You're staying here (Newt)

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get out of bed. aggressive cuddling

Yo! I haven't posted in a while. Oops. I love you all so much. Hope you like this one!!


"Love?" I wake up to the sound of a very sleep deprived Newt.

"Hmmm" I whine, my back to him. It just so happened that in our sleep, we had spread out completely . Newt looked like a starfish and I was about to fall off the side of the bed.

"Come here."

"Hmmm," I whined again, to tired to move, let alone talk. The sun wasn't even up yet. I could tell it was around four, maybe, at least an hour or two before the wake-up.

He reached over to my side of the bed, grabbed my waist, and pulled me closer to him so we were facing each other. He kissed the tip of my nose lightly, making me crack a tired smile.

"Ugh." I hear him groan, making my eyes flutter open. I was truly interested in seeing what was making him upset. When I didn't see anything other than him lying on his back, hand over his sparkling, brown eyes, and his mouth slightly agape.

"What's the matter?" I question.

"I cant sleep." He groaned, clearly annoyed.

"What, to distracted by my breathtaking beauty?" I asked, my voice still sounding strained because of me just waking up. Being quite tired,  shut my eyes again, knowing he wouldn't mind if we weren't making eye contact.

"Haha, wow. You taking lessons from that shuckface Minho, haven't you, Love? Yeah, that buggin' idiot wont keep his bloody mouth shut." He rolled over, looking at me.

"No, I am just that sassy, but its true, Minho is a slinthead, and a shuckface, and a buggin' idiot." I laughed breathily at my impersonation of his accent.

"Hey you guys!! Yall wanna do this? What about braid hair, or talk about flowers and bloody rainbows!" He said, trying to sound more like me, but failing miserably.

"Well that was terrible. Okay, how are we gonna get you to sleep?" I  asked, propping myself up on my elbow.

"I don't know." He looked at me, obviously disappointed in himself.

"Hey, no. Don't be mad at yourself, okay? You are incredibly stressed out doing all that shuck in the glade, showing all those idiot greenies around. Trying to find a way out, trying to keep all our hope up. You just need to take a break tomorrow, hopefully that will give you some time to take a nap tomorrow." I told him.

"Yeah, well today. Its only an hour to the wake up, maybe I should get up." He started to move out of the bed, his long, muscular arms pulled off the blanket that was covering him, nut I abruptly stopped him.

"Um, were do you think you are going," I ask, raising in an eyebrow in question."I think I am goin' to start work early today. Then maybe I can get a nap in and not get told off by Alby or some other shank." He told me, annoyed at what might possibly happen in the future.

"What?! No, you are really tired, you have to sleep! Remember our entire conversation we just had?" I pushed him down and pulled the blanket back onto his body.

"Love-" I cut him off abruptly.


"I need to work," he tried to get up, but I stopped his again.

I scooted up to him and plopped down on top of him, pushing my entire body onto his. This earned a little groan from him, but I honestly didn't care. I felt him wrap his long arms around my waist, making me smirk at my small victory. I placed my forehead into the crook of his neck as he kissed the top of my head.

"You aren't going any where, now go to sleep." I told him, my voice slightly muffled.

"Alright my dear, sweet dreams." He sighed in content.

"I love you." I kissed his soft skin.

"I love you more," soon after he said these words, I let my eyes drift shut and sleep consume me wholly.

I woke up to the sound of a Newt slightly snoring and the wake up bell ringing in my ears.

I sat up and used the heels of my hands to rub the sleep out of my system.

"Newt," I whispered, trying to wake the sleeping second-in-command but failing miserably. "Neeewwwt," I groaned.

"Hmm" He rolled over, eyes still closed, a wide grin present on his pale face.

"Its almost breakfast, we need to get up. We slept in, big time."

"Ugh, I don't wanna," He groaned in annoyance, wrapping his arm around my waist, pulling me to him.

"No honey, we have jobs, and I am starving." I whined.

"You're not going anywhere," He smirked lazily, moving over to me, putting his full body weight on top of me. I groaned in fake annoyance, but in reality, I was enjoying this. I mean, who wouldn't?

He put his face in the crook of my neck, kissing softly and slowly, knowing this would make me break and do what ever it is that he wanted me to do.

"Wow, Newtie cutie-" he cut me off.

"With the bootie," he laughed breathily.

"Ugh, you are such a bloody shuck face, aren't ya. We need to get up."

"No, five more minutes."

"Minho or some shank is gonna barge in on us, and then you are donna be the one who has to explain this to them." I gesture to us, though he cant even see my hands.

"I. Don't. Care."

"Al is going to throw you into the slammer for being late." I roll my eyes.

"Late for what? Break fast? Yeah, he doesn't give a shuck about that klunk"

"No, for your gathering. Minho reminded me yesterday." I smirked.

His eyes shot open and he sat up immediately. He hated being late for things, and being late to a gathering will get him in a bunch of trouble. Having to explain why he was late in front of every one, and the fact that he was second in command and that main roll model of the glade, he had to be on time.

"Y/N! Why didn't you remind me?! Ugh!! I am going to be late, AND have no breakfast!!" He threw a shirt over his head as he tried to pull on some pants at the same time.

"Oh, now I am the one to blame! Yeah right. I will bring you some food, don't worry your pretty little face." I started t get out and put my work clothing on.

"Thank you, love. That is very nice of you." He said, running a hand through his tangled mane.

"You look great, now go." I ushered him out of the room.

"Okay, okay. I am going."

I pushed him out the door and he immediately turned around.

"Wait,"  he stated, grabbing onto my wrist.

"What do you need?" I questioned, ready to get it for him.

With that, he slammed his soft, pink lips onto mine, sending shivers down my spine.



Sorry guys, I haven't updated in a while. Thank you for commenting and voting. I love you all so much. See you later!!

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