The Visitor ✘ Teen Wolf

By EllieLilac

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❝I thought you said that you were only visiting?❞ ❝But I also said I'm looking out... More

playlist // The Visitor
0.0 Prologue//Disclaimer
1. Candles and Birds
2. Wine Cellar
3. Ice Baths
4. The Abandoned Bank
5. Abilities Advantages
6. Sacrifices
7. Cross-Country
8. The Darach
9. A Horrid Bus Ride
11. A Room for Three
12. 198
13. Incendia
14. Taken
15. And It's Called No Magic
16. Vaults & Currents
17. An Unlikely Story
18. Alpha vs. Beta
19. Redeemed
20. Leverage
21. Revelations and Declarations
22. Ice
23. Sixteen
24. Immense Darkness
25. Gone Girl

10. Eyes

2.8K 81 12
By EllieLilac

  ☪ ☪ 

"I gave the cheque to Scott." I said, trying to mask the frustration that was growing on the inside of me. I placed my bag down on the stand that was near our door as I rummaged through drawers nearing the computer. I groaned, realizing that this is taking way longer than I thought.

"Looking for something?" Uncle Alan asked as he looked up from his book, studying my actions. I sighed out as I opened another drawer, searching.

"How is it that there are no maps of Beacon Hills in this house?" I questioned as I momentarily glanced at my uncle. I closed the drawer, nearly slamming it out of frustration. This could literally be a matter of life and death. I have no idea where Scott's going, but I'm damn sure it has something to do with that stupid pack of Alphas. No doubt Aunt Marin is with them, her car wasn't parked outside in it's usual spot.

"Why do you need a map?" He questioned as my eyes widened shortly.

"Geography homework. Something about rivers and stuff like that." I smoothly answered, finally turning to him with a sweet smile. "Now, can you please tell me where a map is?" I asked with soft eyes.

Uncle Alan smiled up at me as he reached over to the small drawer next to him, opening it. He then pulled out the piece of paper that I was desperately in need of. I nearly screamed out in excitement as he handed it to me. "Thank you!"  I gratefully said, taking it from his hand and running up the stairs.

I told Uncle Alan a teeny-tiny lie about what I needed the map for. I sighed out as I straightened the map out onto the floor, taking Scott's brush outside of my jacket's pocket. I dimmed the lights of my room as I lit a number of candles around the room. "One more thing." I spoke to myself as I took the jar of black sand from the bottom shelf with all of the ingredients you may need for a spell. Uncle Alan and Aunt Marin provided me with a whole bunch of them as time passed.

I took the grimoire from my night stand, placing it on the inside of my lap as I sat down at the base of the map. I turned to the page of the locator spell and I sighed out. This will be my first time doing this type of spell and I think this is the most complicated one I have reached. I dished out a portion of the black sand in the middle of the map, placing the bottle on the side of me. Once I picked up Scott's brush, I began whispering the spell out loud. "Permisso laca tha tar. Permisso laca tha tar." I said as the candle's lights inflamed more. The black sand on the map began trickling upwards towards a specific place. "Permisso laca tha tar. Permisso laca tha tar." As I repeated the spell, the vision of Isaac running toward this huge person with a split going down his face then infiltrated my mind.

I'm seeing through Scott's eyes.

He looked around and Derek and his pick also came into view. I then halted the spell as I felt a pain shoot through my head, causing the brush to drop from my hand. I grabbed my sketchpad and pencil as I uncontrollably began drawing a picture that came to mind. It wasn't more of a picture, it was actually names.

Ennis and Derek.

I quickly grabbed the grimoire, flipping through the pages. "Phasmatos tribum melan veras raddiam onu pavadus ponemus. Phasmatos tribum melan veras raddiam onu pavadus ponemus." I chanted a linking spell as I felt the power within me enhance. I bonded Scott with me, so that I would know if he was alright. "Suctus incendia." I hurriedly said as I extinguished all of the candles that were lit. I packed up all of the stuff after marking the location the spell led me to.  I decided on carrying the map along with me as I fully turned off my room light before exiting.

