Pokemon: Fate's Path

By Cerberous10

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Book 1. The Drucan Region has a murky history of being a region where war and criminals have thrived. Some... More

Drucan Region
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Jay Wolfe and Soren Rivers
Freya Stark and Esme Petty
Ivan Woods, Josef Ramos, and Rita Mirando
Salem, Oris, and Glaze
Ferno, Chant, and Zure
Myth, Grant, and Fye
Venin, Hydris, and Magny
Elite 4: Nomena, Ordia, Louise, and Morose
Champion Tarot
Valhalla: Clara, Alice, and Hero
Fusion Latios
Gym Badges
Concept team Images/ Spoilers

Chapter 18

18 0 0
By Cerberous10

Jay Wolfe

We had gone back to Iceshore after winning our battle between Chant and Zure, though Soren had done most of the work in battle since Basilisk was stronger against their fairy types, not to mention Finn evolved into Marshtomp. It was great we won but I felt like they hadn't been paying much attention to the battle, even Ivan had defeated them on his own his second time. Chant had almost been lost in thought the entire time while Zure was distracted by her brother and seemed to be acting on emotion without any logical moves. Very disappointing.

However, after a week of walking we made it to Plolis again where we took a ferry to Krila to challenge Hydris and Magny. We still had to train but at least we had lost Josef back at the port. He had gone on his own to the port at Klesp Path to catch a boat home, not that he would be missed, and Freya's egg had hatched into a charmander. I had been teaching her how to properly care for the young pokémon and demonstrated with Hati and Sköll, the two rockruff puppies Curse had found, as I helped them regain their strength. They were weak obviously but I had been training them little by little with Freya and her Charmander.

"I bet we beat them on the first try." Soren commented as we walked by the gym. "Water and electric types... Hoodini can take care of the water types and Finn is immune to the electric types. Looks like I'll be saving you in battle again."

"It was once and you blocked Ralts from being hit by Sylveon while blocking his own attack." I responded. "Besides, Ralts has magical leaf, he can handle it with Soul."

"I see." Soren moved closer, brushing against me as we walked, and smirked. "Guess we'll find out."

Freya shoved between us before turning to look at us. "I can help you train. Pikachu is an electric type so at least the typing matches up this time for our training."

"Alright. Maybe Ivan can join us after he's done getting more supplies." I agreed.

Soren gave a slight sigh before walking ahead of us, Hoodini sitting on his shoulder examining the island city happily, which was obvious by the wider than normal eyes and the fact the grass type kept turning his head as far as it would go. In all honesty I found that a bit disturbing.

"So, do you know what pokémon they even use?" Freya asked.

I shrugged and quickly looked it up. "Well, most of them are dual typed. Ludicolo might be a problem along with Gyarados but other than that once we train some more we should be good to go."

"It's a good idea not to underestimate them though." Freya responded. "That's how people lose."

"I won't. I never do that." I said before looking up from putting my phone away as Soren ran back to us with two familiar people in tow.

"Guy, I found them! Look!" Soren came to a stop in front of us before moving to the side.

"Esme, Rita, what are you guys doing here?" Freya asked happily.

Rita pulled out a ribbon. "Well we challenged the contest here and I won. The next one is in a few weeks so we're sticking around here until then while I continue helping Esme."

Esme nodded excitedly and gave a laugh. "Yeah, they're fun but I still have some work to do! They're better than battles though."

"I doubt that." I muttered. I had seen contests aired on TV before and while they had been interesting at times I didn't particularly like them. They just seemed like a bunch of trainers, mainly females, who wanted to show off their pokémon.

"Tell us how your first one went." Soren urged.

"We should wait until Ivan gets here." Freya spoke up before Esme could reply. "Then he can hear it too."

"Alright." Rita nodded. "I'm hungry anyway so I'm going to go get something at the cafe by the Pokémon Center."

"We'll come." Soren spoke up quickly. "I could use some food before training."

I started following Rita as well, a snack didn't sound too bad at the moment. "Sounds great."

We back tracked the streets until we got to the cafe and took our seats at a table outside. We let our pokémon out to stretch their limbs and play as we looked at the menu and waited for someone to take our orders. It didn't take long for chaos to break out though, as Slash and Basilisk started fighting as soon as they made eye contact with each other. I smirked slightly at Soren's attempts to get them to stop before grabbing Litten as he made his way towards Hoodini.

"Don't add to the scene." I told my pokémon before placing him on my lap and petting him so he wouldn't go for Soren's pokémon again.

"Will you just put them in their pokéballs before someone yells at us to leave?" Freya asked, sounding slightly annoyed. "You should've known letting both of them out at the same time would result in this."

Soren gave a sigh and did as she said before sitting down again. "I thought they would stop if I told them to. I'm the trainer after all."

"Guess instinct trumps commands from trainers." I responded, still smirking at him.

"There was someone at a contest with a zangoose and seviper. They got kicked out because the pokémon started fighting." Rita commented. "They looked like tough competition up until that point too."

I nodded in acknowledgement of what she said before looking at their pokémon, taking note that there were new ones since we'd last seen them... and that as I expected Poochyena was missing. "So, I see you've been catching new pokémon for the contests."

Esme nodded cheerfully. "Yeah, I got Horsea the other day while practicing at the beach. I plan on using her in the next competition along with Cutiefly and Jigglypuff. Caterpie was great but I think she wasn't very popular, especially since I couldn't do much with her move set to show off."

"That's why you train though." Rita said. "My new pokémon weren't that great when I first caught them but I'm hoping by the next contest town they'll be ready."

"I'm sure they'll be great." Soren said confidently.

Freya leaned forward. "When we're done eating you should show us some of the things you do."

"Okay." Rita agreed.

