Mindless Behavior Love Story...

By -trippypositivevibes

107K 2.1K 213


Mindless Behavior Love Story Rated R (The Prince-Ton)
The Concert
At The Hotel
At the Hotel PT.2
Making Love and More ..... <3
Back to school
Back To School Pt.2
At School
The Beatdown
WTF ?!? how can 1+1=3?
1+1=3? its me and you and who?
1+1=3? but not you and me!
Le Accidentè
Buena Boo Bye (Goodbye Boo) Hola Bebé (Hello Baby)
Goodbye Boo , Hello Baby Pt. 2
cause ... i... am.... superwoman ~Alicia Keys~
Dude , Are You a PSYCOPATH!
Work !
Brightside :) (this song my jam) and a Surprise
mi hermosa hija (My Beautiful Daughter)
Drama Mamma
All about Da Money!
The Call
Moving Day /Once A Cheater ...
....always a cheater
............... *idk what to call this chapter*
i will always love you no matter what!
At The Same Damn Time Pt. 1
Chappie 31 : At the same Damn Time Pt.2
Me Too!
Me Too Pt.2!
I'm Falling
Ready For Love
Bye Bye Bitch ( filler)
Worst Behavior
How Could You?!
Wedding Bails
(Last Chapter :/ SORRY!) We Got A Future

I Don't Believe In Fairy Tales

1.1K 28 1
By -trippypositivevibes


***** 5 YEARS LATER ***


Me: i'm sorry i didn't mean to i just forgot!


Me: but babe i was just stressed i needed a way out

Prince: cutting yourself and over-taking pills is not a way out IT IS A WAY TO DIE!

Me: i'm sorry * i began to cry*

???: Mommy , what's wrong? * they all said in sync*

Me: i'm sorry girls ... i just needed to get some releif but now i'm fine

~ After all ... D'Mya had triplets ... Syntara had twins and .... Marvelous had 1 more child ... before she comitted suicide

Triplets Bio:

Princess (of course she's the oldest) : She's a misfit just like her dad ... She got bullied until some summer day D'Mya took all the girl's out for Makeover's they all came out looking Flawless

April (youngest): GIRLY-GIRL ALERT! She's nothing like her dad she was always popular just like her mom she even had her first boyfriend back in 3rd grade ...

Missy: (Middle): TOTAL Tomboy ... ALWAYS wearing blue she got a lil' boyfriend too shhh... Jacob (Prince) dont know anything about their boyfriends She's in the middle of Popular and Misfit a Popular-Misfit :) (like that exists but oh well...)

Twins & Chrestano Jr. Bio:

Chrestano Jr.: Looks are deceiving with this lil' boy! He seems all innocent and crap but he's just like his dad ... he got 1 main h- 2 side chicks and 2 back-up's mm mmh mmh just like his daddy!

Brittany: Nerdy ... Glasses and everything

Brianna: JUST LIKE PRINCESS(They even got their own lil' clique formd awe how cute) + A tiny bit of Syntara she inherited that whoop -ass gene


J.J.: She's a tomboy because she only raised by her dad ... he doesn't know how to shop for girls ... she barely goes to see her cousins...


Prince POV

Me: How could you do this? * i asked sadly*

'Mya: i was stressed over something happening in my life ...

Me: what is it?

'Mya: YOU actually caused it...

Me: how ? what? when? huh?

'Mya: just think about how many times i've rejected you for sex ... and multiply tht by 2 weeks

Me: *thinks* you're 6 weeks pregnant?

'Mya: ta-da another one on the way! * she says sarcastically*

Me: oh man ...

'Mya: by the time you're off of tour shor he will be here ...

That's right ... MB is back together everyone is back in the house except well ya' know ... Marvelous

Prod POV

It's been hard these past couple of month's ... Since Marvelous is gone we're about to go back on tour yes i decided to get back with the group ... for our 3rd album it's called :

Beach Love

i didn't come up with the name ... Walter & Keisha did ...

Me: wassup y'all? * we had just arrived to Prince & D'Mya's house * they had the most kids ...

All ex. kids: Hey Prod...

Prod: hey babygirl ... go play with the girls and Chres Jr.

J.J. : sure dad * says with attitude while going upstairs*

Prod: y'all noticed she starting to get an attitude ...

Syntara: she got that lil' Marvelous spark* tears start to form in the corner of her left eye*

Roc: babe it's alright , ok?

Syntara: *stops crying* ok *wipes tears* *sighs of relief*

Roc: alright *hugs her*

D'Mya: me & prince gotta annoucement to make ..

All ex. Prince & 'Mya (even the kids come downstairs nosey asses): What it is?

D'Mya: I'm pregnant again!

All ex. for the triplet's: YAY! WHOO HOO! AWESOME! COOL!

Missy: are you serious! *she yells*

Jacob (Prince): umm xcuse me lil' children are to be seen and not heard bye bye now

Princess: But daddy it's not fair me & the girls are just fine by ourselves we don't need another lil' bro or sis !

Jacob: well it wasn't my decision

Triplets: ugh! *stomp up the stairs*


D'Mya: and you wonder where they get it from

Jacob: nuh uuh they get it from YOU *starts to tickle D'Mya*

ALL ex. Prince & D'Mya: ok we gotta go before this gets heated ...

D'Mya & Prince: Bye

ALL: Byee!

**** 5 Mins. Later ****

D'Mya: *hovering on top of him* ya' know we never had our Fairy Tale dream wedding *kisses her*

Prince: You know i don't believe in fairy tales ...

D'Mya : oh really you don't huh? so what i am to you?

Prince: My queen

D'Mya: that ain't gonna cut it ... *getting mad*

Prince: well i just don't know what else to call you?

D'Mya: *gets off of him* leave me alone ...

Prince: babe come back !

D'Mya : don't you babe me!

Prince: I'm sorry

D'mya: LEAVE ME ALONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!! *slams bedroom door and locks it*

Prince: Looks like you've lost this one Princee ...

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