In the dead of Darkness

By hope100

135 8 1

It took a battle and a death of her closest friend to bring the vampires and the clans together. But what wil... More

In the dead of Darkness
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11

chapter 10

7 1 0
By hope100

Allys P.O.V

The woman returned a few hours later. I didnt think she would be back as quickly as she was, a small part of me was glad that she had returned so quickly.

Now that i had realised the bullet was still there, i could feel my fever rising rapidly. All the way down my arm was searing in agony, i resisted the urge to throw up and held the womans gaze.

"The master agrees, he will go free along with you" I locked eyes with Mark and he smiled at me. I was happy that he was able to go free, from the look of his eyes and clothes he had been here too long already.

"Now please, let us get you out of here." My head rolled back and i slightly nodded, the two men appeared from behind her and unlocked the cages. Mark backed into the corner, his eyes darting between the men and the doorway that sat wide open at the end of the corridoor.

'don't do it' i thought, just as his eyes made contact with mine. Mark relaxed ever so slightly and sat back on his cott. The men unlocked my cell and then dissapeared back the way they came.

"Now, come with me" The woman stood infront of me now, holding her hand out as though i was going to take it.

I knocked it aside and went to stand up, instantly falling back against the cold stone walls. Pain shot through my side and i screamed, tears staining my vision.

"Mark, help me up" I whispered weakly. My vision growing darker by the minute.

Mark knocked past the woman and slid his arms underneath me. My body complaining the entire way up, i screamed again, my vision wavering and tears falling faster.

"It's okay, i've got you" He said gently, slowly easing me up.

"Hurry up" The woman growled, her features becoming impaitent. Mark walked me out slowly, following the woman up the corridoor past the other cells and out the door at the end, into a winding staircase.

Stone walls encased us as we travelled up slowly, after a few moments we made our way into the sunlight and my vision went black.

Violets P.O.V

I woke up with the sunlight glaring in through the windows, i rubbed my eyes and rolled over to find James staring at me with soft eyes. Flashes of last night made my cheeks grow pink slightly. Skin to skin, my nails running down his back, the love i felt from him.

"I'm sorry, i didn't want to wake you" he said softly. I smiled and touched his cheek, as though he was just my imagination and last night was just a dream. But no, he was real, flesh and blood so to speak.

"We need to get ready, i have a meeting with everyone. It was meant to be last night but...things got in the way." i trailed off slowly, he looked away smiling slightly. I moved back from under the covers, pulling the sheet with me and moving over to the bathroom.

"you know you don't really need that, ive already seen everything" He called in a teasing tone, i could almost hear the smile in his voice.

"Oh shut up" I called back, the glow that lit my cheeks felt strange. But at the same time it was something that i liked the feeling of. i had never felt the intimacy that i had with him, at the same time it made me feel scared about being so open with someone but also, it felt like a weight off my shoulders.

I moved to the showers and stepped into the hot water, steam rising all around me.

"Here, wear this It suits you" I could see the silhouette of James outside the shower, clothes in his arms. i stopped the shower and pulled the towel off the door, wrapping it around myself.

"I can't wear this" I said finally.

"It will look fine. i promise" He had picked out a pair of jeans and a black singlet, nothing like what i would usually wear.

"i cant remember the last time i wore something that wasn't corsetted" James left smiling and closed the door so i could change. I stared for a few moments at the door after he left, i had let him in again. I was happy, don't get me wrong but i felt like i should withdrawal again. it made me uneasy to think that i could lose everyone.

i dressed and began the tedious task of brushing my hair, it had grown longer now and reached my lower back. I loved it although maintenance on it was a bitch.

a knock at the door pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Are you almost done Vi? god, you've been in there for ages" James voice came through the door, he used a light tone.

I opened the door to see him rummaging through my clothes again.

"God, do you own anything that isn't black, purple, red or corsetted?" He asked, i rolled my eyes. I had hurt my back and ribs a long time ago, the corset helped keep my posture correct and aided the healing. After a while i just got used to wearing them daily and just kept it that way.

"I own a few singlets and pyjamas and yes again, i also have dark green somewhere" I smiled and walked past, pulling my hair to the side and still attempting to run the brush through it sat out on the bed.

"Would you like some help?" James asked, walking out after me. i nodded and smiled a little.

James took the brush from me and sat behind me on my bed. His hands were gentle, slowly trying to untangle my hair.

"Have you decided what your going to do for the meeting"

"Yes, im going to send scouts ahead to scope out the area that was marked incorrectly. Hopefully we can find something useful." i sighed, i knew the clans would have some debate about my plans. we never completely agreed, ever.

"I'll go, the bounty hunters will also want to go and i know your going to come as well. Who else" He asked me quietly.

"We'll need to discuss this with everyone" I sighed. Letting the feeling of James fingers run through my hair softly, for a second i was simply at peace. Then the door opened.

"Violet we need you now!" Jake burst through the doors, his eyes wide. My head snapped up instantly, James dropped the brush and moved back so i could get up.

"What is it" I asked, trying to calm Jake down.

