Equestria Ninja Девушки

By twilightnardo

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Twilight and girls high Canterlot trip to New York to take Dazzlings, who allied with the madman seeking reve... More

Мечта видение
Новая школа и Новые друзья
Встреча Черепах
история Splinter
Проблема в создании
Triple Threat
Triple Threat 2
Rainbooms Mutant Tussle
Пристальный взгляд
Следующая Мутация
Mutant Search
Dazzlings in action
The Siren Ambush
Recuperation and Regrouping
Final Showdown
The Ninja Girls

Ninja Pony Up

116 3 0
By twilightnardo

As the Dazzlings waited for Karai, Aria was getting annoyed, "What's taking Karai so long?"

"I know. You'd think she'd be back by now." Sonata agreed.

"Patience, you two," Adagio calmed them, "She can't be much longer."

"Hey, what's that?" Sonata pointed up, "A bird? A plane?"

Aria looked up, "Wrong on both guesses."

Descending down was a hulking ninja robot. The three sirens were surprised, until Karai arrived, "Hey, girls. I'm back."

"Karai, you wanna fill us in?" Adagio inquired.

"Yeah. What is this thing?" Aria asked, while looking at the robot.

"This was one of the last inventions the Kraang left to me and Shredder. Michelangelo called it Chrome Dome, so might as well stick with it."

"It makes sense to call him that." Sonata agreed while looking at the robots head.

"With this at our side, taking on the turtles and Rainbooms will be easy." Karai explained.

"Let's hope so," Aria replied, "Otherwise we'll have to answer to Shredder."

Karai sighed, and looked at Adagio, "How can you stand being around such a skeptic?"

Adagio returned a sigh, and answered, "I've been asking myself that for years."

Down in the lair, the turtles, the girls, April, and Casey were recuperating from their latest fight.

"Man. I knew we had to expect the worse, but that?" Rainbow asked.

"I know. Who would've thought those girls could do anything besides sing?" Applejack asked.

"Good thing we got out of there in time." Sunset Shimmer said.

"Yeah, but we're going back out there." Leo noted.

"We are?" Fluttershy asked nervously.

"That's right," Raph confirmed, "We gotta finish this fight."

"Sure they'll bring reinforcements, and probably outnumber us, but it won't be so bad," Mikey began, as Fluttershy looked hopeful, "It'll be a lot worse." Fluttershy cowered, while Raph smacked the back of Mikey's head.

Splinter walked in, "My sons are correct. If you do not confront the Dazzlings and Karai to finish the fight, they will find means of drawing you out themselves. Means that will put others at risk."

Twilight spoke, "We understand, Master Splinter."

"And just wait till I see those Dazzlings again," Casey began, "I'm gonna drop a whole new game on them Casey Jones style."

"That's one game I wanna miss." Raph replied.

After the group was rested, they returned to the surface while on the look out for their enemies. Pinkie was acting all sneaky like a spy.

"Secret agent Pinkie Pie, on the lookout for enemy ninja." she popped in from around an air duct, behind a water tower, even coming out from a door leading down to the building. All at the same time.

Mikey watched how she did it, "I've always wanted to defy all logic like she can."

"I'll never understand how she does it." Donnie said in disbelief.

"Can it, dorks!" Raph scolded them, "We're on a lookout."

Twilight was looking around as if studying the layout of the rooftop, "You know taking in the structure of the roof and the timing. If they were to suddenly ambush us, they would do it right about..."

"NO!" the group cried, as suddenly the Foot Bots arrived and surrounded them.

Raph frowned, "You just had to open your mouth?"

"Whoops." Twilight said sheepishly.

Arriving after the Foot Bots were Karai and the Dazzlings, "There you are. We were waiting." Karai said.

"Sorry we didn't make you wait longer." Rainbow replied.

"Hope you're ready for another beat down." Casey drew his hockey stick.

"On the contrary, we brought in something to beat you down." Adagio replied.

"I'm calling your bluff." Mikey challenged.

"Oh, it's no bluff." Aria answered, as Chrome Done dropped in before them.

The Rainbooms were taken by surprise, as Mikey called, "Chrome Dome?!"

"That's a big robot." Pinkie admitted.

"How can we fight that thing?" Rarity asked in worry.

"Like this!" Casey went to attack it, "Goongala!" he swung his hockey stick, only for Chrome Dome to grab the stick. Casey looked sheepish, before the robot threw him aside and Casey rolled across the roof.

"Casey!" April called.

"Attack!" Karai ordered, and the Foot Bots and Dazzlings went on the attack like before.

The Turtles and their friends engaged their enemies like before, with them slicing and dicing the Foot bots.

Karai jumped in and fought Twilight, "You got lucky last time, but now this is where I finish you." the ninja girl warned the princess.

"I still have to pay you back for kidnapping Spike!" Twilight replied, as she fought back.

Karai blocked some moves before tripping her, "I'll accept payment in your life."

"Back off, Karai!" Leo jumped in and fought her.

"Thanks, Leo." Twilight said, as she got up and fought along side him.

The Dazzlings fought Rainbow Dash, Sunset Shimmer, and Applejack who fought back with all their might.

"I hate to sya it, but you girls really are good at this." Rainbow admitted.

"Thank you. We'll be sure your end is swift and painless when this is over." Adagio replied, as the two fought.

Aria sighed, "You've been listening to Shredder talk too much, Adagio."

