Chapter 7

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4 months later…

Things had been looking up for Jay and Erin. The nightmares had stopped, and Jay was doing really good. He and Erin had gotten really close and things were looking up for their relationship too. They had caught a case that week, and they were still looking for the suspect.

Their perp, Sean Johnson, had been kidnapping girls and turning them into prostitutes and drugies. It was really getting to all of them, and Voight had them working overtime to find him.

It was just after lunch when Mouse got a hit on his location. They rolled up to this abandoned warehouse; Voight gave out instructions. He sent Jay and Erin to cover the back. They breeched on Voight's command over their comms.

Jay and Erin came to a divided hallway. Erin nodded she'd go one way, and Jay to go the other; he silently nodded his agreement. He was nearing the end of his hallway when he heard two gunshots. He finished clearing and sprinted back to head down Erin's hall. He prayed it wasn't her, not when he should've went with her to have her back.

Voight was doing radio checks and she was the only one not responding. Jay was clearing rooms looking for her, trying to be careful because all he needed was to end up hurt too. He saw her laying on the ground, blood pooling around her arm and head. He had to make sure the room was safe, so he cleared it and dropped to her side with tears filling his eyes.

He found the wound, two shots to the shoulder just above her vest. He put pressure on it as he felt for her pulse. It was weak but it was there. He reached for his radio with a shaky hand as he tried to keep his emotions in check. "10-1, 10-1, this is Detective Jay Halstead. My partner's been shot, I repeat I have an officer down. I need an ambulance at our location, stat!"

He put his hand back over his other one trying to keep her blood in as a few tears slipped down his cheeks. "Come on Er. Not like this. Please stay with me, please," he pleaded. He heard the team approaching. Voight demanded an update on the ambulance as Antonio knelt down by him, handing him towels to put on her wound. He knew he should've been with her and that he was probably going to get the third degree from Voight later. But right now, her being ok was all the mattered.

Brett and Gabby came flying in; Jimmy was sick and Gabby had to take his place. They hooked her up to ivs and started packing the wound. They loaded her on the stretcher and Jay followed holding her hand tight. He didn't even ask, just jumped into the back of the ambulance with her as tears poured down his cheeks.

Antonio had seen the look Gabby had given him, and he knew it wasn't good. But Erin was a fighter, and she would pull through this; she just had too. He pulled his phone out and called Med. Will needed to know.

When they got to Med, Will, Nat and Conner were waiting on them. Her stats were low and they had to act fast. Jay was almost completely out of it. He had dried blood on his hands and arms. He even had some on his cheeks where he'd tried wiping his tears that were still falling fast.

Will grabbed him by the shoulders as Conner and Nat took Erin. "Jay, you can't buddy. You got to let us do our job."

"But… she… she… she…" he cried not able to form his thoughts.

"I know… I know… Go wash up and wait here. I'll let you know as soon as I can." He hated having to leave him, but he knew Jay would want him to work on her too. He also figured the team would be arriving any minute. He turned and sprinted after them knowing Conner was probably taking her to surgery.

Jay stood there for a minute. He was breaking. He looked down at his hands and barely held in a sob. He saw the team coming through the doors and he didn't want them to see him like this. He was supposed to be keeping it professional, but this was Erin… his Erin.

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