Mahogany Desires

Galing kay book_worm_

882K 17.8K 2.1K

Mr. tall dark and handsome Jason Mills was always particular when it came to women that he associated himself... Higit pa

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 15

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Galing kay book_worm_

           JASON REACHED THE warehouse and his demeanor instantly became serious. He wasn’t about to give the idiots in there any type of satisfaction by showing his emotions on his face. Everything from here on out was about him putting himself out on the line for a guy he didn’t even like. He couldn’t risk anything going wrong tonight or any other night for that matter.

The minute he walked into the bright lights and made himself visible to his crew mates, the chatter that was coming from them instantly died out and accusing eyes all fell on him. Jason scoff and shoved his hands into the pocket of his jacket and strolled over to where Carter was leaning on an all black custom Ferrari with black leather interiors and rims.

“Guess I made a grand entrance without even trying.” He said to Carter.

Carter sighed. “You’re irritating Mills, you really are. The one day we have to meet the biggest Columbian ring leader and you’re late. He might just decide to shoot our brains out rather then make the trade with us.”

“Why couldn’t the rest of them go without us?” Jason asked as he took a glance at the idiots who continued to glare at him.

“They” Carter pointed to them “have their own posts and route today. We” Carter made hand signals between his and Jason’s chest “were suppose to meet up with him.”

Jason blinked once then twice at Carter. That didn’t answer his question. “Ok. But why are they mad at me if they have their own post to get to? What do we have to do with them?”

“They just don’t like your cocky ass. You know that. If they had the chance, I’m sure they would’ve killed you or have done some serious bodily harm to you by now.” Carter explained.

Jason sucked his teeth. “That still doesn’t explain why they are still here.” He wasn’t threatened by any of the idiots that were in his presence right now. He really couldn’t be bothered because at some point he’s either beaten them in races, embarrassed them, took their money or kicked their ass. They were soft and they only grew a backbone because they joined Mason’s crew.

“Does me telling them to stay explain it better?” Jason instantly narrowed his eyes and clenched his fist when he heard Mason’s voice behind him and turned.

“Calm the hell down Jason!” Carter growled under his breath just loud enough for Jason to hear him.

Mason came from one of the rooms in the warehouse phone in hand and with a death glare that was aimed directly at Jason. Mason strolled with a powerful purpose towards him and Jason immediately erected his spine up straight, ready for a fight.

The room was fairly silent. Nobody spoke and nobody dared to moved as the two men with raging testosterone levels marched towards each other. Each with a strong motive.

Carter didn’t want to get in between the two but the sudden realization that those two men were armed with guns and they both had a short fuse and were pissed off with each other, made him quickly jump in between them before they came into arms length.

“Whoa! Calm down guys. We have bigger things to worry about right now.” Carter piped in with his arms stretched out to keep the distance in between them. Mason immediately turned his scornful glare towards Carter instead and gritted his teeth.

 Carter knew that he was telling him to ‘back up or else’. Worried about his own safety rather than Jason’s or Mason’s, Carter threw his hands up in surrender and took a couple of steps backwards so he was no longer in the crossfire between the two. “Fine, kill each other.” He mumbled under his breath and went back to leaning on the hood of the Ferrari.

Jason cut his eyes at the punk who he use to call his good friend as he tucked his tail in between his legs and hurried back to where he came from. Looking Mason in the eyes one last time, he decided take a deep breath and calm himself down before he did something that he would regret.

 For the past week, every time he thought about Mason, Jason would feel obligated to rip his throat out because of what he was doing to Machayla. The anger he felt for the guy standing in front him right in that moment was great. But he needed to save it, he needed to swallow his giant ego and do things in a tactful manner.

Carter noticed Jason trying his best to cool himself down and interjected one more time. “Uh Mason, we’re already behind schedule. We gotta go if we want to go through with the trade off.”

The mention of the deal that they had to cut with the notorious Columbian drug lord Santiago, seemed to have snapped Mason out of whatever lucid trance that he was in.

A noticeable growl escaped Mason’s throat as he tore his gaze away from Jason turned to face Carter. “Tell the jackass what needs to be done. Machayla has the money and she’ll be bringing it out in a few seconds. Don’t let that briefcase out of your sight until the trade is final and just in case something happens, make sure you are packed. If you have to kill or shoot anybody, leave no evidence.” Mason looked around the room with commanding eyes. “This goes out to you all! And where the cops are concerned, I know that I don’t have to tell you what to do. After all, your skills behind the wheel are what got you here to begin with.”