The turtles and rest of the Rainbooms were clearing through the Foot Bots, before Chrome Dome fought them, "If we can get to the hatch on its back I can disable it like before." Donnie said, as he blocked some of the robots strikes.

Karai overheard him and spoke, "Not this time, Donatello. Stockman improved on it, so your methods like last time won't save you."

"Then we'll just break it like before." Raph said, as he attacked Chrome Dome, only to get grabbed by the head and thrown into Mikey. Donnie had tried fighting it single handed, but got thrown aside into Raph and Mikey.

"Guys!" Leo called, as he went to try and help, but Karai blocked him.

"Why don't you join them?" Karai suggested, as she morphed into her snake mutant form. And struck Leo, before throwing him into the pile of his brothers.

The girls saw Karai's mutant form and were repulsed. Especially Rarity who gasped, "Oh, dear lord."

"That is sick, and not in a good way." Pinkie added.

Karai spoke, "Chrome Dome, destroy the turtles!"

"Acknowledged!" the robot answered, as he ran at the turtles with his plasma sword ready.

The Rainbooms were in shock, and ran to help, "NO!" they cried before shielding their friends.

"Girls!" Casey and April cried.

"Yes!" The Dazzlings cheered seeing they were doomed.

Suddenly Chrome Dome was repelled by a force surrounding the Rainbooms, "What?!" Karai hissed.

The turtles looked before them seeing the girls were glowing before gaining all their pony ears, wings, and tails.

"Whoa." Mikey gasped.

"Amazing." Donnie said in amaze.

"Beautiful." April said in awe.

The Dazzlings knew this was trouble, as Rainbow spoke, "All right, Rainbooms, let's rock out ninja style!"

"Yeah!" the girls agreed, as they took it to the offense on Chrome Dome.

The struck at him harder then they did before, with some firing shock waves of their signature marks when striking with with weapons.

"This could be very bad." Sonata feared.

"Now let's bust this bot!" Pinkie called, as the Rainboom performed a seven way air punch unleashing a force combined with their very elements.

The eyes of Chrome Dome shrank down in fright, as it was blasted by the force. The energy ripped Chrome Dome to pieces leaving him broken and damaged.

Karai shifted back to human form, "Girls, we're out of here!"

"Let's go!" Sonata cried, as the four fled the scene.

The turtles, Casey, and April watched as the girls powered down, before rushing over to them, "Are you girls ok?" April asked.

"Oh, just peachy." Twilight answered, feeling a little dizzy.

"It's all good." Rainbow added.

"That was so awesome!" Mikey cheered.

"Yeah. That was sweet!" Casey added.

"That's how we are." Pinkie replied.

"Come on, let's go back." Leo suggested, as the group helped the Rainbooms along.

Down in the lair, the group was relaxing, while the Rainbooms were having some tea prepared by Splinter, "I still don't understand how we were able to pony up without playing instruments." Sunset Shimmer pondered.

"Maybe it's because we're so awesome?" Rainbow answered with pride.

"No, there's got to be more to it than that." Twilight believed.

"I'm just glad it happened when it did." Applejack said.

Splinter approached, "Indeed. I cannot tell how this phenomenon happened, but if it weren't for that your lives could've been in serious jeopardy."

"And it may be the key in stopping the Dazzlings." Donnie added.

"Well, it was they key last time." Twilight admitted.

"Come on, guys. Enough with the science talk," Mikey spoke, "We beat the bad guys tonight, so let's live it up!" he busted out a boom box that played techno music. The group rolled their eyes knowing it was best to let it be for now and just live in the moment.

Meanwhile at Shredder's lair, Karai and the Dazzlings stood before Shredder in failure, while their leader himself was not impressed.

"I gave you a simple task, and you can't even pull that off?" he asked with a growl.

"Father, we had them where we wanted them." Karai began.

Sonata continued, "But the girls ponied up and defeated Chrome Dome. There's no way we could've taken them on in that state."

Shredder dashed forward and got into Sonata's face glaring at her. Sonata was scared stiff, while Adagio and Aria backed away, "That is the talk of losers. And I did not have you trained to think like losers!"

"Yes, master." Sonata winced.

"I warned you there would be consequences with failure. Now I will show you those consequences!" Shredder was about to teach them a lesson, until Stockman flew in.

"Master Shredder!" he buzzed.


Baxter buzzed back in startle before continuing, "I just came in to tell you, the Dazzlings gemstones have been restored, and are ready to be tested."

"They are?" Adagio asked hopefully.

"Yes. And I've upgraded them to make them stronger so they can suck out more negative energy from people when they're not even expressing their negative feelings." the fly continued.

Karai and the Dazzligns looked to Shredder who eased up and answered, "Very well. We'll put together a test."

"Yes, master." Stockman flew off.

Shredder looked back at the Dazzlings who were worried, until he spoke, "It seems you have another chance to redeem yourselves. But remember should you fail me, you will face the consequences.

"Yes, Master Shredder." The trio answered.

Shredder took his leaved, as Adagio whispered to her fellow sirens, "Can you believe it? Our gems have been restored and more powerful than ever."

"I'm so excited!" Sonata beamed.

"Let's just hope bug boy did it right." Aria replied.

"He better, because once we have our magic back we will make those Rainbooms pay for what they did." Adagio smirked.

TMNT Belongs Nickelodeon.

My Little Pony Belongs Hasbro.

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