walked towards a tree before sitting down and resting my back against it and closing my eyes.

I opened my eyes a little while later. I checked the time. Twenty minutes had passed by and now 'Ships in the Night' filled my ears as I took in the lyrics.

Like ships in the night letting cannon balls fly

Say what you mean and it turns to a fight

Fist fly from my mouth as it turns south

You're down the driveway... I'm on the couch

Chasing your dreams since the violent 5th grade

Trying to believe in your silent own way

Cause we'll be ok... I'm not going away

Like you watched at fourteen as it went down the drain

And pops stayed the same and your moms moved away

How many of our parents seem to make it anyway

We're just fumbling through the grey

Trying find a heart that's not walking away

Turn the lights down low

Walk these halls alone

We can feel so far from so close

Like ships in the night

You keep passing me by

We're just wasting time

Trying to prove who's right

And if it all goes crashing into the sea

If it's just you and me trying to find the light

Like ships in the night

You're passing me by

You're passing me by

Like ships in the night

I blinked back tears. I wasn't sure why or how but somehow this song related to me.

I got up from the ground, the song still blaring in my ears as I got an idea. I ran across the lawn, into the school, and ran down the hall before coming to the auditorium. There it was.

Perched on the stage was a big, shiny, black, grand piano. I glanced around to make sure no one was there before walking down the aisle and onto the stage. I glanced around again before slowly and catiously placing my rear end on the bench.

I uncovered the keys as I strummed my fingers along the top of them. Then I played a note. Then two. Then a few more. Then I took out my earplugs and sure enough, it sounded just like the song. I began singing too.

I'm at the airport waiting on the second plane

Had to pack you had cramps

And I was late heading to a red carpet

They wont know my name

Riding in silence

All that we wanna say

Bout to board when you call on the phone

You say I'm sorry I'll be waiting at home

Feels like we're burning this out on our own

Trying to find our way down a road we don't know

Turn the lights down low

Walk these halls alone

We can feel so far

From so close

Like ships in the night

You keep passing me by

Just wasting time

Trying to prove who's right

And if it all goes crashing into the sea

Its just you and me

Trying to find the light

Like ships in the night

Your passing me by

Your passing me by

Like ships in the night

At the end, I faded it little by little until it stopped.

I heard clapping and suddenly I froze. I closed my eyes, inhaling and exhaling.

Deep breaths, I told myself.

Finally, thinking whatever or whomever it was had gone away. I opened my eyes slowly and turned around.

Sure enough, I was wrong. There stood Mr. Jackson, our music teacher. I let out a sigh of relief though. At least it wasn't Asher or someone else.

"I never knew, I mean, you. Riley Jones," he started.

"Yea," I snapped. "Well get over it because I'll make sure it doesn't happen again."

"Riley, no. I mean, I know there's a lot of pressure in high school. I understood that. But seriously, you have talent! Now I'm not saying to just go and play in front of everyone but would private lessons be alright?" he asked.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hand as I thought about it.

"You can't tell me you didn't feel amazing, important, something special when you were up there," he told me.

"Dont tell me that!" I snapped. "I am special," I said lowering my voice and looking at the floor.

"I know you didn't chose to be that way. You're only this way because you're scared. Scared of letting people in. I get it. We have a lot in common.  I threw my dreams away but please Riley, don't throw yours away."

I sighed again. He was right. I did feel good up there. I felt important and needed. All of my worries faded away.

"What days?" I asked.


Author's note:

AHHHH! So Riley agreed to private lessons! What do you think will happen?

I think that chapter was fairly long. I'll try to upload tomorrow but no promises. I'm on vacation and want to enjoy it but I will try to.

The song for this chapter is 'Ships In The Night' by Mat Kearney. So check it out on the side -> It's an amazing song and I just heard it on the radio a few days ago and ever since, I've had it stuck in my head so it's constantly on replay. Haha.

I also gave Mason, Lauren, and Sammy characters so you can check that out also.

Um, that's it, I guess. I'm trying to improve my writing and do better so I hope this chapter showed improvement.

Also, you saw more of Mason in this chapter. Any thoughts on him?

I know Asher wasn't really in this chapter but don't worry. I haven't forgotten about him. I just really wanted to do a chapter without him and focus on other stuff but I'll include him in the next chapter. Gosh, I have so many ideas for the upcoming chapters, it's not even funny. But what's funny is that you'll never see it coming!

MUAHAHAHAHA! LMAO :] Okay well check out the song, characters, sing, dance around your room in your underwear, idk . Lol but only do that after you comment/ vote/ fan. Thanks! Just click that white star button up there and then you are free to dance around your room like a freak. In your underwear. While using your hairbrush as a microphone. :] haha bye!

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