Bad Things (Camila/You)

By screwthatlcve

924 37 3

"What can I say, it's complicated." Y/n Grande is new in the music business, when Simon Cowell signs you to S... More

About you
Chapter Two

Chapter One

390 13 0
By screwthatlcve

  "Y/n, hey," Ariana cooed softly trying to wake up her younger sister. 

 It takes a few minutes getting Y/n up but eventually Ariana got her sister to get out of bed and ready for the day. 

  "Good morning," Ariana says to her sister. 

  "Morning," She pauses. "What time is it?" 

 Ariana sits down on the bed. "Remember? You got that meeting with the girls from Fifth Harmony today." 

  "Oh yeah, I forgot," She looks at Ariana and smiles. "I just didn't get a lot of sleep last night." 

 Ariana frowns. "Do you want to talk about it?" 

 Y/n just shrugs her shoulders. She's been depressed from her last breakup and Ariana understood completely. Ariana remembered her first breakup and it was something she never wanted to happen again but it does happen. Love fades away from people and soon they find love again, but it takes awhile to fall in love all over again and let people in, trust also comes along with that in a relationship. Y/n was in love with her best friend, Ashley but now known as Halsey and Ashley was deliberate with the relationship that she had with Y/n. Honestly, Y/n didn't do anything wrong it was that Ashley had became a singer, a really good singer in Y/n's opinion but Y/n's feeling for Ashley were still there. She tried everything to forget about her but it didn't go as planned. Y/n hated the fact that someone hated her guts over nothing, Y/n was always good to Ashley but she assumed the Ashley didn't want that. Ashley is a very nice girl, there's just something about her always wanting to be intimate with Y/n but Y/n wasn't ready and Ashley was just a whole new person after that. She signed with a record label and became a famous singer and became Halsey. It's like she didn't care if she left Y/n behind and she didn't, she never said goodbye and she left with no explanation and Ariana soon told Y/n about Halsey. Y/n broke down in tears, she couldn't contain the sadness that she had and her being more emotional than most kids or teenagers, it got difficult for her. After the breakup with Ashley, Y/n got depressed more than she intended to, she lost herself, she stopped eating. Then Ariana made her realize that not eating and doing that to herself wouldn't help, it only made Y/n feel worse but now Y/n is doing better except for the horrible nightmares she has at night of her ex lover. 

  "You're not okay are you?" Ariana finally asked after a moment of silence. 

 Y/n just shakes her head.

  "Do you want to talk about it?" Ariana offers again. 

  "I've been thinking a lot about Ashley but don't I have to meet the girls from Fifth Harmony?" 

 Ariana nods. "We leave in an hour, so you should get up," Ariana says as she stands up and walks to door. "I'm just worried about you, Y/n. You've changed a lot and I hope you can find love again with the right person this time," Then she leaves. 

 Ariana is right about one thing, she has changed and she doesn't know if it's a good change or not but sometimes changes scares Y/n and it leaves her helpless. Y/n does want love, she wants so much of it but that only scares her because she always falls in love with the wrong people but hopefully that'll change for her. Hopefully her her bad luck turns into good luck instead but lately she hasn't a lot of that. But Fifth Harmony, didn't Camila leave the group and shouldn't it be Fourth Harmony? Y/n hated the fact that Camila left, she knew her to a point but Y/n hardly knew anyone, she had her sister and that's all she needed; her sister. Y/n is excited, scared, overwhelmed, and just well maybe a little happy. Happy to make music and just be there for people. Y/n loves to help kids and teenagers to believe that anything could happen and that there are people who have a talent and will one day show others that talent isn't just singing or acting, it's also giving someone a speech or drawing the most amazing drawings ever, but talent comes from everywhere not just the main things. 

 After Y/n had gotten ready, she looked at the time and still had time to just relax. She grabbed her phone and went on Twitter, she laid down on her bed with her back against the headboard. She saw some tweets about her meeting the girls but others said it was a change of plan and she'll be meeting Camila Cabello. She thought people were lying until Ariana came into her room without a knock. 

