Rumour Has It {Book 2}

By Izy_Winchester

283 35 546

[Sequel to Break the rules] Rumors spread like wildfire in a quiet small New England town. So it didn't take... More

Rumour Has It
Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: Life's a Cruel Joke
Chapter 3: Are You Sure We Can Trust Him
Chapter 4: Cabin in The Woods
Chapter 5: Love Always, E
Chapter 6: Baby Girl
Chapter 7: Will You Still Love Me?
Chapter 8: Phillip
Chapter 10: I Wish for Simplier Times
Chapter 11: The Body
Chapter 12: Hell Hath No Fury
Chapter 13: The Things We Do For Love
Chapter 14: The Truth Isn't Always Easy
Chapter 15: JJ and Undiscussed Plans
Chapter 16: Alice
Chapter 17: A Wish
Chapter 18: Goodbye
Chapter 19: The End

Chapter 9: Is Blood Really Thicker than Water?

7 1 0
By Izy_Winchester

I hit my head against the backboard of the bed, laughing hysterically.
"Ow." I got out between giggles.
"Shush, Princess, what's so funny?" Phillip flopped down next to me, placing a hand tightly over my mouth.
I licked his hand, making him jerk it away quickly.
"Jeez, babe." He exclaimed with a chuckle. "Licking is not nice." Phillip scolded.
"I'm sorry, Lip, can you forgive me?" I pouted. "It's not my fault that was funny."
"You chose to laugh uncontrollably." He defended.
"Just be quiet and hand me a lighter."
He shook his head. "No lighter for you, Princess."
I moved closer to where he sat and leaned toward him. "And why not?" I asked, inches from his face.
"Because you don't need one." He stated.
I snaked my hand into his jacket pocket, pulling out a small metal square. "I'll just have to do it myself then." I kissed his nose and laid back down.
Bringing the lighter to the stick before taking a puff. Exhaling smoke I spoke: "You're so mean to me at times, ya know."
"Mean? Me?" He placed a hand to his heart. "You mean Soph, right? I'm not the mean one."
"No I mean you, not my little girl."
He took the cig from my mouth and put it in his. "A perfect family." He muttered, his words slightly muffled.
"You, me, and Soph."
The door opened, revealing a small ginger. "Did I hear my name?" She asked quietly.
"Yes, you did." I smiled at her. "Come'er and lie with your parents." I patted the space in between Phillip and me.
Soph smile grew as she jumped unto the bed, and snuggled in next to us.
"That's my little one." I smiled, looking up at Lip. "Put that out we don't want to set a bad example for the little one."
Phillip rolled his eyes, but put it out in the ash tray anyway. He slid out so that he was lying with us. "I'm very proud of you today, Soph." He patted her head.
"Yes, she did good getting rid of any evidence." I agreed.
"It's scary how she reminds me of you at fourteen, El."
I nodded, looking down at the ginger. "Mummy's little girl." I kissed her head.
She yawned stretching her arms out. "I'm tired, Mom."
"Then close your eyes, Soph. Go to sleep." I ushered her.
Little did I know we'd all fall asleep in the exact position.

*Rafe's POV*

"What'd you do with the flask?"
"I left it by your computer." Mack replied. "Figured that would be a safe place to leave it until we could look into it." She dug threw a junk drawer in the kitchen. "You're computer was on the counter yesterday."
She turned suddenly, shutting the drawer rather harshly. "Who else has been here?"
"Padma was hanging around here this morning, but she wouldn't have touched it." I said, shrugging a shoulder.
"Did you leave before or after her?"
"Before, but you can't honestly think Padma would steal it, Mack. She wouldn't bother it."
Mack held her hands up. "Hey, I'm just saying." She went back to looking through stuff. "Found something."
"What?!" I ran to see.
Mack bent down and picked up a tube out of the trashcan. EB was scribbled on the top in Mack's handwriting.
I grabbed it from her and emptyed the content onto a small tray. "Okay, come help me with this."
Mack came to stand beside me. She leaned close to look at the computer screen.
The scan completed and she gasped.
"What happened?" I tried hard to see.
"Call the others." Mack ordered. "Jerica too, she needs to see this."
I pulled out my phone and texted everyone at once. "What's so important about her blood?"
"There's to sets of DNA here. Meaning it's two different people's blood."
"Who's is it?"
Mack shook her head, biting down hard on her lip in concentration. "Wait for them."
A few seconds later Alex, Jack, and Jerica burst through the front door and into the kitchen. "What's the big rush?" Jerica demanded. "Don't tell me you called me all the way here just to talk about Ellie."
I sighed, noticing a smaller figure behind her. "Just get over here, Jer."
Reluctantly she walked over to the island where everyone else stood waiting.
"You can come over Sophia. Mack won't bite you." I motioned for her to come join us.
Sophia smiled shyly at me before eyeing the computer. "Thanks, Rafe."
Alex rolled his eyes. "It's nice to Sophia, and everyone's missed her, but we have something bigger right now." Alex looked expectantly at his girlfriend. "You look spooked, Mack, so tell us what's up."
"There's two sets of DNA in the blood sample belonging to two different people." She explained.
"Who's, Mack?" Jack inquired.
"One of them belongs to Eleanor, but the other belongs to," She paused, taking a deep breath. "The second set which is the majority of the blood. Belongs to someone none of us would think of," Mack glanced at each one of us then back to the computer, scrolling down a little. "I'm sorry in advance Jer. The blood found is Jackson Jones blood."
I looked up at Jerica who was as pale as a sheet. "You're father."

Whatcha thinkin'?
New playlist for this story has been created. Link below ⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⤵
PM me if you can think of any song you fill like fits a character or the story itself. ~ Izzy ;)

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