My Human Slave

By Theweirdnerdgirl

2.3K 45 13

This book will be going under major editing soon. And I'll be renaming the chapters as I edit. So watch for n... More

My Human Slave
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15

Part 7

70 2 0
By Theweirdnerdgirl

Vincent's POV

My Father's funeral was gray. And as usual it was raining; then again aren't all funerals gray and rainy.
Everyone was crying or stone faced, except me, I was blank. I couldn't remember how to cry, for some reason I was having trouble remembering how to even feel.
"Vincent, are you okay?"
It was angel, looking at me with those big green eyes of hers. I didn't answer, but I wrapped my arm around her, shielding her from the glares of all the other royal vampires with there slaves waiting on leashes.
I noticed the glares that passed by me as well, but I could care less.
"I'm fine. Don't worry about me." I looked back into her eyes and tried my best to get my eyes to turn gold. But I could tell by the look on her face that it wasn't working very well.
I looked away from her concerned face and went back to staring at the coffin of the father that I didn't know, yet somehow missed.


Angels POV

When we got back to the castle everyone was in my room except Vincent.
"Angel, we need you to do something for us." Sam was the one in the front, speaking for everyone.
"Yes, of course. Anything." These strange vampires, who I used to think of as terrifying, they were my family now. I loved them all.
"Watch Vincent. He won't get upset with you for following him around. He would get annoyed with us and avoid us even more if we stayed here that long. He needs someone to make sure he's safe. He just, needs someone." She was sad enough that her eyes were black.
All their eyes were black. But I didn't think it was because the king had died.
"Of course. I won't leave his side." I promised them, knowing that I wouldn't have even if they hadn't asked me. Vincent was the most important person to me, in the whole world.
"Thank you." Sam hugged me. It was only the third time that she had ever hugged me.
They one by one left and I followed out of my room to go find Vincent.
I knew that I couldn't really help, but I knew I had to be there for him.


Vincent's POV

Everyone moved in to the game room, all of them watching me like a group of hawks.
"Vince, come play some PS4 with me!" I heard Luke call from across the room.
"How about no." I answered flatly.
"Oh come on, I need help on this level. I keep dying ever time I get to the minor boss." Luke was whining . Or maybe he was just getting on my nerves and it sounded like whining.
"I said no Lucas."
He shut up. Knowing that his proper name was a warning.
"Vincent?" It was Angel this time.
"Yes dear." I said softly.
"Do you want to go for a walk?" She held out her hand and I looked at it and sighed deeply.
She had been asking for walks every day, and I couldn't say no to her for some reason.
I took her hand and we walked around the entire castle, just like yesterday and the day before. I always grumbled about it but somehow, just holding her hand and just listening to her talk about the paintings and the thoughts in her head, it just made life not as terrible or meaningless.
That's when it hit me. She was slowly curing me of my melancholy heart.
"Promise me something please." Angel was looking at me with those big eyes again.
"Anything." I heard myself saying.
"Promise me you'll never leave me?" She asked with a nervous expression on her soft face.
"I swear on my undead heart." I smirked slightly.
Her eyes lit up, and I heard her laugh for the first time. It was a beautiful laugh, and I couldn't help but smile.
We continued down the hallway, going no where in particular.

Angels POV

I was glad that Vincent was starting to feel better. He was still sad, and that was okay, but at least he was grieving now instead of keeping it all inside.
Or so I thought.
"What do you mean get out of your house!? Since when do you kick me out of anywhere? You're my brother I'm not leaving you!"
I heard Luke yelling before I got to the library.
"Maybe if everyone would leave me alone and stop suffocating me I'd be able to actually breath around here! You're all so worried but you never stop to think about what I want or need!"
I had never heard Vincent yell before and as I entered the library I saw books flying everywhere.
"Oh we're suffocating? How about you who never even leaves the house anymore!? How are you supposed to move on if you don't even move!?" Luke threw a book end at where Vincent was hiding behind the sofa. It was almost comical. Like a snow ball fight but with books.
"I move just fine thank you!" Vincent threw a book at  Luke.
"Hey!" I managed to yell loud enough for them to hear me over their squabbling. They both stood up and looked at me shocked. They hadn't ever heard me yell before.
"If you're going to yell at each other fine. But don't hurt the books just because you're arguing like an old married couple."
I proceeded to pick up the books they had strewn a crossed the floor. They both just stood there gawking like a couple of idiots.
"Well, are you going to help me or not?"
They managed to shut there mouths long enough to look abashed for there stupidity.
"Sorry I called you a jerk." Luke said quietly.
"You didn't call me a jerk." Vincent said as he put a pile of books on the end table.
"Well I thought it." Luke climbed the ladder and was putting books back on the shelf.
"What am I going to do with you guys." I stated as I was sliding a rather large volume of the world atlas.
"Sorry." They both mumbled.
All I could think of is if Vincent started a fight with Sam or Mary Ann like he just did with Luke, he would be more than undead.

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