Delinquent Daisy (Book 5)

By mylifemyoption

58.1K 1.8K 399

American sweetheart, Daisy Daniels. In front of the cameras she's sweet and polite and every thing a parent w... More

Delinquent Daisy (Book 5)
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25:
Chapter 26:
Author's Note:

Chapter 1:

3.9K 98 28
By mylifemyoption

I was stuck in yet another boring as a history class meeting. Amber was rattling on about how I needed to make sure that I kept my image clean and blah, blah, blah. I glanced out the window and saw the bright blue sky and the glowing sun and thought about all the other things I could be doing. I could be by my pool getting a nice glowing tan. I slumped further into the chair as Amber droned on. I’d have my three-month holiday to tan and relax but before that Amber was going to talk my ear off.

Amber was a thirty two year old, stick thin lady. Her black hair was always pulled back into a high ponytail and I don’t think I’d ever seen her in anything other than a skirt or pant suit. It was easy to say I disliked the woman. She was the one who was always nagging me to never smoke in the public eye. Or drink. Or dress inappropriately. I knew it was her job but sometimes it was very tempting to fire her. She was also known as my manager and apart from the nagging I liked her quite a bit. She organised my tour dates, album releases and interviews. Without her I’d be lost, which was why I resisted the temptation to fire her even though I wished Black Records had set me up with a nicer manager.

Bored, I dug a cigarette pack out of my bag, which was sitting on my lap. I poked it between my lips before finding my lighter and lighting it.

            “What do you think you’re doing?” Amber shrilled.

            “Smoking. We aren’t in the public eye,” I said like she should’ve already known with a tinge of sarcasm laced in my voice. Mocking Amber’s words.

            “But we are,” she said taking the cigarette out of my lips and putting it in my glass of water, “In a no-smoking building.”

            “You’re such a kill joy.”

            “That’s what you pay me to be,” Amber pointed out and I rolled my eyes. It was true. I just didn’t like to be reminded of that. It was easier to think she was a nag.

            “Are you done yet?”

            “No!” she said with wide exasperated eyes that begged me to listen to her. A losing battle on her side. “Tomorrow you’re on Good Morning America with One Direction. Your flight for New York leaves in four hours. Your suitcases are already on your jet. Now do you want to drive yourself?”

            “No. I don’t like leaving my car at the airport.”

            “Okay so the limo will come past your apartment at three thirty to pick you up. Be ready.”

            “Do I ever disappoint you?” I asked. No matter how much attitude I give Amber I always listen to her and she can’t deny me that. I think that’s the only reason why she’s put up with me the past three years.

            “No. Not in that respect. You just have an attitude problem and you’re a brat.”

            “See you at four thirty,” I said purposely getting the time wrong to piss off Amber as I stood up. I started walking out as Amber said, “Three thirty! You need to be ready at three thirty!” then, “What am I going to do with that girl?”

I smiled to myself as I walked to my car. It was a nice car, well it should be since I paid over a hundred grand for it but it was just a car. Nothing to get excited about. It was white, it had four wheels and it worked. It served its purpose.

Getting into the car I drove to my home. This one was the lavish one. It was very big with a very open living plan and I hated this home. That home was where I held parties, it was more of my social home. If I wanted people over, which was rare, this was the home I’d invite them to.

I preferred my private home. No one knew I had it, not Amber and not even Beth, and it was very small and cosy. But because I was being picked up by the limo my social home would have to do.

I parked in my garage where another three cars sat. Such a waste of money. Unfortunately my ex-boyfriend liked nothing better than spending my money on something as material as cars. I didn’t mind. I had plenty of more money where that had come from but it just amazed me how he had managed to buy three cars each over a hundred grand in under a month. The sex was good but I liked my money.

I walked through the garage and up the stairs to the house. It was nice and simple. Light hardwood floors, sleek black couches, white walls and a wall of windows facing the beach. I opened the back door and went outside. I had a few hours to kill until the limo came to pick me up.

I grabbed my packet of cigarettes and took one out, lighting it up and placed it between my lips. I breathed in the toxic smoke as I leaned on the railing.

