Petty rivalry -an Uchiha love...

By ruka7216

24.1K 468 168

The Itakes and the Uchihas. Both clans have been wiped out and both clans have only one survivor. Yuuki Itak... More

Let's get started
Ermmm Can't think of a title
Kicking some uchiha butt
The blood curling nightmares
team 7/the team from hell
The test
My idiotic teammates
Oh wow... ==
I wonder who
Richan appears

Not bad ppl...not bad >)

952 22 8
By ruka7216

<<WOOT BACK IN THE RIGHT MOOD!!! Time for my A game! >D let the fanfic Based on something not owned by me CONTINUE!!!>

Yuukis POV:

I awake feeling both groggy and like I'm about to vomit, and let me tell you, not the most spectacularly wonderful feeling in the world.

"ugh..." my head hurt like crazy.

"finally awake huh? Took you long enough." I turned quickly to see the source of the voice. My eyes went wide and I felt myself trembling violently.

"you're...." A smirk appears underneath his straw hat. The hat I had woven. How the hell did he FIND me?!

Sakura's POV:

We were walking in the forest and on the look out for any enemies. We have to be careful now to get the bridge builder to his home. I have to be on guard so Sasuke can like me! Suddenly Naruto runs ahead and looks around.

"OVER THERE!" he yelled shooting Kumai at a tree. Oh no could it be more chunins? The other ones were already really bad what if these guys are EVEN stronger!?

"it was just a mouse" stupid naruto said with a stupid grin. CHAAAA THAT NARUTO!!!

"mouse? Yah right. Everyone can see through your stupid act! You're so obvious it's embarrassing!" I lectured. Then Naruto almost killed a rabbit! He's such an IDIOT! "right Yuuki?" I asked behind my shoulder.

"....huh?" I looked around. "Where's Yuuki?"

"this isn't good. Yuuki could have been abducted." Kakashi sensei said seriously.


"ABDUCTED?!" me and Naruto exclaim.

"Yuuki? YUUKI! WHERE ARE YOU? If you can hear my voice yell back!" Naruto started shouting searching for her. This is just great. I finally have someone to talk to on this mission and she gets abducted....

"either way we have to stay on mission and get the bridge builder to his home." Kakashi sensei stated.

"But what about Yuuki? She's our comrade!" Naruto yelled.

" Relax Naruto, after we get to the bridgebuilders home I'll guard Tazuna and you guys can look for her. I won't leave behind my comrades." Kakashi sensei assured. There was a long silence when suddenly-

"LOOK OUT!" Kakashi yelled. Suddenly a gigantic piece of metal was zooming towards us! We all ducked just in time for it to fly inches from our heads. The sword cuts into a tree and suddenly a gigantic guy is standing at its handle!

"well well if it isn't Zabuza Momochi, rogue ninja from the land hidden in the mist." Sensei said. Randomly Naruto tries to rush in with a stupid look on his face before being stopped by Kakashi sensei.

"You're in the way get back." sensei said.

"BUT WHY!?" Naruto complained.

"he's not like those other ninja... He's in a whole other league." suddenly a new voice appears from the tree above me.

"well if he's in a whole other league looks like I should probably help out this time around." that's...

"YUUKI!" Naruto exclaimed happily, "YOU DIDN'T GET ABDUCTED!" she jumped down from the branch in the tree and punches him.

"idiot who do you think I am? Abducted? Pshhh ,don't insult my awesomeness." she scolded while Naruto laughed and hugged her. All of the sudden he stopped smiling.

"Yuuki your eyes... " he said shocked. She smiled and waved him off getting into a fighting stance agains Zabuza. While she turned I took a peek at her eyes. I felt MY eyes widen as I saw them...

A crescent moon....with a black star in it...

Takada's POV:

I stare at Yuuki trembling for a while.

"what's the matter? Missed me so much that you're crying" I said all cocky like. Suddenly she stared at me all angry like and.....well I blacked out but I remember being called an idiot. @~@

I woke up later on.

"WHAT WAS THAT ABOUT!?" I shouted with my eyes all wide and arms kind awkwardly waving around.

"DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THAT DRUG SUCK!? YOU ULTRA IDIOT!!! Geeehhhh I want to barf now and IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!" she shouted.

"YOU suck >.> you shouldn't abandon children! How could u leave wittle me all alone in the forest by myself?" I stare at her with puppy dog eyes.

"'ll live~" she said dismissively.

