~Guys My Age~

By ShiquenaQueen

357 19 0

Why Can't I Find Guys Of My Age That Know How To Treat Me?! More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 11

18 1 0
By ShiquenaQueen

I opened my eyes  squinting a little due to the brightness of Alexa's curtains being opened allowing the sun to shine through the window I looked down at my bare chest seeing her mouth slightly partened while soft breaths escaped it making me smile down at her I pecked her forehead and gently rolled her off of me before softly getting out of bed trying not to wake her I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and tip toed out the room closing it softly behind me and jogging down the stairs to the livingroom, I plopped down on the couch turning the tv on watching family guy but being disturbed few minutes later by a phone call from my manager. I grabbed my phone and answered it.


''JJaaaaacckkk, how are you my dear man?''

''I'm fine what about you Simon?''

''I'm great, so hey I saw a few pictures of last night where I can see you kissing a petite girl inform me about her please.'' Simon said his voice becoming serious, I started telling him about Alexa hearing him hum 'mhm' on the other line.

''She sounds nice, I would like to meet the two of you today at Starbucks near your tattoo shop.'' I quickly said okay before we both said our goodbyes, I hung up the phone and placed it next to me on the couch continueing to watch Family Guy hearing soft footsteps coming down the stairs I looked at the stairs seeing Alexa with my shirt which reached her knees and her cute black fuzzy soft socks while her lip ring glistened a little  from the light of the sunlight as her hair was all puffy and curly a piece of strand infront of her eye she looked at me and gave me a warm smile as I returned the smile before getting off the couch and walking towards her when she was on the last step I scooped her up causing her to squeal and wrap her small arms around my waist making me chuckle a little and her giggle. I walked into the kitchen and placed her on the counter of the Island standing between her legs wrapping my arms around her waist as she once again wrapped her arms around my neck pulling me close I leaned my head against hers looking into her brown orbs admiring the beauty her face shows I leaned up a little to peck her nose and soon after her lips I started pecking her lips like crazy causing her to giggle against my lips and making me smile at her cuteness she grabbed my face and smashed her lips against mine causing us to instantly make out, she wrapped her arms around my neck again tightning her legs around my waist as I pulled her closer to my body before lifting her off the Island and walking with her in my arms to the couch not breaking the kiss I softly placed her on her back still making out with her resting my hand beside her head while my other hand stroked her thigh her arms still tightly wrapped around my neck. I started grinding against her a little causing her to softly moan against my lips as a small smirked started playing on my lips my hand slowly traveled up the shirt to her underwear and just as I was about to put my hand in her underwear the doorbell rang I groaned against her lips before getting off of her and sitting on the couch she quickly sat on my waist straddling my waist with her legs on both sides and her arms wrapped around my neck pulling me in for a hug I tightly hugged her back, the doorbell went off again disturbing the comfortable silence she got off of my lap and skipped to the door humming break my heart as memories of last night started flowing through my mind causing a smile to spread across my face but soon faded when I heard a ear pitching scream coming front door I didn't even think about anything else except Alexa I jumped off the couch and ran as quickly as possible to the frontdoor seeing Alexa trying to stab a girl I saw yesterday at the McDonalds who kept staring at us yet it feels like I've seen her somehwere else before.

''Alexa!'' I screamed from the hallway the girl looked up at me shocked but angry Alexa looked in pain and scared as he hand lowered with the knife in it before the girl grabbed it and stabbed Alexa in her back causing Alexa to scream and me too as I ran to catch her so she wouldn't drop on the floor seeing the girl running away with the knife I held Alexa's cheek with tears rolling down my cheeks not wanting this to happen telling her everything is going to be okay and trying to keep her awake seeing her eyes open and close ones in awhile I picked her up bridal style grabbed the motorkeys off the little table near the frontdoor closed the frontdoor with Alexa in my arms before running to her driveway getting on the motor holding Alexa close to my body trying to keep her awake while starting the motor's engine hearing it roar before taking off to the hospital to save my sweet baby Angel.

~At The Hospital~

I walked through the hospital doors not caring to catch people's attention I just need to get some help for Alexa.

''Someone send me a doctor right now please! My girlfriend has been stabbed and is losing allot of blood someone please fucking help!'' I screamed at the top of my lungs soon allot of nurses and doctors showed up with a hospital bed I gently placed her down, we soon started speed walking to idk where as the doctors and nurses started hooking her up with some needles and putting on an oxygen mask on her mouth so she could breath which seemed to be difficult for her without the mask as more tears streamed down my face while I held her hand telling her half concious self to stay with me I was soon stopped by a doctor trying to push him out of the way seeing my girlfriend dissapear with the doctors behind some doors the doctor that stopped me told me I can't go in there since they're going to check on her and maybe operate on her making me sadly nod before walking to one of the little blue chairs sitting down on it holding my head in my hands feeling a tear trickle down my face realising why she looked so familiar  before as memories started coming back.


