By guavaveralyn

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One Shots consisting of your favourite Brit, Thomas Sangster and all of his characters! ~TMR Newt ~ Sam (ALL)... More

I Love You (Thomas)-
Confession (Thomas)
You're staying here (Newt)
Stood up (Thomas)
To The Moon and Back (Thomas)
Headache (Newt)
What the hell? (Thomas)
Request (Alex)
Request (Chanel)
Happy Birthday (Thomas)
Happy Birthday (Thomas) pt.2
I wish I was her ( Love Actually Sam)
I wish I was her (Love Actually Sam) pt. 2
I wish I was her (Love Actually Sam) Pt.3
I wish I was her (Love Actually Sam) Pt.4
I wish I was her (Love Actually Sam) Pt.5
I wish I was her (Love Actually Sam) Pt.6
Request (Rose)
Request (Rose)
Request (Kayden)
Its Going To Be Okay (Phantom Halo Sam)
I'm not going to make it (Newt)
Dancing in the dark (Thomas)
Go follow!
I appreciate you.

Request (Angie)

3.1K 55 67
By guavaveralyn

Hi!! Okay, this message is directed towards my beautiful friend Angellina (I doubt I spelled that correctly, I am so sorry hun.)Okay, so anywaayyyyss, I am so sorry. This has taken freaking forever to post, and that sucks, so. I am going to make it extra long. (hopefully :/) I love you girl, your the best.

Okay, now to the rest f yall. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!! You guys are so cool, thank you for all the requests and stuff. I want to interact with you a bit, so if you would like to, tell me 5 facts about yourself. Alrighty then, lets get to the actual reason you guys are here. BYE FELISHA!! (I wish I was Felisha, she's always going places. OHhhh!! I am so funny. Not, okay. Carry on)


Angie's P.O.V.

I was currently sitting in the med-hut rapping up some slicer who was babbling about how beautiful the Teresa . Though, I couldn't care less. I never really liked when people tried to flirt with me, they just wanted to get into my pants. And that is terrible. None of them were nice or cute, just stupid pick up lines, well, some of them just got strait to the point and asked. idiots, I know.

Well, not all of the. Minho, my older brother figure, was always there to tease me or give me a hug when needed. I loved him, and we were beyond close. Chuck was one of my best friends as well, and I told him I would be his surrogate mother, to which he was beyond happy about. Jeff was my best friend, and we would chat and joke all day about stupid stuff during work, trying desperately to pass the time. Thomas was one of my friends, though we weren't really close, being that he was pretty close to being green bean. I hadn't had enough chance to talking to him yet, but over all, I thought he was a pretty good guy. Alby was like a father to me, I would go to him with problems and he would do his best to solve them.

Last but not least, there was Newt. I was head over heals in love with that boy, his thick golden lock, his deep brown eyes. The way he laughed at one of his friends, how he would comfort new green beans and try desperately to make them feel welcome into this hell hole we call our home. His dreamy British accent I could listen to all day long, not getting board at all. He was perfect.

"ANGIE!! WAKE UP!!" Min screamed at me, ripping me from the beautiful day dream I was having, it may or may not have Newt in it. I guess you will never know.

"Geez Minho, chill. What can I do you for?" I asked, sarcastically.

"You broke up with Newt?" He asked very sympathetically.

"What the hell? How did you get 'I broke up with Newt' from 'What can I do you for?' I know I have a little bit of an accent, but you can understand me, right?" I did not break up with Newt? What the crap?! We were like the cutest couple there was!

All the guys wished they were Newt, or wished they were me. We NEVER fought, we did argue a tad, but we would always make up in the end. How COULD we break up? We were soulmates. I loved him more than life itself and I was pretty damn sure that his feelings were mutual.

"Ummmm.... what do you mean?" He asked, clueless.

"We didn't breakup, you slinthead." I growled as I continued with my work, trying to organize the med hut. It literally looked like a bomb went off in here, and I did NOT like a mess, so here I was, neatening I up so it could get destroyed by Clint and Jeff later this week.

"Then why was he with Teresa?"

"Um, they are friends. Just because he is not with me 24/7 doesn't mean we aren't together." I rolled my eyes. How clueless could this shank be?


"Minho" I mimicked his dramatic tone.

"Newt was kissing Teresa."

