Hidden in Shadow

By Audie_D

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Loki has lived his whole life in his brother's shadow. Can he find the light? ((Cover art by Kazuyaaacovers o... More

The Journey Begins
The Ceremony
The Quest For Answers
The Revelation
The Transfer Of Power and The Fall From Grace
Seeking Allies
Old Friends
Return to Asgard
For You There's Nothing In This World I Wouldn't Do

In his wake

72 5 0
By Audie_D

((This chapter is set a year after the events in Thor.))

The large wooden doors swing open and Astrid enters her mistress's chambers. She sighs as she picks up the untouched tray of food she had left a few hours prior. Astrid turns and hands the tray off to a young girl from the kitchen. She quietly walks out onto the balcony where Saga lies, asleep on a lounge. Astrid smiles sadly at the sleeping form of her mistress, glad that at least in sleep she can have some peace. Taking a cloak she gently lays it over her and leaves.

Halfway down the stair, she looks up to see an Einherjar guard walk in the front door. "I have a message from the Queen for the Lady Saga."

Astrid quickly descends the remaining stairs, "She is not receiving visitors."

The guard looks down at her. "I am not a visitor. I have a message for her eyes only."

Astrid stands as tall as she can. "I will see that she gets it."

The guard eyes the stairs behind her. "My orders are to deliver it into her hand myself."

Astrid opens her mouth to protest, but is cut off when the guard suddenly drops to one knee. She turns to find Saga standing at the top of the stair, her cloak draped across her shoulders and her staff in her right hand. "It's alright Astrid." She descends the stairs one hand on the railing and the other gripping her staff firmly. When she reaches the bottom, the guard holds out a scroll of parchment neatly tied in a gold ribbon and bearing the queens seal. Saga takes the scroll and nods to the guard. "Thank you. You are dismissed."

The guard stands but doesn't leave. "I was told to wait."

Astrid glances up at Saga before turning to the guard. "Wait outside." She says curtly.

The guard nods and leaves. Saga turns and heads back upstairs, Astrid following close behind her. Saga returns to the lounge on the balcony and opens the scroll. Astrid stands at the door watching and waiting. After a moment of complete silence, Astrid takes a step onto the balcony. The parchment slips from Saga's hand onto the floor. "Send him on his way."

Astrid picks up the parchment and glances at the message written by the queen's own hand. 'He lives' She walks out the door. Tucking the scroll into a pouch at her hip she makes her way out to the guard. "Tell the Queen..." She pauses and looks back up the stairs. "There is no reply from the Lady Saga."

~*~*~Three days later~*~*~

Saga sits in her chambers staring into the dancing flames of the fire. She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. Her chambers melt around her and in its place the colossal columns of the throne room appear.

The sounds of footsteps and a rattling of chains fill the otherwise silent hall. Peering around a column to her left, Odin sits upon his throne, Frigga standing nearby. Saga steps between columns and looks out to find the source of the noise. Walking toward the throne between two Einherjar guards and flanked by several more, was the slightly battered former prince of Asgard.

"Loki." Frigga steps toward her son.

He gives her a sardonic grin. "Hello, mother. Have I made you proud?"

"Please, don't make this worse." She says almost pleading.

Loki grins, "Define worse."

Odin stares down at the pair. "Enough! I will speak to the prisoner alone."

Frigga turns and leaves, as Loki is brought closer to Odin's throne he starts laughing. "I really don't see what all the fuss is about"

Saga walks along behind the columns making her way closer to the throne.

"Do you truly not feel the gravity of your crimes? Wherever you go there is war, ruin, and death."

"I went down to earth to rule the people of Midgard as a benevolent god. Just like you."

"We are not gods. We are born, we live, we die, just as humans do. "

"Give or take five thousand years." Loki says with a smirk.

"All this because Loki desires a throne."

"It is my birthright." Loki's temper beginning to flare.

"Your birthright was to die! As a child, cast out onto a frozen rock. If I had not taken you in, you would not be here now, to hate me."

