A Vampire's Life Book 1

By xMishx

346K 22K 1.2K

The ink had barely dried on Stephanie's final high school exam and already she has been offered a job. A job... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Epilogue as told by Alex
A little treat...

Chapter 20

8.7K 538 69
By xMishx

"Miss Collins." He says as he walks in.

"I thought you said that you would wait." I mutter.

I watch him close the door, his nails scratching the door handle as he lets go.

"I grew impatient, plus hearing the lies that Alex was telling you about me I felt the need to come in here and correct them."

"Lies?" I whisper.

"Alex being over protective of his possessions again."

He walks towards me, the look on his face, somewhat sinister, somewhat cheeky but extremely gorgeous. I begin to back away from him, eventually hitting the wall. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath through his nose, taking in my scent.

"Oh Miss Collins, you are a fine young vampire. Exotic floral tones." his lips curl to a smirk as he takes another sniff. "Woody undertones, hmm addictive." he moves closer to me, leaning into my neck, his warm breath heavy on me. I hesitate to smell him, the fear of what he may have eaten strikes through me. Eventually I have to breathe and all I can smell is blood and mint. "And then there is the underlying smell of your blood. You smell divine."

"So you do want to eat me?"

He chuckles.

"Not in the way that Alex told you." his grin wicked.

I blush, his flirting knows no bounds.

"I do not have sex with my partner for the twelve hours before full moon Miss Collins." he whispers in my ear.

He makes me melt, all I want to do is push him to the ground and have him.

"And I most certainly do not take a woman beyond what she could cope with. That would just be cruel."

He presses me against the wall, his need evident, pressing against my thigh. It ignites my desire; my lust begins to burn through me.

"If you submit to me it does not mean your demise. It means that you get a night of intense passion and sex that you would have never experienced before. The full moon is not about feeding or death, it is about sex. If we were to feed once a month we would be pretty skinny, we feed like you, when we are hungry. The only thing that I would suggest to anyone who considers relations with a werewolf is to not be around the in the twelve hours after a full moon but that is only because we shed our fur and look rather scruffy. Any time around that they are normal beings."

He lifts my legs around his waist, his hand finding its way up my leg. As he presses himself into me I let out a little moan. He looks down at my cleavage, running his nail down my sternum to the first button. The sharpness of the nail pops the button, exposing more of my cleavage.

"You are beautiful." his tone low, almost growling.

The fingers splay out, the nails run over my chest, his touch is firm, pushing me up as he kisses me. As he makes his way higher, the hair on his head tickles me, I try to blow it away from my nose but it just makes its way back again. I can feel his fangs on my neck, he never bites me, the fangs just skim the edge of my skin. He kisses the edge of my mouth, seeking permission.

"No." I whisper; Alex's words still ring through my head. Do not submit to him.

Somehow we managed to be half way up the wall, once I had pushed him off my body, I slide back down, hitting the ground rather ungracefully. I look up, his nails dug into the frame of the door. He jumps down to the ground.

"I told you it is nothing like you have ever experienced."

Arrogant, so self-assured. It is the werewolf's nature. I feel myself being lifted off the ground and he pushes me back against the wall again.

"I said no."

I push him off me, I try to open the door, he places his hand over the door and the frame.

"You refuse the prince of the Askara'velmanti realm?"

"You would think not, yet here we are."

He moves closer to me pinning me to the wall, the pupils of his eyes are so dark and full, the irises are barely visible, he bares his teeth at me, a feint snarl emanates from the depths of his body.

"One little vampire girl could not possibly fight off a fully-fledged male werewolf."

"Why don't you try me?" I purposefully and loudly sniff my nose. "Why does it smell like wet dog in here?"

His concentration breaks and he begins to laugh.

"Beautiful and funny."

He steps back from my body but I am still pinned to the wall, the next button on my dress pops open, something inside of me stirs. Kneeling down in front of me, he leans back onto his legs, watching with amusement. All of the buttons of my dress pop open, leaving the material hanging down my sides. I stand there, pinned to the wall, in my underwear. A sensation shoots through me, lighting a fire in the depths of my body.