 Y/n looks at her with surprise and patience. "Change of plans, we're meeting Camila Cabello, former Fifth Harmony member," Ariana says with excitement. "Maybe you and her could get together."

  "Wait, aren't you and Camila like a thing?" Y/n says hiding the excitement. "And I can't fall in love with someone just like that."

 Honestly, Y/n thought Camila is an amazing girl but if Ariana likes or possibly loves Camila for whatever reason then she should really go for it. Y/n really didn't mind Ariana going out with anyone, she just wants to see her big sister happy and only that thought makes Y/n happy. 

  "True, but give her a chance, get to know her," Ariana says trying to distract Y/n. 



  "Are you and Camila a thing?" Was all Y/n asked. 

 Ariana sighs. "I have feelings for her but I never admitted it to myself nor did I let my feelings get in the way." 

  "Ariana, if you like or possibly love her, then tell her. Who gives a shit if you date the same gender? It's not a law but I hate how people are so homophobic about it and it's sure as hell not a sin nor is it a crime. Follow your heart and if your heart screams, 'Camila, Camila,' then listen, okay?" Y/n only gave the best advice she could but she was hoping that it had helped Ariana. 

 Ariana looks at her with a smile and watery eyes. "I love you, Y/n, so much and thank you for all of that and I might actually listen to my heart. Thank you, thank you." 

 Y/n just smiles at her sisters reaction, she never thought she'd see this side of Ariana ever again. Ariana has been broken before and it had left a hole, not only in Ariana's heart but also Y/n's. Ariana's happy, excited even and it made Y/n's heart jump with excitement and happiness as well with Ariana. 

  "You're welcome. Anything for my big sis, you mean the world to me and I hate seeing you sad but if you're really happy with her, then be happy with her. There's nothing wrong with being happy nor is there anything wrong with liking a girl but of course people have their own opinions but a lot will understand why you like a girl," Y/n had explained but she was only telling the truth. 

  "Again, thank you so much," Ariana says and she gives Y/n the biggest hug ever. 

 Ariana has a huge smile plastered on her face and there's nothing and no one that will make her day worse, those words that Y/n had said boosted her confidence. 

  "Um, Ariana we kinda have to go. We're meeting Camila, remember?" Y/n says but she gives Ariana a slight nudge and Ariana just pushes Y/n's elbow away while blushing. 

  "Yeah, we have to go meet Camila," Ariana says but Y/n stopped teasing her about it because sometimes it annoys the hell out of Ariana. "Do you have everything?" 

 Y/n nods. "I hope this meeting goes well." 

  "Hey, have hope, okay? You'll do great and I heard you might be doing a song with Camila," Ariana says a little jealous. 

  "I'm not gonna take your girl so don't worry, okay? But it sounds fun in all honesty. I have a few ideas for some songs but I don't know.." Y/n trailed off as they got to the car. A black Ferrari. 

 The car ride is just filled with a lot of silence. Y/n didn't really want to talk and even if Ariana tried, she wouldn't be able to make small talk with the younger girl. Something Ariana was not good at; small talk, even with her own little sister. Y/n just looked out the window the whole time, she loves nature and any free time she has, nature is one of the main things that can calm her anxiety down. You didn't know Y/n had anxiety, well now you know. She doesn't tell a lot of people about her anxiety because Y/n knows well that people will judge her for having anxiety or possibly making it worse by sending hate her direction. Y/n is more use to hate than anything, she's was never spoiled as a kid nor was she talkative, more quiet if anything. Ariana on the other hand was always a talkative kid but was never spoiled, more curious than spoiled. Both girls are complete opposites yet they both know what each other mean. They mean well and their bond is so tight-knit, not even their fans can tear each other apart but can tear each other down but that doesn't mean they're not strong. 

