Riverdale One-shot

By Rrazie

26.7K 402 140

This is a book that is full with Riverdale Character and readers One-shot. A bunch of cute, funny, romantic... More

Archie X Reader
Kevin x reader
Author to Reader
Reader X Archie, Jughead, Cheryl (Part 1)
Reader X Archie, Jughead, Cheryl (Part 2)
Hurting (Part 1)
Hurting (Part 2)
Triple F's (Part 1)
Triple F's ( Part 2 )
Hidden Story Behind My Smile
Payback Is A Bitch!
Sorry (part 1)
It's Bye Time

Jughead X reader

2.8K 54 12
By Rrazie


Y/N: your name
E/C:eye colour

It was a cold, winters night at riverdale. You shivered, pulling the brown leather jacket tighter around you as you continued on walking  at the barely lit street heading home.

You have just finished your shift at the POPS and as usual time had completely escaped. As you checked your time on your watch. You curse under your breath as you realised it was past 11 o'clock now.

Riverdale wasn't the place you wanted to be wandering around alone in, especially at night after all the rumours and the mysteries that you have been hearing since a kid.

You decided, to fasten your pace in order to reach your home which was few blocks away faster. As you were walking, suddenly you felt a shadow behind you.

You ignored the person behind you and tighten the hold on your purse. You began to hear the ominous sound of footsteps thudding behind you getting louder.

Curious, you sneaked a glance back and you instantly regret doing so as you saw a figure leering at you and at the moment you regret not asking your mom to fetch you from pops!

You decided to ignore the man and cope up with your pace. Suddenly,  you felled a hand gripping you shoulders and you were pulled into a alley.

You were about to scream but a hand closed your mouth. You looked up to the stranger's face to see that it was...


He winked at you at whispered "Happy 1st Anniversary babe," he then kissed you in the cheeks.

You calmed your self and hugged jughead. He grinned and hugged you back.

Then he walked you back home.

Once you reached your home, you turned around and kissed jughead in his lips.

You waved you're hands saying "Goodbye" and walked towards your door.

You went to room and had your shower. After showering you came out and saw your phone's light was on.

You unlocked your phone and saw that you had a message from jughead.

You opened the message and saw that there was a picture of you and jughead kissing.

Togather with it was a message...

     Love you till the eternity and beyond.
                                                                        - ♥You're man

You smiled and send him a kiss emoji. With that you shut your phone and slept.

Dreaming of your future with juggie.

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