Through the Looking Glass - S...

By DKGwrites

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When a piece of technology of L-Corp's that is being demonstrated is attacked by Livewire, the resulting ener... More

Chapter 1: The Shot Heard Around the Worlds
Chapter 2: We're Not In Kansas Anymore
Chapter 3: No Pictures, Please
Chapter 4: We're Not In Oz Anymore
Chapter 5: Two Princess Leias
Chapter 6: Nature Vs. Nurture
Chapter 7: Pookie-bear
Chapter 9: Lucas
Chapter 10: We're Being Invaded?
Chapter 11: Find A Nice Guy, Make Babies, and Get Matching Microscopes
Chapter 12: On a Scale from One to Ten...
Chapter 13: Two Dialysis Machines and a Crapload of Liquid Nitrogen
Chapter 14: Fido
Chapter 15: A Day in the Shoes of Maggie Sawyer
Chapter 16: Can't You Just...Do Science?
Chapter 17: Falling In Love With Your Wife Again
Chapter 18: Homing Rockets? Not Cool Lena!
Chapter 19: Beer Is A Gateway Drink

Chapter 8: I Seriously Considered Setting an Orphanage on Fire

1.3K 93 106
By DKGwrites

    <Author note: This chapter takes place in the 'alternate dimension' with  'our dimension's' characters. I will try and post this at the beginning of every chapter just to keep folks in the right head space when reading. Feedback always appreciated.>   

"Alex? Maggie?" Kara asked as she climbed in through the living room window in what looked like her apartment.

After a few seconds the light came on, and Maggie and Alex appeared, both with weapons in hand.

"Oh, hey, Kara. Why are you here? What are you wearing?"

"Oh, it's a George Stavropoulos. Do you like it?" Kara asked, holding out the skirt of her dress and spinning slowly.

"Fancy," Maggie said.

"Is something wrong?" Alex asked, tying her robe closed.

Kara nodded. "It's Lena."

"What's wrong with Lena?" Alex asked.

"She..." Kara closed her eyes, taking in and letting out a breath before opening her eyes and saying, "She wants to have sex with me. Can I just stay here with you guys and hide out?"

"Well I—"

"I got this," Maggie said, walking toward Kara. "Hold up your hand."

Kara held her hand above her head.

Jumping up slightly to slap it, Maggie said, "Tag, I'm it. I've got Lena. What's your address?"

"Get your ass back here!" Alex barked at her girlfriend. "She's upset, and you're not helping."

"I'm trying to help," Maggie mumbled as she walked back to Alex.

"What was that?" Alex asked, arms folded across her chest.

"Yes, dear," Maggie replied with a smile that showed off her dimples.

"Better." Alex took a seat on the couch, patting another seat for Kara. "You've got girl problems?"

"Serious ones," Kara replied as she sat down. "She told me that unless there was an orphanage burning down I needed to be home tonight for sex. Actually, she said loud sex to bother my mother-in-law and drive Lillian out of the house. I had dinner with Lillian Luthor, who was really nice to me and that's super weird by the way, and now Lena wants to have sex with me. Alex, what do I do?"

Without looking, Alex pointed at Maggie and said, "Don't say anything."

"I didn't," Maggie argued. "Oh, except for that...and that. I'm shutting up now."

"Okay, so Lena wants to have sex with you, and you don't want to have sex with her?" Alex clarified.

"I don't think so."

"You don't think so?" Alex asked.

"I mean no. I don't want to. She's married to Kara, but not me Kara other me Kara. She's not even Lena. Plus, she's Lena," Kara said.

Alex leaned back rerunning that answer. She repeated it, her finger moving up and down as she tried to follow along. "Okay, that either made perfect sense or no sense at all. Maggie, as much as I hate to admit it, I might need your help. Oh, but you can't just tell her to have sex with Lena because Lena is hot."

"Oh." Maggie shrugged, taking a seat on the floor near the sisters. "I'm not sure how much help I can be then. That's kind of my go-to move." Maggie took a deep breath and asked, "Okay, I do have one piece of advice that might be relevant here. I have discovered that you shouldn't live with regrets. You should kiss the girls you want to kiss. Even when relationships didn't turn out well, I didn't regret those kisses, but I have regretted the kisses I skipped. I almost walked away from your sister, and that would have been the worst mistake of my life." She looked up at Alex who was smiling. "How am I doing so far?"

