Best Friend with The Player

By krazykliche

30.8K 599 2.7K

" We've been best friends for a long time. I don't want a stupid crush to get in the way of that.." she says ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 16

1.1K 27 1
By krazykliche

Ellie's POV

" I think I love you too." I say

" think?" He replies

" yes think? I don't know why. I do love you, but we have been best friends for a long time. And then you went and hurt me like that.. and I'm having doubts.." I say honestly

" I'm sorry, will never be enough. I know that. I do love you. And NOT like a sister. I love everything about you. I love when you get embarrassed you start laughing, and when your nervous you gotta pee.."

I chuckle.

" I love when you always try and prove me wrong. Or when you're  happy you start doing this dance. And when you eat your food is always separated and you eat one thing first then move to the next. I love how you aren't greedy, or hateful. And to the world your this smiley, positive person when in reality, you feel like you aren't good enough. Let me tell you that you ARE good enough.. for everyone. Your the perfect amount of happiness and joy. I love how when you are in a non-happy state you hide it from others so they won't have to feel the way you are feeling. I love how you make others smile, and I love the way your hips sway when your walking. There is so much I notice about you. That if I kept going I think I'd take forever to say them all. But the one I love the most is when you put everyone before yourself! Gosh, I'm so in love with you! I'm never going to love someone the way I love you Ellie." He finishes with a breath

I hug him as a tear slips down my cheek.

" I forgive you." A breath of relief slips out of him.

His grip around me tightens. I don't know what to say. Will our friendship die? What happened now? What if we date, what happens then?

So many questions run through my mind.

" Ellie, I don't know if this is to soon to ask you this. I've been meaning to ask you this for years. I don't want our friendship to be ruin if it doesn't work out. But Eliana Grace May King  will you do the honor of being my girlfriend?"

" uhhh-"

" I knew it! Way to soon. Gosh I fucked yo so bad. Stupid stupid Gabe.." he starts walking away

" Gabe."

" why am I like this?"

" Gabe."

" why'd I have to do that to her? She so important.."

" GABE!" He whipped his head toward me
" yes I'll go out with you.."

I think I might regret this..

" seriously?" He asks

Well no turning back now, let's hope for the best..

" yes." I smile

He runs and embraces me into a huge bear hug.

"Thank you for giving me a second chance." He mumbles against the crook of my neck

" before we do this.." he sets me down. " promise me on thing?"

" anything for you!"

" promise not to give up on me, never hurt me like that again!" I say with pleading eyes

" I promise."


I wake up to the sound of my alarm. I do my normal morning routine and put my outfit on(in media^). I feel a little happier than usual today.

It probably has to do with Gabe and I made it official yesterday.. it's just a guess.

I'm still having doubts. I mean I love Gabe but what if we don't work out. Or what if I ruins our friendship. Or what if... ugh Ellie stop thinking about the what ifs!

I've been wanting this for years and now that we are together I'm iffy. I just need coffee, maybe that will do the trick.

I walk downstairs. To greet my parents. They are dressed for work. Mom is dressed in her normal banker clothes, while dad is in his normal coaching clothes.

" you look extra happy today." Mom states

" that's probably because Gabe asks me out."

Both their heads snap toward me.


" CRAP!"

" wait what?"

" Your father and I bet. I said I'll bet he asks you out this year. And he said he'd wait until college."

" so what I'm hearing is... that my parents gambled on Gabe and I dating??"

" do I need to spell it out for you dear?" Mom asks

" no thanks. I gotta go to school. I'll see ya later."

" Bye sweetheart!" Mom yells as I shut the door

" Eliza honey why do you have to be damn right all the time!" I hear dad gripe right when I close the door.

Once I'm out, I lift my head and Gabe was already there. Well that's weird. Why didn't he just come in? While my thoughts rome, I hope into the passenger seat.

" hey beautiful" Gabe says

" hey handsome." I blush

" you look good." He tells me honestly

" why thank you." He smiles at me and I return one.

Once we reach the school, I get out. Gabe attaches his hand with mine and interlocks our fingers. While we walk, all eyes were on us. It was very uncomfortable, I don't really like attention.

" guess what?" I speak up

"What?" He asks

" I walked in the kitchen this morning and mom says 'well you look extra happy today.' " I say trying to mimic her voice " and I say well that's probably because Gabe asked me out. And ten all of a sudden mom shouts 'ELJIAH YOU OWE ME 50 BUCKS!' " he chuckles " can you believe that my parents bet on us!?" I laugh

" your parents are nuts!" He laughs with me

" I know.. how'd I get so lucky." I smile

He kisses the top of my head.

" I asked the same thing every time I look at you."

" awe Gabe, stop it,you making me blush!" I say while blushing

He gives a small chuckle.

" I'll see you in physics?" H winks

" where you going? We have it first period."

" gotta go talk to coach about the scouts this Friday."

" oh... wait that's two days from now! Why didn't you tell me scouts were coming."

" El, we weren't exactly in the best terms until yesterday."

" oh yeah." I say sadly " well good luck with that I'll see you in class!"

" bye Smelly Ellie."

" bye Gabey Baby.. okay that sounded gross" I hear him chuckle walking away.

I go to my locker and exchange my books. Today is going to be a good day.

" hey!"

I jumped, I might even peed a little. As I turn around Macy is standing there with the biggest grin.

" what'd you do?" I ask

" ah, how dare you think I ever did such a thing wrong."

" Okay, we can burry the body by.." I start

" this is why we are friends." She laughs "I was going to say 'FINALLY' "

" finally what?"

" finally you and Gabe made up duh!"

" oh we are more then just made up... we're dating.."

" OH MY GOSH!!!! YESSS! Carter owes me 10 bucks!"

" what is with everyone and betting on Gabe and I's relationship?"

" because it was a bet, duh..."

" I'm about to duh you in a minute.." I raised my hand to smack her when someone grabbed it and kissed it.

" now why on earth would yo want to hurt the pretty little hand of yours?"

" Carter you owe me 10 bucks.." Macy states bluntly

" your kidding! I at least thought its take until the end of March! CRAP!" He pulls his wallet out and hands her the money.

" I can't believe you two." I till my eyes and we all walk to physics...

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