I stayed silent, tightening my grip on Litten as he tried to get free and pounce on Hoodini again, as I examined the rest of my pokémon. I really wanted to get some training in before it got too late but... I could stay to watch Rita and Esme. It would be rude not to after all.

Ivan showed up as we finished eating and we moved behind the Pokémon Center so Esme and Rita could show off. Esme went first, looking at us in slight embarrassment before speaking. "Well, um, my first performance wasn't too great. I got stage fright and wasted most of my time... But I think I'm getting better."

"Of course you are." Rita agreed. "Everyone has stage fright at first, you did great."

Esme gave her a grateful look before getting into position. "Alright... Horsea, use smokescreen, Jigglypuff, sing, and um, Cutiefly, use fairy wind."

The area was filled with smoke around the three small pokémon before a beautiful sound came from the center of it. Sparkling wind broke through the black smoke as her cutiefly used its fairy wind to reveal Jigglypuff singing its song. I had to admit, it was a good performance, a bit short, but I didn't know how long they had to be to begin with.

"That looked great." Freya said once it was finished. "I'm guessing that was a new performance you were working on, right?"

Esme blushed slightly and nodded. "Yeah. I think we've almost got him down but I want to keep trying to work on it."

Rita put on her own short performance before returning her pokémon to their balls and walking back over. I stayed out of the main conversation, not against telling them how great the performances were- and they had been good- but not feeling like I had enough to actually speak to them about it. Eventually after I saw Ivan and Freya wouldn't notice me leave my spot beside them I got up and went inside to gather some of my things. I wasn't going to train here and disturb anything they might do for their contest training and since I hadn't checked out the beach yet I was sure training down there would help. Maybe I would even find some other trainers to challenge.

"You know, it's dangerous to go alone." Soren's voice spoke up behind me, his figure coming into view as he walked in front of me. "I'll come along if you want."

"Yes, because how would I ever survive without you there to protect me?" I responded, lacing my voice with sarcasm before smirking and taking his hand to show I meant it in a joking manner as I started walking again. "I mean, the sand looks so dangerous. It could get in my shoes if I'm not careful."

Soren was silent for a moment as if think about something else but finally spoke up again, a smile on his face as he laughed. "Well, there could also be pokémon hiding in the sand waiting to attack or trainers. I can't let you get stronger than me now can I? Then how would I protect you?"

"I guess you'd just have to be the damsel in distress." I laughed. "Now come on princess, let's get to the beach before we run out of time to train."

"Alright." He sighed. "But only if we can go for a walk afterwards. It would be nice don't you think?"

"Of course." I nodded.

We practiced for several hours along the beach and battled several swimmers and beach goers occasionally. Some of them even gave us tips on the gym leaders afterwards to aid us in our attempt to challenge them. However, it had started to get dark and around sunset I had began leading the way back to the Pokémon Center before the sun went down completely. Not that I would mind but I didn't like how the only light would be from the pier on our left side. If Valhalla was here and knew we were here as well it would be best to get back to the others before we were ambushed in the dark.

We were nearly back when Soren stopped me, causing me to look around for any danger he might've spotted. "What's up?"

"I just thought we could keep walking." He said while turning us away from the Pokémon Center again. "I like it when it's just the two of us at times."

"Um... okay." I gave a shrug and continued walking at his side.

Soren put his arm around my waist contently as we walked, just far enough away from the water to avoid our shoes getting wet. I had to admit, it was a nice time to just relax and walk on our own, especially with the sunset reflecting off the water. We settled down against a smooth rock and I leaned against him as we continued watching the sun fade on the water's surface and darkness settle over head. The stars began to come out, shining coldly on the dark water but the air was still a nice temperature despite the lack of sunlight... it was perfect.

Soren sighed happily and pulled me closer, I didn't need to look at him to know he was smiling, before speaking. "How was I ever lucky enough to become your boyfriend let alone meet you?"

I smirked and turned to look at him. "Because, fate is on your side apparently. Besides, I was wondering how I was lucky enough to have you as well."

"I see. I never really thought you thought of me this way."

I shrugged. I hadn't thought of him that way at first, more like a really good friend but... we had been through so much and after he said he loved me, well, I began to realized I loved him too. Not that I was any good at showing that. "I guess I just don't do emotions very well at times."

"Well, I love you Jay." He tilted my head up slightly, still smiling. "You're perfect just the way you are, emotionless or not."

"I love you too." I blushed slightly at his words before shifting into a more comfortable spot, resting my head on his shoulder and wrapping my arm loosely around his waist. "We should start going back though. The others are probably worried."

I pulled away and stood up, stretching momentarily, before giving the ocean one last look as I started walking back. Soren caught up quickly and took my hand again, spinning me to face him. "One more thing before we head back... I don't know when I'll get the chance to again."

I quickly realized he was going to kiss me. I mentally smirked, as much as I wouldn't mind it I didn't want to make it too easy... where was the fun in that? I tilted my head so he kissed my jaw instead before moving away with a grin. "Better luck next time."

"Please?" He gave me a slightly rejected look.

I moved closer again, it would be fun to torment him but this had been a pretty good day. Might as well save some suffering for later, right? "Of course."

Soren gave me a slightly distrusting look, probably thinking it was a trick, before trying again. I pretended to move for a second just to mess with him before kissing him back. I pulled away and laughed slightly. "You acted as if I was going to torture you."

"Knowing you, maybe you would've." Soren smiled back before sighing and looking back at the Pokémon Center. "Guess we should keep heading back..."

I nodded and started leading the way again. It was great Valhalla hadn't shown up and ruined anything. Hopefully Tarot would keep it that way. Maybe we could all continue our journeys without worrying about getting attacked if the champion defeated them. That would be the best news so far in my opinion.  

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