Asher's Heart

By rhxpsodicxlly

2M 78.7K 18K

Unlike everyone else, Ellie Anderson thought she had it easy in high school. Except for the first year. It su... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Extra #1
Extra #2

Acknowledgments | Character Interview

31.7K 816 154
By rhxpsodicxlly

This story is nowhere near finished in the sense of how finished works look like. It's only the first draft but I'm really happy and feel really accomplished to have completed this story and all credit goes to you guys who are reading this right now. Without your constant support and love for these characters and this story, I wouldn't be able to do it. I'm not gonna mention anyone as I have full confidence in myself that I would forget to mention some people. So, whoever is reading this, this is for you. I dedicate this story to you.


The Q&A kind of turned into a character interview, including me of course. I hope you enjoy it and it answers some of your questions. So, let's get started.

Are you guys ready? Because we're going to destroy the fourth wall to the ground!

Interviewer - Olivia Chase.

Olivia - Hi everyone! I'm excited to welcome our guests, Asher Hart, Ellie Anderson, Brooke Franco, Ashton McArdle and our fantastic author who won't tell us her name. *narrows her eyes*

Author - *smiles sheepishly* Thanks for having us.

*everyone sits*

Olivia - When was the first time you guys kissed? *looks between Asher and Ellie*

Ellie - *looks at Asher who's hiding a smile* It was at your cousin's birthday party, right?

Asher - I assume they want to know about the one before that. *raises his eyebrow as he leans back*

Ellie - *chuckles lightly* Oh, it was nothing! *waves hands*

Asher - *tsk-tsk* Admit it, Anderson I was your first kiss. *smirks*

Ellie - You were not!

Asher - Was too.

Ellie - *glares at him*

Brooke - *rolls her eyes* Please excuse their bickering. They are an old married couple.

Ellie - *sighs* Alright alright, I'll tell. We were eight and it was just to prove Ashton that girls don't have cooties. It was nothing.

Ashton - Hey! I never had any preconceptions about kissing.

Ellie - * gasps as realization dawns* You! *accuses Asher* You tricked me into kissing you.

*Asher bends over laughing as Ellie crosses her arms and huffs*

Asher - *wraps an arm around her and pulls her closer* If it makes you feel any better you were my first kiss too. *kisses her cheek softly*

Olivia - Aww! *looks at the card in her hand and laughs* Oh, this is a good one. How many kids are you gonna have?

Ellie - *sputters* W-what?

Asher - *confidently* Four.

Ellie - No! Don't you think it's too soon for that kind of a question? We've only been dating for what? A couple months? I'm just enjoying it right now and seeing where things go.

Asher - Four kids. *nods at Olivia*

Ellie - I said no. Four are too many. I'll have one. At most, two. But that's it.

Asher - *pouts at her* I want four.

Ellie - *sits straighter* It's two or nothing.

Asher - *looking disturbed* Okay, let's compromise. How about three?

Ellie - No.

Asher - *sighs helplessly then winks at Olivia* I'll convince her.

Olivia - Good luck with that. *giggles* Sorry to sadden the mood but do you plan to forgive Nora? *looks at Ellie*

Ellie - *looks uncomfortable* Eventually. I've realized that I don't wanna spend the rest of my life without her being there. So yeah, it's gonna take time and it's gonna be hard but nothing will make me happier than having a mother-daughter relationship with Nora.

Olivia - *smiles sympathetically* I'm sure you'll have an amazing relationship. While we're on the mom topic... Any news about Calla's mom? Will she ever wake up?

*everyone looks at the author*

Author - I don't know! I'm not her doctor. *shrugs*

Asher - *glares at her* Yeah right. Like you didn't make her suffer like that.

Author - Me? It was you or did you forget?

Asher - Ouch. *looks stricken*

Ashton - Well, the doctor says that things aren't looking good but they are still hoping.

Asher - And I'm holding onto that hope. *looks pointedly at the author*

Olivia - Why were you in rehab?

Asher - *sighs deeply* After the... you know, I was diagnosed with PTSD and depression and it became really hard for me to get through a single day. Some days I didn't even want to get out of bed. *shrugs and Ellie rubs his back comfortingly* I'm fine now, though. *gives a tight lipped smile* But to get at this point in my life it was really important for me to go into rehab. I didn't think it was necessary before I returned. I think I wanted to make myself suffer, but then something happened and it made me want to not suffer anymore. *looks into Ellie's eyes* Because when you suffer you take people who care about you down with you and I couldn't see that happening.

Olivia - *clears throat after a short amount of silence then mutters* Why is it so hot here? *clears throat again and then in normal voice* Why was your drink at the annual ball drugged? Who would do that?

Ellie - I always wondered that too. *slants her head to look at Asher*

Asher - Umm... it was me.

Brooke - Dude, that's messed up. Can't believe I was so head over heels for you. *shakes her head*

Asher - *ignores her* It was actually my medication that helps me sleep at night. Lately, normal doses hadn't been working for me so I doubled it. But clearly, someone thinks drinking other people's drinks is a great way to get back at them. *narrows his eyes at Ellie playfully. Ellie blushes in embarrassment*

Olivia - Ashton, I apologize in advance for how awkward this question is gonna be for you to answer, but readers' demands always come first. *smiles sympathetically* How did you feel about Ellie?