 Not only is Y/n meeting Camila but she's also meeting the girls of Fifth Harmony, then she'll be doing a song she wrote for people. She's excited and nervous at the same time. What if she messes everything up? What if she isn't good enough? Y/n shakes her head and just looks out the car window trying to calm herself down from thinking too much.  Ariana notices and pats her on the shoulder and gives a weak smile. Y/n smiles back but her smile is fake, she pretends she's okay but in reality, she isn't. Ariana knows how broken her little sister is and it's deliberately breaking her and she feels so weak, she doesn't know how to help Y/n; her little sister shouldn't be this hurt, no one should be this hurt, ever. Ariana just doesn't know what to do to help the younger girl and it hurts her so much, it's literally breaking Ariana's heart and she honestly doesn't like it but honestly, there's nothing she can do. She loves her sister to death but she doesn't know what to do. Ariana feels useless, sometimes more than useless. 


 When Y/n and Ariana finally arrived to Meet and Greet of both Fifth Harmony and Camila Cabello. People always wonder why Camila had left but the only reason was because Camila had felt uncomfortable in Fifth Harmony and some thought Lauren maybe have something to do with it but some don't understand why or haven't gotten truth of it. But Y/n still guesses that they're friends but the only close friend Camila has is Ariana and Y/n is glad that Camila has someone like Ariana because Ariana is a down to earth and very kind person. Let's just say that Y/n is more awkward and shy around others than her sister but most of the time she doesn't even talk to her own sister. Hopefully someone will get Y/n out of her shell. 

  "Hey," Camila says in excitement to Ariana. 

 Ariana smiles. "Hey, Mila."

 Y/n gets distracted by looking at the four girls from Fifth Harmony and they just smile at her. The weirdest thing ever, she smiles back, her real smile and at that moment she had more confidence. Not just by how hot they were but like she could trust them more than anyone but she always has her sister if something goes wrong. 

  "Camila, this is my sister, Y/n," Ariana says changing the subject. 

  "Hi," Camila say while holding out her hand. 

 Y/n just waves at her not saying a word but has a weak smile on her face. Camila's hand drops and just waves back, except she could see how much pain Y/n was in and she understood completely, more than understanding, she knew. Camila knew the kind of pain that Y/n is in because has had plenty of that kind of pain but Camila felt bad for Ariana's younger sister. She wish she could help with Y/n but she didn't know how to do that. Soon Ariana, Camila, and Y/n all went to the girls of Fifth Harmony and they all talked, except for Y/n. 

  "Hey, cutie," The girl with the green eyes said. "Why aren't you talking? I promise you we don't bite." 

 Everyone looks at Y/n and Y/n looks straight at Camila. Y/n's face is screaming 'help me' and thankfully Camila understood. Ariana noticed too and she felt this slight pang of jealousy. Camila led Ariana and Y/n into her tour bus. 

  "What the hell, Y/n?!" Ariana says in anger. 

  "W-what?" Y/n says in a weak voice. 

 Y/n had never seen this side of Ariana and she knew it wasn't a good sight. Y/n became tense and Ariana was filled with anger but Camila couldn't move, she couldn't move to help the younger girl in front of her. She was scared and uneasy. 

  "You know I like Camila," Ariana snapped. "Why do you have to look at her like she's yours?" 

 Tears were falling down Y/n's face, she didn't do anything wrong but she let Ariana blame her. She couldn't even speak and Camila just stood there in shock. Y/n was still quiet, she couldn't say a word, she had this huge lump in her throat and couldn't swallow it; scarceness. 

  "Ariana, please stop. You're scaring her," Camila finally said. 

 Ariana scowls. "You're on her side now, aren't you?" 

  "No, I'm on no one's side. Just calm down, okay?" 

 Ariana sighs. "Fine." 

 Y/n just sat down on the floor and cried. She curled up into a ball and cried. The three girls heard the door of the tour bus open and the other four girls had been standing in the doorway of the tour bus. Lauren is the first one to see Y/n on the floor balling her eyes out. She walks over to Y/n and takes her in her arms and leads her to the back to the bathroom to calm Y/n down and clean up the makeup that was all over her face. 

  "What the hell happened?" Lauren asked in a calm tone. 

