A Pirate's Life For Me

Door sparrowscaribbean

33.7K 734 161

15-year-old Agnes had gotten more than she had bargained for when she set foot on the Black Pearl... Meer

Tangled in the Great Escape
Keep Myself Alive
Proximity Mines in the Complex
If You're Thinking of Leaving, You Should.
This Is The Time
Somebody To You
Hope For Everything That Is Not Here
If Nothing Breaks, Nothing Moves.
Something Just Like This
You're The Sea Upon Which I Float
This Probably Won't End Well
You Don't Know How to Let Go
The Worth of the Wait
Pain Has a Memory
We All Float Down Here
Your First Light My Eventide
All the Little Lights
Send the Pain Below
Close Your Eyes and Realize
Two's Company, Four's A Crowd
Uneasy Hearts Weigh the Most
We Own the Night
Betrayed by the Game
Cast Your Fate to the Wind
Before the Worst
Never Hurt Again
Would You Still Be There
Time and Tide

Long Gone and Moved On

503 14 1
Door sparrowscaribbean

(Agnes' POV)

I felt completely sluggish when I had woken up from the very eventful night I was given for my birthday.

"Agnes? Are you awake?" A voice that I could only assume was Henry spoke, me not possessing the ability to turn my head at that very moment.

"Aye, I'm awake. How long was I out?" I groggily asked.

"Too long. How long were you and Jack up talking last night?"

"A pretty long time." I brightly smiled.

"You look extremely happy, not that it's a bad thing! What did Jack tell you?" Henry smirked, sitting next to me.

"What I needed to hear." I replied.

"Could you do me a favor and wake him up?"

I nodded, turning over to Jack. We had both fallen asleep on deck.

"Dad?" I inquired, tapping him.

He must've already been waking up, as he quickly opened his eyes.

"What darling?"

"Jack! Father needs you." Henry spoke, Jack meeting him with a confused look.

"And why does the bloody eunuch need me?"

"To keep him on track of course!"

"Thought that was your job! You're the map boy." Jack replied, closing his eyes once more.

"Have you ever cared to think that maybe I need a break once in a while too? You're a captain Jack! I mean, I know the Pearl hasn't been in shape for a couple weeks now, but that doesn't mean you can slack on this ship."

"Fine! Fine. As long as you stop whining." Jack sighed, walking away to Will.

"Hey, I didn't whine!" Henry growled, taking a seat where Jack currently had sat.

"So, do you know when we're finally going to be at Pelegosto?" I asked Henry, who was currently enjoying finally being off of his feet.

"Tomorrow morning most likely. Why?" Henry quizzically asked.

"No reason."

"No reason..." Henry spoke, pushing me to actually say what was on my mind.

"Alright. I guess I just want to get back to Port Royal. Don't get me wrong, this whole ship life sea adventure thing is wonderful, but, I miss being on land, being able to freely walk and go anywhere I please. I guess I'm just not cut out for this kind of life."

"I understand. The more you do it though, you get used to it."

"Are you?" I asked, him seemingly speaking from experience.

"Of course I am! I've been sailing for almost ten years. People like Jack? They've been sailing since they could learn to walk and talk. This is Jack's home."

"You don't have to tell me that twice." I chuckled. "So what about you? You must be thrilled for this voyage to end."

"Why do you say that?" Henry asked, questioning my assumption.

"Your father! Your fiancée. You have a life, Henry! More than all of us! You deserve to have happiness." I beamed.

"As do you, Agnes. But, I do question where your happiness lies."

My eyebrow quirked up, not knowing why he would say or think such a thing.

"What makes you say that?"

"It doesn't take a genius to see that you're incredibly happy to be with Jack and Emory! Maybe the pirate life is for you, whether you realize it or not."

"I promise, it's not. I love Jack and Emory, but, I have a life too, and I'm not going to let my freedom and happiness be trampled over ever again. I have to do this for me. I want to have a normal job and a normal life! I want to receive an education, do what the other people of society are doing! It's exciting to me! Being on a ship and on sea? It's wonderful, don't get me wrong, but, it's not all me to say the least. This isn't going to be what I'm reduced to."

"You've got quite the plan, Agnes. I like it. I can't wait for you to get acquainted with the industry of Port Royal. It's magnificent!" Henry emphasized.

"Really? I still can't thank your mother enough!"

"Please, she's happy to do it, and not just because you're Jack's daughter. She truly thinks you're a very intelligent girl, as I believe the same."

"Thank you." I smiled, shuffling in my seat. "I best be seeing what Emory's up to."