"so heartless Q~Q"

"you'll make it >.> you do realize you're older than me right?"

"am not!" I denied. Suddenly she pulled out my I.D.

"you're 17 Takada....remember that.." she said all annoyed while I go into a makeshift emo corner to grow mushrooms. "now more importantly gimme a sammich I know you have something. You're not stupid enough to approach me without food d:"

"you'll get fat..."


I laugh and throw a sandwich from my pack to her. She catches it and saves it for later.

"'re a clone arent you? ==""

"yeeeepppp SUCKER~" she mocked. Suddenly I dropped my tone to a serious one and told her the information I got.

<<a while later>>

"I see. No worries I'll be fine. You watch out for yourself though. TRY to stay out of trouble, and stop stalking me!"

"NO PROMISES >D and now....." and then just before I could poof and show her I'm a clone she quickly says

"NOT IF I POOF 1ST!" before dispersing into vapor of smoke.

...dammit how'd she know?

Real yuuki's POV:

*ah it was kinda fun meeting Takada again*

~yeeeep duuuude he is so adorable LET'S GO OUT WITH HIM ;D~

*richan....stay off the cough syrup...*

Deciding to tune out Richan Yuuki focused more at the task at hand.

While I was chatting up Richan they were explaining the sharingan to Naruto and Sakura.

~heh heh heh I bet the damned Uchiha is feeling conflicted listening to info on a technique used by his hellish clan~

*shut up Richan and go back to ur coffin like a good little girl*


Looking about I jumped out of line and onto Zabuza's back. I dont know why I did it but I felt like it was right to do so.

"WHA-YUUKI! What do you think you're doing! This is dangerous!" Kakashi exclaimed. I ignored his voice and stared full on into Zabuza's with mine. Suddenly a rage his memories entered my mind. His childhood, his youth, his meeting with the one he loves. Shocked I fell backwards off him. Pupils dilated, my eyelids stretched wide I felt the wind gather me up and I was falling head first spiraling into the ground. I suddenly felt something round hit my stomach...HARD. I gasped the saliva gathered in my mouth was coughed out before I was flung full force towards a tree. One of the shorter twigs jabbed hard towards the small of my back. I gasped again coughing from the force on my stomach before I felt myself start to peel off the tree head to shoulders to arms and back to my feet until again I was diving headfirst into the ground. I watched, paralyzed in my shock as he was about to punch me again. Suddenly an arm grabbed me and spiraled me around landing me gently.

"focus." Sasuke said gripping onto me before settling me onto the ground. I couldn't I just couldn't. I couldn't move. My mind was full of this buzzing sound. It annoyed me the buzzing taking over my brain giving me a mild headache but it wouldn't go away! I slumped sitting onto the ground. Above me Kakashi had stopped Zabuza's fist.

"Whats wrong Yuuki!? What did you see!?" he shouted. Zabuza soon jumped back and created a thick dense mist upon us. What is this? My vision got blurry as I tried to clear my head... How could a person survive so much negative energy and not go crazy?!

I shook my head trying to clear it. I can't use this one. That much negative energy will be the end of me. His soul is offlimits. The best thing to do right now is to....escape the situation entirely. I smirked inwardly before going limp.

"YUUKI!" I heard Naruto cry.

-in the dream land (trolololol)-

The adult is dragging me to the chapel. Why? With some effort I push away from him.

"Stop dragging me I don't like it!"

"you have to come my lady! It's your betrothal!" tears sting my eyes, but I push them back. The future heir has to be strong and never show weakness to anyone. At least that's what mommy said....

"He is my cousin. This is incest."

"you have already been granted a pardon from the council, the fire lord AND the temple."

"BUT-" suddenly a quiet yet oh so powerful voice cuts into the conversation.

"Yuuki, this is enough. You're marrying Takada and that is that."

"but he's my cousin mom!"

"and he has the ryukugan.", suddenly my mother gripped my shoulders and stared into my eyes. Her expression was intensely cold, but had a hidden fury to it. I felt myself shiver."the Ryukugan is rare Yuuki. We must take advantage of this wonderful oppurtunity." her eyes turned meaningful before she turned suddenly holding my hand. The swish of our kimono's silk filled the air as we walked towards my doom and the Itake clan's future.

<< d: took longer to write than I thought but hey I'm done~ so yaaayz? Now THIS TIME COMMENT ON IF U WANNA KNOW WHO RIICHAN RLLY IS?! O_O>>

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