 Y/n flinches and just looks at her feet. She couldn't form any words, not only was she scared but she was just so broken and Lauren knew. But the only problem was that Lauren scared the younger girl and Y/n had been scared of her sister. She was literally shaking from all the crying and being scared. 

  "Hey," Lauren starts. "I didn't mean to scare you." 

 Lauren tried to hug the younger girl but Y/n still flinched. Y/n finally looked up at Lauren and gave her a weak smile. Lauren smiled back but she knew how much pain Y/n was in, she wanted to help her and honestly she didn't know how. 

  "Lauren, um..." Ariana trails off and it makes Y/n jump a little. 

  "Ariana, you scared the shit out of her. You hurt her," Lauren said in a calm tone and she stood in front of Y/n. 

  "I'm so sorry, Y/n," Ariana pauses. "I guess I was jealous you looked at Camila, I like her a lot and..." Ariana trails off once again. 

  "It's fine, Ari, I guess I just didn't feel like talking and I looked over at Camila because, well, um..." Y/n couldn't find the words to say. 

 Lauren just looks at them both bewildered and she couldn't form any words. 

  "Ari?" A voice had said, Camila. 

  "Yeah, Camila?" 

Camila sighs. "Can we talk?" 

 All Ariana does is nod. 


  "You alright?" Normani said as Y/n was getting ready for her performance. 

 Y/n sighs. "Just a little shaken up. I've never seen Ariana so mad at me for something that I didn't intentionally do but what can you do, right?" 

 Y/n just shrugs it off but Lauren, Dinah, Ally, and Normani were all worried about her. Maybe they didn't know Y/n very well but they were hoping they could get to know the younger girl, even if it took a while to know the real Y/n. 

  "I have to go, the crowd is waiting haha," Y/n says waving to the other girls. 

 The other girls wave back, they soon walk out of the tour bus behind her. Y/n puts a smile on her face and the people start to cheer. I mean she's only semi famous but that's not going to stop her from making music and pursuing her dreams. She loves singing and making children feel their worth. Everyone starts cheering for her and this is what makes her happy; the kids and teens standing in front of her cheering for her and making her feel more special than anything. 

  "How are we doing, New York?" Y/n says into the microphone. 

 All the fans scream 'good' and all Y/n could was smile, like that was the only thing that matter to her, more than anything. Her fans are really special to her and she'll make sure no one messes with her fans. She more protective than she may seem. She has this protective side not a lot of people expect or know about even. She has a very caring heart but it's easier to break than you think. She's like a glass, one little touch and it's like everything is broken; not able to be fixed. You broke her, took her heart and stomped on it so many times she gets use to the pain and never says anything. She's useless, weak, and unable to move. Like she's sinking on earth and she can't regain her breath. She's broken to the point that she doesn't want to get up in the morning, she doesn't want to eat or drink anything, she's losing herself more than she'd like to admit but she's keeps all her feelings in a bowl and she acts like the happiest thing on earth but inside she's breaking more and more and it's eating her alive. It's scares her a lot but her fans fill in those wounds and makes everything better and brighter. 

  "Y'all want to hear a new song I've been working on?" Y/n says with a smile hoping her fans would love the song she had finished but not quite recorded yet but she hoped her fans loved the song. 

 They all yell a 'yeah' and Y/n already gets excited. She grabs a guitar and starts strumming some cords on it. 

  "I am tired of this place, I hope people change 
  I need time to replace what I gave away
And my hopes, they are high, I must keep them small 
 Though I try to resist I still want it all"

"I see swimming pools and living rooms and aeroplanes 
I see a little house on the hill and children's names 
I see quiet nights part over ice and Tanqueray 
But everything is shattering and it's my mistake"

"Only fools fall for you, only fools
Only fools do what I do, only fools fall 
Only fools fall for you, only fools
Only fools do what I do, only fools fall"

"Oh, our lives don't collide, I'm aware of this 
The differences and impulses and your obsession with
The little things you like stick, and I like aerosol
Don't give a fuck, not giving up, I still want it all"

"Only fools fall for you, only fools
Only fools do what I do, only fools fall 
Only fools fall for you, only fools
Only fools do what I do, only fools fall"