"Right! I had another question for you! So, what happened? Did anything happen? I know something did!" Henry spoke like a little girl, utterly excited.

"Aye, something did. It's official." I smiled, Henry instantaneously shooting up to give me a big hug.

"I knew you both could do it! I won't waste your time any longer!"

"Alright." I laughed, walking off to the main deck.

There I spotted Carina and Emory already knee-deep in conversation.

"Good morning Agnes! Had quite the little pass out with Jack, didn't you?" Carina chuckled.

"I guess so! So, what's going on?"

"Nothing! I'm so happy for you two!" Carina squealed, bringing us both in for a hug.

"This doesn't feel like nothing." I chuckled, patting her in response.

"Well don't let me waste your time! I'll be getting back to my journal!" Carina hastily spoke, quickly walking off to meet Henry.

"Good morning!" Emory cheerfully spoke.

"Good morning!" I replied, Emory awkwardly shuffling.

"And I thought I was going to be the nervous one at first!" I spoke, Emory quickly cleaning up his posture.

"You mean you're comfortable with it? Already?" Emory asked, bewildered that I was completely fine standing next to him.

"Aye. Stop being so nervous." I smiled, kissing him on the cheek.

"Easy for you to say."

"We've known each other for almost nine years! Snap out of it!" I spoke, jokingly, punching him in the shoulder.

"Alright, fine! That actually hurt you know." He mumbled, rubbing his shoulder.

"Sorry." I replied, sitting next to him.

"Assuming you're getting bored?" Emory sighed, looking intently into the blue sky.

"Not bored, just land-sick. I can't wait to get back to Port Royal."

"Right..." Emory nearly choked.

"Aw Emory! I'll still be seeing you all the time! Don't worry about a thing!" I pouted, wrapping my arms around him.

"I know! I'm just so used to you being around all the time, it's going to be hard. But, as long as you're happy? I'm happy." He smiled, resting his chin lightly on top of my head.

"I am."

There me and Emory sat for a long while, interrupted by water splashing all over us, ship very suddenly swerving, sending me smacking face first into the mast. It took me a minute to process what had just happened! I'd never experienced such a rough ship ride so far!

"Well that was fun! What just happened?!" Henry shouted up to his mother, father, and Jack.

"Boulders! That's just what happened! Could've destroyed the ship!" Jack yelled down. "Agnes love! Are you alright!" Jack yelled down, probably seeing my disastrous state.

"Agnes! You alright?" Emory asked, quickly helping me up.

"No, my forehead is throbbing!" I groaned, holding onto it tightly.

"And it's bleeding. You should go up to Jack, he knows where all the wrap is." Emory suggested.

"Good idea." I muttered, going up the stairs, gripping onto whatever was nearby, as I still felt dizzy from the impact.

"Jack?" I started, trying to find my way to him, but, for some reason suddenly finding it extremely difficult.

I was beginning to hold my hands out in front of me, world swirling around me. It eventually got so bad that I fell on my knees, still trying my best to look around.

"Agnes! My goodness, are you alright?" Elizabeth asked, helping me up.

Great, now I could hardly even hear what she was saying!

"Where's dad?" I asked, trying to snap myself out of it.

"Right in front of you. Can you see me?" His echoey voice asked.

"I see colors." I groggily responded, Elizabeth slowly letting go of me.

"How many fingers am I holding up?" Jack asked.

"Um-six?" I replied, growing extremely tired.

I was almost positive I fell down onto the deck, Elizabeth helping me up once more.

"Can you stand up straight?" Jack asked, though, at the time I wasn't able to process what he had asked.

"What'd you say? I-I can't hear."

"She's got a concussion alright," Jack sighed, picking me up, putting me on one of the guest beds.

"Dad, I'm tired." I yawned, turning to fall asleep until Jack shook me out of it.

"You don't want to slip into a coma darling."

"I can't hear you dad! When will this go away?!" I panicked, not being able to hear or see.

"Give it another hour or two, if you can even hear me right now. Did you get that?"

"I think so."

"Wonderful. I'll check back up on you in a little bit." Jack replied, the faint sound of his footsteps leaving the room.

"Don't go! Please don't go." I tried my best not to slur.

"Alright, fine."

I heard his footsteps come back to the bed, a chair being dragged near me.

"Have you ever had one of these?" I asked, trying my hardest not to fall asleep.

"Too many times to count. Was quite a careless boy, to say the least."

I chuckled at that, mostly because I could believe it.