Ashton - To be honest, you scared me more with that apology. *chuckles lightly* For the sake of the people present here and to not make it any more awkward I'll just say that Ellie was definitely not like a sister to me.

Olivia - Oh. Well, you broke her heart by saying that. Why did you do it?

Ashton - Ah, that got me into a lot of trouble.

Asher - You deserved it.

Ashton - Whatever, dude.

Brooke - What the hell are you guys talking about?

Ellie - Yeah, what's this about?

Ashton - *grimacing* I'd rather not say.

Olivia - I really wanna push you into sharing that, but I guess you deserve to keep it. Let's move on. There are a few people who ship Brooke and Ashton. Is there any possibility for that to happen?

Brooke - Pfft... No.

Ashton - But why? Am I not good enough for you? *pouts adorably at her*

Brooke - *without even sparing him a glance* No.

Ashton - You know, I'll be a fantastic boyfriend. Even better than the last one that you dumped.

Asher - Brooke Franco. Breaking it since '96. *everyone except her laughs*

Brooke - *states* I'm not that old.

Asher - *shrugs* It rhymes.

Brooke - Anyway Ashton, you can't be a fantastic boyfriend to me even if you try your hardest.

Ashton - *looking insulted* And why is that?

Brooke - Well, considering you learn to keep it in your pants you'll still have a long way to go from there. My standards are too high for you.

Olivia - Ooh did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed?

Ellie - No, this is her I-am-still-not-over-my-ex-boyfriend-and-I-don't-want-people-to-see-me-wallow-in-sadness-so-Imma-gonna-be-mean-to-them phase. *Brooke rolls her eyes*

Ashton - Always the victim. Come on, now help me bury the confidence you just brutally murdered. *drags Brooke away*

Olivia - Think those two will hit it off? *after they disappear*

Ellie - Unlikely.

Asher - Nah, I don't think so.

Author - Who knows? *smirks*

Olivia - So Author, have you thought of writing a kinda spin off to Asher's Heart but with Ashton's story?

Author - It was always my plan to write a few companion books to this story and I have a very loose plot for Ashton's book in mind at the moment. It will take place a few years after this book ends. It won't happen for a long time and even if it did, it probably won't be a teen fiction. So yeah, keep your eyes out for that if you're interested.

Olivia - Do Asher and Ellie adopt Calla?

Asher - We're trying, but it's difficult to legally acquire the adoption rights with us being barely adults and a close relative to her already having that right, although I hate the way she treats her. There are other complications too but I would really love for that to happen.

Ellie - Me too. I really love her. Calla deserves so much better than living with that uncaring aunt of hers.

Asher - Maybe sometime in the future.

Olivia - I hope you get it. Do you plan to move to France with Ellie?

Asher - *smiles crookedly* You can expect me to be on her doorstep every weekend.

Ellie - But alas, that's all the time we're gonna get. With his tight schedule and my classes, it's gonna be difficult but we're willing to try this long distance thing. And there's always the holidays.

Asher - Perfect time for jumping... on a plane. *laughs as Ellie rolls her eyes*

Olivia - Who was the best character for you to write? Your favorite character.

Author - I'm not gonna lie and say I can't choose. I do have a favorite *Asher's eyes light up* and no, it's not you Asher. *Asher grumbles under his breath* The character I enjoyed writing the most was Noel. Unfortunately, he didn't make much of an appearance in this story. Other than that I really enjoyed writing Asher's and Ellie's banter. It was so fun. So, Asher, you can say that you're my second favorite.

Asher - Make me the first.

Author - No can do.

Asher - You're evil.

Author - You love me. *Asher shakes his head*

Olivia - Have you considered competing for The Wattys 2017?

Author - Yes! In fact, I've already entered this book. Thank you so much guys, for reading this book and loving the characters. I love you all so much!

Olivia - Is there a sequel to this book?

Author - No, there is no sequel to this book. However, there will be some companion novels following some of the other characters from this book. If you wanna know more about #Eller and their future then be sure to look out for them while reading those books because they will be making an appearance.

Olivia - Thank you all of you for answering these questions and I wish you a great future and you *looks at the author* good luck for your writing.

Author - Thanks.

*everyone exits* *Asher and the author are heard arguing*


Phew! Hoping that wasn't overly immature. If it was cringy then I apologize, guys but it was my first time writing something like this so cut me some slack. Anyway. I hope you enjoyed it! And if you have more questions, ask away! I'll answer them in the comments.

Here are thanks to all the people who sent me questions for this character interview and supported me. Thank you so much, guys. You rock!

@MissFangtastic @BookBirdy2404 @forestfireloverSJ @Fancypants_rox @OMG_YOUTH @GagasIllusion @mystic_sakura @NMalik_ @X_BrightShiningOne_X @-Snowflakeythings- @CandyBear16 @Aharixxpriya @Krackedup @Uva_shree @Mawu_Dem @juliannav135 @NouvelleThalia @IrenaMilosavljevic @CHandwritten @Ezrastone528 @Kiki_leti @DilettanteAmateur @OceanSWAG

There are a lot more names but sadly I can't type all :( Wattpad has started acting up.

That will be all for this book. Hope to meet you all in some other book.

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