Faking it (Larry Stylinson)

Da coincidentaldagger

143K 4.9K 10.3K

Harry and Louis hate each other, they have since they first met on XFactor. But for the sake of the band they... Altro

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
New cover!
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 4

5.8K 226 602
Da coincidentaldagger

Harry's POV

We stood in our living room, mine and Louis' faces inches apart. I staggered back, "I-I can't do this."

"Come on Harry, you have to." Niall pushed. We were trying to practice kissing but Louis and I didn't have the balls to actually do it.

"No, this is too weird. I can't kiss a guy." I shook my head.

"Come on actors do it all the time. Like in that episode of friends when Joey kissed Chandler.  Do you think they were gay?" Liam asked.

"No." I mumbled.

"Or what about when Josh kissed Drake in that episode of Drake & Josh. They aren't gay." Zayn folded his arms.

"Or when Barney kissed Marshall in the first episode of How I Met Your Mother." Niall added.

"Well Neil Patrick Harris is gay." Zayn pointed out.

"Whatever, you get the point." Niall rolled his eyes.

"Anyway, they had to do it for the scene so they sucked it up and did it. Just think of this as a scene." Liam reasoned.

"Okay." I took a deep breath and moved closer to Louis to the point that our noses were touching.

"Alright now lean in for the kiss." Zayn called from behind us. I shut my eyes and moved closer till my lips met his. They only touched for a mere second before Louis pulled back.

"Nope, too weird." He shook his head. "I thought I could handle it but I was wrong."

"Louis, you just did it. You just have to do it a little longer and you're golden." Zayn said.

"Try it again." Niall pressed.

Louis regained his composure and moved back to me. I shut my eyes again and moved forward. I felt his lips touch mine but this time he didn't pull back but he didn't move either. We both kind of just sat there with our lips pressed against each other.

"Try moving and making it look more passionate. Remember you guys have been dating for three years." Zayn advised.

I pushed against Louis with more force as he moved his lips against mine. "Okay good but put your hands somewhere it's awkward that you're just standing there with your lips pressed against each other." Liam said.

I moved my hands so they were lightly resting on his bum while he put his around my neck. I pulled away gently and took a short breath before kissing him again.

"Okay you guys can stop now." Liam said. I pulled away from Louis quickly. "Not bad guys, not bad."

"Yeah, you guys looked pretty into it." Niall smirked.

"Please." I scoffed.

"Niall's right that was very passionate." Zayn agreed.

"Isn't it our job to make it look passionate?" Louis popped his hip out and rested his hand on it. It's really hard to believe he's not gay sometimes.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." Liam snickered. "I'm hungry, do you guys want to go get a bite?"

"I'm not hungry." I shook my head.

"Me neither." Louis shrugged.

"Well I'm starved so I'm coming." Niall stood up.

"Me too." Zayn stood up. "Guess we'll see you guys later, bye love birds." I rolled my eyes while Louis flipped him off and they left. Louis and I sat awkwardly on the couch, it was rare that they left us alone together. They assumed we'd kill each other if they did.

"So as much as I hate to admit it you're not a bad kisser." Louis said and I couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

"What? Did you expect me to be a bad kisser?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Well at your lack to keep a girlfriend, yes. But I also assumed that it was because your penis is small." He shrugged.

"Not that its any of your business but trust me it's not."

"Good to know my 'boyfriend' doesn't have a small dick." He air quoted.

"Tragic that mine does." I sighed deeply and Louis threw a pillow at me.

"Hey fuck you. I don't have a small dick, cunt." He spat.

"Everything else is small so I just assumed." I shrugged.

"I'm five nine."

I busted out laughing, "Good one, Louis."

"Asshole." He huffed as I laughed. It went silent and I smiled. "What are you smiling at?"

"Well this is the first time we've ever had a conversation that wasn't entirely hateful." I shrugged.

"I guess you're right." He laughed. "I still hate your fucking guts though."

"Trust me the feeling is mutual." I snorted. "But I think that since we're in this together anyway we should at least try to get along."

"Alright." He sighed. "But only till this shit blows over and they let us 'break up'."

"Agreed." I nodded. "Oh by the way we do have a dinner date so we'll have to talk."

"Damn, why couldn't they just give us like a movie date or a concert date. You know somewhere that we don't have to talk." He huffed.

"I know." I rolled my eyes. "Do you think we should practice for that?"

"Right now? Don't you think we should wait till the boys get back?" Louis asked.

"Please we aren't toddlers, we don't need them to supervise everything we do." I snorted.

"Fine." He shrugged

"Alright, I'll go make some food." I headed into the kitchen and whipped up a quick batch of Chicken Alfredo. I set two plates of it on the table. Louis simply stared at it, not making a move to eat it. "Are you going to eat it?"

"I feel like you're poisoning me." He mumbled.

"Why the hell would I do that?" I rolled my eyes.

"If I'm dead we don't have to pretend to be dating." He shrugged.

"Good point but I didn't poison you so just eat it." I grabbed my fork and ate some of my food. He hesitantly picked up his fork and ate some himself. "Well?"

"It's not bad." He shrugged.

"That's cause I'm a good cook." I smiled cockily and continued to eat.

"Whatever." He rolled his eyes. "Are we going to Practice or what?"

"Yeah um how's your food?" I asked.

"That's a stupid question." He snorted.

"Just play along."

"Fine." He huffed. "It's good, how's yours?"

"Not too bad, I'm glad you picked this place." I smiled.

"Yeah, I love this place." He smiled back and reached for my hand which I reluctantly let him hold across the table. "I'm glad we can do this in public now."

"Yeah me too." I sighed contently.  "I've been waiting to do this in public for years."

"I've been to do this in public for years." He leaned over the table and placed his other hand on the side of my face and kissed me softly.

The door opened and we quickly pulled away from each other. "Woah what the hell did we just walk in on?" Niall's eyes widened

"Aren't you guys supposed to be out?" I asked.

"That's not important right now, why were you two just kissing?" Liam asked.

"We were practicing, for our date in a couple of days." Louis explained.

"Practicing sure." Zayn smirked.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I furrowed my brows.

"I'm just saying we just had a discussion about how we think you two actually have feelings for each other." Zayn shrugged.

"Please." Louis scoffed. "We had nothing better to do so we were practicing our dinner conversation."

"And that led to you two kissing?" Liam raised an eyebrow.

"Yes." I nodded but Liam and Zayn looked unconvinced. "Niall you believe us right?"

Liam and zayn looked over to him. He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "I don't know, Harry. It does sound a bit fishy."

"Whatever, I'm going to bed." I rolled my eyes.

"Me too, I'm not dealing with your guys' bullshit." Louis stood up as well.

"Bet there going to the same room." Liam snickered.

"Don't be too loud in there." Zayn yelled as well. I rolled my eyes again as me and louis headed off to our rooms and called it a night.


A/n: since HNLIZLO had asked me to update, here it is. Hope you enjoy xoxo

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