"What'd you do to get your first one?" I asked curiously, trying to fill up time until I had gotten better.

"Was at home, me mum let me play outside and ended up trying to climb a tree. I was so close to the top until I fell down, my head feeling an immense pressure. Needless to say it ended up in tears and me mum trying to compose me."

I began to furiously laugh, not knowing if it was because I actually found the situation to be humorous, or that the way Jack narrates situations made it hilarious.

"What are you laughing at?" Jack curiously asked, not knowing why I couldn't control myself.

"Sorry dad, it's just the way you say it!" I grinned.

"I'm glad you find humor in my stories, I suppose." Jack very lightly laughed.

"Jack! We need you again!" Elizabeth called.

"Can you stay with Agnes, then?"

"I've been helping Henry, perhaps Emory isn't busy."

"You're leaving?" I asked, hoping I'd heard correctly.

"Aye! But Miss Swann is getting your bonny lad."

"You'll check back with me, right?" I asked, hoping he would.

A smile appeared on Jack's face, placing his hand gently on mine.

"Of course I will darling, just give me a bit."

With that, Jack quickly scurried off as Emory came in, sitting where Jack had.

"You feeling any better?" He asked, examining my forehead.

"Not really. I can hear better at least, still can't see that great."

"Always taking the worst of it," Emory chuckled, gripping my hand.

"Just my luck." I mumbled, trying my hardest to smile.
(Elizabeth's POV)

"So? How is she?" I asked Jack, who was currently scurrying off to the table to grab the map he possessed.

"She'll be alright, just quite the head bang."

While Jack and Will tried to navigate Pelegosto, which had mostly ended up in argument, I began to load the cannons, as I knew we'd be using them some point or another. What I wasn't expecting was to find Carina down on the lowest deck of the ship.

I had silently made my way down, but, apparently too silent, as Carina hadn't even known I was there, as I didn't know she was there either.

"Mrs. Turner!" Carina surprisingly spoke, hand quickly being put over her chest. "I had no idea you were there!"

"I'm sorry I gave you quite the scare dear! Perhaps you'd like to help me with something?"

"Always readily available to help!" Carina proudly spoke, quickly evacuating the table.

"MOTHER?" I heard my son yell down, an urgent sound evident in his voice.

"Yes darling?!"

"We've kinda got an all hands on deck situation!" He replied, sound of his shoes quickly moving across the main deck.

Without any further discussion, me and Carina quickly raced up the stairs.

"What's wrong?" I asked, seemingly nothing out of place.

"Sharks! We spotted a few! It's better to use the cannons up here. If and when they come near the ship, you fire!" Henry informed, joining the both of us.

"Aye aye captain." Carina jokingly spoke, hands gripped tight on the cannon.

And so we waited. The good news was that Jack informed us that we would be at Pelegosto within the next hour! Thank goodness for that too, our ship had become nothing but a disaster dragging the Pearl around. We kept a sharp eye, but, I was beginning to believe that the sharks had found a less troublesome dinner.

"Prepare for shore!" Jack roared, every one of us gathering the essentials from the ship.

We were still missing one essential, though.

"Who's going to get Agnes?" I inquired, stepping onto land for the first time in what felt like ages.

It almost felt as if I couldn't walk without the waves bouncing back and forth below the surface of my feet!

"Don't worry about it, I'll get her." Jack spoke indistinctly, dragging his feet up the ship once more.

"Supposing Jack knows a place to stay? By the time we explore it will already be getting dark out! There's no way the lanterns would be able to guide us back to the ship!" Henry articulated, voice full of weariness and discernment.

"Calm down darling," I started, placing my hand delicately on his back, trying to be as comforting as I could. "Jack always has a plan."
(Agnes' POV)

I woke up to the feeling of someone tapping my shoulder repeatedly without avail! I slowly but surely opened my eyes to find equally as dark ones staring back.

"We're here love."

"What?!" I gasped, darting out of the bed.

Big, big mistake. It felt as if nails were being driven into every corner of my brain, the ache nearly unbearable!

"Is this supposed to happen?! This feels like a hundred hangovers at the same time!" I groaned, rubbing my temples in hopes that it would help.

"You're not quite over it, then. Not to fret, a little walking will do you good. Come on love, everyone's waiting on us."

"I still need a minute." I groggily choked up, not being able to focus on walking and the pain at the same time.

Apparently Jack couldn't take no for an answer; of course he couldn't. While I was still trying to get my head under control, Jack wrapped my arm around his shoulder, helping me out of the room. I tried to assist him as best I could, but, I didn't think I was helping him very much. Jack however was able to get me out of the ship successfully, handing me to Emory as he led the pack.