A knock sounded off on the metal door of the warehouse and all of the men present turned and fixed their gaze on a weary looking Machayla with a black briefcase in her hands. “Is this the one you wanted Mason?”

Mason sauntered over to her and took the case out of her hands. He then proceeded to wrap an arm around her waist and kissed her fully on her lips. He let his mouth linger on her sweet lips and nibbled her bottom lip before kissing her again. “Thanks babe.”

“Uh, no problem.” She answered back before dropping her eyes to the ground.

He didn’t care that his crew was watching. Machayla was his until he decided otherwise and he didn’t know if he could ever let her get away from him again. She was everything he wanted and he’d be damn if he was going to let another son of a bitch come in and take her from him and he’d make sure that the fuckers in this room knew that; especially Jason!

Once again Jason’s anger shot through the roof as he watched Mason kiss Machayla. She wasn’t his to claim and he knew that but that fact still didn’t stop him from balling up his fist so tight that his nails started to pierce through the skin on his palms. He was starting to see red.

Carter rolled his eyes at what he was watching. He couldn’t believe it; Jason had a thing for Mason’s girl. He pitied the poor guy because he obviously didn’t know Mason well enough to understand how possessive he was when it came to what he thought belonged to him. The man would kill him if he as so much thought that something was going on between the two.

Trying to be a good guy, Carter put a hand on Jason’s shoulders. “Calm down man. What the heck are you trying to do today? Dig up your own grave? Stop trying to play captain save-a-hoe and worry about your own shit!” He whispered angrily.

Carter has never known Jason to be so smitten by a girl before. In high school the guy dodged girls like they were the plague. Even in college, he would just screw girls that he actually gave a second look too and go about his business. He wasn’t a player like his brother or Victor was but Carter knew that when it came to girls, it was all about lust and sex for Jason. He never actually sought one out before.

Hopefully the guy was thinking with the head in the North Pole instead of the head in the South, but Carter doubted it. Like love, lust can make humans do crazy and irrational things when they couldn't control their emotions.

Jason couldn’t calm himself down as much as he tried so he did the next best thing and headed towards the open door for some fresh air. “I thought that we had somewhere to be.” He said in a strained voice to no one in particular.

As he neared Machayla his hard expression softened and when he passed her in close proximity, his arms reached out and grazed along her arm down to her hand where he squeezed her fingers gently before he let go and continued to walk out of the warehouse without looking at her face even once. He was afraid that if he did, he would grab her out of Mason’s arms and kiss her himself.

Carter noticed the small gesture as he followed behind Jason and a lopsided grin made its way to his face. The guy had enough nerves to do that with Mason standing right there.

‘Oh, this is going to be better than T.V.’ He thought.

Taking the briefcase from Mason, Carter headed out to where Jason stood, waiting for him by the Audi. “Be careful man.”

“Whatever. Lets get this over with.” Jason threw the keys at Carter and walked around to the passenger side and got in.

Carter scoffed and shook his head at Jason with a smile playing on his face. He got in, handed Jason the briefcase and started up the car. “Ok, here’s what’s going to happen Mills, we’re meeting up with Santiago in the port of Miami, on the docks to be more précised. He is the ring leader when it comes to importing contrabands and narcotics from other countries such as Brazil, Chile and especially Columbia. This man that we’re about to meet is no joke. He has no mercy and he is as ruthless as a man can get.

He’s a very powerful person and has connections in so many different countries that we’ve lost count. Don’t piss him off. Matter fact, keep your mouth close and let me do the trade. We get in, cut the deal and get out. He’s that one person that you do not want to get in bad with. Even Mason is weary of him. Got that?”

“Yeah.” Jason answered as Carter pulled out of the drive way and headed towards downtown Miami.

“Good. Now after we do that, our next job is to carry the products over to the consumers who are dependable on Mason. Those consumers have to pay a due to Mason every week and if they don’t, well… that’s their ass.”

“So let me get this straight.” Jason asked a bit confused “Mason is a criminal defense lawyer who also is part of the ILLEGAL underground racing scene and is trafficking drugs and selling them to ring leaders on the street which is also ILLEGAL.”

Carter nodded. “Yup.”

“And then, as if what he’s doing isn’t bad enough –not that I’m one to talk— but he recruits those illegal racers and have US do his dirty work.”

Carter nodded again. “You’re on a roll Mills.”

“And if we get caught, we can’t talk and he doesn’t even try to represent us in court.”

“Uh huh.” Carter answered.

“So what the hell are WE getting out of this?!”

“Money. The cuts that he gets every week goes to us.”

