Hidden In The Dark

By TsumeTimberfox

226 21 0

What starts out as a normal life for 17 year old Kakusa reta raito Mai. He go's to high school and then out o... More

Hidden In The Dark
Chapter 1 "Mysteries Calls"
Chapter 2 "Finding A Light"
Chapter 3 "Learning The Soul Flame"
Chapter 4 "Blaze's Story"
Chapter 5 "Shadows Attack"
Chapter 6 "Exploring The Darkness"
Chapter 7 "Dreams Or Memories"
Chapter 8 "Way Out"
Chapter 9 "SunShine"
Chapter 11 "Base Camp"
Chapter 12 "House Of Memories"
Chapter 13 "Missions"
Chapter 14 "Second Mission"

Chapter 10 "Back To The Shadows"

11 2 0
By TsumeTimberfox

“I wonder what the two of them did the three days they were gone? It’s not like I can just come out and ask them. That and if I did that Midnight would tell me that I’m sticking my nose where it doesn’t belong. Still.... I’d like to get to know those two better, especially Dark. He somehow knows more about this Shadow world than what he thinks he does. He’s somehow connected to it and to her. I wonder if he knows her?”


    Huh?! What? What is it Star, Moon?

    You were staring off into space.

    Where you thinking?

    Yes. I was thinking and sorry. (Looks at watch.) I’m going to go get supper started. Can you two set the table, then go get the others?

    We can..

    ..Do that.

    “Those two can do anything we older kids can. At times I think they act more our age then we do, then again, they are stuck hanging around four older kids in a world sounded by shadows filled with monsters. So yah. I can see them being more grown-up than what they real are.”

    We finished sitting the table.

    Now we’re off to get the others.

    Alright. Supper will be ready in like 20 minutes, so no hurry you two.


    “Looks at the clock as the twins leave the dining/kitchen area and head off to let the others know that supper will be ready soon.) “Its only 5:35. We’re eating a bit early, but no matter. I hope the guys don’t mind homemade beef stew for supper.”

    Hey Blaze.

    Yes Bright?

    Do you need a hand?

    (Smiles.) Think you can whip something up to go with homemade beef stew?

    I think I can whip something up. How’s bread rows sound to you?

    Sounds good. I think there might be some in the freezer, that you can pop in the over.

    I’ll take a look. (Goes to the freezer and pulls out two loaves of bread rolls and gets bread pans ready.) So you want to tell me what’s on your mind lately or why you keep staring at Dark like you do?

    What do you mean I stare at him?

    Ever since we got back from our world you’ve been staring at Dark like your trying to put a jigsaw puzzle together. It’s weirding him and the rest of us out a bit.

    Sorry. I don’t mean to freak anyone out. It’s just...

    It’s just what?

    It’s a bit hard to say, but... (sigh) I think Dark knows more about this shadow world then what the rest of do.

    You may be right on that, but you have to remember. Dark and I came here at the same time and we didn’t know a thing about this place.

    True, but I still have this feeling that Dark knows something. I just don’t know what it is and I don’t think he does either.

    Dark is Dark. And what I can tell when I talk with him is that he too is trying to put this puzzle together.

    He is?

    Yah he is. You know if you and him could sit down and talk to each other. I think you two just might be able to figure this jigsaw puzzle out and maybe more.

    The only problem with that Bright, is the fact that Dark and I can’t be around each other for too long, with getting into a fight.

    I think you two can fix that as well, but first you might want to turn your heat down before you burn the stew.

    Oh right! (Turns the burner down to low heat. sigh) Bright.


    Do you think I’m bossy?

    You can be at times.

    I see. Well the stew is done, so I’ll go get the other while you check the rolls.


    (Walks out of the kitchen, but stops as Bright calls to her.)

    You know Blaze. You might try seeing things from Darks prospective once in awhile. You never know, you two just might have something in common with one another.

    That would be a big surprise. I’ll try to keep an open mind.

    You do that, while I pull these rolls out.

    Right. I’m off to get everyone.

    Ok. I’ll put the food on the table.

    (Blaze just nodded and walked out to get the others. She stop and told the twins to go get Midnight from the training room, while she went to get Dark from his and Bright’s room. The twins took off like lightning. Blaze giggled a bit to herself as she watched them go and then turned and walked down the hallway to Dark’s and Bright’s room.)

    Hey Dark.

    Yes Blaze? What is it?

    Supper is ready.

    (Open door.) I’m coming.