The sea was so … free and mysterious. It was complex, all connected but different beaches had different waves. I sometimes wondered what the ocean would say if it had a voice. It would probably scream. I felt like screaming. I always felt like screaming but I had no one to scream to.

Sighing, I turned my phone on to see a text from Amber reminding me to be ready by three thirty. I looked through my phone photos and saw him. I missed him already. It had only been a few days but he was the only person I loved in the world. I would do anything for him.

My phone started ringing and I declined. It was only Beth and I didn’t feel like talking to her. She was too cheery all the time. She was like a constant ball of happiness and I liked her, I did, she was my best friend after all, but right now I didn’t feel like acting cheerful. She would nag me to act cheerful and I really just wanted to be in my own little pity party. I wasn’t going to see him in three months. I wanted my pity party.

I always preferred to be alone and whenever I told someone they were all ‘no one likes to be alone’. Well I did. There’s just something nice about being alone. Maybe it’s the silence or maybe it was just because when I was alone I could do what I pleased. But I loved to be alone. I got into the best business.

Show biz, as some people would call it. Always made sure I was around people. It was great but I did what I had to do. Amber said I should’ve become an actress instead of a singer because I’ve managed to make America and the world think that I’m a little goody two-shoes. I was far from it.

I smoked, I got drunk and I partied but it was all under the radar. I never wore slutty clothes, mini dresses or skirts were not in my vocabulary and what was cleavage? I never spoke badly about anything and apparently I was ‘likeable’. I acted like the kind of person a mother wanted their daughter to look up to. I would have liked nothing better than to express to the public how I really was, I was seriously over the floral dresses, but he would see and I didn’t want him thinking badly of me. So I acted.

I acted sweet and humble. I acted respectable. I acted like I wasn’t the biggest disappointment to the world. I acted the opposite of all my natural instincts. If I wanted to be sarcastic I acted sweet. If I wanted to scream I stayed silent. I just smiled through everything and hoped that no one could see how much it was killing me on the inside. I acted so much that I felt dead on the inside. I found myself becoming so hollow and empty. I couldn’t even remember the last time I did something that was actually interesting.

I partied discretely and I toured and travelled but none of it was interesting. The only friend I had was Beth and Noah but he was never around but it wasn’t his fault. He had no control over it. I wished I could take him with me but I just couldn’t. I wasn’t allowed. I’d offered so many times but the answer was always no and every time my heart was crushed. I’d hoped that one day I would be allowed to take him with me but that was just wishful thinking.

My phone rang out again and I glanced at it. Beth again, sighing I decided I couldn’t ignore her forever; she simply wouldn’t allow it. I was stuck with Beth for life and she knew it.

I accepted the phone call and pressed the phone to my ear.

            “Were you trying to ignore me, friend?” Beth’s voice asked in a cheery tone. That was the only tone Beth had.

            “Me? Never,” I said sarcastically, “How are you?”

            “Good, good. I’ve just finished packing for our three-month holiday! I’m so excited only four days to go! And then we’re off to Tahiti on a private jet!”

I laughed despite myself. Beth always managed to make me laugh somehow.

            “It’s a private jet, Beth, not that big of a deal,” I said rolling my eyes.

            “Stop raining down on my parade! Are you all packed?”

            “Yep, I’m coming to New York tonight.”

            “Great, you can stay with me!”

            “Amber’s booked me a hotel,” I said.

            “Well then get her to un-book it. You’re staying with me. Think of it as a pre-holiday to our actual holiday.”

            “Do you really want my moody ass around?” I asked raising my eyebrows even though she couldn’t see and I could practically hear her eyes rolling. Please say no I remember thinking.

            “I love your moody ass, so yes. I’ll buy you alcohol,” she bribed. Beth was one of the only people who knew how I really was and she covered for me multiple times.

            “Alright I’m in because being stuck with you for three months isn’t enough,” I said sarcastically and in a rude tone.

            “There’s the Daisy Daniels I know,” Beth said. “I still don’t understand how someone with such a bubbly name can be so rude.”

            “And I still don’t understand how a name can be bubbly,” I said bluntly.

            “See you in New York,” Beth said happily.