Jason closed his eyes and took a deep breath. His father would be rolling in his grave right now if he knew what Jason had gotten himself into. “Why does he do it? It’s not he needs the money right? Heard he was born with a silver spoon.”

“Yeah. Don’t know much about his family but I know that his dad is a Dean for some university and his mom has her own business dealing with girly fashion or some crap like that. The law firm that he works in belongs to one of his relatives, I think. But I have no idea why he does it. Not a really a huge concern of mine really. I just like the money that comes into my pocket.”

Jason scoffed and chuckled at Carter. “Greedy bastard.”

“Hey, gotta get it how you live it, right?”

“You were fine with us you traitor. But whatever, it’s no skin off my back. You’re not going to get any sentimental crap from me about how much I missed you racing with us. As you could see, we’ve moved on.”

This time it was Carter’s turn to chuckle. “That’s cool. I’m content right now man.”

-Half an hour later

They were driving down the port of Miami when Carter started to speak. “This is where we usually meet. Different docks because of the cops of course but it’s usually around here. When we get out of this car keep a sharp look out for anybody and anything. We have our differences but right now until we make it back to Mason’s, I’m going to need you to have my back Jay and I’ll do the same. This will either go really smoothly or really rocky. Be careful.”


They came to a stop at a dock with three different small boats and a big white yacht sitting in the water with ropes tied to the deck. Carter pulled out his phone and dialed a number. Seconds later Jason heard a voice on the other line but couldn’t make out the words.

“Yeah. I’m here… It’s all here… Yes, I’m sure… It’s just the two of us… Yeah.” Carter hung up the phone then turned to Jason. “Let’s go.”

Jason stepped out the car with the briefcase tight in his grip. “Where is he?” He asked as Carter came around the car to stand next to him.

“See that big ass yacht? He’s in there. That’s where we’re going.”

“Kind of feel like we’re heading into a lion’s den.” Jason didn’t know what to expect when he met Santiago but hopefully they could just walk in and walk out without any disturbance or problem. If he had it his way, he would be lying around his apartment… and it wouldn’t hurt to have some female company. One female company in particular.

“Shhh. Those boats next to it have his men on them. They follow in their bosses footstep in the ruthless part but they are incredibly annoying and are always looking to stir shit up. Be careful and watch what you say.”

They started walking down the dock and the minute they reached the yacht’s entrance, and a flight of stairs came down for them to climb. Carter walked ahead and Jason followed behind him.

As he climbed the stairs, Jason suddenly saw something move in his peripheral vision and turned his head towards the dock to find two big and bulky men in dark attire standing there with grim expressions on their faces while staring up at him and Carter.

“Who the hell are they?” Jason asked.

Without turning to see who Jason was referring too, Carter scoffed. “Two of his many men’s.”

Jason cocked an eyebrow and continued up the stairs. When they reached the top Jason looked around in appreciation of the big beauty that he was standing in. He had to admit that though this guy sounded like he was bad news, he had great taste.

As he was still admiring the big boat, two burley figures came towards them and Jason immediately went into alert mode. The two men wearing tight black shirts and black trousers stopped in front of them and nodded. “This way.” One of them said in a strong Latin ascent.

They followed the two men into the yacht and went down a new flight of stairs which led into a hallway. There was a line of door on both side of the hall but one at the end of the hall stuck out in particular. It was a brown color with a gold plate on it unlike the others which were just plain old white.

Jason soon realized as they walked down the hall that their destination was behind that door in question. They were a couple of feet away from the end of the hall when a sudden gun shot went off. The two men who were directing them ran towards the door and burst into the room, each with a gun in their hand.

“What the hell…?” Carter asked in confusion.

“Let’s get the hell out of this damn thing.” Jason exclaimed.

“No wait we can’t until we cut the deal.” Carter was determined.

Two shots rang out through the yacht one after another and Jason instantly ducked. ‘What the fuck is going on?’

It took a few seconds for Jason to realize that Carter wasn’t in the same spot anymore. He looked ahead to find Carter ready to enter the room. “Carter what the hell are you doing?!” He whisper yelled as he ran towards him. “Let’s go before we get killed!”

Instead of listening to Jason, Carter walked into the room and Jason who promised to have his back reluctantly followed him in. 

The minute he walked into the large room that was turned upside down, he instantly regretted it as he watched a tall man who somewhat resembled Antonio Banderas from Zoro pull the trigger to a magnum handgun and shot a bullet right through the head of a man sitting on the floor with a handgun also in his hand.

Blood splattered everwhere and the body fell backwards and hit the floor board with a thud.

“Holy. Shit.” Jason muttered under his breath.


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