I shoot up from my sitting position so fast, I nocked over the table I was setting supplies on. Teresa was my best friend. I had come up to this hell-hole 7 months prier to her. When she came up here, I stood up for her, all the boys thought she was a mistake. Another terrible variable that the shucking creators had put up here to destroy what we called home.

But I fought for her, I was the shoulder she cried on at night. I was  the one who set her up with her long time crush, Thomas. Oh Thomas, he would be furious when he heard about this. I hated her, how could she just throw away one of the most important relation ships she had made? What had she gotten in her buggin' skull to make her think that behavior was okay?

I stood there, shocked. Hot tears rolled down my dirty skin. My thin frame shook with sobs. I loved him. I loved him!! HOW COULD HE?

Newt, how could such a loyal, kind-hearted boy go around and kiss whoever he wanted! I had 45 different options to choose from, and I choose HIM! But when some other girl comes up to the glade, he just forgets about me? All the kisses shared underneath our favorite tree in the dead heads, all the times he needed someone to talk to, cry to, all the times I brought him food when he was working, though I got a lot of crap from fry pan? The laughs we shared, the star-gazing. The time he learned a whole speech in Greek, just to tell me he loved me. Just thrown over the cliff. They didn't matter a penny to him, but they meant the world to me.

"What!? No, how could he? I thought... I thought he cared. B-but NO!! W-who ca-res about stupid little Angie.  NOT NEWT!! Ugh, how-" I got cut off by Minho engulfing me into a big bear hug.

"Angel" That was a nick name that Newt had made up, then the whole glade started to use it. Stuck ever sense, "Newt cares about you more then anything, okay. He is just the shuckiest shucking shuckfaced suck there ever was. He doesn't know what he is doing. He should have never done anything like that, that was terrible. I am gonna beat the klunk out of him, alright?" He pulled away and gave me a quick kiss on the forehead. 

"Thanks Min, I am going to go talk to Thomas. See if he knows." I sigh and begin to walk out the door.

"Be safe, okay?" He questions.


I walk out of the med-hut and start to head over to the fire. I figured that Thomas would be there, chatting it up with one of his runner buddies or something like that. Who spot him, sitting next to who I THOUGHT was the love of my life. I walk up to Thomas, making sure not to make eye contact with Newt, fearing I would start crying again.

"Hey Tomm- I mean Thomas," I called Thomas tommy, knowing Newt liked that better. But I quickly caught myself, not wanting to please the boy with the funny accent. "Can I talk to you."

"Sure." He patted the space in-between himself and Newt.

"Um no. Not with him. Anyone but him." 

"What do you mean?" He asked me confused.

"I want to speak to you. Alone." My patience what thinning out with every passing second.

"Oh come on Angel-" Newt said, but I cut him off before he could finish.

"Don't call me that, shuckface." I glared at him. "Go make up a nickname for your new girlfriend."

"But Angie, there is only one other girl in the glade, and she is with m-" Thomas said, but then he realized the situation. His face grew pale as he turned to Newt slowly.

"That's right tommy boy. Your klunk-of-a-friend here has been sucking the face of your girl friend. Of my BEST friend. But I guess neither of them care about us, do they." At the end of my little speech, I looked at newt, tears streaming down my face.

"Is that true?" Thomas asked quietly.

"I said, IS THAT TRUE YOU SLINTHEAD?!" He screamed at the second-in command.

"I guess." He squeaked out. Immediately, Thomas was on top of him, beating his brains out. Alby and a couple of the other boys were at the scene. pulling him of off the blond boy.

"Angie, get newt cleaned up, you are the only med-jack sober enough to do it." Alby yelled at me as he sent the bloodied brit off to the med hut.

"But-" I tried to argue.

"What did I say?" he questioned in a warning tone.

"Fine" I huff, making sure he knew I didn't want to do what he was asking of me.

I walked to the med-hut slower than usual, not really caring if Newt was waiting for me. He didn't care about me, so why should I care about him? That's the thing, I still did. I still cared about him, just as much as I had yesterday, or the day before that, or the day before that. Yes, I was undoubtedly depressed and sad because of him, but I still loved him.

I walked into the med-hut, just to see Teresa grabbing a bandage.

"Stop, you have to clean the cuts, check for broken bones, stitch and medicate the patient before you put the bandage on." I said in a monotone. Teresa looked absolutely terrified of me.