            “Can’t wait,” I said sarcastically. If it was up to me I’d be staying in LA for the last few days but Amber just had to book the stupid interview and now I was stuck with Beth on the last few days I was meant to have to myself. Yippee.

At three thirty, Amber texted me that she was out the front in the limo so I grabbed my suitcase and wheeled it out to the limo that was waiting. The driver took my bag and loaded it into the boot as I climbed into the back.

            “Okay so you have to be up by four tomorrow morning because Deana and Clara are coming by your hotel room at four. They’ll sort out what you need to wear and do your hair and make-up as usual.”

            “I’m staying at Beth’s. Tell them to go there and if they put me in one more floral dress I will lose my shit.”

            “You want to keep up the good girl image. You dress how they tell you,” Amber said firmly.

            “There are other ways to dress,” I muttered. My wardrobe must’ve contained over a billion floral dresses and I only had one that I actually liked. It was probably the one of the most revealing things I’ve worn in public. It hugged my body and was blue with pink roses. The neckline was that sweetheart style and I wore it with heels. I think that was the only time I liked a floral dress. All my other ones were flowy and looked so girly and girl-next-door style.

            “Yes, because the ripped jeans and the see through shirt keeps up the good girl image,” Amber snorted. That’s what I happened to be wearing at the moment and I shrugged. This was what I liked. It was a shame I couldn’t go out in public like this.

            “Whatever,” I snapped.

            “Just be up by four and have a shower the night before and Clara wants you to leave it natural. So no blow drying or straightening.”

I nodded, that made it easier.

            “And please be nice to One Direction,” Amber said exasperatedly, “Every girl in the world is in love with them so don’t get on their bad side. I’m warning you. If it comes off that they don’t like you, you could lose a lot of fans.”

            “I don’t care about getting fans,” I murmured.

            “Just be nice.”

            “Okay,” I snapped. Amber rolled her eyes.

The rest of the ride was filled in silence and because I knew it’d piss Amber off, I lit a cigarette and right on cue she clucked her tongue. I smirked.

At one thirty a.m. I made it to Beth’s apartment. She was up waiting for me and she was dead on her feet. Her blue eyes had bags under them and her blonde hair was up in a messy ponytail. She was also walking like a zombie.

            “I’m so happy you’re here,” she yawned as she helped to move my bags into her guest bedroom.

            “Well I’d rather be alone. Anyway I’ve got to have a shower and then I’m going to bed because Deana and Clara are coming by at four and I’m tired as hell.”

            “Alright, well I’m going to bed. Did you bring your suitcases for Tahiti?”

            “Amber’s going to have someone send them tomorrow. I couldn’t be bothered lugging them around. I have like three cases packed.”

            “I have four.”

            “Let me guess one just has shoes in it?” I grabbed some clean clothes out of my suitcase.


            “You’re such a material girl,” I said condescendingly.

            “I’m a model. What did you expect?” and I just shrugged. I left Beth and went into the bathroom to shower. The bathroom was familiar to me, I’d been here so many times. So I had no problem finding everything I needed.

When I came back to my room Beth had fallen asleep on my bed and that wouldn’t have been a problem if she weren’t smack bang in the middle of the bed.

            “Hey! Move over,” I grunted as I shoved her over a little.

            “You’re such an ass,” she grumbled but she moved over nevertheless. “This side is cold.”

            “Poor baby,” I snapped as I rolled my eyes.

            “You really are mean.”

            “Shut up.”

At exactly four-oh-eight in the bloody morning, Deana and Clara knocked loudly on Beth’s front door. Still half asleep, I opened the door to reveal them. Clara had an outfit folded over her arm and Deana had a large suitcase, which I knew had hair and make-up crap in it. Without saying anything I just walked into the living room and lay down on the couch ready to fall back asleep.

            “Oh no you don’t, missy,” Deana said pulling me off of the couch. Go change into the clothes so I can start doing your hair and make-up and then we’re off. Amber will have all of our heads if you’re late.”

            “I don’t care about Amber,” I mumbled as I started pulling a throw blanket over me.

            “Well we value our lives,” Clara said and she ripped the blanket off of me. “Go change before I start putting ice cubes down your back.”

