Loving Hope (Third book to Th...

Par oldfashioneddaisies

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After three long years, full of horror and heartbreak, Klaus Mikaelson and Penelope Gilbert-Mikaelson have fi... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64

Chapter 61

869 33 12
Par oldfashioneddaisies

Hope's P.O.V.
I wake up in my bed, blinking my tired eyes as I hear and feel deep breathing next to me. A smile just spreads across my lips as I look at a shirtless Kai sleeping peacefully next to me. It feels good to wake up and see someone I love so dearly sleeping so soundly next to me. I had almost forgotten how much I loved waking up next to him.

I turn onto my side and bring my hand up as I stroke his scruffy jawline with my index finger, occasionally dragging my middle finger along his jawline as well. "Stop stroking me while I sleep, it's weird." Kai says with his eyes still closed. I just chuckle as I slide my whole hand onto his cheek now.

"No, you're all mine again so I can stroke the little hairs on your jaw all I want." I tease him as I run my thumb over his jawline. Kai opens up his youthful blue eyes as he grabs my hand that's on his face.

"I don't need your nasty germs you sicko." Kai jokes as I sit up and lean against the headboard with my huge belly out in front of me.

"You love my germs, and you can't even deny that." I say to him as he looks up at me with a smile.

"You wish." Kai teases me as he scoots closer to me and places a hand on my belly. "It's so weird that you have like this super huge stomach. Like the last time I saw you, you were like normal and now you have like this huge bump. I kind of dig it though." Kai smiles as he presses a kiss to my stomach, causing me to chuckle at him.

"Don't get too used to it. I'm actually going to a doctor's appointment today and they're gonna tell me when they want me to deliver, which will probably be in like four weeks." I tell Kai as I hold my large belly in my one hand while running my fingers through his hair with the other.

"Well, I guess that's okay, because I seriously can't wait to meet these little guys." Kai says looking at my stomach with child like eyes. I just chuckle as keep rubbing my stomach.

"I can't wait either." I coo happily as I just look at Kai who is so happy about our two little babies inside of my stomach.

"Hey guys, it's me, your dad." Kai says to my stomach, actually talking to the babies inside, making my heart swell with unimaginable excitement. "You probably aren't used to me talking to you, you're probably used to your mom but it's actually me this time." Kai speaks to them excitedly. "When you get out here were gonna do so much fun stuff, okay? I'll teach you how to ride skateboards and play practical jokes, it'll be loads of fun." Kai says like a small child as he speaks to our children. "I guess what I'm trying to say is that I can't wait to meet you both. Once you're here it's gonna be a blast. I promise." Kai promises our children as my heart just skips at beat at him. I had no idea he'd be so into this becoming a dad thing. Maybe it's because he never really had a family and this will kind of be his chance at a fresh start to finally make things right?

Kai comes at sits up next to me as we rest against the headboard of our bed. I just chuckle at him as we have our fingers interlaced with each other. "I love you." I remind him as I rest my head against his shoulder. Kai just giggles at me happily as he kisses my forehead.

"I love you too." Kai says as his other hand that is not in mind rubs my belly. I've longed for this feeling for so many months, and now that I have it I don't ever want to let it go. We sit there for a few minutes just listening to the sound of each other breathing until I sit up and look at him.

"Alright, how about I go and take a shower and get ready and then, I will meet you at the doctor's office for my appointment?" I ask Kai curiously as I sling my legs over the edge of my bed and get up slowing, holding my aching back. Kai sees my discomfort and speeds toward me quickly and puts his hand on my lower back.

"Hey, are you okay?" Kai asks me with extreme concern as I just start to chuckle at him lightly.

"Yes Kai, I'm fine, thank you. It's just called being pregnant. Your back aches, your feet swell, stuff like that." I say with a little laugh as I start to waddle my way towards my bathroom.

"I'm new at this tribrid, cut me some slack." Kai says as he walks behind me, almost acting like he's expecting me to fall so he can catch me.

"Alright, meet me at the doctor's office at 3:00. I love you." I say to him as I quickly turn around and peck his lips.

"Ugh, are you sure I can't join you in the shower?" Kai asks as he leans against the doorframe to the bathroom.

"Hell no, having you stay overnight in my bed is risky enough. If my Uncle Elijah hears us in the shower together I'm pretty sure that it'll be a shit show." I chuckle, knowing that I didn't burn sage in the bathroom so my family members will surely hear us. "Even though I can't have sex this late in my pregnancy, them knowing that we're naked together will most likely make their heads explode." I tell him as I kiss his cheek and open my bathroom door.

"Fine, fine. I love you." Kai reminds me as he pecks my lips. "Doctors appointment, 3:00." He reassures me as I start disappearing into the bathroom.

"Don't be late." I smile at him as I close my bathroom door, knowing that on the other side he is probably already gone. Experiencing the loss of my brother has been so incredibly painful, but having Kai back in my life helps me forget about the loss and focus on some of the things that I will be gaining in the very near future.


Penelope's P.O.V.
"Could you pass me the shampoo please?" I ask Klaus as I stand under the head of our shower, feeling the hot water running down my body as Klaus stands in front of me, lathering his body with soap.

He doesn't speak, he just hands me the bottle and I mutter a small thank you to him as I put some shampoo into my hand and begin running my fingers through my hair, getting my curls all soapy. Even though we aren't really saying much or interacting much, the closeness of being in the shower together makes me feel better. It makes me feel not so alone and not so hollow inside. I can tell this helps him too, not just me. It's good for him to be by me and not all cooped up in his study.

We both continued our shower until we were pretty much as clean as we could get and I turned off the water and we stepped out of the shower. I wrapped my towel around my bust line and Klaus wrapped his around his waist. I clipped my curls behind my head as a few wet strands of hair escaped the clip and fell around my face.

