devoted 2. || grayson dolan

By sheSstyles

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SEQUEL TO OVERDOSE "Are you going to forget about me again?" | grayson dolan More

One year
im sorry
Please stop
Eww stop
Hi & Awkward
I love you
Please read.
nice to meet you
I need a break
Who is this?
Let me think about it
my mistake
Im here for you
This is bullshit
I love him
I will leave
I miss you
Such A Boy
I want to go home

i promise

3K 70 22
By sheSstyles


"Wake up. Sophia. Wake the fuck up!" I feel Bea's hand shaking my shoulder. My eyes quickly open and I'm taken by surprise with the bright light shinning in my eyes. I rub my tired eyes and open then again, taking everything in notice.

"Did you really sleep here?" She asks. I'm laying on the couch in my balcony. The only thing covering my is my hoodie. I nod my head and chuckle. I fell asleep here last night.

I sit up and yawn.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"It's 10:34...and there's someone for you outside" she says. I frown and quickly get up. I fix my shorts and hair before I grab my phone and walk towards the door.

Who can it be?

I open the door and sigh. He stands tall with sad eyes. He's wearing a black hoodie with ripped jeans and a binnie in his head.

"W-what are you doing here Grayson?" I ask. He licks his lips and stares at me.

"Please come with me" he says.

"W-what?" I ask confused

"I need to talk to someone-to you. I need you" he says and his voice cracks. I nod my head and tell him that I'll be back. I run to my room and put some leggings in and my vans. I brush my teeth and put my glasses on. I walk back outside and I let Bea know I'll be back later. I step outside and shut the door.

"So where are we going?" I ask him as we start walking down the hall to the elevator. He puts his hands inside his pockets and shrugs his shoulders.

"Can we go to my place?" He asks and I hesitate for a moment. Couldn't we talk at my place? I nod my head and he nods his head back to me. We get inside the elevator and we go down to the lobby. We step outside and Grayson opens the door if his car got me. I thank him and watch as he walk to the other side to get in.

As we're both inside the car in silence I'm reminded our first date. I'll never forget that day. Its probably my favorite memory of us because that the day I knew I liked him, a lot.


I awkwardly sit on Grayson bed as he uses the bathroom. We got here a few minutes ago and I can't help but feel nervous. I have no idea what he needs me for. I feel butterflies in my stomach even though I shouldn't. The fact that I'm in his bed and we're all alone scares me. Not that he would hurt me, I'm scared of myself.

The door opens and Grayson walks back inside. He smiles at me and I smile back. He sits in front of me and sighs before he takes his binnie off.

"Sorry I brought you here. This is the first place that came to my mind" he says and I sigh.

"It's f-fine. So umm what do you need to talk about? What's wrong?" I ask and look into his eyes. He looks around the room before he looks back me. I bite my lip and start listing to him.

"Yesterday, wasn't how I wanted it to go. I know you're gonna get mad and I'm ok with that. Amber isn't my girlfriend. I asked her to pretend to be my girlfriend because I wanted to-"

"Jesus Grayson!" I say and roll my eyes. I don't know if I want to cry or laugh.

"I know I'm fucking stupid. Just let me explain please! I did it because I was afraid that I would've said what I really want to tell you. I also made Ethan go. I just get nervous when we are alone. I'm afraid that I can't control myself. I know keep hurting you, and I'm sorry" he explains and I close my eyes. The room is silent and all you can hear is out breathing.

"I-I'm not mad. I told Ethan and myself that I didn't care who you dated as long as you were happy. Plus I don't have a say seeming we aren't together, we haven't seen each over a year until now . I can't just came back and be all jealous and shit. I'm ok. Why would you do that to her? Did you pay her or what? Is she ok?" I say what I think. He sighs and nods his head.

"I know that. She's ok. I didn't pay her I wouldn't use money against myself. She agreed as long as I was happy, she cares for me, that's the only reason she did, plus she's lesbian so there's no feelings what so ever. This is awkward"

"I'm glad. Yeah tell me about it. Also what are you afraid of? What can't you control?" I ask. He looks up from his lap and licks his lips.

"My f-feeling towards you"

"What do you mean?"

"Sophia, I'm gonna ask you one simple question. I need you to please be honest with me, even if I haven't been honest with you. Please" he says and I slowly nod my head.

"D-do you feel anything towards me? Do the old feelings you used to have for me, come back every Time we talk or see each other?" He asks.

My heart stops for a few seconds before it starts beating like crazy. I'm sure my cheeks are red. I don't know how to answer that. I don't even think I'm sure with my answer.

Just say what you really feel Sophia.

"I don't know. I mean I'm reminded of the things we used to do, the way I used to feel, but I can't say yes and I can't say no, because I'm confused. I just broke up with my boyfriend, you've lied to me twice, and I-I don't know Grayson" I say and sigh. I start playing with my fingers.

"Because I do. I get the same feelings. I know this is to much for you and I understand that you don't. I probably don't even make sense at all, but I'm trying. I'm trying to open you. I want to be able to consider you at least my friend, I want you back in my life even if it's not in a relationship way. Y-you don't have to, but I would like you too" he says and I frown.

He never stopped loving me. Neither did I. I don't know what to think or say. Do I want this?

"Grayson. I-I can try. You just have to promise one thing please" I beg him and he slowly nods his head.

"Don't lie. Stop with that shit. If you want to be friends then you need to stop lying to me and be honest, you know me more then myself and you know that I always prefer you telling my straight up what you did wrong then lying. Please"

"I promise you"


I really hate them not taking lol. I'm sorry if the chapter is confusing lol💛

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