Jerome Valeska Imagines

By izaguanna

35.4K 598 174

This is my first imagine book so DON'T JUDGE. If you judge, judge positively. It'll have imagines and some di... More

3X13 (Lee Taken Hostage)
ONE | Needed
TWO | Long Lost
THREE | Long Lost Pt. 2
FIVE | Helpless
SIX | Chosen
SEVEN | Needed Pt. 2
EIGHT | When the Day Met the Night
A/n (pls pls read!!!)
NINE | A Jeremiah Imagine
TEN | Pressed to Meet Ya
ELEVEN | Pressed To Meet Ya: Pt. 2
TWELVE | For Lack of a Better Word
THIRTEEN | Pressed To Meet Ya Pt.3
FOURTEEN | Pressed to Meet Ya Pt. 4

FOUR | Lights Out

2.4K 48 37
By izaguanna

It was a 1:39 am in Gotham City. You walked along the campus of Gotham University after a long, hard day at school. Unfortunately, it was raining. Typical Gotham weather.

You approached your dormitory with a huff. Finally you could get a rest after what seemed like several days without sleep. You opened your door with the key and the lights were off. You flicked on the light switch but nothing happened.

"Damn it!"() You exclaimed. "Hey, F/N!"

You called but heard no response from your roommate.

"F/N?" You asked in the darkness, soon the feeling of worriment started to consume you.

You pulled out a flashlight from your messenger bag. You shone it around your room, but no sign of your friend was present.

Reluctantly, you decide to check the bathroom. You instantly felt a rush of fear wash over you. You gulped and opened the door. The shower curtain was closed.

"F-F/N?" You stuttered with consternation.

You had a feeling that you weren't the only one in the room. Slowly, carefully, you wrapped your fingers around the slick, still-wet shower curtain. You gasped in horror. It was just like a cliche horror movie scene. You dropped the flashlight. You were about to shriek a bloodcurdling scream when a cold, clammy hand covered your mouth. Something metal and sharp pressed up against your neck which made you feel that your life could end right now. So much for that sleep. You inhaled sharply, trying your best to hold back tears.

"Shh, shh, shh," a sinister voice hushed in your ear. "Don't scream. Don't panic."

All you could think about was your life so you forgot that you could elbow the person in an unsayable place and escape. Slowly, the person released you. Despite your mind telling you otherwise, you ran towards the exit of your dorm. As you began frantically twisting the doorknob, the knife he was holding to your neck moments before hurled past your face, flew inches away from your face, and penetrated the door, causing you to scream.

"Ugh. What did I tell you about screaming? God, what's a guy gotta do to keep a girl quiet?" The guy chuckled deeply.

"P-please don't hurt me," you stuttered.

You finally saw a glimpse of his fiery ginger hair and his blue-green eyes which seemed to be filled with darkness. You were pinned against the door by the guy who looked to be 19 years old, just like you. He came closer to you and quickly, you were inches away from his face. He swiftly put you in a not-so-choking chokehold, took the knife out of the door and held it up to your neck. A sinister grin spread across his face. The infamous laugh rolled in like a thunderstorm. This startled you slightly. Soon, though, your fear subsided and you had decided to come up with an idea. You were going to make him believe you were scared and make your escape.

"Why would I want to hurt you, doll face? Have you done me wrong?" He replied.

"U-uh," you didn't really know how to respond. You added a sliver of fear in your stutter.

"Relax, gorgeous," he said which made chills go down your spine. He touched your face which made you flinch under his touch. 

Judging your "fear", he remarked, "Ugh. Must girls always be scared of everything?"

At this point nothing but pure agitation ram through your body, as well as adrenaline. You'd had enough of this stranger treating you like a pushover.

You pushed his arm from your neck and kneed him in the balls. You laughed a little.

"Ugh. Must psychos be so arrogant?" You mimicked him. You escaped your room at a walking pace which turned into a running pace. You knew you shouldn't have looked back, knowing it would slow you down but superstition took the best of you and you turned your head back. Jerome came out of your dorm with a maniacal laugh and took out his gun.

Oh s**t! You thought. You ran at your fastest speed, adrenaline fully kicking in.

Bullets flew past your head at a hurling speed. With what seemed like luck, you dodged them.

"Oh you little... You're gonna pay for that!" He laughed playfully.

"SOMEBODY HELP ME! HELP!" You yelled as loud as you could.

No one seemed to really care about that was going on outside their dorm room window. Not surprising. Things like this always happen in Gotham. If you were to die right now, of course your family would mourn, but people would move on. Your death would mean nothing.

You looked over your shoulder and Jerome was pretty far behind. You thanked yourself for being on the track team in high school. You hid behind a building. Your plan, which you came up with very quickly, was to tackle Jerome when he ran past you. As you had predicted, he ran past your hiding space and you tackled him to the ground.

"Agh!!" He exclaimed.

As fast as you took him down, he shifted to free your arm and punched you in the cheekbone, causing you to roll off of him. He hovered over you, looking at you in a scornful. You were too shocked to react. You held your face. He stared into your mesmerizing e/c eyes with his own mysterious blue-green eyes.

"See, look what you made me do," he caressed your cheek. "Now, typically we could've done it the easy way, but 'no', you made me go the hard route. You're lucky I didn't shoot you."

He removed his hand from your face.

"You are a feisty one." He said. "Luckily I have just the thing."

He quickly pulled out a white cloth over your mouth. You attempted to scream as loud as you could, but you were losing energy. Your vision and mind were shrouded in darkness, and the world around you turned black.

Finally updated. You're welcome.

XO izzaguana

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