Annoyed and tired, I snatched the dry cleaning bag off of Clara and went to change. I stripped from my pyjamas and slid into the skirt and top Clara had given me. The skirt was floral – what a shocker – and reached just above my knees and the top was a creamy colour and went all the way up to my neck. Pretty much a far cry from what I would actually wear but that was good. That meant I was keeping my image up. I paid these people to make me wear these kinds of clothes, I reminded myself.

I didn’t put on the shoes yet deciding I’d put them on just before I left because I was half asleep and I really didn’t feel like wearing stiletto heels. God only knew I probably would’ve rolled my ankle.

I stalked back into the living room and sat on the stool Deana had set up for me. Clara buttoned a cape-like sheet around my neck to protect my clothes from being damaged by the make-up and hair products that they’d be using and then they set to work. Admittedly I fell asleep whilst they were working on me but they didn’t mind. I always fell asleep when they were doing my hair and make-up in the morning.

At five thirty, I left in the limo to go to the building where Good Morning America airs and when I arrived at six o’clock I was wondering who could be bothered to get up this early in the morning just to see One Direction and, well, me. We were just people. People were never worth getting up at six o’clock in the morning for. Especially not me. Nevertheless I smiled and waved at them and I even signed a few things and took a few photos. They did go through all that effort.

When I walked into the studio an assistant named Sam took me to the dressing room so Deanna and Clara could touch up any imperfections on my hair and make-up and so I could meet up with Amber. However these weren’t private dressing rooms. This dressing room was a large square room with mirrors along the walls and stools in front of a bench with couches in the middle. It was a shared dressing room that was reserved for the guests. That meant I was sharing with One Direction.

I knew their names I just didn’t know who was who. In my defence, I wasn’t into their music and I’d never met them before. With no desire to meet them, I ignored them and plopped down at the seat that had my name on it. Deana and Clara immediately started fussing over me and touched up my make-up and re-did parts of my hair, adding extra curls and a few more bobby pins to keep everything in place – they had done my hair down but with the front bit pulled back so it was out of my face. I looked like I listened to Taylor Swift and cried to The Notebook or something as easily horrific such as The Titanic. But other than the fact that I hated the style of the clothes, I looked good.

            “Wakey, wakey,” I heard Amber chirp and I groaned. It was like she lived to pop any bubble of peace I had.

            “What do you want Amber?”

            “For you to look alive and actually listen to me for once in your life,

 she said before she started talking in a lower voice so only those very close to us could hear. “They may ask you to perform a random song, if they do sing Wonderland.”

I had to sing. Great. This interview just kept getting better and better.

“Amber!” I whined.

“Oh shush. Now remember what I said about acting nice to the boys of One Direction.”

            “Okay I hear you, but I don’t know who’s who,” I said in an equal tone. If I was supposed to be nice to them I think it would’ve been better if I actually knew who they were.

            “Green eyes is Harry, curly dark brown hair; And Niall, he’s the one with blue eyes and blonde hair; Louis is the one with brown hair and blue eyes. Zayn has black hair and hazel eyes and Liam has brown hair and brown eyes. Don’t screw up and go say hi. Nicely.”

            “I think I’ve got it,” I said trying to remember all the information Amber had just told me. Green eyes was Harry. Blondie was Niall. Blue eyes was Louis. Black hair was Zayn and brown eyes was Liam. I looked around conspicuously and placed a name to each of their faced. “Okay,” I said nodding, “I’ve got this.”

            “You better because if you screw this up, well you might as well start acting as the bitchy self you are.”

            “Okay. Geez. Why am I even doing an interview with them?”

            “Publicity, darling. And you are both taking a three-month break at the same time so Good Morning America asked for an interview. The paps are starting to think you might have a fling with Liam.”

            “Geez, sorry for thinking I tour in sold out stadiums. I didn’t realise I needed more publicity and eww. I would never date someone from a boyband.”

            “It’s all keeping up with your image. The more interviews you do the more you seem like a people person.”

            “I am not a people person,” I told her firmly.

            “I know. Now can you go and introduce yourself,” she hissed.