"You're reminding me of why I'm so lucky to have you in my life," Alex replied.

Maggie rose to her knees, kissing Alex, then sat on the floor again. "So question for you, Little Danvers. When Lena tried to kiss you, did you avoid it because she's someone else's wife or because it just holds no appeal?"

"No, I kissed her."

Maggie and Alex exchanged a look of surprise.

"What?" Kara asked.

"Nothing, we just..." Alex considered for a moment, then asked her sister. "So Lena kissed you?"

Kara nodded.


"Well, in the hospital when I first found out she wasn't the Lena from our world and was actually married to Kara here. Then again when we were in our house...uh, her house. In between was when Maggie texted me with her phone number, the phone she got from the DEO and the line that was safe to use. That's when I sent you my string of freak out texts that I was married to Lena."

"We remember that," Maggie said, then mumbled under her breath, "That was funny as all hell."

"Hey, no teasing about surprise relationships here," Alex reminded Maggie with a pointed finger. "First you thought she was Lena's sister, and that didn't turn out to be true, but you teased her a ton. Surprise relationships on this world didn't turn out so well for you, did it, Maggie?"

Maggie blanched.

"What did I miss?" Kara asked.

"Nothing sweetie," Alex replied.

"It doesn't sound like nothing."

"Oh, it's not. I'm saving it for when I really need good blackmail on Maggie or when she really pisses me off. This would just be cheap and unsatisfying. So, Lena kissed you at her house?" Alex asked.

Kara nodded. "That's when there was a LOT of kissing."

"Hold up!" Maggie said, hand raised in the air and happy to keep the subject off of her other-dimensional love life. "Define a LOT of kissing. I'm not trying to be weird. Alex and I just need to understand what's going on if we're going to help you."

"Oh, okay well, we were on the bed in my room, which is a dressing room but it has this bed in it. Weird, but anyway we were on the bed, and she started kissing my neck, then up my face, and then my mouth. She bit my lower lip, and her tongue was really quick like quivering all over it. Then she kind of licked the outside of my lips. It felt really...interesting. She started kissing me. Her tongue is really agile."

"Agile?" Maggie asked, her voice cracking. "Agile," she repeated with a clear throat. She looked up to see if Alex was glaring at her, but her girlfriend seemed just as interested in Lena's skill. There were some definite perks in a same-sex relationship.

Kara was nodding. "I was kissing her back because, well, her mouth was right there. It would have been rude not to kiss her back. Plus that's what Kara would have done, and I'm Kara, right?"

Slowly, Alex and Maggie both nodded.

"Right," Kara said with a smile. "That part was...interesting like I said. I didn't know that girls' mouths were smaller like that, or that their lips or skin were so soft. I mean I suppose I knew, but I didn't realize. Plus I thought we would bump against each other."

"What do you mean bump?" Maggie asked.

Kara gestured at her breasts. "I thought they'd just bump and be in the way. I never understood how you guys did it. You have the same parts, and I thought those parts got in the way, but they just sort of...move and...hug? Is hug the right word?"

Maggie laid on her side on the floor, resting on her elbow as she grinned. "I like the word hug. That's a great word for it."

"Okay, so she pulled me on top of her, and our bodies short of hugged into each other. She was really soft and comfortable. It was..."

"Interesting?" Alex said, glancing over at Maggie.

"Yeah," Kara said. "Then her hands got into places I had to draw the line. That was not something you should be doing"

"Not something you should be doing with another woman?" Alex asked.

"Not with someone else's wife," Kara replied. "She thinks I'm her wife. She was only touching me there because she thinks I'm her wife. I couldn't do that."

"What if scenario," Maggie said sitting up again. "What if that hadn't been this Lena. What if that had been Lena from our Earth?"

"Yeah, but no because—"

"Ah, ah." Maggie held up a hand. "Imagine if after we get back to our Earth, you and Lena are just sitting on the couch in her office, and you're holding her or something. Could that happen?"

"Sure that happens sometimes," Kara admitted.

"Really? Okay. How does she smell?" Maggie asked.

"She smells amazing. She always smells amazing. She's Lena," Kara replied.

With eyebrows raised, Maggie and Alex looked at each other.

"Okay, what now? What's that look about?" Kara asked.

"Nothing," Alex said. "You just know Lena much better than we do."

"Yeah, the closest I've ever been to her is slapping cuffs on her. Though not going to make that dirty because your sister has too much blackmail information on me and I don't want to be kicked out of here tonight."

