Part 14

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Angels POV

Waking up was disorienting, at first my eyes only wanted to focus on the light bouncing off of the  window panes and refracting into a million different colors. Then I noticed a person beside me, and without thinking reached out to take their hand.

"You're awake." Vincent whispered to me. I was glad he did, because I was sure I could hear Luke and Mary Ann down the hall arguing about something and then Sam was down stairs talking about flowers. Why was Sam talking about flowers?

"I can see light making prisms through the window, and Sam is talking about place settings for a ball?" I was unsure as to what was considered normal for a new vampire. I was pretty sure I remembered falling asleep. Then the burning came for a moment and my heart stopped. That was terrifying, but then the floating through darkness, that was also terrifying. 

"Yes, that's normal. Eventually you will be able to control everything better. It all comes with practice my love." Vincent gently touched his thumb to my cheek and I felt a pull to him that I had not felt before. 

I wanted to bite him.


Why do I want to bite him?

"Vincent, I'm thirsty. Do you have water?" I asked sitting up slowly.

"Darling, it isn't water that you want, trust me. But we will get you some blood as soon as you feel alright standing." Vincent held his hand out to me and I took it, he felt warm to me now. Unlike before when he felt cold to my touch. 

"Let's go to the kitchen and get you something to drink. I know bagged blood isn't the best tasting but it will help you keep from eating the human servants." Vincent gently pulled me to my feet and I suddenly realized he smelled amazing.

He smelled like a forrest after a spring rain. 

"You smell wonderful." I said almost on impulse.

And without warning I had tackled him to the ground and was straddling him.

"Angel, this isn't going to get us to the kitchen to feed you." He almost sounded worried.

"Why am I behaving like this?" I asked him.

"You're acting on instinct."

"My instinct was to attack you?"

"Well, I wouldn't say you attacked me, more or less you just decided you wanted to be on top." Vincent was smiling smugly now. 

I smiled back and got off of him and down the stairs quicker than I could think. Vincent followed behind.

"I'm fast." I stated. I was unsure as to why everything was so different, but I guess when you turn into a vampire you need time to get used to everything again.

It all was so clear, I could see the wood grain on the cabinet from fifty feet away. And I could smell the warm blood that was in the kitchen.

"I never thought blood would smell good." I was making a conscious  effort to walk to the place I desired instead of running all the way there.

"You smell the humans. We have to get you fed before the blood lust gets too strong. I must say though, for a new born vampire your control is quite good. Things will get easier in a few months. Your control will also improve with time." Vincent sounded more like his age as he told me of all this. 

"I trust you to care for me." I told him smiling. His answering smile was full of warmth. 

Yes, I would be just fine. As long as I had my Vincent.


Gabriels POV

Sam was just standing there, picking out center pieces as if I had not just asked her on a date.

For a man of my age, seven hundred and fifty two, I was not used to a woman who made me stand there with my hands in my pockets like a youngling waiting for a reply.

But Sam was not just any woman, she was her own self and no one would make her do anything she did not want. 

"Yes." She stood back from the arrangement she had just made.

"Yes?" I questioned.

"Yes, you may take me on a date, but I expect you to know that if I wear a dress, then you must make sure that my effort isn't wasted."

I smiled at her demand, she hardly ever wore dresses so if she was going to wear one on our date then that meant she took it seriously.

"I assure you my dear, you will not waste any effort." I took her hand turning it over to kiss her palm, I noticed a slight blush creep up into her cheeks.

"Where is Mary Ann, I thought she would want to be the one to pick out the center pieces?" I asked Sam while still holding her hand.

"She decided to make me do some of the planning, she wanted to teach Angel how to walk in heals without breaking them." She replied with the blush still slightly lingering in her cheeks. 

"Ah, so she decided to torcher you for her own benefit." I moved a rose and put it to the other side of her arrangement. 

"It would seem so. But I don't mind flowers, they smell nice and they are the least irritating thing about party planning. I'll live." She moved the rose back. 

"Are we always going to be contradicting each other on things?" I asked a tad sarcastically. 

"I believe so, yes." She put in a few other tidbits around the rose and once I looked at what she was doing I knew shew as right in the beginning. 

"I think I too shall live with that." I used her words from before and noticed she smiled slightly.

"When is our date?" She asked changing the subject back.

"Tonight if you want." 


I kissed her palm once more and then went to leave to get things ready.

"I'll find you at seven." I told her before leaving.

Everything had to be perfect for her, it was so clichéd, yet somehow because it was her I felt as though it was right. Maybe I was going soft in my old age. Maybe she just had found her way into my cold heart and was starting to bring it back to life again.

Maybe, just maybe.   

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