The sensations swirl through me, from the depths of my belly through to my head, the fire within builds without him even touching me. I close my eyes, enjoying the sensations in me. My body burns with the pleasure that he is giving me, coursing through my veins. It only takes a minute, once he whispers to me to scream, that no one will hear me, I let go, much to his delight. When I open my eyes, he is kneeling at my feet, his eyes completely black.

"You're on heat." he whispers taking in my scent.

The heat rises to my cheeks, completely embarrassed by his statement.

"My god, you did not just say that." I groan.

His concentration on me breaks, releasing me from the wall as he buries his face into my lower stomach, his hands on my lower back, pushing me into him. His hands are warm, his breath hot on my skin.

"Get off me." I whisper trying to lift his body. "The meeting will start again soon; they will come looking for us."

His head snaps to one side, his eyes return to normal as he frowns. Standing up, so close to me he runs his index finger through the air upwards, fastening the buttons of my dress. Leaning into my ear he whispers to me. "I will get you one-day Miss Collins. One day I will find my way into your panties."

"I highly doubt it." I sneer at him.

"You have never known a wolf; it is nothing like a vampire." his smirk evident. "So much better."

"You are self-assured."

"Comes with my nature."

"Where have you been?" he hisses at me as I sit back down.

"If I told you, you wouldn't believe me."

He is about to push me further but luckily Terrance begins to call the meeting to begin again. Alex turns back around and I can tell that he is watching Finn enter the room. Finn has a smug look on his face, at times grinning. I think they are having an argument.

My god, you should hear the whining princess. Damn Finn is back. Leave him alone Finn. I see Alex scratch his nails on the arm rest, the wood curling in their wake. What did you say to him? He laughs. I told him I paid you a visit, in what was it? Your office? It certainly smelled of you. You did not. I did, I told him I found my way in between your legs, kissed you, popped some buttons of your dress and left my marking on you for him to find later. You what? I hiss at him. I marked you. You bastard. He sniggers in my mind. It will last a long time too. A nice reminder for him. And let's face it, you wanted it, you want me, don't you? I don't answer him. I don't want him to know the truth. I don't want to make it a habit of falling for men after only knowing them for a few hours. He laughs. I'll take your silence to mean that you do. Do not fret Stephanie, it is normal to be attracted to my kind. I am sure that you have been told that us killers have been designed to be attractive to others. I would be concerned if you did not find me attractive. I know you want me, remember, I watched you, all without touching you, imagine what I could do when I do touch you. But heed my words young vampire, I will have my way with you and when I do, you will never want anyone else.

Then he is gone. Suddenly Alex is in my mind.

Did he kiss you? he hisses at me. Are you going to do something irrational? Did he kiss you? The tone in his voice is one that I have never heard before, my reluctance to answer him just makes his anger swell, suddenly the arm of his chair breaks in his hand, crushing to saw dust in his fingers. His mother looks at him and he leaves my mind. Everyone just stares at Alex, who mutters something about old furniture. I look at Finn, who tries to hide his amusement behind his hand.

As the meeting draws to an end the queen gets up to leave the room. Penny gestures for me to follow her. A few other people join us in the formal lounge, waiting for the council members to disperse.

"Stephanie, I would like you to meet some of my family." the queen says.

"This is Phabel, he is my nephew, he will be king of the shape shifter realm upon completion."

"After father of course." he grins as he takes my hand, kissing my knuckles.

He looks similar to Alex, the same chocolate brown hair that flops in his eyes, his skin a pale tan colour, only Phabel's eyes a pale blue with a dark ring around them, similar to Finn's eyes.

"Your highness."

I remember to curtsy him, being that he is royalty. He politely smiles at me as he lets my hand go.

"No offence Althea but I can't wait to be off this stinking rock. Too many humans."

"And what if Godfrey puts them on the realm that he creates for you?"

"I might have to go and live with the werewolves."

She chuckles at him.

"Oh Phabel, you are just like your father."

He smirks and it is like I am looking at Alex. Holy hell. I am surrounded by gorgeous princes. I feel a cool hand wrap around my waist, instantly knowing he is by my side, I relax a little.

"Everyone is preparing to leave. It is too close to the hour for the werewolves, they are not prepared to hang around any longer."

At the door we see the figures of the council pass through the entry. I see Finn pass, looking at us, at Alex and his arm wrapped around me. I feel him pull me closer to him, holding me tight on his side. Possessive much? I feel Finn enter my mind, closing off all other entries.

