Alpha King

By rerogers15

244K 4.6K 191

Benjamin Kingston is the Alpha King. After four years of searching he kinds his mate, an omega from the Ash P... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Not an Update
Part 15
not an update!
Part 16
Author's note
Update from previous A/N

Part 3

22.5K 375 39
By rerogers15

We are almost to the cars when two awful voice start screaming. "Wait! You don't want her! She's the slut!" Margret's daughters yell. I feel Ben's hand tighten around mine. "Is this true?" he asks calmly. "No, those are Beta Margret's daughters." I reply letting him listen to my heartbeat for honesty.

Nodding his head he turns to the girls. "This is my mate and your new queen. Athena is coming with me and due to the fact that your whole family has lied to me, you all are stripped of your titles as the beta family. Goodbye." Ben growls taking me to the car.

I look out the window happy to be leaving with my mate. "Athena, when we reach the palace, I will introduce you to my parents and my sisters. I'll also have the pack doctor check on you." I smiled as he placed his and over mine. " I promise I'll keep you safe." he adds.


At some point I must have fallen asleep in the car because Ben is waking me up. "Athena, we're here!" he smiles. I look up to see the grand palace he had been talking about.

When the car comes to a stop, Ben quickly helps me out of the car before wrapping an arm around my waist causing me to wince. "Athena, are you okay?" he asks concerned. "I'm fine." I reply softly.

Nodding he leads me into the palace and into the kitchen. "Mom, Dad. I'd like to introduce you to my mate." Ben says with a concerned smile. "Benjamin, she's weak, why?" his Dad asks. "Her old pack's Beta's abused her." Ben growls slightly. "Well sweetheart, I'll take you to get cleaned up and then we will go see the pack doctor." Ben's mom says with a smile.

As we begin walking she tells me to just call her mom. "So Athena, in the palace we always wear dresses. It's sort of a custom." she says with a smile. "Mom, who is this?" one of four girls ask walking up. "Girls this is your brothers mate, Athena. I'm taking her to get cleaned up and then i'm going to take her to the pack doctor." Mom smiles.

I look at each of the girls who all look alike. "I hope you like it here, you must've had it rough wherever you lived before now." one of the younger girls said with a soft smile. "Well girls, go on and get ready for dinner." Mom smiles before leading me into a room.

After taking a warm shower, she drys my hair letting the natural blonde curls cascade down my back. I change into a soft baby blue dress and then she leads me to the pack doctor.

A young woman around the age of maybe thirty came in bowing her head and smiling. "Ah this must be Athena, Benjamin's mate?" she asks. "Yes, she is. She was abused in her old pack, I suspect as her soon-to-be Aunt you will take care of her?" Mom asks or more demands. "Of course Paisley. Now go on and make dinner, I'll take care of her." the woman smiles.

After a few moments Mom left the room. "I'm Helen. I'm going to take a look at you make sure you're healthy." Helen smiled.

Afterwards a red haired girl walked into the room with an obvious baby bump. "I need you to make sure the baby is okay, I'm sure Ben wouldn't want his baby hurt." the girl growled. "How many times do I have to tell you it's not his baby. He has never slept with you and I know this because I know your mate and he said you were a virgin." Helen growls back.

Quickly I get up and leave the room. "Athena, I'm so sorry about that. She's basically the bitch around here. Just show her you are the true queen and she'll back off." Helen smiles walking to the kitchen with me.

Ben quickly makes his way over before kissing my forehead and pulling me to a chair next to him. "She's perfectly healthy, just a little bit of food and some clean bandages on her cuts and she will be perfect." Helen smiles at Ben and I.

We instantly dig into the food as soon as it's placed on the table by the cooks. "So Athena, first off I'd like to apologize for my words when you arrived. Second I believe you should know that as a queen you must provide a heir to the thrown. The heir is to be a male only. A daughter can't be the heir because a male will carry on the family name." Ben's Dad says sternly.

Well this won't be an awkward dinner at all. I thought about what Ben and I's life would hold.

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