I nearly pitched out of my skin as I noticed that my uncle was still seated in the chair where I have left him. "Gees, you scared me." I panted out as I brought the hand with the map inside up to my chest.

"Where are you off to in such a hurry?" He asked with a questionable look on my face.

I sent a nervous smile as I waved the map up. "The geography homework, remember? Scott and I are also partners, so we decided that we're just gonna tackle it tonight." I spoke, nodding. "He needs me." I lowly said as I chewed onto my lip.

"Alright." Uncle Alan said as he looked back down at the book. It had the word 'Celtic' on it, which made me wonder. I'll probably have to ask him about it later on, right now, my friends are probably in danger. "Be safe, Carson."

"Will do." I said as send him a smile, exiting the house.

  ☪ ☪ 

  "Jared, I'm warning you. I'm an empathetic vomiter. You throw up, I'm gonna throw up right back on you and it will be profoundly disgusting." Coach Finstock's voice snapped me out of my memory as he stared down at this guy by the name of Jared who was scrunched up in the corner of the seat that he shared with his self. Coach was speaking to him earlier, but I don't get it.

If he get's car sick all of the time, how did he even get on the bus?

"Please don't talk about throwing up. It's not good." Jared said as he shook his head slowly.

"I might throw up on you just to make a point, Jared. Now the rest of you, don't that that we're gonna miss this meet because of a slight traffic jam, a minor tornado warning-Jared. We're gonna make this thing work. Nothing is gonna stop us! Stilinski, put your hand down!" Coach stopped his mini motivational speech to blow Stiles off.

"You know, there's like, a food exit about a half a mile up. I don't know if we stop and then maybe-"

Coach shook his head from side to side furiously, "We're not gonna stop."

"Okay. But if we stop-"

"Stilinski!" Coach shouted as he blew the whistle loudly that only worsened my headache. "Shut it! Seriously! It's a little bus! Stop asking me questions!" He yelled before walking back up front.

"I hate him." Stiles muttered as he sat back in the seat behind me. I adjusted in my seat yet again, for probably the hundredth time for today. This bus was probably old and the seats were filled with dust and were highly uncomfortable. "Did you call Deaton?" Stiles questioned Scott as he shook his head.

"I keep getting his voice mail." Scott answered, resting his hand back onto the glass. I haven't gotten any luck in calling him either. It's not likely of Uncle Alan to not answer his phone, but then again he's on his job so he might be doing what he does.

"That's it. I'm calling Lydia and Allison." Stiles groaned as he hoisted himself into the air, fishing his phone out of his pocket.

Scott lifted his as he stared at Stiles in confusion. "How are they gonna help, they're back in Beacon Hills?"

I snorted as I lifted my head up, "They're not. They've been following us for hours. Kinda pathetic that they thought we won't find out." I muttered.

After dialing Lydia's number, he placed the phone up to his ear as he listened to her speak for a short while before cutting her off. "I know you guys are right behind us, put me on speaker." Stile quickly said as he stopped for a brief moment. "Okay, look, Scott's still hurt so that mean Carson's right behind him. She used a linking spell last night so whatever was inflicted on Scott, mirrored onto her. But I think she has it worse,  there are these blackish, purple line streaks running through her arm and they're leading up to her neck." Stiles spoke as I looked back at him with wide eyes. Scott's eyes mirrored mines as he stared into my eyes.

I turned around as I sunk inside my seat, chewing on the inside of my cheek. I knew that Scott was going to say something or do something once Stiles brought up these lines. I didn't want him to know about them.

"What do you mean still? He's not healing?" Allison's voice came through the speaker.

"No, he's not healing. I think he's actually getting worse and that isn't the best news for Carson. The blood's turning like, a black color.. just like the streaks going through Carson's arms." Stiles continued on.

"W-what's wrong with them?" Lydia questioned with confusion lacing her voice.

