The Fire Within

paris_girl22 द्वारा

203K 6.7K 3.6K

"I could have hurt you. I could have killed you without even meaning to." "I'll never leave you, Stiles. You... अधिक

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 15

3.8K 128 14
paris_girl22 द्वारा

*Third POV*

Stiles is currently researching on his computer about what berserkers are. Even if Peter and Derek gave them the important information, maybe they were missing something. Stiles opened a new tab and typed in 'Berserkers and werejaguars'. Stiles comes across a web page that has a painting that looks exactly like the berserker him and Scott fought off earlier that day. The only different thing about the painting is that this one looked more like a bear. The caption read:

'Berserkers are the result of a living human vessel that is inhabited by an animal spirit, the bear, and so they become like the bear. By encasing themselves in garments consisting of a bear's pelt or bones, the vessel channels the animal spirit and imbues himself with the bear's nature, strength and ferocity.

Berserkers are instinctively loyal to, can be conjured and commanded by and serve the supernatural being known as La Loba, or werejaguar.

These Berserkers are dressed in elaborate but crude armor constructed out of bone, wear skulls over their heads and faces, are armed with a detachable bone blades on their right arms, and outfitted with claws on their left.'

Stiles sighs as he closes his laptop. There wasn't much new information, but berserkers sound terrifying. When Stiles fought one of the horrid creatures with Scott, at first he thought they were going to die. Thankfully, they managed to defeat the thing, but only barely. Stiles suddenly heard the front door being open and his dad shouting in greeting.

Stiles didn't bother to get up from bed since his dad is going to pass through his room anyway. After a minute, the Sheriff gently knocks on Stiles' door. "Come in." Stiles says and his dad opens the door slightly.

"Hey kiddo, how was school?" His dad asks, leaning against the wooden frame of the door.

Stiles argues inside his head whether he should tell his dad about the berserkers or not. In the end, Stiles decides to tell him. His dad is going to find out sooner or later. It might as well be from Stiles' mouth. Plus, he doesn't want to be grounded for more time than he already is.

"Um, well, if you call fighting off a monster at school good, then I guess it was a good day." Stiles answers after a few moments, plastering an obvious fake smile on his face. The Sheriff's expression grows worried. He folds his arms over his chest and walks further into the room.

"You what?" The Sheriff asks with disbelief, voice a pitch higher than usual.

"Don't freak out, okay? I can explain. I promise I didn't upset some terrifying monster that could destroy all of Beacon Hills." Stiles replies, quickly sitting up and pushing his laptop to the side.

"Then tell me, Stiles. Why the hell did you fight off a monster? Are you hurt?" The Sheriff asks in stern tone, but his voice is also laced with concern for his only son.

"I'm fine, Dad. I heal, remember? Anyway, Scott was there with me. We fought off the monster together. I have no idea why it was here, but I'm going to guess it has something to do with the werejaguar, Kate Argent. Yeah, the resurrected psycho hunter that I was telling you about a few days ago." Stiles tells his dad.

"The crazy psychos have a tendency to be resuscitated apparently." Stiles adds. Sheriff Stilinski rolls his eyes.

"Get to the point, Stiles. What was this monster? Did anyone get hurt?" The Sheriff asks impatiently, not in the mood for Stiles' jokes or sarcasm.

"They are called berserkers, the creatures are basically controlled by Kate, and yeah a freshmen girl was scratched. I think she's fine now though, maybe a little traumatized that she saw one of the many things that go bump at night in flesh and bone." Stiles explains.

"What does Kate want?" Noah asks his son worriedly.

"We... don't know. I might have been looking through some of your cases earlier... the strange murders happening in Beacon County, but are getting closer to Beacon Hills. The pack and I are pretty sure that it's Kate. Werejaguars are very... thorough in their killings, I guess." Stiles shrugs nonchalantly, hoping his dad wouldn't catch onto what Stiles said that he did.

"Wait, you've been looking through my cases?" The Sheriff asked with narrowed eyes.

"Out of everything I said, you only got that? Really Dad?" Stiles sighs exasperatedly.

"They are private cases, Stiles. A teenage boy should not be looking through them." The Sheriff responds in a firm tone. "Ah, you know me, Dad. When I see something that people tell me that I can't look at or open, of course I'm going to do the opposite. I have a need to see what could be so bad that people wouldn't want me knowing about." Stiles replies with a mischievous grin on his face.

"Of course you do the opposite of what you're told." The Sheriff sighs and shakes his head, knowing his son was right. "So, how are we going to find Kate exactly?" The Sheriff asks, deciding to change the topic a little bit.

"Argent is working on it. He's trying to track her down. I thought I could help out by trying to find a pattern with Kate's murders, but I don't have anything so far, they all seem like random killings." Stiles answers, feeling a little frustrated with himself. He took pride in always figuring mysteries out. He always saw the patterns, always placing the last piece of the jigsaw puzzle in place. This time however, he has nothing. The murders are so random. The only thing that Stiles can come up with is that Kate can't control her werejaguar side and lashes out at anyone, which of course isn't going to help Stiles and the others find her or figure out what she wants.

"Despite everything Dad, I still came straight home after school. No detours, no nothing. I didn't even go to the pack meeting tonight, so I guess you can be happy about that." Stiles rolls his eyes in annoyance. He has been completely perfect with this grounding, which is quite unusual for him. Well, except for Malia staying over for the night, but Stiles was never telling his dad that. Stiles doesn't need to be grounded for any longer than he already is or have 'the talk' with his dad again. It was bad enough the first time. It would just be even worse the second time around, especially since Stiles is a bit older. The Sheriff sighs and sits down on the edge of Stiles' bed.