    (Blaze nods and the two of them join the others at the dinner table.)

    So what’s next for training, Midnight?

    Next we’re all going to go out and do some field work.

    What kind of fieldwork, Midnight?

    The kind where we go out and look for stuff that we can use, need, or that can give us clues on how to stop the shadow lord.

    That’s good to know Blaze, but who’s the shadow lord?

    (Midnight and Blaze look at each other and then back at Dark.)

    We haven’t told you and Blaze about him, have we?

    No you haven’t. Care to elaborate on who or what he is?

    (Blaze and Midnight exchanged glances and then turned to tell what they knew about the shadow lord.)

    Not much is known about him.

    But what we do know is that he rules this world of shadows and is even made out of shadows himself.

    He can bring your greatest fears to life and even make you see things that aren’t there.

    That’s all me know about him I’m afraid.

    Well, that helps. (Looks at Bright.) A little.

    They can only tell us what they know Dark.

    I know that, but shouldn’t we have been looking for clues on what or who he is that that we can find a way to stop him?

    That’s what we’re going to be doing tomorrow. So everyone finish eating and get a good night’s sleep. We have work to do tomorrow and we’re going to be out in the field for at least two to three days.

    (Everyone just nodded to Midnight and sat in silence as they finished eating their meal. Blaze kept glancing up at Dark, who just raised an eyebrow at her and kept eating his beef stew. Blaze sighed stood up and took her dishes to the sink.)

    Dark it’s our turn to do the dishes.

    Alright. Let us finish eating and then you and I can do the dishes.

    Sounds good. (Walks into the other room.) Call me when you're ready to get started on them.

    (Dark rolls his eyes and finished his food and with a glance at Bright, who just shrugs at him. He takes his plate to the sink and walks after Blaze.)


    Yes Dark?

    Can you and I talk in out room, please?


    (The two of them go to Dark’s and Bright’s room. Dark sits down on the bed, while Blaze pulls the chair to listen.)

    So what is you want to talk to me about Dark?

    I want to know why you keep staring at me.

    (Bites her lip)


    It’s just that...

    It’s just that what?

    It’s just that it seems like you know something about this shadow world and about that silver haired girl that you're not telling the rest of us.

    (Dark’s eyes got wide and he sat on the edge of the bed.) I don’t know anymore about this shadow world then what you do and second the only thing that I know about that silver haired girl is her name and the the fact that she and I have the same last name. Other than that, I don’t have a clue who she is or what she wants from us.

    I see. (Looks at the floor.) Sorry for being weird and what not.

    (Sigh) It’s not that you're acting weird Blaze. It’s just that I’m trying to figure this jigsaw puzzle out as well and I’m not getting anywhere and Gin no hikari Mai or whatever her name is, isn’t helping at all.

    Wait. You know her full name?

    Yah. She told it to me in my dream. Why?

    It’s just. When she brought me to this world, she ever said what her name was or what we were to call her. Just that the green flame would lead us to saving our world and this one.

    Green flame?

    (Looks up at him.) Yeah the green flame.

    (Dark and Blaze stared at each other and they both realized that Dark’s soul flame was green.)

    You don’t think she meant me, do you?

    She might have. I don’t know. Wait? You said she talks to you in your dreams?

    Yah. She shows up in my dreams once in awhile. Why? Is that a bad thing?

    No. It just means you can speak with her and ask her what she wants us to do and ...

    I already did ask her that.

    What did she say?

    That in time I will know the answer to that question and to many more. She doesn’t give me straight answers. She wouldn’t even tell me how I’m supposed to know this guy that was in a painting on the wall in this room that she keeps pulling me into when she talks to me in my dreams.

    Guy in a painting?


    What’s the painting look like?

    Well, the guy in it is dressed in nice dress clothes and he looked a lot like me only older.



    Just... Just wait here a moment. I’ll be right back.

    (Blaze ran out of the room and to her’s and Midnight’s. She opened her closet and pulled out a painting and carried it back to Dark’s and Blaze’s room.)

    Is this the painting you saw?

    (Dark jumps up as he sees the painting.) Yes that’s the painting! But how did you get it?

    I found it in this old house that we’ll all be heading to tomorrow.

    Think you can show me which room you got it out of?

    Yeah, but why? Do you think it’s a clue?

    Well, Gin no hikari Mai said that I should remember him, but I don’t. So yeah, I think it a clue that just might lead us to another one.

    Dark I think we’re starting to put this jigsaw puzzle together.

    I think you're right about that.

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