5SOS BoyXBoy Oneshots // Requ...

By ohnomarie

99.9K 1.7K 756

Just a bunch of 5sos boy x boy oneshots REQUESTS ARE OPEN Malum Mashton Cashton Cake Muke Lashton Contains fl... More

LIES - Muke
ABUSED - Malum
PRETEND - Cashton
PRETEND 2/2 - Cashton
REBELS - Malum
SENIOR NIGHT - Lashton/Malum
SICK - Muke
Muke - Story Of A Fangirl
Cake - A Love Like War 1/3
Cake - A Love Like War 2/3
Cake - A Love Like War 3/3
Muke - Fuckboys
Hi or Hey!
SUGAR - Lashton
EASIER - Any Ship?
IN MY HEAD 2/2 - Cake
TAKE MY HAND - Cashton
MOVING ALONG - Muke/ Mashton
RED LINE - Lashton
BLEACH - Lashton
PIZZA - Muke
FLOWERS - Mashton
Shameless Self Promo
Get to know the author
Less Than Three Days Wattpad Tag

CLASS TRIP - Mashton/ Malum

1.8K 31 15
By ohnomarie

"Mikey!," Calum whisper yelled and tapped his fingers against the glass of his best friends window.

The two boys were best friends since birth and their families lived next to each other. They had their bedrooms facing each other so they had put a wood plank between the short distance of their windows to get to each other's rooms easier.

Now Calum sat on said wood plank in the air, his open window behind him and Michaels closed one in front of him.

"MIKEYY!," Calum whispered again, slightly knocking on the older boys window.

After a few more moments, a tired looking boy with red dyed hair appeared behind the glass.

He opened the window and Calum climbed in, falling on Michael bed which stood underneath his window.

"Cal it's 1 am," Michael yawned sleepy, his voice sick with sleep.

"I know but I am too excited to sleep," Calum whined and cuddled into Michaels blankets.

"Hey that's my bed," Michael yawned, still kinda out of it.

He climbed in next to Calum and snuggled into his blankets.

"It's gonna be amazing," Calum whispered.

"What?," Michael asked, already half asleep.

"The class trip!," Calum whisper yelled but his best friend was already back asleep.

Calum let out a groan and rolled his eyes.

As Michaels mom came in the next morning, she saw the two boys cuddled up under Mickey's blanket.

She smiled and shook both boys shoulders before pulling back the curtains.

"Mom," Michael groaned and stretched.

"C'mon my two favorite sons! It's time to get up!," Karen said softly to the seventeen year old teenagers.

Karen often called Calum her second son. She was used to Calum sleeping here or Michael sleeping at Calums and he knew Calum since he was born. Joy and Karen practically raised both boys.

"What's the time?," Michael yawned sleepy.

"It's 3:30 am so you have one and a half more hours to get to the bus," Karen smiled and left the room.

Calum curled up again and yawned cutely.

"I don't wanna get up Mikey," he mumbled.

"C'mon now Cally we have to get ready," Michael laughed and shoved Calum off of his bed. He hit the ground with a loud thud and Calum gasped.

Michael slowly pecked his head over the end of the bed and saw Calums puppy eyes glaring at him.

"Awwwwww c'mon boo," Michael cooed and ruffled Calums hair.

"It's alright man. I'm gonna go pack my things now," Calum giggled and opened the window.

"You know you could take the normal way too?," Michael chuckling.

"Yeah, no. Normal is boring," Calum grinned and disappeared out of the window.


The two boys arrived at the schools parking lot just in time. A big bus waited to drive them to their destination and they were greeted by their classmates and teachers.

"I am tired Mikey," Calum whimpered and let his head hit against Michaels shoulder.

"C'mon Cal! The best seats are already taken! I hope Jack and Alex saved us two...," Michael said and pushed Calum towards the bus.

They entered and were met with chaos. It was loud and messy and students were everywhere.

"Yo Mike!"

"Hey bro!"

"Hey Mike, what's up man?"

Michael was greeted from everywhere. He was pretty popular in school, everyone liked him. He had a kind of bad boy image although he didn't really act like one. Some of the boys also greeted Calum.

Calum wasn't as popular as Michael. He was always just Michaels small soft squishy friend. A lot of people assumed the two of them were dating because of the amount of affection they had for each other but Calum couldn't understand that, they were straight and just best friends, more like brothers.

Michael spotted their two best friends in the back of the bus.

"Jack! Alex!," he shouted and they waved. Michael made his way over to them and Calum trailed behind like a lost puppy.

"Hey mate," Alex greeted Michael and then waved at Calum.

Calum waved back and smiled sleepy.

"Hey Cally," Jack smiled and gave him a side hug.

"Hi," Calum smiled.

They took their seats, Calum at the window, Michael next to him, Jack and Alex behind them.

By the time the bus began to move Calum had already fallen asleep.

Michael got bored after a while and changed places with Jack so he was sitting next to Alex.

The two fooled around the whole drive until Alex had to pee.