"Don't look so scared of me, Ter. You were the one who destroyed me, I never hurt you." I let a tear fall from my eye. Not even caring if I looked pathetic.

"Angellina" she was the only one to call me by my full name.

"Call me Angie, Teresa." I spat. She didn't like when I used her full name, it made her fell like she was being reprimanded. "Just go."


"GO! You already betrayed me more then ever, no need to rub it in my face as you hold your little Newtie's hand."

"I'm not hers, I am yours." Newt said, barely audible as he stared at the floor.

"Ha, should've thought about that before you kissed her. Bye Teresa."

"Bye, I love you Angellina. I hope you know that." And she was out the door.

I walked over to Newt and touched his chin, signaling him to look at me. He had a black eye and a gash on his cheek but nothing major.

"Pull of your shirt." I said as if he was just another slicer I was patching up, not the man I was in love with.

As I checked for broken bones, I started asking him questions.

"So, why did you do it?"

"I don't know, it was as if I was being controlled." He let a tear fall down his pale face.

"I know, she is beautiful. But sense when cant you resist the urge to kiss someone." I asked. Newt rarely kissed me in public, he thought it was cute that it was our little thing, only we could do it.

"No Angel. I literally couldn't stop myself. It was as if I had not control." He looked me in the eye.


"Yeah, it was terrible. Well at first, but then Teresa changed. I thought she was you. It was the weirdest thing."

"We look nothing alike." I huffed.

"Exactly. This happened to Alby once to. He tried to choke himself. I don't even know why I am telling you this. We aren't supposed to tell anyone. He said that the bloody incident would change his image. I don't know what was wrong with that buggin' kid, but I think is has something to do with the creators." He looked super guilty.

"Look, love. I love you more than anything. I respect you, I want you to be happy all the time. And the fact that I hurt you, it tears me apart. Teresa and I were going to keep it on the down low, hopefully not hurting you and Tommy, but I guess that plan didn't work. So, if you want nothing to do with me, I respect that. But if you think we can get through this, together, than I am more than up for it." he said hopefully.

"I think I can do that. But I am going to need to work on trusting you. Well, its not that I don't trust you, I just, I don't know." I sighed, shutting my eyes.

"I understand. I love you, and I understand if you cant say it back."

"What?! Newt, of course I still love you. I a=haven't stopped loving you at all. That is what broke me, loving you, thinking you didn't love me. Nothing is really going to change, I just need to learn to trust you. Not learn to love you. I love you more than words can describe. But you owe me, big time."

"Alright." He grew a smile instantly, but then winced.

"Whats wrong, love" I asked worried.

"I think my cheek is broken." He said.

"Oh, I am so sorry. Nothing I can really do about that." I frowned.

"Well, you can kiss me" He looked at me hopefully.

"I guess I can." I kissed his forehead lightly.

"That's not funny Angie." He said, monotone.

"Haha, I think it is!!"

He pulled me down on top of him, making me squeal, and slammed his lips onto mine. I am surprised it didn't hurt him.

Once I got him all bandaged up, we walked out of the med-hut, hand in hand.

I saw Teresa, walking with Thomas, though I could tell she was nervous to see me.

"D-did Newt explain?" She asked quietly.


"Well, theExcactSameThingHappenedToMe.IAmSOOSorry,PleaseForgiveMe!!" She pleaded.

"Ter, I forgive you. But I am gonna have to learn how to trust you, same with Newt. You two are in the same boat, so don't sink it." I warned.

"We wont." They said in unison.

"Okay good."

"Can I have a hug?" She asked, same tone as you would expect from a mouse.

"Of course."

"GROUP HUG!!" Thomas yelled as both the boys rammed into us.

"SHE-BEAN SANDWICH!!!" They screamed in unison.

We all giggled.

"We got ourselves some good boys." I whispered to Teresa.

"We sure did," She whispered back.

"I am sorry bro." Thomas said to Newt, though he sounded a little muffled. 

"Forgiven. But you owe me one for being so bloody nice to you."

"Um, no. You kissed my Girl. Sorry bro. Oh, and don't be surprised if your cloths are stolen from you next time you take a shower."

"Alrighty then, sounds good" He said, sounding a little annoyed.

"OOOOHHHHH GROUP HUGG!!! I heard Minho yell.

"Oh no" I sighed.


I hope you like it!!! Don't forget to request!! I hope it was what you wanted Angie. LOVE YOU!!!!

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