"I see swimming pools and living rooms and aeroplanes 
I see a little house on the hill and children's names 
I see quiet nights part over ice and Tanqueray 
But everything is shattering and it's my mistake"

"Only fools fall for you, only fools fall
Only fools do what I do, only fools fall 
Only fools fall for you, only fools fall
Only fools do what I do, only fools fall"

"Only fools fall for you (only fools)
Only fools do what I do (only fools)
Only fools fall for you (only fools)
Only fools do what I do, only fools fall"

(A/n: I know it's a Troye Sivan song but lets go with it haha) 

 Y/n had finished the song and she had a few tears falling down her face but she managed. Everyone was left in awe and the weird thing was, so was Camila. Camila was also left in awe and Y/n didn't realize that Camila had been watching her this whole time but she doesn't make a big deal out of it, instead she looked at the four girls that had full support for her but they to have been left in awe and Y/n smiled at the sight of them and then smiled at her fans and they all cheered. They are all happy for Y/n and they can't wait for that song to be released, the girls of Fifth Harmony are also excited but Camila was more than excited, she was thrilled. Y/n couldn't find Ariana and it started to worry her. Y/n's smile faltered and she looked at her fans. 

  "I'm sorry. I have to go," Y/n said in a hurry and the fans had gotten confused, so did the four girls. "Where's Ariana?" 

 The four girls are behind Y/n in minutes. Camila just grabbed Y/n's hand and led her to the tour bus. Y/n looks at her confused. 

  "Is Ariana in here?" Y/n asked more worriedly 

 Camila just shakes her head and Y/n get even more confused and worried. Camila looks at Y/n, then at her lips but Y/n ignores it. She wants to find her sister but of course Camila won't tell Y/n nor will she show her where the older girl is. Y/n was about to say something until she felt a pair of lips on hers, soft lips and she easily found out they were Camila's lips. Y/n stupidly kissed back and that's all she could do at that moment. Y/n was confused, worried, sad, broken, and a little excited. But that's when they both heard a gasp; Ariana. Y/n and Camila pulled away so fast it's like someone had torn them apart by force. Y/n was scared but that all changed when she saw Ariana had dry tears stained to her face and Ariana let a few fresh tears fall down her cheeks. Ariana was more than sad, she was heartbroken. Heartbroken that her sister would do something like this, as well as her crush. She couldn't form any words, she was too hurt to do anything more. 

 Ariana let out a slight, 'Come on, Y/n. We're going home,' all Y/n could do was nod. No looks nor no words were exchanged, just silence. Y/n wanted to talk to the older girl but she couldn't. Y/n was just as broken but Ariana didn't see it that way, she saw it as her little sister not caring, not being supportive, and not getting out of the way of things. 

  "Why did you do it?" Ariana finally said breaking the silence as they got into the car. 

  "Do what? Kiss the girl you love?" Y/n snapped. "You know I would never do that, ever." 

 Ariana sighs. "But why did you kiss back?" 

 This caught Y/n off guard. "I don't know. I was hurt, worried, confused, heartbroken. Ariana, I don't know what to do anymore." 

 Ariana didn't respond, she didn't know how to and plus she had to focus on the ride home. This kills Ariana more than anything. Her only sister Ariana could actually talk to while on tour or relate to had just kissed the person she is completely in love with but Ariana didn't want to talk to anyone, she's too broken to talk, eat, anything. But she has a reputation to pursue. Y/n on the other hand was just done. Done with everything, honestly. She couldn't try, not for anyone anymore. Y/n thinks her older and only sister, hates her. Y/n despises herself more than her ex, she believes that she's the fuck up; herself. Every morning Y/n wakes up and looks in the mirror and ultimately feels bad for Ariana. Y/n hates herself so much she even thinks about suicide more than what she likes to admit. She feels useless, more than ever now. Of course Ariana only cares about Camila at the moment, so she would be too oblivious to see if Y/n hurts herself or anything for that matter. 