"What's wrong with them? I don't know. Do I have a PhD in Lycanthrophy and magic? How am I supposed to know that?" Stiles retorted. It was evident that he was getting annoyed. Two of his friends were injured and not doing so well and I know that it's a lot for him to handle. So I won't blame him for feeling the slightest bit of frustrated at all.

"We need to get them off the bus." Allison pitched in an idea. At that very moment, a sharp pain shot through my said as I pitched up and silently cried out to myself. Stiles was busy with Lydia and Allison who were trying to decide on what to do. But as they tried to do that, I could have felt my own magic draining out of my body.. and I'm not sure why.

I don't think that it's just Scott who's just trying to heal using my powers. I think it's something trying to infiltrate my mind, trying to possess it. But there wasn't anything who would want to do that.. or anything that had enough power to. This thought then brought myself to think about the Darach. The chanting was something my mother warned me about- she made it clear that it was one of the reasons why she kept me safe all of those years.

Sometimes, we would have argued about her not letting me explore the world like how I wanted to, but now I understand. I couldn't have stayed in this bus much longer, I rather risk it all and just throw my self out of the window than to just sit up in this bus in pain. The sound of that blasted whistle made it's way into my head again as I contorted my face in annoyance, looking up to see Stiles face to face with Coach who had his whistle on the inside of his mouth.

"It's 60 miles to the next rest stop-"


"Being cooped up for hours is not good-"


"You know, our bladders aren't exactly-"

" Coach-"


"This isn't-"


"Can you just-"





"Let me talk! I'm-"


"Every time-"


"Get back to your seat, Stilinski!" Coach shouted after sounding off that horrific whistle.

"OKAY!" Stiles shouted back as he looked around in frustration, about to head back to his seat.

"And Jared, keep your eyes on the horizon." Coach lastly said before turning and walking back up to the front of the bus where his normal seat for this ride was situated. I rose my eyebrows as Stiles halted in his tracks, turning back to Jared who was aforementioned as if a light bulb switched on inside his head.

"Oh my God." I muttered to myself as I watched Stiles take a seat next to Jared with a mischievous smile. Oh hell.

✘ ✘  

"Jared you suck!" Coach yelled as he sprayed a Febreeze. "Hey! Somebody grab some towels or a mop, or a new bus." He remarked as everyone piled out of it. We left the situation to Stiles and it took him a total of 3 minutes to get Jared to throw up every single thing that was inside his stomach. Allison and Lydia popped up and they assisted us as they carried us to the bathroom.

My arms were slung around Stiles' neck as I drowsily walked. It felt like my body was dramatically getting weaker as the minutes passed by. But luckily, we managed to stop somewhere but I have no idea what they were going to do next. Both Scott and I winced as we were sat between the two sinks, my eyebrows furrowing in pain. I removed my jacket from my body, placing it onto my lap.

I felt Scott's hand move on the top of mine, squeezing it for a short time. I placed my head onto his shoulder, closing my eyes as I tried not to move so I won't irritate the wound anymore.

Stiles and Allison lifted both of our shirts up as they inspected the identical wounds that were both oozing black blood. I felt Scott's head move as I opened my eyes to see him looking down at my arms. "Why didn't you tell me?" Scott asked as I looked up at him.

I sent him a small smile and a short shrug. "Sorry."

"I've seen him heal from worse than this." I heard Allison speak from where her, Stiles and Lydia were standing.

"What should we do? Call an ambulance?" Stiles questioned as he glanced over to us momentarily and then back to Allison and Lydia.

"What if it's too late? What if they can't help?" Allison asked a question that was probably the worst case scenario. I wouldn't want to die in a hospital. I've only been in that place once in my whole life. I wouldn't want my second visit to be inside the little drawers inside the morgue.

"We gotta do something." Stiles groaned, dragging his hands through his hair.

"You know- it could be psychological." Lydia spoke up, proposing. As Lydia said this, everything started to make sense. My magic wasn't cooperating with Scott because there was something harnessing my magic and stopping it to perform its duties. It might because Scott believes that he deserves this wound and doesn't want himself to heal until he has fully cope with it.