"You can be taught," Alex added.

"So Kara, about that hypothetical situation" Maggie posed. "Let's say we go home and you and Lena are sitting around on that couch just like we said. Maybe you tell her how we ended up here and you were worried we'd never get home. Maybe she's worried because she might have never seen you again. Then let's say she kisses you. Let's say the Lena who is your friend kisses you, and it feels just like the kisses from this Lena here, but she knows it's you and you know it's her. She isn't married to anyone else. She doesn't think you're anyone else. What do you do?"

"Well, I...I, uh...I would just...I, uh..." Kara sat stammering, her hands folding over each other again and again while her brain failed to make sense of the situation.

Finally, Alex grabbed her little sister's hands and said, "Kara, this is a conversation for when we're not stuck in another dimension. For now, don't think about it anymore. The person here is someone else's wife, and you did the right thing. I'm proud of you."

Relaxing and smiling, Kara said, "Thanks, Alex. So what do I do now? I can't go back to Lena. I seriously considered setting an orphanage on fire. Would that be wrong?" Kara asked.

"So very wrong," Alex replied. "That was a joke, right?"

Kara nodded. "Mostly. So I can sleep here?"

"Sure, you can have the couch," Alex replied as she stood up.

"But this is my apartment. Maggie should get the couch. She's shorter than me," Kara argued.

"Nope, this is Alex Danvers' apartment, and I'm Alex Danvers. If you don't want to sleep in the penthouse with your wife, then you can crash on your sister's couch."

"We have a mansion," Kara replied.

"My point is valid. The couch is yours for the taking," Alex confirmed.

Brow furrowed, Kara looked at Maggie and asked, "Can I sleep at your place?"

"I can't find it."

"What do you mean you can't find it? How do you lose a whole apartment?"

"Well, the DEO is already suspicious of me, so I didn't want to pull my own personal file. I figured I just lived at my place. I drove over there tonight, and it was in the crappiest part of town I've ever seen. Seriously, the roaches had all moved out for a better part of town. I got out of the car, just to make sure it wasn't some kind of hidden setup, you know, slum lord on the outside and high-tech DEO hideout on the inside. It was not. Unless there is a supervillain in town that can be defeated by the smell of stale urine, I don't live there. I'm not sure that anyone inside there has lived there in a few days. However, I did get this while I was there." Smiling, Maggie held up the pistol she was carrying.

"It was in your apartment?" Kara asked.

"Nah, it was on the guy who tried to carjack me as I walked back outside. He was also kind enough to donate this to the cause." Maggie grabbed a wallet off the coffee table and held it up.

"You stole his wallet?" Kara asked, shocked.

"Stole it?" Maggie held her hand to her heart, her expression and tone mimicking Kara's for a moment until she said, "You're damn straight I did. The guy was a carjacker. I'd have taken his sneakers if he had smaller feet. I'll go grab the kid a blanket and a pillow. You need anything else?"

"I'm going to grab some ice cream," Kara said as she walked to the kitchen.

"There isn't any," Alex informed her sister.

"You ate it all?" Kara asked, her eyes narrowed in accusation.

"No, this Alex is some kind of health food nut. There is a frozen, non-dairy, coconut milk based vanilla maple frozen thing in there. You are welcome to try it. Maggie took off the lid, and even she made a face, and put it back in the freezer. It 's got to be weird if Maggie wouldn't eat it.  We had vegetables, with vegetables, and some more vegetables for dinner. I think my arteries are softening up."

"Why didn't you just order take-out?" Kara asked.

"Because our supply of money is somewhat limited. We've got what you gave us plus what Maggie got from the guy she mugged." Alex smiled at her sister. "Although perhaps you could help us out Mrs. Luthor?"

"I'll hit an ATM in the morning...if I can figure out my PIN number."

"If you can't then go into the bank. You have a bank card in your wallet and a driver's license. Your wife is a billionaire CEO. You can get your sister some pizzas."

"My wife is not a CEO. She does R&D. I don't know who the CEO is, maybe Lex, maybe Lionel. Oh, plus they have another brother named Julian. Finally, a name that doesn't start with an L."

"Well, that's a miracle," Alex commented.

"Okay, here you go kid," Maggie said, tossing a blanket and pillow on the couch. "If you hear sirens and go out to assist, close the window behind you, okay?"

