Red Rose Nightmare (Phantom O...

By GrapeJuice1011

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Sequel to RRT: It has been 2 years since Brie was in The Phantom of the Opera. She misses everyone, especiall... More

Two Long Years Later...
The Hall Of Mirrors
Beyond The Sea
Til' I Hear You Sing
Somewhere He Is There
The Mysterious Carriage
Deal Or No Deal Brieanna!
Once Upon A Song
My Dear Old Friend
The Beauty of a Lie
The Truth Might Not Set You Free
Life is a Lie
Speechless To The Heart
Deal The Cards, One Will Win!
Sisters Are Meant To Be
A Bittersweet Reunion
Rewrite This Phantom Life

Love With Your Heart

5.1K 198 59
By GrapeJuice1011

Hello, my Phantom fans, I am back! I know it has been forever.

I am sorry that I did not update. I have been very busy for the past couple of months. My job, studying for my exam, and spending time with my family. Again, the next chapter will take some time because of life and my next update is my "My Magical Wish" story. Please be patient with me.

Again, I want to thank my friend OtherCharacterNut for proofreading this chapter. Seriously, I do not know what I would do without your help.

Also, please check out my Twitter page, my YouTube channel, and my Polyvore page to see posters and what clothes Brie is wearing in each chapter. Anyways, do not forget to favorite, follow, review, and enjoy this chapter.

Also, I do not own anything except my OC Brie.

Brie's POV

"Welcome to our temporary home," Adam said as he opened the doors to our hotel suite.

As I walked into the suite, my mouth literally dropped. This place was beautiful. There was a huge window with ornate drapes, a beautiful blood red chaise, a small glass dining table, and a wooden writing desk. In the corner of the room was a gorgeous black grand piano. On top of the piano was a little music box which looked like a merry-go-round. As Christine and Raoul carried their luggage to the room on the left, Gustave immediately dropped his suitcase and ran to the piano. He snatched the music box and sat down on one of the dining room chairs. Adam was preoccupied at the painting that was on the wall.

I slowly walked over to one of the bedroom doors and opened them. In the room was a queen size bed with a white canopy. Oh, I am definitely calling dibs on this room!

I was so immersed in the grandeur of the room, that I jumped at the tap on my shoulder. I turned to see Adam as he said, "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

I slightly laughed and replied, "It's all right, you didn't startle me. Is there something you need?"

He chuckled nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I was planning to go and explore Coney Island. I was..." He stopped for a second to clear his throat. He looked right into my hazel eyes and continued to say, "I was wondering if you would like to join me? If you'd rather spend time alone today, I understand."

My whole world stopped at his question. I was conflicted. I did want to explore all there was to see on Coney Island in the 1900's. However, I couldn't give Adam the wrong impression or false hope.

I would love to go, but I do need to spend some time alone. I'm still tired from the trip."

Adam lowered his eyes with a heavy sigh. I felt even worse when he replied, "Of course, I understand." My heart stopped when he gently reached for my hand and placed a delicate kiss. "I will return home by midnight."

Before I could say anything, Adam grabbed his coat and walked out of the suite. I closed my eyes as I felt this twinge of guilt wrap itself around my spine. Adam seemed like a great guy, a real sweetheart. I knew he and this Brie had a strong connection, so by rejecting his invitation felt more like breaking his heart. I tried to release such thoughts as I slowly sat down on the grand piano bench.

"Aunt Brie, look at this! Isn't it the most beautiful music box you have even seen?" Gustave asked as he held up the music box.

I smiled at the young boy's enthusiasm. Gustave reminded me of my cousin, Nicholas. He was a nine-year-old boy with a love of music. Nick even played the drums and appreciated all genres. Thoughts of my cousin were interrupted when Christine and Raoul's bedroom door opened. Christine sat down at the writing desk as she opened her journal. I recently learned that my sister is currently writing a book about our experiences ever since we lost our father. Raoul sat down on a chair and gazed over my contract. I winced at how stressed he was. His shirt was wrinkled, his bow tie was loose, his hair was a mess, and you could see dark circles underneath his tired eyes.

"What a curious town! What a shocking place! Was it a mistake to have come here?" He tossed the contract on the table and started to pace around. I slowly looked up from the piano as he continued to sing, "To be on display in that shameless way for the outlandish, ghastly people here. Why do they dare to treat us so?"

Sweet, little Gustave was oblivious to his father's stress that he sang with music box in hand, "Father dear, come play with me, come and see this toy I've got-"

I slightly jumped when Raoul sat down in the chair with a thud. Christine stopped her writing and looked at her husband with concern. As empathetic as I was to is stress, I couldn't help feel relieved that wasn't the hurtful, drunken man from the musical. Still, the stress was starting to diminish Raoul's health and this caused Christine great worry for her husband. He ran his hand through his hair as he continued to look at the papers.