"So where are we headed?" I whispered to Emory as we continued to venture through the extremely vegetative island.

"Don't know, Jack hasn't said anything yet. Guess we'll know when we get there." He whispered back, trudging along.

After a while I was finally able to manage walking by myself, though I was convinced that the dull ache in my brain would never go away.

"Here we are!" Jack announced, stepping away so all of us could view where we were.

It was a dingy wooden cabin, roof appearing as if it could cave in at any given moment.

"This is where we're supposed to stay while we find the treasure?" I questioned, hence no one else daring to say a word.

"Aye! Unless you'd like to stay on those godforsaken intolerable beds on the ship, then you're welcome to do so. Until we find that treasure, this is our best means of living-agreeably." Jack grinned, trying to word his testament as best as he could so we would feel better about the heap laying in front of us.

"Well stop looking at it like it's going to kill ya! Come in!" Jack proposed, motioning for us to come forward.

While everyone else ignored Jack and continued to look onward in pure revulsion, I decided to get past the fact that it looked harrowing to the naked eye and began to trudge forward, being the first to step foot into it.

Being that the cabin was so inky, I tried my hardest to locate any candle or lantern in sight. Luckily, on a wooden table I had located a already extensively used candle, the dried wax dipping down off the edge of the table. I swiftly seized the tiny matches I always kept tucked behind my sash, wasting no time lighting the thing.

The interior most definitely looked better than the exterior. The wood wasn't as weathered, as there was also a bed warmer, a few tattered blankets, and a plentiful amount of wooden chairs. It was only then I realized that I was still the only one occupying the room. Had no one come in yet?!

"Well what are you all waiting for?!" I hollered out of the door, all of them looking at me like I was a maniac. "It looks better in here! Promise!"

They all reluctantly moved their belongings inside the cabin, yet they still did it with disgust plastered all over their faces. I guess I was more pirate than I thought...

"Tell me there's at least a few beds," Henry groaned.

"Aye, there should be enough for all of us. If not, have a bunking partner in mind. The plan is that we stay here for the night, then head upward to find the cavern that should have the treasure I want." Jack spoke, the last bit of cool air moving through the cabin as Jack quickly shut the door.

"How did you even know about this? You stole it, didn't you!" Henry exclaimed, pointing his finger solidly at Jack.

"Of course I did, no doubt about it! Get over it mate, no one dares to touch this thing anymore."

Henry was too tired to argue, instead he lazily shrugged and made his way to one of the few bedrooms.

"I suppose we can't linger on the way the place appears. Goodnight, everyone." Elizabeth sweetly smiled, delicately making her way to the one of the bedrooms, Will following just behind her.

"I will be doing the same. Goodnight Sparrows." Carina grinned, scampering off into another bedroom to get some much needed rest.

It was only then that I realized that there were no bedrooms left, only a rustic couch, springs completely exposed.

"I guess I'll just get myself comfy on the ground." I sighed, laying down on my back, closing my eyes.

"The couch will at least do you a little better than the floor." Jack responded, boots clacking along the floor.

"Then where are you to sleep?" I asked quizzically, sitting back up.

"The floor."

"How kind of you." I smiled, hoisting myself up onto the considerably more comfortable surface.

"Don't mention it. Do you still want the lantern on love?"

"No, you can turn it off." I yawned, embracing Jack's warm jacket around me.

"Night darling."

"Night, dad."

Jack had decided to lay closer to the window of the place, which left me wondering why he had picked the spot he had! The night was very cool, the breeze stronger than ever! Not to mention that the window panes were cracked and broken in various places! Maybe Jack had adapted to it, being a pirate and all.

Too tired to think about it anymore, I closed my eyes, as I could assume Jack did too, hence the light snoring. Almost to the brink of deep slumber, a sudden light had awoken me. I could feel the flash spring me out of my sleep like state, head shooting up. It left me wondering how Jack was still sleeping through it, how any of them were!

"Jack?" I whispered, growing mildly concerned about the phenomenon that was taking place.

My only response was repeated snoring, not that I was surprised. I rolled my eyes, walking over to him on my knees. I roughly shook Jack's shoulder, Jack only grabbing back as tight, if not tighter. Jack had some of the strongest reflexes I had ever seen in my entire life.

"What's with you always shaking the life out of me to wake me up!" Jack scowled, aggressively pushing my hands off of his shoulder.

"Sorry Jack, but, I think this is important."