Till next time, beautiful vampire. And then he is gone.

I excuse myself from the formal lounge, hoping that if I were to shower before Alex is ready for bed, I might be able to rid Finn's scent from my body. I quickly unbutton my dress and what stares at me in the bathroom mirror is funny yet annoying... frustrating. When Finn said that he had marked me I assumed that he meant that I had a scent on me, but no, he marked me as in he wrote on me. On my stomach, written in black, is three little words, GO TEAM JACOB. I have to laugh. It is funny. I get the soap and water and try to wash it off, but it won't budge. Shit. I dry my skin and re-button the dress, hoping that Miranda is still here, she may know what to do. Scurrying through the halls, I find Miranda in the formal lounge, still talking to the remaining council members. I curtsy as I enter the room.

"Miranda could I see you for a moment?"

She nods and follows me out of the room to the vacant kitchen that sits behind the entry.

"What's up?"

I undo the buttons and show her to a round of hysterics from Miranda. She wipes the tears from her eyes and tries to compose herself.

"How did you do that?"

"I did not do this, Finn did it."

"Really?" she says a little astonished.

"When did you get naked with Finn?"

"I did not get naked with him!" I exclaim. "He did this through my clothes." I try my best to lie, not wanting her to know the power he had over me.

She grins, leaning down, she sniffs the words.

"Ok." she sighs. "I know what he used."

I pull the material over my body, trying to cover it in case someone happens to walk in. She rummages through the cupboards to find a bowl and then moves to the fridge, pouring in sauces. She then moves to the cupboard and raids the spices. Placing the bowl on the bench, she finds a wooden spoon and stirs it.

"Ok, open up."

I pull back the front panels exposing my skin, as she puts the mixture on me, my stomach recoils at the coldness.

"Still feeling the cold?"

I nod. Terrance walks in and looks at what must be a bizarre scene before him.

"Finn marked her."

He looks at the fading words on my skin and chuckles.

"He is such a bastard, isn't he?"

I nod, much agreeing with him.

"You know he is doing it to piss Alex off."


"Something to do." he shrugs.

Miranda passes me a paper towel, so I could wipe the mess of my stomach. Once clean it reveals my skin, no longer showing any graffiti made by a naughty wolf.

"Thank you." I roll my eyes.

"No probs." she says. "Try and steer clear of him, yeah?"

"Gladly." I mutter.

We return to the formal lounge; Alex pulls me to one side.

"I have to speak with father and Terrance for a while, you might as well go to bed."

I nod.

"Why do you smell like you've taken a bath in tomato sauce?"

"Long story." I mutter. "I'll see you later."

I relish the solitude of my room, the quietness of being alone, away from the incessant speaking of the council members thumping through my mind. I look forward to the day when I am no longer in my fledgling state will be over and I am not this sensitive to sounds. I lean on the door of my room, closing my eyes, trying to block everything out. I hear a tapping on my window and opening my eyes I see Finn outside, grinning at me.

Shouldn't you be returning to your realm? I have time. What do you want? You. No, you want to piss Alex off, why? It's fun, he takes the bait so easily. I frown at him, a deep scowl. Now, now, pretty vampire, do not frown like that, it does no justice for your beautiful features. I lessen the frown and begin to walk to the window. Are you going to invite me in or are we going to spend the evening like this? I am not going to spend the evening with you. Open the window Stephanie. I reluctantly open the window, letting him into my room. He steps into the room and sniffs the air.

"Miranda help you did she?"

I nod.

"You need to shower."


"One of the spices will burn my skin, shower, now."

He holds his hand towards the door and I hear the lock clicking over, the curtains beside me drawing closed.

"One of the spices burns you, how interesting." I smugly speak the words.

"Only superficial wounds, nothing life threatening."

He takes my hand and drags me to the bathroom.

"What are you doing?" I hiss.

"Making you shower."

He begins to unbutton my dress carefully avoiding the skin of my stomach.

"She put it in there as a deterrent, it does nothing for removing the mark. Quite ingenious of her actually."

He turns me around and removes the dress from my body, as he unclasps my bra he whispers in my ear.

"I told you I would get into your panties."