            “Like they don’t know who I am,” I said rolling my eyes cockily and Amber shot me the deadliest glare. It was the one that said do-what-I-say-before-I-lose-it. I rolled my eyes again before plastering a fake smile on my face. I caught my reflection in the mirror and nodded satisfactorily at how natural and genuine the smile looked. I’d practised that smile for hours when I was starting in the industry.

I walked up to where the boys of One Direction were seating and smiled widely.

            “Hi, I’m Daisy Daniels,” I introduced myself. Then I sucked up. Musicians, even myself I had to admit, loved nothing more than praise and when people recognised them. “I can’t believe I’m actually meeting you guys! My younger cousin will be so jealous!” I gushed out. “You boys look handsome as usual.”

            “Hi Daisy,” Louis said, “I’m Louis and that’s Liam, Zayn, Niall and Harry,” he said pointing to each as he said their names. My eyes glanced over at Liam a moment longer. That’s who the public thought I had a secret relationship with. He was hot I had to admit but not my style at all. He was someone I would date just to keep my good girl image up.

            “Huge fan of your music,” Niall said, “In fact my girlfriend’s sister toured with you for six months last year, Oly Hart.”

I remembered her. She always sang this depressing song; something about her sister running away. But her music was good hence why I offered her an invitation to tour with me.

            “Oh, you’re a friend of Oly’s?” I asked pretending to sound surprised.

            “Yeah, she opened one or two of our concerts too,” Zayn added in and I really couldn’t have cared less.

            “That’s great,” I smiled. “So you guys are going on a break. May I ask why?”

            “Zayn here is becoming a dad again,” Harry spoke up slapping Zayn on the shoulder. Meanwhile I was thinking, ‘Again? He had a child? When did that happen?’

            “Oh? When’s the lucky day?” I asked. I didn’t know his wife or girlfriend’s name and I didn’t want to make it sound like I didn’t.

            “Perrie’s due on May ninth,” Zayn said.

            “That’s only a week away!” I said genuinely appalled.

            “I know. I’m flying back to London tonight though,” he assured me. “And Louis here,” Zayn said gesturing to Louis, “Is planning his wedding.”

            “Hope’s pretty stressed about it,” Niall added.

            “That’s lovely!” I said, “What date are you planning for?”

            “July the ninth,” Louis said and he smiled widely. They had a thing with nines. “Can’t wait though.”

            “That’s lovely,” I said again but on the inside I couldn’t care less. Love was stupid and broke easier than my nail. People who got married usually divorced within five years or they ended up spending their lives together being completely miserable.

            “So why’re you going on your break?” Harry questioned.

            “Honestly, it’s just a holiday. There’s absolutely no reason. My friend and I just decided we needed a break,” I said. That was far from the truth. Beth and I did decide to go on a holiday but it wasn’t out of spontaneity. It was because of a suggestion Amber – of all people- had made because of reasons.

If I had to sit here for another minute, I was going to crack up. These people were so happy. When could I stop talking to them? Their happy little lives were making me want to puke. I really couldn’t care less if Harry or Zayn or whatever was getting married or having a baby or building a damn chocolate house.

            “Daniels, One Direction! You’re on in five!” a director called out and I conspicuously cheered. I was one step closer to getting out of here. We moved over to the side of the stage and waited for the hosts to invite us onto the stage. When they did I put my fake smile back on – the one I spent hours perfecting – and waved to the crowd and acted like I had nothing better to do than to be up at seven o’clock in the freaking morning.

The interview was pure agony. Most of the things the hosts said were so cheesy and stupid and I had a billion sarcastic comments I wanted to reply with but instead I had to bite my tongue and smile through it. Just grin and bear it, Amber’s words echoed my thoughts. I could’ve used a cigarette; correction I was dying for a cigarette. What was even more annoying was that being nice seemed to come completely naturally to the boys. They just laughed and had a good time. I, on the other hand, wanted nothing more than to run away and go back to bed.

I wished I had never become famous. I never even wanted this. This was all their fault and I hated them for it. But I had to do it. For him. For Noah.






A/N: Hi Everyone!! So here's the first chapter of Delinquent Daisy!!!

I hope you like it and if you do PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT!!!


1) What do you think of Daisy?

2) What do you think about the chapter?


-Natalie xx

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