"Get on with it then!"

"That light, it can't be normal, can it?" I asked, pointing to the now bright green light in the sky.

Jack looked just as addled as I was staring out of the rustic window.

"What do you say to a little midnight hike?" Jack smirked at me.

"Let's do it!" I excitedly replied, quickly venturing out of the cabin.

"Alright! Wait for me!" Jack muttered, roughly shutting the door, trying his best to keep up with me.

Jack never walked in front of me, so, I assumed I was doing a good job of leading the way. I only followed the light, trying to see exactly where on the ground it had reached. However, as the steps got longer and the night grew darker, I only became that much more skeptical.

"Maybe it's just some Aurora Borealis or something." I spoke, Jack looking at me like I had murdered somebody.

"Quite big talk for such a young girl! How'd you find out about it?"

"I don't live under a rock, Jack! Mom told me about it, my childhood teacher did, even Carina taught me some for a couple weeks ago. Could it be a possibility?"

Jack instantly shook his head left to right.

"We'd definitely know if it was that. This looks like the work of some voodoo."

"Oh great!" I moaned. "Gibbs said the inhabitants of Pelegosto were incredibly strange! Maybe they know we're here and plan on placing some curse or spell on us!" I panicked, stopping dead in my tracks.

"Now you're just overreacting, love. If we just mind our own business and don't make any contact, everything will be just fine!" Jack smiled, taking the lead.

I still didn't feel right. All I wanted to do was go back, but, I also didn't want Jack to think I was a coward, because I wasn't. Me and Jack continued to walk through the eery forest, Jack being the one to locate the core of the light.

"It's a hut, most definitely a witch. Stay behind me love." Jack whispered, trying his best to be as careful as possible.

I followed Jack's orders, but, became incredibly weary of how he was going about this. Were we seriously going to barge into the place?!

"Jack! What are you doing!" I scowled, pulling him back as soon as he was going to open the door.

"What does it look like I'm doing!"

"The witch could be in there!"

"She's not. Approximately several minutes ago I heard a ruckus! Couldn't be anyone but her! I assure you darling, nothing will happen."

I didn't believe Jack, but, went with it anyways. This was on his head, not mine. As soon as Jack had opened the door, it seemed as if the coast was clear. I quietly followed behind Jack, using him as my shield.

"What was she making?" I asked, trying my best to keep my voice down.

"Don't know, obviously didn't work. The light should be gone any time now. Must've been some powerful voodoo, doesn't always turn out the way you expect it." Jack exclaimed, picking up bottles and examining them like they were nothing.

"Then let's get out of here! They aren't going to be gone forever!" I growled, sprinting back towards the door, waiting for Jack to follow my lead.

"But what if they were never gone in the first place?" A crackly voice spoke, definitely not having come out of Jack's mouth.

I instantaneously froze, not knowing where the voice had come from. It was only then that the voice showed its occupant; a middle-aged woman with crimson colored hair, stray gray stands making her look that much more sinister.

"No need to be afraid! You see, I help, not harm. What is it that the both of you seek?" She curiously asked, approaching me.

I began to sweat as she ran her fingers through my hair, admiring my looks.

"W-We don't seek anything but to be on our way." I uttered, hoping my answer would satisfy her.

"You do, whether you both realize it or not! The legendary Jack Sparrow," she grinned, finally moving away from me.

"The Sparrow of the sea welcomes aboard a new, beautiful fate."

"Aye! Well if you would just excuse us, we'll gladly let ya get back to work!" Jack replied, grabbing my arm.

"Aren't you both just the slightest bit curious at to what your fate could have been?" She sorrowfully inquired.

"What do you mean?" I asked, Jack not wanting me to provoke any further conversation.

"You both better believe in alternate realities. Wouldn't you like to know how they turned out?" She asked enticingly.

Though I had found it hard to believe, I would be lying if I were to say I wasn't curious.

"How did they, then?"

"Come, let me show you, tell you."

I looked to Jack who only shrugged and followed me over to the table. The witch lit the candles that had occupied the scrappy table, being careful as to not blow them out as she sat down.

"How would you like to see a world where your father cared for you instead of your mother? And you, Jack Sparrow. How would you like to see a world where your daughter became the most important treasure of your life?"

It sounded just perfect to me. I had to see it for myself! I didn't yet know how Jack had felt. Maybe he was just content with what was happening now.

"Whatever you want, love." Jack spoke the sweetest I had heard him spoke in a long time.

"Aye, I want to see."

"Just close your eyes, then."

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