"I will." As she started to make up the couch as a bed and Maggie and Alex walked to the bedroom, Kara asked, "Oh hey, what should I tell Lena?"

"Well, if you don't get called away to a real emergency, make one up," Maggie suggested.

"Sure, use one you've done on our world," Alex said.

"What if this Kara did it here too?" Kara asked.

"I don't know Kara. I'm tired. Tell here there was a run on kittens in trees," Alex said deflating.

"Heh, heh. Pussy 911," Maggie said with a laugh.

Stomping her foot, Alex pointed toward the bedroom while she glared. Maggie slunk off as directed. Waving her sister a good night, Alex followed into the bedroom and crawled into bed.

"I'm sorry, honey. I'm tense, and I get extra sarcastic when I'm scared," Maggie said, curling up behind Alex.

"I'm scared too, and I don't want to eat vegetables again tomorrow. We're having take-out if we have to call it in and then go rob the place."

Maggie laughed, pulling Alex in closer. "So your sister and what happened with Lena. That was—"

"Shhh. Hold on." Speaking in a normal tone, Alex said, "Kara can you hear me? Will you come in here for a moment sweetie?" She waited maybe twenty seconds then said, "Okay, she isn't listening."

"Right, super hearing. You had to deal with that a lot growing up?"

"She's better at controlling it now. When she first moved in, I was a few years older, and she had a hard time not hearing everything I did. I had no privacy. I cut a little bit loose at college for all of the things I couldn't do in high school."

"Like what kind of things?"

"Oh come on Maggie." Alex rolled over, looking at her girlfriend. "She would come to me and say things like, 'Why is Eliza calling to god in the middle of the night? Who is your god that she is worshiping?'"

"Who is your god?"

Alex nodded. "She grew up worshiping Rao. It's their deity, their sun. Once I explained it was our religion, that we just say God, she figured it out almost immediately and was pretty mortified by what she was overhearing. I think I was more upset. She used to lay in bed with her hands over her ears, trying not to listen. I had no idea my parents had such an active sex life. I have no idea how I was an only child."

"Man, poor kid. Poor you."

"Yeah, well, we ended up putting on the radio, and it was better for everyone involved. My mother gave us a hard time about it, and then I had to tell her why we were doing it. That was awful for me. My mother tried to tell me what a wonderful expression of their love sex was." Alex shuddered. "Parents are insane."

" Kara and Lena, you planning on talking to her when we get home?"

"Honestly, I don't know. Kara's always seemed pretty happy dating guys. Well, having super strength, super speed, a super metabolism has been the issue I think. As far as I know, she's attracted to men."

"Okay, but maybe she's also attracted to women, or at least to Lena. Someone should be available for the discussion now that the door is open. You don't have to push her to talk about it, but if she wants to talk about it, someone should be there. You know how you were once that seed was planted."

Alex sighed. "That's true. She's my sister. Of course, I'll be there for her. I think doing it on our own dimension has to be a priority though."

"Absolutely. So, if you want another friend for the conversation with Kara, and if she wants someone else, I'm available."

"You're awesome," Alex said kissing her girlfriend.

"That true. I'm sorry I'm being know. This place is just making me a nervous wreck. I'm kind of glad that I can't find my place. I'd rather be here with you."

"I'm glad you're here with me too."

"So, tomorrow we'll figure out how to get home?"

Alex furrowed her brow.

"What's that look?"

"I just...I'm not sure what to do next. Our DEO might be helpful, but this one isn't. We've got Director Henshaw here, and I'm not overly welcome. You can get me in, but they watch me like a hawk. Plus I know science, but not this kind of science."

"Okay, who knows this kind of science?" Maggie asked.

"The first name that comes to mind is a difficult one all things considered."

"Are they at the DEO?"

"No, but maybe revealing who we really are is the best thing to do here."

"What? No. Alex, we agreed to stay hidden. Anyone who finds out about us could get us into a government lock-up tank."

"I know what we agreed on Mag, but this person has a personal interest. This person wants to get someone back too." Alex sighed heavily. "I think we need help from Lena Luthor. We just need to get Kara to convince her she's not Kara, but she's Kara."

"Eh...I'm going to sleep unless you want to have sex and scandalize your sister."

"No thank you. It will be much too loud."

"I can be quiet," Maggie said.

"Well, I can't."

"Heh, that's true. That's one of the things I like about you, Danvers."

"No, that's one of the things I like about you, Sawyer."

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