"The leaders, they're all nuts. We were waiting in the meeting room like always and someone made a comment and it just escalated, now every ones trying to punch the shit out of each other."

I took off in a blur, within a second i stood at the doors to the meeting room. I could hear the shouting and loud thuds as bodies hit the walls. I pushed opened the doors with a loud bang, causing everyone to stop and stare.

"Enough! You are all leaders. Grow the fuck up and start acting like it" I shouted. They all stopped and stood back against the walls, their heads down.

"What the hell bough this on. I want to know what exactly happened now. All of you to your rooms and don't come out until i have this sorted and i mean it, i hear that any of you were out of your rooms and you'll have me to deal with" I turned to face Meghan, she stayed put as everyone walked out slowly, their heads down. I knew she was going to be the only person who would tell me the entire truth, she was not one for fighting unless it was necessary.

"What happened"

"Macey made a comment and said that we should've done something straight away and maybe we'd already have  Ally back, dead or alive and that started the whole argument then her brother got involved and then everyone just went crazy and started punching each other and they were all trying to get to Macey"

"Okay, thank you Meghan. You don't have to go back to your room" she bowed slightly and left quickly out the doors. James walked in a few moments later.

"What happened"

"Macey happened. Go find her now and tell her to come see me now, you should come back with her because im not too sure if i'll kill her or not" James face was full of concern, clear as day but he still complied.

thankfully none of the maps had been damaged in the scuffle. the most extensive damage was a couple of vases smashed on the ground and the chairs were tipped over. I quickly had the chairs righted and left the broken glass for the cleaners, i stood against the window and watched the moonlight reflect off of the shards.

"You wanted to see me" Macey stood in the doorway, her arms crossed. James stood slightly behind her, his eyes stayed on me the whole time.

"Yes. Do you have a problem with how i run things?"


"Do you have any issues with how I organise missions?"


"Do you have any objections with how quickly things get done here?"

"No"  i moved in a blink of an eye so that i stood an inch away from her and stared straight into her eyes.

"so why start the bullshit you did. your old enough to be able to tell the truth, you should start now because i am not in the mood."

"You should've had us looking for Ally ages ago if you wanted to find her"

"Well do you have any ideas on where to find her? Please speak up, i'd love to know" She bit her lip and looked away.

"that's why i haven't done anything yet. Because i have no leads, no way of finding her. We are doing everything we can to find her and you are not making it easier by starting fights. And until you can figure out how to keep your mouth shut and how to follow orders you have been removed from the council" Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open.

"What th-" I cut Macey off before she could make any form of objection.

"Don't you dare. I have to now push everything i have planned back so that we can fit this meeting in and find more time again to get a team out there to scout out the section on the map. You need to learn your place, get out of my sight now and i don't want to see you for the rest of the day" I made my words final and turned away from her.

I heard her stomp out of the room and shook my head, one day i swear im going to end that girl.

"You don't think that was a little too harsh?" James asked finally. I turned back to face him.

"No i do not, she's completely reckless and dosen't know her place. I need people on this council who are trustworthy and reliable. Not people who will start fights behind my back"  He laughed slightly, i scowled.

"What?" I snapped, i knew that i shouldn't take my anger out on him but i was annoyed.

"She's just like you when you came to us, except you had it a lot harder than her. Just give her time and you will be able to fix her, like we did with you" He smiled and with that, left me standing in the middle of the meeting room.

Ally's P.O.V

I woke up to a burning pain where the bullet came from, i could feel that the wound had been re-opened. They must have taken the bullet out, after all whoever wanted me out of that place obviously wants me alive. I looked around as my vision began to clear a little better, the room i was in was lush and very expensive. The big four posted bed sat on the wall, next to the door; which i guessed was locked. A very large window sat on my left, the curtains where a deep red like blood.

A large door with a mirror stood on the opposite wall, my reflection looked a mess. My hair was greasy and stuck up all over the place, i was covered in dirt and blood and my eyes where just dead.

I heard a noise at the door and layed back down, steadying my breathing as much as i could. The footsteps came closer to my bed, it became harder and harder to keep relaxed and breathing calmly. I could feel the figure behind me at the edge of my bed. I turned and lept off the bed at the figure, who was obviously surprised. I knocked both of us to the ground and pinned their arms down, using my weight to anchor us to the ground. It wasn't one of my attackers, it turned out to be Mark.

"Sorry" I said, standing up. My side had began to throb and i swayed slightly feeling nauseous.

"I can come see you, but whoever is holding us has put guards at the end of the hallways so we can't go anywhere" My mind was racing, trying to plan a way out of here. The windows where glass, however i wasn't sure if they had alarms and we were high up on at least the third floor. We couldn't risk making more trouble for ourselves.

"We need to find another way, in the mean time keep a watch for anything that could help aid our escape" I kept my voice low in case of any bugs or cameras, i hadn't gotten the chance to look around for any devices yet and needed to be very careful until i do.

"Check your room for bugs, until we know for sure that we're alone in these rooms we have to be very very careful" Mark nodded silently and helped me up onto the bed then left to his own room.

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