True Love~ Pan OUAT

By Gingerninjar98

229K 3.7K 394

Charlotte is Pan's true love. Both smitten but deadly, the couple live peacefully in Neverland. That is unti... More

2~Our Home
3~The Adults
4~ Cage After Cage
5~No Slave Of Yours
7~Rumple Douche Bag?
10~Heart Of The Truest Believer
11~Lost Girl
12~Quite a Common Fairy
13~Nasty Habits
15~Time So Slow
16~Shadows In The Night
17~ Secrets Shouldn't Be Spoken
18~The Single Handed Man
19~Fire Dance
20~ Awake
21~Never Set Free
22~ The Final Battle

6~Play Time

11.5K 187 3
By Gingerninjar98

To say I was forgotten about in this tiny, cramp and delusional cell was an understatement.

Neither Hook nor Cora came to annoy me with their presence, even though I know that the latter of the two just loves me too much to show it so she stays away and hides it behind her stupidity.
Cranky woman had a stick too far up her butt. I don't think, even if I tried hard enough, that I could get a stick that far up my butt.

"Helloooo," I called out and pretended I was a wolf at the end, allowing the 'o' to trail on into the lonely night sky as I sit in the darkness alone and ill rested. "Awooo" I call as I fling my head back and play with my vocals. The boys were always slightly better at copying the animal calls than I but mine were loader and clearer. Each call, each note of an animals language was a key word for us when when hunting or just winding up the local fairies, mermaids and lets not forget the Indian's up on their hill. It was fun to pull their tails or clip their wings together.

Cackling alone to myself I heave my shoulders up and roll my neck letting the cracks of my uncomfortable position echo around me.
"I'm bored," I say as I gracefully climb up to my bare feet and walk the one step to the metal door. A little of copper mixed in there. An old tale that the pathetic metal hurt fairies or those with magic. But I'm not a fairy. I'm something else entirely; the last of a species. 

Guess some one forgot to mention that it's a little tougher to break through, but not impossible. A little trick for sticky situations really.

With a quick swipe of my right hand, the one with the wretched bracelet on, had the door swinging wide open and a grin plucking at the corner of my lips. A smirk more than a smile.
"Why thank you kind sir," I say to myself as I bow to the imaginary doorman before stepping through and bounding up the ladder to top deck. I knew I could be as load as I wanted because no one really came back anymore unless it was to pick something up or sleep.
And none of that was going on tonight.

Reaching the deck I take in a deep lung full of air, clean and crisp but not a pure and alive as Neverland's. 

But, the distinct taint of magic still poisoned the air.

"Ah good" I beam as I take long, swinging strides to the port side of ship where I leap up- well... more of a flying, grace full, jump where my feet take a little longer to gently land  than if I wasn't using magic.

Gazing down upon the docks below I can't help the evil smirk that snakes onto my face, pulling my lips back and my eyes gleaming with dangerous ideas.
"Playtime, boys," I sing as I jump from the side of the beast of a boat. She was a good looking girl. Just a shame about the prat of a captain.

Lading like a ballerina, give a little pirouette as I move off towards the town and I can't help the dark tune that slips from between my lips as I whistle.
My first taste of partial freedom in who knows how many decades.

A skip in my step as I swing from lap post to lamp post I let my hair dance freely with my liquid movements as if it were a ribbon on the wind.
"I'm free," I sing to myself as make my way as to what seems like the centre of town. The pulsing of magic in the electric air getting stronger and more powerful with every prance of my bare feet on the damp road beneath; not as luxurious as the forest of Neverland but it shall do adequately for now. 

Spotting the faint shape of a main street with a clock tower and little shops running parallel to it I make a bee like for a building that looks like it will have plenty of food.
"Diner?" I smirk to myself at my poor understanding. The last time I travelled in the real world we were still hunting and feasting so whatever this is, it better be good.

Jumping past the little picket fence I move round the side of the dinky building so that I can see in through a window to observe the quiet and dark booths of fancy chairs and counters.

Taking a quick breath I use my magic to open the window effortlessly and then fly silently inside. Standing in the centre of the room I give a quick glance around my surroundings until I spot a door that takes my fancy behind a counter. Jumping over the counter, my ragged skirt covered butt sliding across the surface of the counter as my legs swing over to the other side as I glide further towards the door I give a small "wheeeeee" to give emphasis on how simple pleasures were everything in life.

Pushing through the swinging door I grab an apple that's on a basket to my left as I walk in. Groaning at the sweet juices that quench my dry lips I greedily take another bite as I move further into the room and take bits of bread, ham, and what looks like cheese before stuffing them all in my face like the deprived child I am.

Moving back over to the fridge I pull it open to cast a small glow on the large kitchen full of metal counters and appliances. Gazing at a metal canister in the door of the fridge I shrug curiously, what harm could it do, and grab it.

Taking the flimsily lid off and press the little button inside I gasp happily at the white cream that explodes from the end. "Get in," I beam as I tip my head back and push the canister to my lips.

The artificial sweetness almost making me choke when the lights suddenly flick on and blind me.

Casually lowering the canister I slowly turn behind me to see an old lady with a gun in her hands pointed at me with her glasses perched on the end of her pointy nose.
"Hi," I smile as I put the canister down on the nearest bench before I leant my lower back against it too. My hands resting casually beside me.
"I hope you don't mind but... I was hungry," I shrug as the woman tentatively steps closer.
"And so you thought you could take what you wanted?" She scowls.
It was weird seeing an old person. Having been isolated from the 'real' world for so long I'd forgotten how grumpy and boring everyone truly was. Just seeing wrinkles on anything other than a monkey and Cora was amusing.
"Yeah," I smile sickly sweetly. 
She lowers the gun a little, "You're just like Red," she whispers to herself as she shakes her head a little.

I take my chance to bolt.

Jumping over the centre console I quickly rush out the back door, right at the very second she fires the load gun. "Ya missed" I shriek in excitement at the rush of adrenaline that pumps through my power hungry veins. Dashing through the little corridor in front of me I easily make it through the now magically open back door and disappear into the night.

Blending in with all the dark shadows. Even if I don't have one myself.

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