The bra drops to the ground as his nails softly caresses me and then pulls my panties down.

"Into the shower now, soap and water and wash that crap off you."

"Do you know what privacy is?" my words curt.

He laughs.

"You know where this is going to end, you knew that when you opened the window and let me in."

He is right, you let him in here for one reason only. I wash whatever may remain of the mixture off my skin. His pupils dilate as I run my fingers over my body, almost urging him to join me in the shower. He quickly undresses and steps into the shower, pinning me against the tiles. I can hear a low growl as he finds his way in between my legs.

I open my eyes, the sweat pouring off me, the room dark. Damn, it was just a dream! A good one though. Finn? He laughs. No need to thank me, erotic dreams are a speciality of mine. Oh, that is just so rude. I could come in and help you with your needs. No you cannot. Aww, now come on, you know that you want me, otherwise you would not be so aroused. How would you know that? Because I can hear the words you mutter in your sleep, if I were you, I would not sleep with Alex, he may hear how much you lust for me. Then he is gone, leaving me very, aroused and with no Alex to satisfy my needs.

Curiosity strikes me, I wonder whether he is still around. I walk over to the window, opening it, I whisper his name. It was like a cold gust of wind hit me, out of nowhere there was the one and only Finn standing at my window, leaning on the sill.


"You don't eat your lovers in a post sex frenzy?"


"Are you hungry?"

"No, we fed before the meeting."

I sigh as my heart wrenches tight.

"I can't cheat on him. I'm sorry, I can't. I shouldn't have called you."

"He does it to you all the time."

"Does what?"

"Have you not entered his mind?"


"Maybe you should, then you might see all the times he's had sex with other women since you've been here."

My heart sinks as the tears well in my eyes, he's been cheating on me. A lot by the sounds of it.

"Sorry, probably not my place to say that."

I shrug as I wipe the tears. So it settled in my mind that I was just a here and now screw for Alex, that once the girl was found I would be on the outer, no longer his play toy. But what did I want? Maybe it was time for me to be strong, to turn the tables on my cheating lover. No longer is he going to be referred to as my boyfriend, now he is me in the moment lay. Then there was the handsome man standing at my window, staring at me with an oh so sexy grin. Screw Alex, I think it's time for some big bad wolf fun.

"Why do you want me?"

"Because you are beautiful, inside and out."

"It's not about annoying Alex?"

He shakes his head with a gorgeous smirk. I step back from the window bench seat and slip the night dress from my body, letting it pool around my feet. Finn stares at my body as I gesture for him to come in. He climbs in and closes the window, the sound of the door being locked distracts me for a moment. The nails on his fingers gently scratch down over my body, the pads of his fingers running over me. It was a flash as he kissed me, a blur of movement into a deep and heavy kiss. His arms wrapped around my body, his hands moving up my back, feeling my spine. When the kiss was broken, I was left heaving, desperate for more. The sash went off his body to the ground as I undid the buttons of his jacket. His body was glorious, even more defined than Alex. Again he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me as our bodies pressed into each other. He passionately kissed my neck as I gasped begging him to take me, I wanted him desperately. Before I knew it, I was on the bed with him hovering over me.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." I breathed.

My breath hitched as he gently moved, my body arching into his. His arm wrapped under my back, lifting me up to his body as he slowly kissed me. It was deliriously slow; he was right when he said that I have never known a wolf. He was in no hurry, determined to enjoy every single second he could have me. Slow and needful. It wasn't until his head perked up that he started to quicken. Obviously he heard something I hadn't. A few minutes later and he was done, as was I. I was a scattered mess, one hell of a grin on my face and barely able to speak, I had been enjoying that much. As he nestled onto my body for one final kiss, he looked tired. He was dressed in record time and by the windows, opening them. I pulled my nightdress on as he took me into his embrace.

"You are amazing." he whispered. "And I will never stop pursing you. I will fight for you."

He gave me a deep burning kiss and with a cold wind he was gone. Just as I was closing the windows, Alex opens the door. I frown, Finn must have unlocked it just as he left.

"You're awake."

"Yeah I was just going to bed, rather tired."

"Oh, ok, I've still got stuff to do, I just came to see if you were ok. I'll leave you be."

I nodded silently as he closed the door behind him, leaving me alone.

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