Suddenly a curly haired boy took the temporary empty seat next to Michael.

His name was Ashton, he was in Michael's history class. Plus, his best friend Luke was on the soccer team with Calum.

"Hey," Ashton smiled.

"Hi?," Michael said confused.

"How are ya?," Ashton smiled.

And damn Michael loved that smile. Ashton's dimples and his sparkling hazel eyes.

Michael had a crush on Ashton ever since the two of them kissed at a party about six month ago.

It was a soccer party so they both hadn't known anyone. Luke had dragged Ashton along and Calum Michael.

They both were lonely and deadbeat drunk. And they had never talked about the kiss afterwards.

"I'm fine," Michael smiled small.

Ashton nodded. His eyes drifted to the sleeping Calum infront of him.

"It's pretty rude to leave your sleeping boyfriend alone, don't you think?," Ashton laughed.

"He's not my boyfriend," Michael said blushing.

"No?? Everyone thinks that!," Ashton said confused and Michael could see hope in his eyes.

"Yeah, I don't know why.. we are more like brothers," Michael smiled small.

"Ah. And what if you two weren't so close? Would you date him?," Ashton asked.

"Why are you asking? That's creepy, you know...? Imagine dating your little brother," Michael frowned at Ashton.

Ashton scrunched up his face in disgust and shook his head.

"Sorry mate... But are you gay now or not?," Ashton asked.

Michael blushed.

"Yeah and now stop creeping", Michael whispered embarrassed.

Ashton stood up because he saw Alex return with his eyes narrowed at Ashton.

"Just wanted to check out my chances," Ashton winked and walked away leaving Michael blushing.

"Hey tomato boy," Asked laughed and scooted back in his seat before he got punched by Michael.

After that bus ride, Alex, Jack and Luke made a plan on how to get the two boys dating.

And it worked.

On the last day of the first week of the class trip they played seven minutes in heaven and sent Michael and Ashton into a really really small closet.

So now, Michael and Ashton were dating.

The only one who didn't know was Calum. Michael was scared to come out to his best friend, so him and Ashton kept their relationship a secret.

So to Calum, he just saw Ashton Michael spending more and more time together. At the beginning, Calum didn't care too much.

It was totally fine that Michael spend less time with him and more time with Ashton, they were always together so spending time with other friends wasn't a big deal at all.

Instead, Calum spend time with Alex and Jack and sometimes Luke.

But as the class trip neared the end, Michael barely talked to Calum anymore.

They all had shared two bed rooms. Michael and Calum had been sharing but Luke had moved to his girlfriend so Michael moved to Ashton and Calum was left alone.

He barely saw Michael because the red head was always busy with Ashton.

Calum felt bad for feeling left out. He should be happy for his best friend to make new friends.

But it was hard for Calum to find new friends or to stand up for himself because he was naturally a shy person.

And somehow Ashton didn't necklace Luke the way Michael necklaced Calum.


Calum walked down to the beach.

The sun was setting and everything was in a beautiful orangish blue color.

Calum had asked Michael to come hang out with him and Michael had told him he would meet him at the beach at 8pm.

So now Calum was waiting. He was excited because he hadn't had a proper conversation with Michael in four days.

And he fucking missed his best friend.

So Calum waited.

And waited.

And waited.

He waited for two hours until he gave up.

Calum curled up into a ball on the soft sand and hid his face in his arms.

He felt alone.

He stayed there for at least another hour until he felt like an ice cube and decided to return to the hotel.

Just as he was about to enter his hotel room, he heard footsteps come towards him.

"C-Cal," Michael panted. He looked like he had just run a marathon.

"I am sorry" - gasp - "I am late, Ashton-"

Michael got cut off by Calum.

"It's okay Michael," Calum whispered, not meeting Michaels green eyes.

"Cal! Look, I need to tell you something. So Ashton and I-", Michael began excited but got cut off again.

"Bye Michael, I'll see you tomorrow," Calum shut the door of his hotel room into Michel's face.

Calum stumbled over to his bed, angrily wiping away a tear that run down his face.


In the morning, everyone was getting in the bus to get back home.

Calum was one of the first students to be there so he had free choice of seats.

He sat in the back of the bus, leaned his head on the cool glass of the window and closed his eyes in attempt to hide the red rims and dark circles underneath them.

Someone suddenly taped his shoulder.

Calum turned around and saw Michael scooting in the seat next to him.

"Hey buddy, I just wanted to ask you if it's okay if I sit with Ash?," Michael asked.

"Yeah that's fine," Calum smiled although he felt like throwing up.

"Are yous sure? You look tired Cal... have you been crying?," Michael asked concerned.

"I'm okay", Calum whispered.

"Calum? Friends don't lie. You know I am always there for you!," Michael mumbled and bit his lip.

"Yeah that's what I thought too.... But lately Ashton is more important than me. And I respect that," Calum mumbled.