"What a snob at most. From our so-called-host. Did he think sending freaks would be helpful? Could the fool have thought that our pride was bought by his desperate American money?" As Raoul continued on his musical rant, I slowly looked at the aria that I was supposed to practice for tomorrow's rehearsal. I was trying to concentrate, but all I could hear was Raoul. "What a farce! What an outright slap in the face - it could be a disgrace - I've got a mind to pack and go, if I could forget the debts we owe - How could I let us sink this low?"

"Father, please, come play with me-"

Raoul turned to his son and on a loud note, answered, "I'm sorry, son, the answer's no!"

The room went silent. Christine softly gasped at the brief outburst while Gustave looked like he was about to cry. Raoul instantly realized what he was done and closed his eyes before he knelt in front of his son. It was so clear how much he loved his son. He never raised his voice at Gustave before. The job of being a manager was so much work, even more so when money was this tight. He did not mean to lose his temper. With a gentle voice, Raoul said, "I am so sorry, Son. I did not mean to raise my voice. Please forgive me." Gustave looked at the music box in his hands before slowly nodding his head.

Christine placed her journal on the writing desk before she walked over to her husband and son. As she comforted her family, I looked back at the piano. I recognized one of the music sheets and placed my fingers on the keys to softly play the melody. I paused for a moment when I heard Raoul clearing his throat and returned to the table looking through his files.

"No, please continue, Brieanna. Sometimes the music soothes my head," Raoul said softly. I looked back at the piano and couldn't stop myself from asking for forgiveness. Raoul looked up, confused, and asked, "What are you apologizing for? You have done nothing wrong."

"I know how busy you've been as my manager and with my accident on the boat... I don't want you to work yourself to death."

Raoul stared at me, unable to find words to ease my mind, before looking back at the files. I sighed before looking to Christine. She smiled at me, then walked over to her husband. With a magic touch, she started to give Raoul a shoulder massage. Raoul's stressful expression slowly turned into calm and relaxed.

"Please, let's not fret, dear... I'm sure that no one intended a slight, dear," Christine whispered in song to him.

Raoul sighed before he touched his wife's hand. "No need to coddle me. It's my fault we came here."

"We need the money, that's all," I sang in reply. "And I've dreamed to singing in stage here."

"My girls, how do you never place the rightful blame here?"

Christine slowly stopped massaging her husband's shoulders and walked around him. She knelt down to grasp his hands and sang softly, "Let's leave tonight, dear... All I wish is to ease your troubled mind... Leave the hurt behind."

Raoul's tired eyes stared into his wife's kind and loving ones. Slowly, his grimace turned into a weak smile. Christine brightly returned it before slightly squeezing his hands for comfort.

Gustave slowly picked up the music box and sat down next to his father's chair. He looked up and sang meekly, "Father dear, look at what they gave to me, wind it up, and Father, see - Look, it plays a melody."

Without waiting for a response, Gustave wound the music box. The small merry-go-round began to move as a soft melody started to play. Raoul stared at the moving figurines as notes played over and over again. I could see it having a negative effect and Raoul suddenly reached over and turned the music off. Gustave looked at his father, wondering why Raoul stopped the beautiful tune.

Raoul stood up as he said sternly, "I need some air."

Christine reached over and grabbed his arm. "Raoul, please..."

He stood still before gazing at his wife. His eyes had a slight guilt as he answered sadly, "What dear?"

Christine stared into his eyes. She sighed before singing softly, "Return soon, please... Raoul, your family loves you."

After he hesitated for a moment, he left with a heavy sigh and softly closed the door behind him. I walked over to my sister as she continued to stare at the door, the hope of him walking back through lingering in her posture. I softly touched her shoulder and she looked at me, saying, "I am quite all right, Brie. I am just concerned for him."

"You know he loves you. He is making sure he is doing his job."

Christine took my hand and said, "I know he does. However, the rumors about the money and everyone saying horrible things about him... it breaks my heart."

What broke my heart was to see the despair in her eyes. I thought for a moment and an idea lit up my mind. "Why don't you have the night off? I saw a café next to the hotel and I heard they have amazing coffee there."

Christine's eyes shimmered at the thought of relaxing and having a warm drink, but she looked behind me to see her son, still playing with the music box. "But what about..."

"Don't worry, I will take care of Gustave. I can look after him while you're out."

Christine mused for a little while, but made a wise decision. "All right, I will be out for a couple of hours. Are you sure you do not mind staying here?"

I smiled at her as I handed Christine her journal. "Of course, really I wanted to stay at the hotel tonight. I need to practice my aria for tomorrow's rehearsal."

She smiled at me as she grabbed her journal from my hand. She walked over to Gustave and kissed his forehead. "I will be back in time to tuck you into bed. In the meantime, you have to behave and listen to your Aunt Brieanna."