I walked over to our sinks and I picked up my locket. Inside I know that there is a picture of my three children, and now knowing that only two are with me makes my heart pang with a certain sadness.

"Would you like me to help you?" Klaus asks as he sees me holding the locket in my hand. I look at the mirror and see him walking up behind me. I nod my head slightly and hand him the locket.

"Please." I answer as he takes the locket from my hand and secures it around my neck for me. "Thank you." I say as I put my hand on top of the locket and feel it securely around my neck. Klaus just continues to stand behind me and nod his head as he moves towards his sink that is next to mine. I feel my heart just hurt in my chest and I look at him. "Klaus..." I say to him as I turn my body towards him.

Klaus looks at me with his beautiful blue eyes, letting me know that he is listening to me. "Maybe we should do something tonight? Like take the girls out for a bite to eat or something?" I suggest to him, knowing that since we've lost our son we've been deeply neglecting our daughters. Klaus looks at me for a second and I can't get a read on him.

"Perhaps that would be a good idea... I feel as though we've been neglecting our daughters for too long." Klaus agrees with me as he leans his lower back against the sink and crosses his arms over his chest. I feel bad that we have been neglecting our daughters and their needs but Klaus and I are so involved in our loss it almost feels as though the loss of our son is the only thing that really matters right now. I look at Klaus as tears begin to form in my eyes.

"I miss him, Klaus." I say as a tear falls from my eye and onto my towel. Klaus looks at me as his eyes begin to get misty as well as he grips the sink with his hands as he continues to lean his lower back against it.

"I miss him too, love." Klaus says as he just looks down, tears falling from his cheeks as well. I begin to cry a bit harder as I walk in front of him and wrap my arms around him, crying into his chest as he wraps his arms around me and runs his fingertips up and down my back.

"I remember when I was pregnant with him and we were so excited to finally have our little boy. I remember that we were so happy that our family would finally be complete, that he would be the last piece to our Mikaelson family puzzle. But now that he's gone, our family is shattered and I don't know how to fix it Klaus... I really don't." I say as tears cloud my eyes as I just continue crying into his chest.

"I don't know how to fix it either, my love. I wish that I could make your pain go away, no mother should ever have to bare the loss of their child." Klaus tries to console me as I look up at him.

"No father should ever lose a child either. You were his father too Klaus, and we both took care of him, we both raised him, and we both loved him so much." I say to Klaus as tears continue to escape his eyes. Klaus just pulls me in tighter.

"I love you so much, my sweet Penelope. I am the luckiest man in the world to be able to call you the mother of my children, and I don't want you to ever forget that, and I fear that sometimes I do not tell you that enough." Klaus reminds me as he just keeps holding me tightly.

"I love you too Klaus. I am so happy that you're the father of my children, because you're a really good dad and I couldn't have raised them without you." I tell him as he kisses the top of my head while he holds me tightly. It finally feels like we're easing some of our grief, and the only way that I think we can ease it even more is if we're together.


Niklaus Jr.'s P.O.V.
One moment, I was in the void. I was in this black void that was just nothing. I just sort of ceased to exist until I felt my eyes shoot open and scorching hot blood begin to flow through my veins, causing my skin to crawl. I feel air rush into my lungs as my eyes adjust to the light and I begin to blink furiously.

"Give him some room! Give him some room!" I hear a dominating voice say as I breathe extremely hard. My eyes finally adjust to the light and I see a group of people around me, and a man with dark skin and a domineering attitude towards him looking at me with a smile on his face.

"Where... Where am I?" I mutter out as I look around and see everyone looking at me in astonishment. I look down at my hands and they look much manlier, and hair has grown on them. My legs seem longer and my feet seem bigger as well. I feel entirely different.

"You're in New Orleans, don't worry, you're safe." The man reassures me as I sit up on the table in which I was laid down on.

"What happened to me? Why am I different?" I ask him, hearing the sound of my own voice and it sounds much deeper.

"Well, you died." The man tells me flat out. I feel shock enter my body as I breathe extremely heavily.

"I... I died?" I question, extremely confused. "Wait.. Who are you people? Where's my family?" I ask the man curiously.

"Alright, just let me explain. I'm Marcel, and I'm an old friend of your mom. You were killed during a fight with the resistance, and your parents, they buried you and they went home. But, my guys and I dug you up, and I got some of my witches to activate the dormant serum inside of your blood and bam, you've come back to the land of the living." Marcel explains to me excitedly. I look around and I'm still a little confused but I look back at him.

"Why am I so different? Why am I bigger?" I ask him as I stand up and feel much more athletic and energized.

"Well, I guess the serum sped up your aging process, because you went from a teenaged boy to a full grown man." Marcel tells me as he gestures to something on the wall. I turn and look at what he's gesturing at and it's a mirror. I look into the mirror and see that I have grown a few inches and I filled out my whole body with muscle, and I look so much more sculptured, and my face has aged a few years.

"What does this mean? What does any of this mean?" I ask, trying to wrap my head around everything.

"I'm going to guess that now that the serum is activated in your system that you've pretty much peaked. I don't think you're going to get any older kid. Plus, I'm going to guess that your vampirism side is going to be a little more intense from now on." Marcel informs me as I look at my brand new body. To be completely honest, this is all so much to take in at once but I'm just glad to be back to life. The first thing that's on my mind though is my family and how they're doing, and how soon I can get back to them.

-Thank you guys so much for reading! This chapter really had some twists and turns! And thank god Nik is back. You guys didn't believe that he was gone forever, did you? Lol, I love you guys so much! Thanks! xo 

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