"W-what do you mean? Like psychosomatic?" Stiles questioned.

"Somatoformic." Lydia corrected. This then branched off into a discussion about psychological illnesses between Stiles and Lydia. I don't think Scott wants himself to heal because he think he's the reason for Derek's death. Well that is if he's actually dead.

I felt my eye lids getting heavier by the second as I placed my head back onto Scott's shoulder and he placed his on mine so we both can remain upright. I felt his fingers begin to lace with mine as I mimicked the same action, lacing both of our fingers together.

"Stitch them up." Was the last thing I heard before I slipped into a dark place with a whirlwind of memories.

  ☪ ☪

"You have reached your destination." The GPS sounded off from my phone. I looked down at the map and then up to the building. The place looked abandoned and it had this insanely eerie vibe radiating from it. I threw the map down in the passenger seat as I got out of the car, closing the door behind me. I decided that it was best not to wear heals tonight, the werewolves could have detected me from miles away.

I walked through the building, being careful not to hit anything by accident or make a huge lot of noise. I didn't have to exactly look for Scott and the rest of them, seeing that I had linked myself to him. I felt drawn to be next to him, it was like a necessity at this moment.

"Carson?" I heard my voice as I spun around with furrowed eyebrows. My eyes widened as my eyes fell onto Allison.

"Allison?" I called out in shock as she walked up to me. "What the hell are you doing here?"  I questioned.

"Maybe the same reason why we both were in that bank the other night. Trying to protect our friends." She spoke. My eyes trailed down to see her holding her bow and a little bag of arrows situated on her back.

"Well, I guess it's just going to be like the last-" I stopped mid-sentence as I cried out in pain. "We have to go- it's Scott." I said as I felt a hard and sharp pain shoot through one side of my body. I lifted up the hem of my shirt as I saw a two slash marks appear onto my side. "I did a minor linking spell that can help me find where Scott is. So whatever Scott's feeling, I am." I groaned as I began walking with Allison next to my side.

"Okay, I think I should go in first. My arrows will create a diversion, temporarily blinding them. And you can do what you're good at. Causing a hell of a lot of pain on a person." Allison smirked as I turned to her with my eyebrow raised and a curious smile. "Stiles told me about the aneurysm you gave Isaac." She informed me.

"Ah." I nodded with a smile.

The two of us soon diverted first once I felt my connection with Scott at its strongest. I waited until Allison fired off her temporary blinding arrows so that I can make my entrance,hopefully saving someone's life or giving them time to run. I just hope this helps someone.

As I began walking into the middle of all of the alphas. Allison's arrows were exploding, causing the perfect opportunity for me. "Phasmatos morsinus pyrox allum." I shouted, raising my arms as I watched both Ennis and Kali bend down onto their knees. My eyes then switched over to the twins who were in their vultron-wolf mode. "Errox femus."  I shouted an enchantment that breaks a person's bones. I focused the spell onto the twins as I watched them tumble down, separated into their own bodies.

"Phasmatos morsinus pyrox allum."  I shouted once again, inflicting more pain onto each of the members in the alpha pack. There are a pack of alphas trying to kill my friends, this is something I refuse to stay out of. Once Derek and his pack, along and Scott were up on their feet, both Allison and I stopped our actions as we smirked at each other.

Kali came charging towards me as she growled out loud. "Motus!" I shouted as I swung my arm out and in one swift motion, Kali went flying to a wall that was several steps away. My head turned the other way as I heard Scott's growling.

As both Ennis and Scott clashed together, there was a loud sound that erupted. The sound of equally strong forces clapping together, almost like a thunder sound. Scott slid back with one hand on the floor and as he looked up, his once amber eyes were shining a bright and demanding crimson red. I gasped as I took in the color of Scott's eyes that resembles an alpha. After Scott closed his eyes and shook his head for a moment, once he opened them, his eyes were back to it's regular amber.