Saga steps out from behind the columns and over to Loki. She reaches a hand out as if to touch his face. Odin's words clearly stinging his pride. His demeanor changes.

"If I am for the axe then for mercies sake just swing it. It's not that I don't love our little talks, it's just...I don't love them.

"Frigga is the only reason you are still alive and you will never see her again. You will spend the rest of your days in the dungeon."

His face falls as he looks in the direction of the door, Frigga was gone, the realization of this etched in his face. The two guards holding his chains tighten their grip and pull, forcing him to step back to keep from falling. Saga stands before him watching his face contort with anger.

"And what of Thor? You'll make that witless oaf king while I rot in chains?"

"Thor must strive to undo the damage you have done, he will bring order to the Nine Realms and then, yes, he will be king."

The throne room suddenly vanishes before her and her eyes fly open. Astrid takes a step back. "I'm sorry milady."

Saga sighs and sinks into the cushions around her. "What is it...Astrid?" She asks wearily.

"The queen has asked you to return to the palace." Astrid holds out a scroll bearing the queens seal.

Saga looks from the scroll to her young attendant. "I can't...and she knows..." She struggles to catch her breath.

Astrid nods and steps back. "Yes milady." She retreats from the room. Saga pulls gently on a golden chain around her neck from which hangs a golden amulet. A winding snake with emerald eyes devouring its own tail, a token given long ago. She clutches the amulet to her chest as she drifts off to sleep.


Days pass and the months slowly fade, Thor, Sif, and the Warriors Three spend most of their time returning peace to the nine realms. Saga keeps to her chambers allowing no one inside. She spends her days secretly watching over the former prince of Asgard as he sits alone in his cell.

Waking from her dreamlike state once again she falls back into the cushions by the fire. Soon she drifts off to sleep, but it is not a peaceful sleep. Visions of battle, fallen Einherjar, dark elves marching through the gilded palace, Loki facing the Kurse, Frigga lying lifeless on the floor. Her eyes fly open. "Astrid! Astrid!" She stands to her feet, leaning on her staff, and makes her way to the door. She opens it and steps out onto the landing. "Astrid! I need you at once!"

The young attendant rushes into the hall below and looks up at the landing. "Yes milady? Is something wrong?" She asks as she rushes up the stairs.

Saga nods. "Something is very wrong. Send word to the palace, I fear for the queens life and the safety of Asgard."

Astrid nods, runs back down the stairs and out into the courtyard. Saga returns to her room and walks out to the balcony looking out over the sea toward the observatory. 'Heimdall. Something is coming. Be wary the safety of Asgard depends on it.'

Hoof beats echo in the courtyard as Astrid takes off at a gallop to warn the palace. A standard bearer close behind her. Saga sinks into the lounge and slowly drifts off to sleep.

The sun fades and night falls. Saga wakes and looks toward the city. Smoke rises from the palace. A lone wooden boat set aflame drifts closer and closer to the edge of the realm. Tears fall silently down her face as she watches the boat disappear and the queen takes her place among the stars. Saga staggers back to the lounge and stares up at the sky. The door to her chambers opens and a tall blonde gentleman enters. He walks up beside her and kneels. Reaching out to her he gently wipes a tear from her cheek. She gives him a faint smile. "Hello old friend."

"I'm sorry it has taken me so long to visit."

She laugh lightly, "You've been busy my dear Fandral. I understand."

He sits beside her on the lounge. "I'm afraid I cannot stay long. I only wanted to see how you were doing."

She sighs. "As well as can be expected." She gasps and turns to him. "There is something I need to see. Will you stay with me? Astrid doesn't like me to be alone when I....It takes a lot out of me of late."

He nods. "Of course."

Situating herself on the lounge she closes her eyes lets the world melt away.