"Hey! That's not true!! Just because I have a boyfriend now doesn't mean I don't care for you anymore!!! I just want to spend some time with my boyfriend, is that too much to ask for?!!," Michael shot angry.

"I... boyfriend?"

"Yes, Calum. Boyfriend. I am gay, that's what I've been trying to tell you last night when you got all upset. So, you got a problem with that???"

"No.. it's just.. you are always with him... we haven't really talked in five days... I miss you, Mikey," Calum whispered.

"Stop being such a jealous bitch, Calum! If you are not okay with me having a boyfriend then leave me the fuck alone!," Michael snapped and stood up.

He disappeared to the front of the bus leaving a trembling Calum.

Jack came walking towards him and scooted in next to him.

He tightly wrapped his arms around Calum and held him close while Calum fought back his tears. Because he was not going to cry in front of his whole class. He would rather jump from a roof.

Calum fell asleep somewhere along the ride.

When Jack finally shook him awake the bus was already half empty.

"We're home," Jack smiled.

"Thanks," Calum smiled and rubbed his eyes, "where's Mike? We're supposed to take him home with us. Also I need to talk to him..."

"He told me to tell you he went home with Ashton", Jack sighed, "and also that he wants you to leave him alone."

"Oh..," Calum whispered.

"I'm sorry," Jack whispered back.

Calum nodded. "Did you know Mike is gay?"

Jack slowly nodded.

"I think he was scared to tell you. He cares about your opinion so much.."

"But.. I would never judge him for that?," Calum said wide eyed.

"I know," Jack smiled and rubbed Calum's arm, "and I think he knows that too. Just give him time to cool off."

Cum nodded and the two climbed out of the bus.

His mum was waiting a few meters away, she already had his suitcase and backpack.

"Bye Jack," Calum mumbled and hugged him.

"Bye Cally!," Jack smiled and skipped over to Alex.

Calum went up to his mum and greeted her.

She gave him a side hug and placed a kiss on the top of his head.

"Hey sweety.. where's my other son?," she smiled down at him.

"Michael went home with Ashton... he's a classmate," Calum smiled small but he sounded tired.

"Did you two had fight?," his mum asked with soft eyes.

"I don't know," Calum mumbled, his voice thick with tears.

"Come honey, let's go home. I'm gonna make you pancakes with lots of chocolate, how does that sound?," his mum asked softly and tugged one of Calums dark curls behind his ear.

Calum smiled watery and nodded.

That's why he loved his mum so much. She never asked questions. She just loved and was there.

Three days passed and the two boys hadn't spoken since the argument at the bus.

Michael was avoiding Calum and Calum was hurting.

On day three after the arrival at home, Calum decided they needed to talk, like, immediately.

It was 4 pm and Calum had just seen Michael return home.

So Calum carefully opened his window and climbed on the wood plank between his and Michaels room.

He scooted over to the older boys window and softly knocked.

Nothing happened. He knocked again and again until Michael finally opened the window.

"What do you want? I am fucking busy," Michael yelled and Michael saw a mop of honey colored locks behind Michael.

"Oh I.. I'm sorry," Calum mumbled small and stared at the half naked boy behind Michael.

"Leave, Calum!!", Michael yelled and pushed Calum away from his window.

The action caused Calum to lose his grip on the window and the wood plank trembled dangerously.

Calum struggled to keep his balance for a second before he lost his grip on the plack and fell.

His body hit the ground with a loud thud and Calums vision went black.

Then next thing he heard was someone calling his name.

"CAL? CALUM, PLEASE I DIDN'T MEAN TO HURT YOU, PLEASE WAKE UP​!," Michael yelled, tears dropping from his eyes.

Calum slowly opened his eyes and blinked up at Michael.

"Cal?!! Omg Cal I am so sorry I didn't mean to hurt you I just...," Michael let out a sob and squeezed Calum's hand.

"You already hurt me before, Mikey..," Calum cracked out.

"I know..," Michael sniffled, "and I am so so fucking sorry."

Calum smiled small.

"Were you just about to fuck? I cock blocked you," Calum giggled suddenly feeling light headed.

"Calum are you okay?," Michael asked concerned but his cheeks burnt red.

"There are two Mickey's​ and I don't know who is you.. I feel weird, Mikey," Calum mumbled.

"ASHTON? Call an ambulance please!!", Michael yelled at Ashton. Calum was bleeding from a small wound on his head and his leg was weirdly twisted.

Michael freaked out while Calum found everything quite amusing and entertaining, apparently was hallucinating.

It turned out Calum had a broken leg, a few bruised ribs and he hit his head hard.

He got a cast and couldn't walk in six weeks but that was okay with Calum because Michael was there everyday to take care of him.

Sometimes he would bring Ashton or Jack and Alex or Luke and they all hung out together and almost everything had gone back to normal.


I don't like this oneshot tbh but I have no ideas

I hope you enjoyed it anyways xX

Likes and comments are always appreciated!❤

Requests are open! DM or Comment

Only Love,


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