Both Ennis and Derek were fighting dangerously close to a cliff. Everyone was watching the two alphas battle it out against each other. Ennis strongly head-butted Derek as they both pushed against each other's force. The two alphas who were fighting.. the two names that came to mind earlier.

I watched as Scott hurriedly ran over to the two, once I noticed what he was trying to do I tried to stop him. "Scott, no!" I shouted as I ran forward, holding a hand up as I stopped him with my mind. But I did it about 2 seconds late as I watched Ennis wobble due to Scott's claw scratches in the back of his leg that was supporting him mainly.

My mouth dropped open as I watched the two step over the ledge, falling over to their possible demise. My eyes went over to Scott who was looking over it. I held his arms as I pulled him away from the edge, I wouldn't want him going over it as well- that would literally kill me inside.

Scott's eyes were still glued to the bodies that had recently fallen over the ledge, and he was breathing rapidly. Isaac came up to us as he tried to pull Scott away too."Come on, we gotta go." I said as I stood up, walking away from the scene.

  ☪ ☪


I pitched up out of my memory as I sat up straightly, hitting my head next to the sink as I mumbled something near to a curse word under my breath. I looked to my side to see Scott still in an unconscious state, I furrowed my eyebrows. "Where's Stiles?" I questioned, looking up at Allison.

"He's out trying to stall Coach and Scott's not waking up." Allison sighed as I nodded, staring down at my shirt. I pulled it up to take a look at the wound. It looked kinda weird, but it was closer together and the bleeding has stopped. The stitches were actually on Scott, but the effect the stitches had on it mirrored onto my body.

"Thank you." I breathed out with a smile, sincerely thanking Allison. I then stared at Scott momentarily. "I'll get this one up, you should try and help Stiles with stalling Coach. I don't think Coach is quite fond of him."

"We look out for our friends. It's what all of us do." Allison spoke with a sincere smile on her face. "And okay, I'll be out there." She said as I nodded.

The pain has reduced immensely, and I can actually move on my own without a wince escaping my mouth or anything. I knelt down in front of Scott as I rose an eyebrow. "Scott?" I called out to him. I did that about 2 more times and after he didn't answer, I decided to go with my alternative. "Incendia." I said as a small fire appeared into the palm of my hand. I quickly rested the flame onto his skin and removed it in a split second. "Suctus incendia." I hurriedly extinguished it as Scott pitched out of his sleepy. "Welcome back." I sing-songed.

"Did you just burn me?" Scott questioned as he stared down at this elbow.

I chewed on my lip. "Maybe."

He then chuckled lowly as he looked down at his side where the open wound was. "Did you do this?"

"No, Allison did. I think she did a pretty cool job." I smiled as I opened his gym bag, searching for a clean shirt for him to wear. "Scott, about last night. I'm-"

"I'm sorry about lying to you about where I was going. If you and Allison didn't show up- Boyd could have died or things could have turned out much more worst than it did. And for once your stubbornness benefited persons." Scott smirked as I playfully smacked him on his chest with his shirt, leaving him to put it on.

"Oh, shut up. But no, I'm in the wrong for going through extreme measures. I knew that you wanted to keep me safe- but Scott. You don't have to lie, I can protect myself." I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

"I know, Carson. I know that." Scott answered as our foreheads rested against each other. I looked up at his eyes, as I stared inside them- remembering the event last night. Scott's eyes were actually red, as in the alpha status. I can't wait t see what's in store for him. "What?" Scott's voice broke me out of my thoughts as I pulled away with a silly smile on your face.

"Just looking at your eyes."

   ✘ ✘

if there's anyone who is wondering, I use Carson's witch dialogue from Vampire Diaries. So if you want to read up more on the spells Carson use, you can just go to this website.

it's really cool & I hope you're enjoying the first ten chapters! (Exclusive of the prologue) I surely am enjoying writing it. This is my absolutely favorite season & I really wanted my character to be Scott's love interest because in my other TW fanfic, my character is Stiles' love interest.

So this is really fun & I love it. Hope you too as well ! :)

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