Appearing inside Loki's cell she steps silently over to him. He is, as she often finds him, sitting on the ledge reading a book his mother sent to him. Something outside his cell distracts him. She looks up to see an Einherjar guard. The guard delivers the news that Frigga has died. Loki dismisses him with a nod, closes his book and stands to his feet. Saga reaches out to him, but a wave of magical energy knocks her down.

She opens her eyes to find herself on her knees on the cold stone balcony, Fandral kneeling beside her his arm across her chest, keeping her from falling further. Breathing heavily she looks up into his blue eyes. "Thank you...my friend."

"I have never seen...what happened?"

She shakes her head. "It was...nothing." She leans back against the lounge. The door opens and Astrid rushes in.

"Sir Fandral! Forgive me; I did not know you were here."

"It's alright Astrid. I should be getting back anyway." He stands and bows to Saga. "I wish you well Lady Saga."

He leaves and the door closes behind him. Astrid steps around the lounge and drops to her knees beside Saga. "When I arrived in the city the dark elves had already penetrated the palace shield. I could not deliver the message."

Saga nods. "I know. I should have returned to the palace when she asked."

Astrid put her hand on Saga's. "It's not your fault. She wouldn't want you to blame yourself."

Saga pulls away from her. "Leave me."

Astrid hesitantly stands to her feet and walks from the room.


A few days later.

Astrid quietly slips into Saga's chambers, a small piece of parchment in her hand. She pauses, takes a deep breath, and walks out onto the balcony. Saga looks up at her. "I'm not hungry."

Astrid shakes her head. "I know." She holds out the parchment. "It's from one of the stable hands."

Saga takes the parchment and opens it. "He's dead?"

Astrid nods. "Yes milady. The stable hand related the story to me. He said he heard one of the guards talking in the tavern. Prince Thor and Prince Loki took the mortal Jane Foster to Svartalfheim, to drawn the enemy away from Asgard. Prince Loki died saving his brothers life."

Saga smiles, "He has a good heart."

"Yes milady."

"Astrid, prepare my horse."

Astrid stares at her. "Milady?"

Saga stands to her feet and picks up her staff. "I need to speak with an old friend."

"Are you sure...."

"I'll be fine Astrid."

Astrid hurries off to the courtyard while Saga pulls her cloak on. She makes her way out into the sunlit courtyard and mounts her horse. "Please do not tell anyone where I have gone."

Astrid nods. "Yes milady. Be safe."

Saga smiles down at her as she pulls her hood up. She takes off down the road at a full gallop.


Slipping in through a side door Saga silently walks along the wall towards the throne. Peering around a column she watches and listens as the head of the guard gives Odin a report on the repairs. Odin frowns and looks in her direction. A sudden pressure on her shoulder and she is pulled back behind the column out of sight. Volstagg steps out and bows to Odin. Saga is quickly ushered out another door and into an empty room nearby. The door closes and Saga drops her hood.

"Saga?! I didn't know you were returning to the palace."

She smiles, "I wasn't. I heard rumors."

Fandral chuckles. "Ah...I see. What rumors have you heard?"

"That Loki is dead."

Fandral's face falls. "Whoever told you, spoke true."

"Where is Thor?"

Fandral takes a seat on a nearby bench. "He returned to Midgard to be with Jane."

"How long ago?"

"Two days he's been gone. Why do you ask?"

Saga smiles and places a hand on his cheek. "I can not say for certain." She pulls her hood back up and stands to her feet. "I must speak with Heimdall."

Fandral stands "The Allfather has forbidden travel to Midgard. Thor chose to leave..."

"I do not intend to use the Bifrost. I merely wish to see an old friend."

Volstagg enters the room. "Who dared trespass..." Saga turns to face him. He smiles at her. "Lady Saga forgive me."

"It is good to see you Volstagg, but I must be going." She sweeps past him to the door, Fandral on her heels.

"What are you not telling me little mouse?"

She sighs and smiles at him. "There is something, but I can not tell you until I have confirmed it. I dare not put you at risk dear friend." She kisses him on the cheek and leaves.

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