I made my motor roar one more time before stopping and stepping off I adjusted the black bandana with my gang sign on it a little on my mouth to cover the most of my face so people wouldn't recognize me I turned around seeing all the other guys and girls getting off their motors the girls adjusted their tight short shirts when they caught me looking at them making me roll my eyes I walked to my boss nodding at him as he quickly handed me a shotgun I hid it in the back of my pants adjusting my motor jacket with the gang's logo on it so you wouldn't see it we all started walking towards the abandoned building walking inside when we were inside my boss stood infront of the group pointing towards me and a girl telling us to go to the left side of the building we quickly nodded  before the girl skipped over to me making her pigtails bounce let me tell you a little bit about the clothes of the gang. Us guys wear tight black jeans with a black motor jacket with the logo of the gang printed on the back which is the gang's name which is KillerSquad we were one of those gangs everyone fears even the police and I was high in rank in the gang, us guys also wore a black shirt with a black bandana that also has the gang's logo printed on that we would wrap infront of our mouths which the girls also had same with the jackets. Talking about them the girls wear ripped panty hose with knee high black leather boots which had the initials of the gang carved on the heel they wear black shorts with studs and a studded belt while wearing a tight black tanktop and as I said the motor jacket with the logo and the same with the bandana they had two pigtails and that's kinda it, now back to the story! I was walking while staying aware of my surroundings same for the girl with me btw I know her name it's Leana, we continued walking until I stopped causing her to bump against me.

''Jack what the he-hmph!'' I quickly placed my hand on her mouth so she would stop talking while we both carefully looked around my eyes landed on something moving seeing a strand of brown hair making my eyes go wide.

''Leana duck!'' I screamed keeping my eyes locked on the strand of brown hair while quickly grabbing my gun and letting go of Leana's mouth so she could duck before I started shooting seeing the person that was a girl jump up and doing a quick backflip shooting back at me as I avoided the bullets. I soon heard footsteps coming my way seeing more people of my gang coming in the room as more people of the other gang popped out of their hiding spots soon the only thing that was heard through the whole building was guns shooting I looked at Leana seeing a guy with a knife sneaking up on her from the back as she fought a girl infront of her I quickly ran towards them and snapped the guy's neck Leana turned around looking at me with relief written all over her face the girl behind her grabbed a knife I quickly hooked my arm with Leana's as she rolled over my back causing the girl to miss when Leana was off my back I quickly stood up straight and kicked the girl in the stomach making her drop the knife bending over holding her stomach and groaning in ppain I grabbed her by the hair and punched her in the face causing her to stumble back but she didn't give up she charged at me jumping on me punching me as I tried getting her off of me but soon hearing a gun shot going off as the girl fell off my body with blood coming from the back of her head I looked up seeing Leana smiling at me holding the gun making me smile back at her I turned around and started shooting again but soon stopped hearing a guy screaming I ran towards the scream seeing a guy laying on the ground bleeding heavily from his chest panting he looked up at me with pain written all over his face.

''T-take me o-out of m-my m-misery p-please...'' He pleaded me while pointing at my gun I pointed my gun towards his heart said rest in peace before shooting three times I heard a girl screaming as I turned around seeing a girl with tears rolling down her face not caring about me she ran towards the dead guy pushing me away holding him tightly against her chest trying to wake him up but not succeeding knowing he's dead making her sob she looked up at me with hate written all over her face before slowly getting off the floor holding a gun looking at me dead in the eye as I backed up a little making her come closer.

''You killed my husband, I'll make you pay you son of a bitch.'' She pointed the gun at me as my eyes went wide I quickly ran away hearing her shooting my way hearing her running behind me still shooting I soon felt something burning in the back of my leg making me scream and fall on the ground. I looked around seeing the girl catching up to me with a smirk plastered on her face I started crawling groaning in pain just as she was about to shoot again someone behind me shot her in the arm causing her to drop the gun and scream in pain while I got lifted off the floor by some guys of my gang named Harry and Skylar they quickly walked with me limping to the motors placing me on mine I made my motor roar before driving away I quickly looked around seeing the whole gang behind me I looked beside me and saw my boss making me relax a little cause these people are like my family and NOTHING comes between family.

~End Of Flashback~

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