You Don't Know Me → Dean Ambr...

By notatmybest

26.4K 450 71

Alexandria was dominating the women's division when she met Dean. She has been a fan favorite since she began... More

#thankyouroman 2


1.6K 35 2
By notatmybest

Alexandria's POV

The interview went okay with Dean. They asked the typical questions that any intervieweer asks but for some reason, with Dean, it went by faster and it was fun. Despite some of the questions being very deep, Dean would either give a vague answer or no answer at all. The interviewer didn't pick up on that though.

I learned a couple things about him during this interview. One, he doesn't like to talk about anything from his past. Two, he tends to make jokes when he's uncomfortable.

Throughout the interview I would see Dean looking sad. Though, whenever he caught me looking, he'd just flash me a smile and continued with the interview as if nothing happened.

I couldn't help but wonder what was on his mind. Yet it wasn't my business, I still hoped he was okay.

Right now we were on our way to the m&g and I was excited to meet the fans. I tap my fingers lightly on my knees and my eyes land on Dean.

Dean was turned to the window,watching the scenery pass by. His T-shirt was lifted a little so you could see some of his defined torso. It wasn't a lie that Dean was really fit, maybe even one of the fittest on the roster. I've heard he does his workouts in the deserts all the time when he's home. His arms were really big and muscular and he had a very toned torso to fit it. I wonder what it'd look like with tattoos on it. From some of the matches I've watched of his, I could tell that under the jeans, he was was also very muscular. Dean has messy dirty blonde hair but for some reason, it looked very attractive on him. I've found myself catching his eye a lot and he has really blue eyes that were beautiful.

Ever since I was born, I was  a very observant person. There was no denying that Dean was very attractive. I have always thought he was.

"Take a picture, it lasts longer." Dean teases I feel my face heat up.

"Already did." I say, pointing to my eyes.

He laughs, shaking his head. The car comes to a stop and I already hear the fans chanting. Dean smiles and I smile to before getting out of the car.

The fans scream as soon as my feet hit the ground and I throw on a big smile. Without the fans, I wouldn't be here. I rose to popularity on the internet. Just because Undertaker is my dad didn't mean I was going to cheat my way to WWE. I made a name for myself, he just helped train me.

"Loud isn't it." Dean says and the crowd screams louder.

I go over to a barricade and sign some of the fans posters and belts. Dean stood next to me as he also signed what I signed.

"Are you guys dating?" I heard a fan ask Dean.

I turn to see a little girl who was about seven. Dean was bent down to her height as he signed her things through the barricade.

He smirked, knowing I was watching. "Shh, don't tell anyone."

The little girl nods, pretending to zip her mouth shut and throwing away the key. I look at Dean with a raised brow and he just shakes his head, chuckling.

After signing all the fans stuff that couldn't afford going into the building, we finally made it in. Another eruption of cheers started as I looked at about five hundred people. This will definitely take long.


"I'm exhausted." Dean groans as we sat at small cafe a block away from the hotel.

After being dropped off at the hotel after the meet and greet, Dean and I both agreed we were hungry. We decided on this cafe because it was close and secluded.

"I'm way hungrier than tired." I admit, sipping some of my water.

Dean looks at me confused. "Was that even grammatically correct?"

I look at Dean and become confused. "I..don't know. Its to early for this."

Dean laughs. "Its six pm."

"Exactly." I smile.

Our food arrives and I smile gratefully at the waiter as Dean thanks him.

"How is your storyline with Seth going?" I ask Dean after a couple of minutes.

"Good, I think we may have a new World Champion by the end of the month." He looks up at me and I give him a proud smile.

"That's amazing." I say. "You're a better champion anyway for the record."

Dean raises his eyebrows. "Shots fired."

I smile innocently. "Oops? Am I supposed to lie?"

Dean laughs and I couldn't help but admire the way his cheeks lift when he's laughing. They get wrinkles that go up to his eyes. It was cute.

"You're cruel." He shakes his head.

We finish our food, pay, and walk back to the hotel. My feet hurt from the heels so I was behind Dean by a lot. He stops and turns around. Dean sees that I'm having trouble walking so he walks back to me and turns around, crouching.

"Get on." He says simply.

"Are you sure? I'm heavy." I say, feeling self conscious.

"Yeah okay." He says sarcastically and I can hear the eye roll in his voice, making me smirk. "Get on."

I get onto his back and he stands slowly, allowing me to wrap my legs around his waist. I snake my arms around his neck, being careful not to hold on too tight.

Dean begins to walk. "You're light as a feather."

"I could get used to this." I say, laying my chin on top of his head.

"Don't get too comfortable, we're here." Dean says, walking into the lobby.

He sets me down slowly and I thank him.

"You guys are adorable." I turn to the source of the voice.

Roman Reigns.

He gives me a slight smile before walking out of the hotel. Dean and I give each other weird looks before walking to the elevator.

"I had fun today." I admit. "Thank you."

"No problem." He smiles at me.

The elevator doors to my floor open and I walk out. Dean walked out too and I look at him questioningly.

"What gentlemen would I be if I didn't walk a beautiful lady to her room?" He smirks.

I felt myself blush as I nod, finally making it to my door. I turn to face Dean he and he stands awkwardly.

"You know, its only seven, why don't you come in and we can watch a movie? There's no reason this good day should end." I suggest.

"This sounds like a date but I'd be glad to." Dean smiles and I chuckle.

"Well, if it is, its been a perfect one." I open my door.

Deans cheeks became a light shade of pink.

"How about we go on an official date, tomorrow?" Dean proposes, closing my door.

I kick off my shoes before looking up at him. "I'd love that."

He smiles widely. "Great! What movie are we watching.

He sits on the couch and I join him, opening the Netflix app on the TV. "Remember Me or Insidious?"

"How about Remember Me?" He chuckles nervously.

"You are scared of horror movies aren't you?" I smirk.

"Pshh, no." He says unconvincingly. "I just didn't want you to get scared."

"So you won't mind if I put it on?"


"Okay, well here we go." I click on Insidious.

I get comfortable. "Oh, and if you need me, I'll be here."

Dean sends me a glare and I laugh. The movie begins and my laugh dies down. This should be fun.

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