Tony Stark's Daughter...

By CearraRH

206K 3.5K 578

Tony Stark messed around and ended up with a daughter, he wasn't aware until she came knocking on his door, (... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 4

14.7K 291 36
By CearraRH

Ally's  Pov.
We collected the few items I kept, and a my box of money, from my fights.
I wonder how I'm gonna keep this a secret? What if they all find out? What if someone tries to hurt them?
'lly, ALLY!'
'Huh, what?'
'I was wondering if we can play 20 questions. I don't know much about you, you should know about me though.' He asked.
'Sure, don't know much about you either.' Was my response.
'Favorite color?' Tony asked
'Black, yours?'
'Red and gold, how old are you?'
'23, favorite hobby?' I ask
'Working on my suits. Your's?'Tony replies
'Boxing. Favorite avenger?' I say
'Me, duh. What about you?' Tony asks
'Black Widow. Not fangirl, I don't fangirl, but she is my top favorite.'
'Okay. Ever been kidnapped?'
'Yes, not telling you who, don't ask.' I reply.
'I have to, you ask a question.' Tony says.
'Ok, favorite restaurant ?' I ask
'Shawarma, your's?'
'Don't eat out alot, just finished school so, I never did.' I reply.
'What's your degree?'
'I have a PHD in mechanical engineering, and some other stuff, I'm too lazy to remember.'
'Cool, maybe I can get you a lab, on your floor. By the way it us floor 72.'
'I get the entire floor to myself?'
'Yep' he replies popping the 'p'.

-------------time skip---------------
As we reach the tower, I notice a crowd standing out the front of it. 'Let's take the back entrance, hate paparazzi.'
I quickly duck my face, knowing not to get my photo out there, I do not need any one coming after me again.
'Why you ducking?' Asks Tony.
'Not a fan of cameras, never post photos online, don't use any online websites, don't want to be kidnapped again.' I reply.
'Okay?' Tony replied, and gladly didn't push it further.

So we bring my stuff up to the 72 floor, and unpack it all. Not that it was much to begin with. Turns out it did have a lab, which should be fun for me, as well as the art studio I saw.
I'm very excited to get to know my dad, as well as trying to keep him safe. The down sides to being a street fighter.
'Come on, let's go meet everyone. And eat lunch.' Tony says, now that it is 3 in the afternoon.

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