 They finally got home and Y/n got out of the car without a word. Ariana knew she had messed up but Y/n hurt her first. Ariana knew that Camila initiated the kiss but Y/n had kissed back and that is what hurt her. Ariana finally went inside a few minutes after her sister, she wanted to talk to Y/n but she couldn't bring herself to do that. Ariana wanted time to think about things and to pack for her tour tomorrow. She at least needed to say bye to Y/n.


Ariana had finished packing and she knocked on Y/n's door. Ariana heard a few whimpers so she walked in the younger girls room and found Y/n on her bed crying. Ariana couldn't help but feel bad for her sister. Maybe she should have talked to Y/n about it like a normal person but instead she hurt someone so innocent and precious.

  "Y/n?" Ariana says.

Y/n jumps a little but she looks at Ariana with hurt and sadness in her eyes. Ariana felt so sorry for the younger girl and it left this hole in her chest because of how hurt Y/n is. Ariana wanted to help the younger girl but she knew as well as Y/n, she needed space and that they both are going on tour for their albums. But Y/n just sat there waiting for Ariana to start talking to her. Ariana just sat there on the edge of Y/n's bed with a lot of remorse.
  "Y/n, I'm really sorry. I snapped and protected myself from the truth. But I'm leaving tonight because of my concert tomorrow. I'm really gonna miss you," Ariana was saying, trying not to cry.

  "I'm gonna miss you too, Ari," Y/n's voice cracks and its more raspier than usual. Ariana felt so bad for her sister; her only sister.
  "Y/n, I'm sorry for earlier. I just thought you liked Camila,"Ariana said.

  "Ari, she is good looking but I'm not ready for another relationship right now. Plus she kissed me and I know that I kissed back but I was hurt, broken, and in a lot of pain,"
Ariana looked at Y/n surprised. The younger girl just looked down at her hands.

  "You mean to say in the moment you didn't know how to react?" Ariana said.

Y/n nodded her head slowly. Ariana understood completely but Y/n was scared of how far things were going to go on the tour with Camila. But then again Ariana had the hugest crush on Camila and Y/n was completely aware of that and Y/n didn't want to get in the way of that. But of course Y/n was use to feeling like a fuck up or a mistake to others because she was different; abnormal to some. Y/n is only human, just as much as Camila and any other celebrity is. Usually people today only judge a person by its looks, if they're not pretty or handsome, then they're not good enough but Y/n likes the people who don't just fall in love by beauty or someone's body but by their personality; who they define themselves as. Y/n is lowkey that kind of person but society today has fucked with everyone's heads and made them believe that that girl with the nice ass or the guy with the six pack, who someone will fall in love but honey you're wrong. Maybe love at first sight, yeah but not looking at someone and feeling completely nothing at all. Y/n must have that feeling for Camila now but its hard to express that or even convince herself that's who and what she wants. She's more confused than anything or anyone for that matter.

  "Well, I have to get going. My flight will be taking off soon,"Ariana said trying to calm Y/n down. "I'll text you when my flight lands, okay?"

Y/n just nods. Ariana sighs, she doesn't know if her sister hates her but its Y/n. Y/n will forgive Ariana soon and possibly use her words.

  "Here's Camila's number in case you need someone to talk to," Y/n looks at Ariana in surprise but more confused than that.

She nods but that's all Y/n does, is nod.

  "Bye, cutie," Ariana says but Y/n just waves back.

  "Text me," Was Y/n could say.

Ariana pauses. "I will, I promise."


Ariana left without saying another word. Y/n wanted to talk to her sister but she couldn't, she knew Ariana needed the space and time, that's what Y/n is going to give the older girl because Y/n needed it as well. Y/n couldn't fall asleep that night because she had a lot going on and she kept overthinking which didn't help on her end.

A/n: I know this is crappy but its a work in progress. It is more of a depressing story which takes place from events that have happened to you or that is happening. Y/n is a depressed teen and her past is something that isn't the best, there will be flashbacks and nightmares bit bare with me, its a story of loss, pain, and heartbreak. Stay tuned for the next chapter. Love y'all 😘❤

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