Reader X Archie, Jughead, Cheryl (Part 1)

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Y/N : your name
ACTYH : Any class that you hate

The school bell just rang and the class just dismissed, you sprinted out of your (ACTYH).

You arrived at your locker and entered the combination of your locker. As you were placing your books into your locker, you heard the click-clack of a pair of heels walking towards you.

Slamming shut your locker, you looked up and saw a pair of ice cold eyes of none other than the fricking rich red head Cheryl, who was accompanied by her two bimbos friends.

Standing there in their matching royal blue cheerleading uniforms. You rolled your eyes and began to turn around before a sugary sweet voice interrupted you.

"Wait a minute (YN). I have a question for you. Have you ever had a boyfriend?"

You thought about it and decided to lie to Cheryl. Knowing that she won't leave you alone even if you tell her the truth or either ignore her.

You flashed the best fake smile that you could muster and answered " I do have a boyfriend and it's none of your business". With that you placed your hands around your chest before an idea formed in your brain"Oh, wait a minute. You didn't know! That's so sad. Knowing that you and your little bimbos know all the things that happen around you." You placed your hand over your chest and battled your eyeslashes imitating hers.

Their eyes narrowed.

"Yeah, right! Invisible ones doesn't count (YN)" and with that said they burst out laughing at their joke!

Thinking for a comeback, you looked around you and you were shocked to see that a crowd has begun to form.

Surveying the crowd, you noticed the the familiar red hair of a boy, Archie! He was among the crowds and he was watching you.

Your attention snapped back to reality when Cheryl launched her next insult.

"How pathetic to know the brightest yet smartest girl of the town as a boyfriend whom doesn't exist in reality. Don't worry (YN). Haven't you heard the sayings that some people were meant to die alone."

She smiled at the look of hurt that was displayed on your face.
You stood there dumbfounded, didn't know what to do.

Tears started to occupy you're eyes ready to be spilled. The only thing that come to your brain was to run away and hide the tears

Before you could even try, you noticed Archie walking towards you.

"There you are babe. I was looking for you." With that his hands grabbed your hips and he pulled you towards him.

He gently kissed your mouth. You stood there not knowing what to do. Then you quickly reached up and hooked your arms around his neck, pulling him back down and leaning into the kiss.

Later on, he pulled back licking his lips. While you stared at him in awe, unable to speak.

He then placed his hands gently around your shoulders and turned around towards Cheryl and her friends. Acting casually as though he don't know what's been going on.

"Hey, what you doing here Cheryl. Don't you have some cheerleading dance practice to do with your pompoms. Oh and one more thing please don't mess with my girl."

Cheryl and her friends turned around and walked away. Ignoring Archie. Along with her the rest of the crowd walked away with a disappointment look on their face that no fight turned out.

You stood there blinking you're eyes. Wondering,

What the hell just happened!

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