~Guys My Age~

By ShiquenaQueen

357 19 0

Why Can't I Find Guys Of My Age That Know How To Treat Me?! More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 9

10 0 0
By ShiquenaQueen

I heard my frontdoor ringing making me groan and open my eyes I opened my eyes being greetd with darkness I looked outside the window seeing that it's nighttime I snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of the bell of my frontdoor ringing.

''I'M COMING!'' I  loudly screamed waking Jack up making me giggle and him sigh and chuckling at the end I grabbed my phone off my nightstand turning the flashlight on quickly getting out of bed walking towards the lightswitch turning the lights on I saw my underwear and picked it up before grabbing Jack's button up blouse leaving the top button unbuttoned I turned around seeing Jack in his boxers fixing his hair while looking at the selfie camera on his phone when he looked at me he threw his phone on the bed and walked towards me wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me close to his body as I wrapped my arms around his neck standing on my tippy toes to kiss him just as we were about to makeout the bell of the frontdoor started ringing like crazy making us both groan we separated from the kiss and interwined our hands walking out of my room closing it behind us and walking to the frontdoor, when we were in the hallway he stopped us.

''Babe, I'm gonna grab something to eat.''I nodded at him as he leaned down to kiss my lips real quick before jogging into the kitchen I walked up to the frontdoor unlocking it to open it when I opened the door I saw a guy that I've never seen before I gave him a confused look hiding a little behind my door to cover my body due to his hungry stares at my body.

''UUuhmm can I help you?'' I asked him getting a little uncomfy around him.

''Oh, u-uhm yeah I'm Jack's cousin I had to talk to him real quick and he said that he was here.'' He said scratching the back of his neck just as I was about to answer I heard Jack screaming my name.


''Can we go out and buy some cereal real quick you're out of ce-oh hey Michael sup?''Jack said opening the door a little more and giving who I suppose is Michael a bro hug inviting him in I shrugged my shoulders before skipping into the kitchen letting the two of them talk alone I started searching through the cabinets for something to snack but couldn't find anything making me sigh and scrunch my eyebrows in annoyance I accidentally slammed one of the cabinets shut causing me to shriek a little I sighed sitting down on one of the chairs in my kitchen playing with the end of my hair, after a while I decided to get up cause I'm starting to get hungry and I wanna eat I walked out of the kitchen up the stairs before being called by Jack.

''Babe everything okay?''

''Yeah why?''

''Just asking don't want my little babygirl to feel shitty or anything.'' He smiled up at me making me smile down at him I quickly ran up the stairs to my room closing the door behind me I looked around my room seeing the mess which annoyed me a little I made the bed and picked up Jack's clothes neatly folding them and placing them on the just made up bed and continueing cleaning the rest of my room.

~10 minutes later~

I closed my drawers for my hairties making a high ponytail with my hair before grabbing my glasses and putting them on I turned around and looked at my room feeling a little pride at how clean my room is right now I walked towards my walk in closet and grabbed my vans putting them on before walking out looking at my reflection in my body length mirror Jack's button up was covering up my cute black shorts but idc at all about that I grabbed my phone and walked out my room closing the door behind me jogging down the stairs standing in the hallway seeing the door widely opened making me scrunch my eyebrows I walked to my door grabbed my keys from the back and was about to close the door before Jack's voice stopped me I turned around seeing him with a box in his arms.

''Babe*pants* can I maybe stay here for awhile?'' I nodded my head opening the door grabbing the other box out of the arms of Jack's cousin when I walked away he smacked my ass making me gasp I turned around growling at him while he smirked at me making me roll my eyes and walk back inside kicking the door shut I walked up the stairs seeing Jack putting on some black skinny jeans and a black muscle tee I placed the box in my walk in closet and walked up to Jack wrapping my arms around his waist hugging him from behind he lifted his arms looking down at me and chuckled before wrapping his arms around my body hugging me back after the hug he looked at my outfit and gave me a confused look.

''I'm gonna grab something to eat wanna join me?"' He nodded before walking towards my bed grabbing his phone and interwining our hands we walked out of my room with him closing the door before we both jogged down the stairs when we reached the hallway he put on his shoes and looked at me asking if I'm ready I nodded before he held my hand opening the door for me making me giggle he closed the door grabbing the keys out of my hand and locked the door before we both walked to my motor I hopped on the motor and asked him if he knows how to drive.

''Pssshh! Hell yeah!'' He smiled at me.

''Aight*throws helmet at him* you're driving.'' I smirked at him making him chuckle he put the helmet on his head as I did the same with my helmet before throwing my keys at him as he catched it with one hand and sat down infront of me on the motor putting the keys in the ignition twisting them hearing the motor roar  he started driving away from my house to...idk to where actually we'll just see where he'll drive us to I fished my phone out of my pocket and started taking a video on snapchat with the doggy filter and turned the camera to Jack who did a quick rock sign before turning his attention back to the road making me giggle at the end of the snap I quickly posted it with the caption 'adventure time with bae' before putting my phone back in my pocket and wrapping my arms around Jack's waist feeling his hand interlock with mine making me rest my head against his back  and relax, it's weird huh?In such little time I've grown so much to like him so badly but will it last?

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