"Of course, Mother." I grabbed Christine's shawl and handed it to her as she walked out of the suite. Once I closed the door, I heard Gustave sings softly behind me. "Father never plays with me. Doesn't he love me?"

I walked over and touched his shoulder. He continued to look at the music box as his lip quivered. I immediately tried comfort him as I said calmly, "No, don't ever think that! Of course he loves you, Gustave. He's just... stressed and working really hard. I'm sure he will play and explore New York with you once our business with Mr. Y. is done."

Gustave looked up at me. His blue eyes were filled with tears as he softly asked, "How do you know, Aunt Brieanna? How do you know father still loves me?"

I paused for a minute, thinking of how to convince him that everything would be all right. Suddenly, I remembered the song Christine sang to him in the musical. I grabbed his hand and sweetly sang to him, "Love's a curious thing, it often comes disguised. Loot at love the wrong way, it goes unrecognized..."

He looked at me curiously before I pointed to his heart beating in his chest. "So, look with your heart, and not with your eyes. The heart understands, the heart never lies. Believe what it feels, and trust what it shows. Look with your heart. The heart always knows."

I ruffled his hair to make him laugh. I had really grown attached to this kid. He was truly a little angel all his own. His eyes twinkled as I continued to sing, "Love is not always beautiful, not at the start...So open your arms, and close your eyes tight, look with your heart, and when it finds love, your heart will be right."

He laid his head on my shoulder and rubbed his eyes. I smiled sweetly at him as I wrapped a blanket around our shoulders. My voice became stronger and more serious as I sang, "Learn from someone who knows...Make sure you don't forget. Love you misunderstand is love that you'll regret..."

As I was singing, my thoughts drew back to my time at the opera house. All the magic, the music, and adventure. That was a dream come true. Then again, I thought of my parents and friends back in my time. All the love they gave me. All the adventures we had and the upcoming adventures Amber and I will have in college. Could I wish I could be in two places at once? Why can't I stay here and still be in my timeline?

"Aunt Brieanna?" I looked over at my nephew as he lifted his head from my shoulder and sang softly, "Look with your heart...And not with your eyes...The heart can't be fooled."

I smiled as he pointed to my heart and I sang back, "The heart is too wise."

"Forget what you think."

"Forget what you hear."

We grabbed each other's hands as we sang together, "Look with your heart! It always sees clear."

Gustave looked at me sincerely as he sang softly, "Love is not always beautiful, not at the start..."

I placed my hand on his rosy cheek. He was a joy to be around. Christine and Raoul were lucky to have a smart, charming, and truly special son. "But open your arms... And close your eyes tight... Look with your heart... And when it finds love... Your heart will be right."

Without hesitation, Gustave wrapped his arms around my stomach. I grinned and returned the hug. Even though the song was from the musical, I still believed in every word. Love with your heart and not your eyes. I looked at the clock to see it was passed 9 PM. I knew Gustave was getting tired as we sang through his bedtime.

"Why don't you get dressed for bed. I will be there soon to either sing you a song or read you a story," I whispered to him. "Your choice."

"But I am not tired," he widely yawned. I smiled at him, knowing that was far from true. "All right, I guess I am sleepy."

I laughed as he walked slowly to his bedroom. I glanced back to the piano when I heard a melody playing behind me. My body suddenly froze. For a moment I thought my heart had even stopped beating as I saw it was the music box playing. That was impossible, nobody touched it. Maybe Gustave secretly winded it up before he went to bed? I picked up the music box to examine it. When there was no sign of anything wrong, I placed it on top of the piano and listened to the sound. As the music continued to play, I realized something. It wasn't the song the music box is designed to play. The melody was completely different. And I knew it like I knew my own voice.

"I have brought you that our passions may fuse and merge. In your mind you've already succumbed to me..."

I gasped as the words sang in my head. It was "Past the Point of No Return!" I backed away from the haunted toy. This should not be a surprise to me. I've seen the "Love Never Dies" movie. Then again, seeing and experiencing are completely different beings. And if that music is playing... then that means...

I jumped as the glass doors of the balcony burst open and my eyes widened when a dark figure slowly walked into the room. He stopped and stared right at me. I couldn't breath and it felt like I was spinning out of control. My eyes scanned his figure; tall, dark hair, wearing black clothes and a cloak to match. But his face his face... I instantly recognized the half white mask.

"Oh my god, Erik... You're here..."

For the first time, not an ounce of pretending, my eyes rolled to the back of my head and my world became dark... I fainted in front of my Phantom of the Opera.

And there you have it, another chapter done. Again, sorry for the wait. Sadly, the next chapter will take some time so please have patience with me. The next update will be my "My Magical Wish" story and then I will be back with "Red Rose Nightmare." Do not forget to favorite, follow, review, and until then...


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