"Look Stiles, I've been thinking and because of your conduct today, I decided that instead of a month you'll be grounded until next Friday. Just as long as you don't go on another suicide mission to Mexico. Got it?" The Sheriff offers the deal to Stiles. All annoyance quickly disappears from Stiles, replaced by happiness.

"Yup, got it. Thanks, Dad. You're the best!" Stiles grins widely. The Sheriff smiles back at his son. He pats Stiles' leg and stands up. "I think I should head to bed, I have an early shift tomorrow. You should go to sleep too, Stiles." The Sheriff suggests to his son. Stiles nods.

"Alright. I didn't find out much on berserkers or werejaguars anyway." Stiles answers.

"Goodnight, kiddo. See you in the morning." The Sheriff says as he stands up and starts walking out of the room.

"Goodnight, Dad. Love you!" Stiles calls out cheerfully.

"Love you too, Stiles." Noah Stilinski replies with a light chuckle before leaving his son's bedroom and walks down the hall.


Stiles groans as he hears his annoying alarm beep loudly to his right, he shifts his position in bed trying to find a comfortable position to sleep again. Ugh, Wednesday, the absolute worst. It's the middle of the week, so there is nothing good to expect for the next day.

Stiles yawns as he stretches his muscles and heard a satisfying pop sound through his body as his joints crack. Stiles is a little suspicious as to why his dad hasn't yelled for him to get ready for school yet, but he then remembers that he has an early shift today. The Sheriff must be already at the station. Stiles slowly gets out of bed and walks to his bathroom. He does his normal morning routine and changes into some fresh clothes; blue jeans, a Captain America shirt and his signature red hoodie.

Stiles fetches his homework from the previous night and stuffs it into his backpack. Stiles is so thankful that he didn't have a mountain load of homework for today, but he surely will have some more homework tonight. Junior year officially sucks, but Stiles knows that senior year will be even worse. Stiles groans at the very thought of it. Stiles then quickly snatches an apple from the fridge and walks towards his baby blue Jeep. Stiles hops into his car and starts his drive to school.

About 10 minutes later, Stiles is pulling up at his school parking spot. As he walks into the school, he spots Scott talking to Lydia by his locker. Stiles makes his way over to the duo and grins as his friends notice him approaching them.

"Hey guys!" Stiles calls out cheerfully as he smiles at his best friends.

"Hey Stiles." Both the werewolf and banshee greet in return, almost in sync, making Stiles chuckle. Stiles opens his locker and grabs his books for his first period, history. He has that class with Scott, Malia, Kira and Lydia. Stiles already can't wait for this day to be over as he shuts his locker door.

Stiles turns towards his two closest friends. "So, I have some good news." Stiles begins.

"What is it?" Scott asks in curiosity. Lydia takes note of how intrigued Scott appears to be. Lydia thinks that Scott is showing more interest in Stiles than necessary. Maybe it's because of all the recent events? Lydia doubts that for some reason, however. Something seems... different between the two. Lydia's eyebrows knit into a small frown. Lydia is determined to figure out what, no matter how long it takes or how hard it may be.

"My dad decided to lessen the length of my grounding!" Stiles cheers excitedly.

"Really? What did he change it to?" Lydia questions her friend as she readjusts the grip on her armful of books.

"To next Friday, so I'm only grounded for two weeks instead of a month." Stiles explains.

"That's great, Stiles." Scott chuckles at Stiles' excitement.

"Don't you see how good this is? I hate being grounded. It just makes me want to leave the house more, especially when there is supernatural drama happening." Stiles exclaims with wide eyes, using exaggerated hand gestures.

"We've noticed." Lydia smirks at her hyperactive friend.

"So... how does your dad feel about us knowing about you?" Scott asks cautiously. He hasn't wanted to bring that situation up yet as it is a bit delicate at the moment, but Scott needs to know. He needs to know where he stands with the Sheriff.

"He's fine with it, just as long as you guys don't pay me out to the hunters. He still doesn't trust Chris though. I decided not to tell him about how Argent decided to shoot me in the knee because that would be the last straw for Dad." Stiles explains to his friends, who nod in agreement.

"I promise that we will never pay you out to the hunters, Stiles. You're my best friend and I'll do my very best to keep them away from you and the rest of the pack." Scott assures his friend confidently. Lydia makes a noise of agreement. Stiles gives Scott a grateful smile.

"Thanks, Scott. You too, Lydia. Even though it seemed wobbly at first, I am really happy about how well you and the rest of the pack are taking the fact that I am not exactly human. It means a lot me that you guys didn't abandon me." Stiles tells Scott and Lydia in a more quiet voice, in case that some students walking through the hallway might hear them.

"No problem, Stiles. It really didn't change anything. You're still you." Lydia replies.

"And whatever support you need on the next full moon, I will be there." Scott adds. Lydia and Stiles look over to Scott with a bit of surprise. Scott's cheeks flush red as his friends stare at him. "Sorry, uh, I-I mean, we will be there for you." Scott corrects himself, feeling a bit embarrassed. Stiles chuckles at Scott's flustering while Lydia gazes at Scott with curiosity. Yeah, Lydia is definitely starting to see that something is going on here. Maybe Scott thinks he is Stiles' anchor? Lydia considers the thought. It is definitely a possibility. I wouldn't be surprised if Scott was Stiles' anchor even though he loves Malia, Lydia thinks to herself. Scott is his best friend after all. Lydia now has something to concentrate on all day: figure out what's going on with Scott and Stiles.

Suddenly, the bell rings above the three friends, making the phoenix and werewolf jump at the loud noise that hurts their ears. "Come on, boys. Let's head to history. I would rather not be late." Lydia smirks before flips her hair over her shoulder, spins around and walks towards the history classroom. Scott and Stiles exchange a look before rushing off after their strawberry blonde friend.

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