
By mtngirlforever

25.7K 368 33

Since we don't know much about his past, I'm writing this as I imagine it. Jay has moments with Mouse, shares... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 11

1.3K 24 1
By mtngirlforever

They managed to sleep in on Saturday, both catching up on some much needed sleep. Around mid day Erin made lunch and they were eating in the living room. Mouse had text checking on Jay and Jay positively responded that he was better.

They'd just started watching TV when there was a knock at the door. Erin went to open it and found William on the other side. Jay could tell by her stance this was not going to be good. He jumped up behind her as she swung the door open.

"Well at least you're on your feet this time," William Senior scoffed.

"How the fuck did you find this place?" Erin asked defensively trying to shield Jay behind her.

"You need to watch that mouth bitch," he said raising his hand. Before Erin knew what happened Jay shoved her behind him and pounced on his father.

"Don't you ever, ever talk to her like that again or raise your hand at her!" he screamed keeping him pinned on the ground.

William was totally taken aback. He had not seen Jay like this since Will's senior prom. He knew it wouldn't take much to injure his son and put him in his place but the girl, he want sure what she'd do.

Erin pushed one on Jay's phone speed dialing Will and putting it on speaker so he'd hear.

"Don't ever show up here again!" Jay screamed and Will heard it through the phone without Erin saying anything. He looked at Nat and she nodded for him to go. He gave her a quick kiss and was gone.

"Jay…. Jay," Erin tried to no avail.

"You haven't changed. Still a pussy ass son," William challenged his hand finding the place on Jay's hip where a scar would be.

Jay's hiss had Erin on alert as she tried to reach for him. He swung back, not actually hitting her, but not welcoming anyone touching him.

"Yea that's what I thought. Never could take it," William hissed.

"Jay come on… Jay," Erin tried again to get her boyfriend's attention back on her and off this maniac that was his father.

"Take it?! You wanna see take it old man?" Jay growled landing a punch to his jaw. "I'll show you fucking taking it."

Before Jay could get another punch in and before Erin could stop him, William jabbed a needle into Jay's neck shooting him up. Jay growled and cussed before William shoved him off him and to the floor. He landed a few good kicks to Jay's ribs before Erin punched in the face.

"You stupid bitch," he yelled turning to hit her back when she slapped cuffs on both his wrists and hit him again. "William Halstead you're under arrest for assaulting an officer, stalking an officer, trespassing and any other fucking charges I can charge you with," she said before getting her phone to call Hank.

She tried waking Jay and was scared when he wouldn't. She saw Will running up as Hank answered.

"I need you, my place stat," she yelled before hanging up.

"Will help him please," Erin begged kneeling by Jay.

"What happened?" he asked dropping by his brother beginning his assessment. Erin relayed the details and the string of curses Will let loose when she told him William had gave him something through a needle actually scared her.

"What did you give him huh? What did you shoot into him?" Will screamed as Erin grabbed him and attempted to hold him back knowing Hank was on his way.

William wouldn't answer.

"What the fuck was in the needle?!" Will screamed getting right in his face. He wouldn't hit him, he wouldn't even touch him because he wasn't like him, not anymore. But he'd be damned if the old man didn't answer him.

"Just a sedative William. He'll live," he sneered angering Will more by calling him Will.

"Will don't!" Erin said forcefully holding his arms. "Hank's almost here. Jay… we've gotta help Jay," she pleaded diverting his attention back to his brother.

"Meet us at the hospital. I'm gonna counter the sedative and make sure he's ok."

Erin nodded as she watched Will scoop up his brother's lifeless body. She stayed behind just until Hank got there but she wanted to make sure he got the full story so this s.o.b never had the chance of coming near Jay again.

Hank happened to pass Will on his way out and raced up to Erin's apartment. He saw the guy that was the father and he knew something bad must have happened. He took the guy into custody and sent Erin on to the hospital telling her statements and charges could wait until Jay was stable. He'd leave him in the cage until then.

Erin was so thankful she raced off to the hospital. She called Natalie on the way to update her, and she promised she'd be there as soon as she could get Helen to watch Owen. Erin promised to keep her updated and they hung up.


Erin didn't have to look hard for Jay's room when she got inside the ED. Will was outside the glass doors pacing as he watched his colleagues working on Jay.

"Will?" Erin asked tentatively as she walked up to him.

He ran his hands through his curly red locks before locking eyes with her. "They're waiting on a tox screen to see what they need to counter it with. They're doing X-rays now checking damage to his ribs."

Erin just nodded watching the commotion happening in the room. "He did it to protect me," she whispered.

"He always will," Will said giving her a side hug to reassure her. In a bit Nat came running up to wait with them. They'd just gotten the tox screen back and we're fixing to try and wake Jay. They let them into the room and Erin held one hand while Will held his other.

They pushed the medicine through his IV and Erin held her breath waiting. In a few Jay's eyes slowly opened before he started having a panic attack as everything came back at him. Despite all the noise and everyone offering opinions on what to do, Erin climbed on the bed with him and grabbed his face.

"Breathe with me Jay, just me and you," she whispered taking deep breaths. She held his hands and took slow deep measured breaths until he started breathing with her. "That's it, you're safe," she whispered resting her forehead against his.

Jay breathed her in just needing to be surrounded by her in that moment. Erin smiled when she felt him settling. "That's it baby you're ok," she whispered as he drifted to sleep.

Once he was back asleep Ethan went over what they'd found. Jay's ribs were bruised and he was going to need to take it easy for a few days to let them heal. They also wanted to monitor him for signs of side effects from the drug. Ethan also warned them it could mess with his mind and cause flashbacks because he just wanted them prepared not knowing how Jay would actually react to it.

Erin and Will thanked him as he went out leaving them with Jay and what they hoped would be a peaceful sleep.

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