My Human Slave

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It was almost a right of passage, getting your very own slave when you turn 18. I found that fact not as amusing as some young vampires my age. My father on the other hand was to stubborn to listen to me. That's how I came to own a human. That's how I met Angel.


I walked out of the game room where my party was being held right into my father as he was walking in with my present.

"Vincent. This is from your mother and I. Happy birthday son." He had such a proud look on his face, as if he was handing me the moon. In stead he roughly shoved a human girl into my arms. Her hair was a dark blonde, eyes of a light green. Her pail skin stood out even in the dim light. She was shaking from fear and as soon as she realized she was looking at my face she immediately started looking at the floor.

"Father.." I started, but he was already walking away.

I mentally curse him for giving me the one thing I didn't ask for. In fact I had made sure to tell everyone I knew, not to get me anything close to a slave. But here my father was giving me a beautiful girl. My train of thought was brought back to the present.

"Hello." I spoke to her softly.

She glanced up at me quickly and then averted her eyes once again. Obviously whoever had owned her before me beat her for making eye contact.

"You can talk to me. I wont hurt you." I told her. I gently tucked my finger under her chin and lifted. Her eyes were full of fear as she looked at me. My eyes changed to a deep blue. Sadness. Her face crumpled into a look of confusion.

"Can you tell me your name?" I asked her as I pulled her further into the hall and away from the voices in the game room.

"I don't have a name." She whispered. She was still shaking. That's when I noticed what she was wearing, or rather the lack of. She wore what used to be a white dress, but had so many stains you could hardly tell. It barely covered her. It was more of a tank top strap type thing. Being a guy who wasn't into fashion, it was hard to decide what to call it. Whatever it was made it all the way down to her upper thigh. She moved then and I noticed it didn't exactly cover all of her bottom.

"Who did this to you?" I asked on impulse.

She didn't reply and when I brought my hand to her cheek she flinched automatically from the movement. It made me feel sick.

"My last master. His name was Fredric Van Lament." Her voice was soft and she jumped at the sound of the low growl that had slipped out before I could stop it.

I knew that name. He was once my brother Anthony's best friend. But that was before he had killed my brother in front of me. He claimed that my brother had stolen from him. I never found out what exactly it was. All I knew was that my brother was innocent. Anthony would have never stolen anything. I knew him to well to be lied to. Now, as fate would have it, I had his killers slave.

"What did you do to make him sell you?" I asked trying to control my anger. There wasn't any need to frighten her even more than I already had.

"I denied him. He wished to bed me, and I refused him." Her eyes closed and she took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

I gently put my arms around her and held her.

"You are safe with me. I know you don't believe me right now but in time you will know it's true." I whispered into her ear.

"Yo, Vince. You comin' back?" I heard Luke coming down the hall way. He walked over to us and looked at the girl that I held in my arms.

"Wow. New slave? From your Dad I'm guessing." He put his hands in his pockets and nodded his head. Luke understood my views on slavery. Even if he was indifferent.

"Yes. She was a birthday present from him and Mother." I turned back to the girl.

"Can you please tell me your name now?" I asked her. My eyes were back to a normal color at least. A soft blue.

"My name. I don't have a name master." She told me as she stared at the floor again.

"Huh. Who was the prick that did that to her?" Luke asked coming closer. He held out his hand to her and she looked at it like it was a snake. Till she looked at Luke's face then he went all cross eyed and she couldn't suppress a giggle. It was one of those soft giggles that just randomly sounds amazing. But then she realized what she did and she went back to staring at the floor.

"Fredric. She was Fredric's. Now she's mine. And I intend to take care of her. It's the least I can do after all she's been through." I hooked my arm around her waist and picked her up off her feet. Carrying her in my arms I motioned for Luke to follow me.

"Come on. Lets get her a room and some clothes, and most definitely some food." I told him.

Luke was one of my closest friends. He was like my brother in the sense of right and wrong. He was loyal to a fault and never lied to those he loved, protected like a wolf and took care of his own.

I trusted him with my life. We had known each other for a good fifty years now. I couldn't have ever asked for a better companion.

"So we going to name her or what?" He asked as we walked up the stairs to the main hallway.

"I don't know. Do you want to choose your own name?" I asked the girl.

"I don't know many names master." She replied.

"You don't have to call me master. My name is Vincent. But you might as well call me Vince, every one els does." I laughed a little at that. I was part of one of the oldest vampire family's and my name, Vincent Vladimir Knight, demanded respect from every vampire in existence. Except my friends. They all insisted on calling my Vince.

"Sir. Vince. Can you name me?" She asked me in a small voice.

Her eyes were drooping and I could tell that she was close to exhaustion.

"Yes I can." I told her.

"Vince. I'm going to go tell people what's up. I'll be back with Mary Ann. You know she'll want to help find her clothes. Samantha will probably want to help to." Luke told me.

We had reached my room and I thought about just keeping her close to me for a while. I would need to get another bed for her.

"Tell Samantha to go send for everything a human girl would need. And tell Mary Ann that she can take my car and get her as many cloths as she thinks she would need. By the look of her she's probably only a small in everything, maybe an extra small." I told Luke as I turned the door handle to my room.

"On it boss." With that Luke went back down the stairs to get the mob, as I called them, organized. No doubt this girl would be the most protected human living on earth.

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